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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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After they got the stale guys out of the way with the opening tag match, everything else ranged from pretty good to outstanding. It was a very, very solid RAW, and Cesaro stole the damn show again. Though Rusev looked great in his own right as well.
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Good episode of Raw. There were a couple of matches I fast-forwarded but even they weren't bad.


- It's good having Brock and Heyman on Raw more often. I hope Brock beats Rollins and the Authority disbands after SummerSlam but a Kane screwjob is more likely.

- The NXT invasion could have been handled much better (like a surprise run-in by Sasha and Charlotte to save Paige) but I still marked out. A 3v3v3 tag match at Battleground could be good if they get 10-15 minutes. Shame Sasha got stuck with Naomi & Tamina. The quicker she joins the NXT women the better. Then she can turn heel on whichever babyface takes the title off Nikki (probably Charlotte).

- New Day vs PTP is a fun feud.

- The US Title scene is the most entertaining in WWE right now. The triple threat match was awesome. Rusev got a clean win over a credible oppponent, Cesaro didn't have to lose to Cena again and Owens got the last laugh. Cesaro is on fire and the announcers (and Cena) deservedly put him over big time.

- Neville needs a proper feud for SummerSlam. Sheamus or Rusev, even Big Show, just to get him out of random match mode. Otherwise he might as well put on a mask and tag with the Lucha Dragons. Cody needs to drop the Stardust gimmick. Only a matter of time before Vince makes him dress up as a veteran and join Macho Mandow & Axelmania in a jobber stable.




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Also; to prove my point further that there are still faces and heels in the divas division, Summer Rae and Lana. Rae's a gold-digger managing Rusev and Lana is turning into the next Sable.....sorta.


Whether you disagree with this is your opinion but you have to admit, it's not as bad as we think it is right NOW. Key word; NOW. All I know is, there might be worse things in this world of wrestling (or sports entertainment) that we don't know that there are already.


I don't think anyone said there were no faces and heels in the diva division. The problem stated is that seemingly every week, those roles switch/change with no build or explanation.


I really want to be proven wrong on this, but I'm still certain Charlotte is going to be massively limited in what she's going to be allowed to do in matches on the main roster. We don't want her humiliating the Bellas after all...


Just like Paige was massively limited. They have to be due to the intense schedule. There's a marked difference in wear and tear when you go from working two matches a week to almost 10 matches a week (house shows and potentially four televised shows a week) in addition to all the travel and personal appearances (which aren't always local). This is one of the ways I think Total Divas is doing them a great disservice. On the show, they make it seem like these women only work one or two days a week.


Not going to lie the divas face off was a little underwhelming as you can tell there's a big gap in skill level however the triple submission spot was awesome.


It was. I love the setup for the Bank Statement as well as how it's modified to look different from the crossface most fans are familiar with. I'm curious to see how much they downgrade movesets and pacing.

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Just like Paige was massively limited. They have to be due to the intense schedule. There's a marked difference in wear and tear when you go from working two matches a week to almost 10 matches a week (house shows and potentially four televised shows a week) in addition to all the travel and personal appearances (which aren't always local). This is one of the ways I think Total Divas is doing them a great disservice. On the show, they make it seem like these women only work one or two days a week.


I understand the wear and tear issue. Quite frankly, I find it ridiculous just how much they are asked to do each week. But it's hard to believe that safety is the only reason they're limited when Cesaro's falling face-first off the top turnbuckle on Raw.

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I understand the wear and tear issue. Quite frankly, I find it ridiculous just how much they are asked to do each week. But it's hard to believe that safety is the only reason they're limited when Cesaro's falling face-first off the top turnbuckle on Raw.


Daniel Bryan was also pulling out all the stops night in and night out until his body is failing him now. I'm not discrediting Cesaro one bit but if he keeps taking risks like that he is going to be on the shelf just as often soon.

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I understand the wear and tear issue. Quite frankly, I find it ridiculous just how much they are asked to do each week. But it's hard to believe that safety is the only reason they're limited when Cesaro's falling face-first off the top turnbuckle on Raw.


Daniel Bryan was also pulling out all the stops night in and night out until his body is failing him now. I'm not discrediting Cesaro one bit but if he keeps taking risks like that he is going to be on the shelf just as often soon.


This. It's preservation of assets. If you had a classic car that could win you car shows whenever you wanted, how much would you DRIVE that car? How often would you leave it in the mall parking lot? In short, how much would you endanger that car? I'm not saying it's the ONLY reason but it's gotta be a major one. Couple that with the (rightful) belief that if you get injured while being pushed, that push is likely to evaporate so you'd be starting from scratch on your return, and folks aren't going to be open and honest when they're banged up. Just like any other professional athlete. If you're on TV every week, you want to STAY on TV every week because it's best for (your) business/brand. Sometimes they can go overboard (banning simple moves) but the goal is always to preserve an asset until it loses its value (then you future endeavor it).


