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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'm all for longer women's' matches. They're never going to reach Joshi standard but if WWE are going to run a women's division they should make it mean something rather than just a way to fill 5 minutes. Especially with the talent they've got in NXT.


NXT is loaded with talented women so now is the perfect time for WWE to start giving a crap about the divas division and retrain the fans to do the same before Sasha and co. hit the main roster. Hunter and Steph could easily spin the gender focus into much needed positive publicity. The ball is already rolling with #givedivasachance.

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I'll jump in this and say that I myself don't care for women's matches and it's not just wwe. I don't care how supposedly good joshi matches are I have no interest in them however there have been some exceptions. I enjoyed and was invested in the Trish Lita main event on Raw and the last two NXT specials women's matches I've gotten into witch I attribute to good build up and then match delivery which leads back to wwe giving a damn about the women's division.
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Have you really watched any NXT womens wrestling? The 4 way at the last big event was an awesome match. No not just a womens match but just awesome 4 way match. I have always been an anti-womens wrestling person but the stuff they are doing on NXT is pretty good.


I did an you are right that was a good match, however I didn't care for it. I don't deny that the women in NXT right are a solid bunch of workers but what I was pointing out, while not great was a slam on what is on RAW every week. Either way, NXT, Indy other stuff, I just have no interest in it. It may be better but I just don't care about them the same way I do about the male workers.


I'll just leave these here.....


But yea, ok, they just got into wrestling when their "modeling gigs" flopped :rolleyes:


Listen, if you don't want to watch actual women's wrestling, I can't blame you. The WWE has trained it's fans to not care.


But to compare the women currently tearing up NXT to Kelly Kelly or the Bellas or some bullcrap is just laughable. The matches they have been putting on are better than most of the mens matches on Raw and Smackdown.


You are right, and I didn't mean to lump the current group of NXT women into the modeling group, those are the ones currently dominating RAW/Smackdown out side of Paige and AJ, even those two which can work, aren't enjoyable to watch wrestle from my POV. I just don't care for them.

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NXT (from Colombus) Review:


Kalisto vs Breeze - Good match. Kalisto showed how good he can be against an experienced opponent. Breeze has everything it takes to make it on the main roster.

Blake vs Cass - "Didgeridoo yourself a favor" :D Enzo's mic skills are legendary and it's rubbing off on Cass, too. OK match designed to make Cass look strong and get heat on the Dubstep Cowboys. Carmella needs to go solo soon.

Bliss vs Sasha - Solid match with some stiff spots. Bliss winning by count-out in her home town was a cool way to set up a title match. The Glitz Flip still doesn't look like it actually connects with her opponent.

Riley vs Owens - RAGE!!!!!!!!!!! Great match. Owens destroying someone in the ring is awesome to watch. I wouldn't normally say this but I was 100% behind the smarky chants. The short brawl with Balor was a bonus

and that last stomp on Riley at the end was perfect heeling from Owens. I agree with all the people online saying that Owens should be facing Lesnar for the WWE Title at Summerslam even though it will never happen. He's just that great a wrestler.


Verdict: Good show. With a different arena and hot crowd this felt like a mini Special.

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Well......Rey Mysterio was involved in a spot that killed El Hijo de Perro Aguayo at a show in an indy fed in Tijuana last night. Not sure if anyone saw it, and I wasn't sure where to post it, but it's absolutely tragic. There's a video of it on YouTube and it really just seems like the most innocuous thing, but it looks like whiplash or something to the neck. It's potentially disturbing so I didn't want to post it but it's there.
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but it doesn't take me a full 15 minutes to run to the bathroom...what do I do with the other wasted 14 minutes? Honestly I hate women's wrestling. NXT isn't as bad as other stuff but it is just boring, I don't care about it. Most of the time it is slower, choppy and filed with miscues because most weren't wrestlers until the model gig was over and WWE offered them a steady paycheck. The fact is I don't care about this give the dives a chance crap, and the majority of fans feel this way.


Nobody has to like everything, but the "majority of fans feel this way" is kind of crossing the line between personal taste and "broad, insulting generalizations."


You don't have to like women's wrestling, but realize it's your own hang-up, not some "and these workers are objectively worse, everyone hates them" stuff on top of it.


I mean if I based my opinion of tag team wrestling solely on what WWE presents, I would conclude that tag team wrestling as a whole is repetitive and pointless. Sure, maybe some fans like it, but it's not for me. Yes, I've seen a Young Bucks match or two, and I guess it was better, but no, it's not for me.

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Well......Rey Mysterio was involved in a spot that killed El Hijo de Perro Aguayo at a show in an indy fed in Tijuana last night. Not sure if anyone saw it, and I wasn't sure where to post it, but it's absolutely tragic. There's a video of it on YouTube and it really just seems like the most innocuous thing, but it looks like whiplash or something to the neck. It's potentially disturbing so I didn't want to post it but it's there.


I need to see it before I believe it.

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Well......Rey Mysterio was involved in a spot that killed El Hijo de Perro Aguayo at a show in an indy fed in Tijuana last night. Not sure if anyone saw it, and I wasn't sure where to post it, but it's absolutely tragic. There's a video of it on YouTube and it really just seems like the most innocuous thing, but it looks like whiplash or something to the neck. It's potentially disturbing so I didn't want to post it but it's there.


I watched a fan video of it and it looks like he went unconscious when Rey drop kicked him to set up for the 619. Rey was moving pretty good in the match though. Better than he has in years. I can't imagine the thoughts going through his head right now. It has to be an awful feeling.


I need to see it before I believe it.


Not that difficult to look it up. It's trending pretty much every where.

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Why do I look up shit like that? I already knew what happened, why did I have to see it? I also love how people on YouTube are blaming Rey when it was just a bump gone wrong. Why not blame Saito for Misawa's death while we're at it? It's already tragic enough, we don't need all this drama these neckbeards keep trying to stir up.
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Why do I look up shit like that? I already knew what happened, why did I have to see it? I also love how people on YouTube are blaming Rey when it was just a bump gone wrong. Why not blame Saito for Misawa's death while we're at it? It's already tragic enough, we don't need all this drama these neckbeards keep trying to stir up.


Blame newzsites for reporting like idiots just so that they can be the first to say it

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An indy wrestler called Cincinnati Red also died, though because of a heart attack and not because of an accident in-ring. May both of them rest in peace. If there's a good thing about this is that Aguayo died while doing what he loved, nobody deserves any kind of death, even this one, but I would say that this would be the least worst kind of death. A thing like that can happen at any time in professional wrestling, unfortunately. But it is what it is. All wrestlers know that they can suffer this kind of fate. Wrestling has those risks.
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Best Smackdown in a long time. Paige vs Brie was decent. Brass Ring Club vs Los Matadores interspecies match was fun with Natalya pinning El Torito after a powebomb. The Intercontinental build got some serious attention with an entertaining gauntlet match. Ziggler beat Bryan in the final match and they put on a clinic. Then BNB destroyed them both, finally looking dominant.

on the Youtube Fallout show (shame most people won't see it). Reigns vs Rollins & Kane was good. Orton cleared house at the end but Rollins escaped unharmed.



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Also saw the footage. Tragic. Apart from his co-worker (Konnan?), it didn't really seem like anybody thought it was serious. Is there anything or anyone to blame for all this? Or is it just ill luck? It's hard to see. It's not like you can really miss with a straight dropkick. Maybe it was a little too hard?
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I just love how no one did shit... Atleast WWE would be on top of this kinda thing

It's easy to do something or get "on top" of something when it's obvious but in this case, there is no evidence of something being wrong until Aguauo sadly doesn't respond. I mean if you've seen the video, the whole confusion that follows Perro Aguayo not moving out of the way of the 619 is hard to watch. When there's a crazy bump (or even a minor bump in wrestling these days) then officials are always in and around the area but this was just an innocuous Dropkick that led to a complete tragedy that obviously took everyone by surprise. As the report on Cageside Seats alludes to, I wouldn't be surprised if there were underlying or previous injuries involved because I watched the match and I can't see anything too stiff that would lead to such serious injuries, unless the ring ropes were slightly too tight.

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Also saw the footage. Tragic. Apart from his co-worker (Konnan?), it didn't really seem like anybody thought it was serious. Is there anything or anyone to blame for all this? Or is it just ill luck? It's hard to see. It's not like you can really miss with a straight dropkick. Maybe it was a little too hard?


There have been many times where people momentarily blanked in a match and continued as usual seconds later, how are they to know that on this occasion the guy died?

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SportsEntertainmentMania is a week away & the only 2 things I'm interested in seeing is the ladder match (has zero to do with the build up for it & everything to do with it being a chance for some of the most talented workers to put on a great match) & to hear the crowd shit on everything (same reason I'll be watching Raw the next night)


After that Raw, I likely won't be watching WWE til next year's Rumble b/c yet again they've failed to give me a reason to stick with it

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SportsEntertainmentMania is a week away & the only 2 things I'm interested in seeing is the ladder match (has zero to do with the build up for it & everything to do with it being a chance for some of the most talented workers to put on a great match) & to hear the crowd shit on everything (same reason I'll be watching Raw the next night)


After that Raw, I likely won't be watching WWE til next year's Rumble b/c yet again they've failed to give me a reason to stick with it


Say what you want, but honestly the major reason I'm watching this year is Sting vs Triple H. I know it won't be anything special when it comes to ring work, but seeing the man who is the reason I became a wrestling fan finally wrestle at Wrestlemania is something I can't miss.

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SportsEntertainmentMania is a week away & the only 2 things I'm interested in seeing is the ladder match (has zero to do with the build up for it & everything to do with it being a chance for some of the most talented workers to put on a great match) & to hear the crowd shit on everything (same reason I'll be watching Raw the next night)


After that Raw, I likely won't be watching WWE til next year's Rumble b/c yet again they've failed to give me a reason to stick with it


I, for one, am tired of the fans proverbially taking a dump "on everything". It's no longer about being displeased with the product and has become the "cool" thing to do. If you are going to the shows just to boo, why waste your money or your time? Seriously? It's pathetic. If you don't enjoy the shows any more, don't watch it, it's that simple. I no longer like Agents of SHIELD, I don't sit and watch it just to bitch, I simply stopped watching. Simple solution, you'd imagine, no?

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I, for one, am tired of the fans proverbially taking a dump "on everything". It's no longer about being displeased with the product and has become the "cool" thing to do. If you are going to the shows just to boo, why waste your money or your time? Seriously? It's pathetic. If you don't enjoy the shows any more, don't watch it, it's that simple. I no longer like Agents of SHIELD, I don't sit and watch it just to bitch, I simply stopped watching. Simple solution, you'd imagine, no?


When tickets go on sale months beforehand, people book flights, hotels, etc MONTHS in advance. It's not their fault if the show is still terrible and people aren't just going to eat a few thousand bucks to stay at home


And people wouldn't watch if they weren't interested? THEY DON'T


The ratings and viewership is in the toilet compared to last year and it's not even against football season. The show can't even get above 4 million viewers during the peak season, it says something which is that people ARE tuning out.

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