Besides, I'd imagine the men and the women operate under different rules (even if that difference is simply one of degree).

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"Suplex City" was a nice little "heat of the moment" saying for Brock at WrestleMania.


Now it's an annoying catchphrase that gets repeated every three minutes when ever Brock is on screen, Brock is mentioned or Paul Heyman is on screen. Seriously, I know the guys are asked to limit their physical arsenal, but do we really have to limit their verbal arsenal, too?

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This. It's preservation of assets. If you had a classic car that could win you car shows whenever you wanted, how much would you DRIVE that car? How often would you leave it in the mall parking lot? In short, how much would you endanger that car? I'm not saying it's the ONLY reason but it's gotta be a major one. Couple that with the (rightful) belief that if you get injured while being pushed, that push is likely to evaporate so you'd be starting from scratch on your return, and folks aren't going to be open and honest when they're banged up. Just like any other professional athlete. If you're on TV every week, you want to STAY on TV every week because it's best for (your) business/brand. Sometimes they can go overboard (banning simple moves) but the goal is always to preserve an asset until it loses its value (then you future endeavor it).


Besides, I'd imagine the men and the women operate under different rules (even if that difference is simply one of degree).


The car analogy doesn't exactly work. It's more like racing the same car over and over again in destruction derbies and instead of going, "Let's use another one so this one can get fixed up." you go, "Let's do less stuff altogether so I can stave off the eventual collapse of my car". It not only doesn't help anything, but it also cheats the crowd who came to see a show. If they gave people time off, if they had a bigger roster to let them switch out people more, or at the very least had less than 300 work days, then limiting move-sets wouldn't even be an issue.

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The car analogy doesn't exactly work. It's more like racing the same car over and over again in destruction derbies and instead of going, "Let's use another one so this one can get fixed up." you go, "Let's do less stuff altogether so I can stave off the eventual collapse of my car". It not only doesn't help anything, but it also cheats the crowd who came to see a show. If they gave people time off, if they had a bigger roster to let them switch out people more, or at the very least had less than 300 work days, then limiting move-sets wouldn't even be an issue.


Honestly I think they need to do the two brand thing but on a lot more equal terms...let's face it that Smackdown would probably not have been the red headed step child if it was on a more viewable network. Hell it's able to be watched more now that it's on Hulu but all it is now is RAW Junior.


Hear me out for a second when I say brand split. I'm talking about a true brand split. You might even throw them both on USA network...instead of giving USA one three hour show how about 2 two hour shows. Now you might be asking K-Nection we are talking about workers...where you going with this?


Well I'll tell you where I'm going with this everybody. A three day work week for the workers of both shows...Saturday is house show day for both brands in separate venues of course...cover more ground and make more money. Sunday is house show day unless it's a PPV. Monday is RAW of course Smackdown guys do local hyping and marketing. Smackdown is taped on Tuesday like normal with RAW guys do local hyping and the sorts. NXT guys tape on Wednesday and alternate between house show schedules.


There is only 3 days a week max that somebody is bumping. They have a roster generating machine in NXT that starting 2 years ago is properly getting utilized. Lets manufacture that talent and put bodies on the roster that can spread the bumping out and we get better longevity out of the talent.

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Well, I'm on board with that idea. Bumping hurts like hell, I didn't even do as much as the other guys in training and the next morning, my ribs felt like they were shattered.


I will admit as time went on you get used to it and don't wake up as sore...it's like your muscles gets accustomed to it after a while. But that never happens to your bones. So crazy awkward bumps will take years off your career. I was always taught to protect yourself first and protect the business second.

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My RAW summary-


John Cena hates foreigners and basically pulls the MITB tactic on a challenger. WOOO


Also, does what tag team you're allowed to be part of somehow involve skin color? PTP need a tag parter? Mark Henry! Naomi and Tamina need some help? Sasha!


You're not the only one who thought Cena was acting heelish. Me, I thought it was in line with his US Title mantra: he'll give anyone a chance because if they beat him then they've earned the right to be Champ. If Cena has to go easy on a challenger then they don't deserve to be Champ. Plus Rusev looked like a legit star for the first time since his Wrestlemania entrance.

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NXT Review:


Gable & Jordan vs Cutler & Sampson - Solid match. Watching Gable show off his mat wrestling skills was fun. The team finisher looks great.

Joe vs Axel Tischer - Solid squash. Muscle Buster/Sleeper Hold is a good combo finisher. Joe needs a proper feud.

Baron Corbin - Decent video package. Time for Corbin to start living up to the hype.

Eva Marie - Live promo announcing her (re)debut next week. She didn't embarass herself this time although the crowd went easy on her.

Team BAMF vs Dawkins & Fulton - Solid squash followed by a beatdown and an Alexa Sparkle Splash on Fulton.

Sami Zayn - Live medical update from the Likeable One and a promo on Owens. They may be on different shows now but the feud is far from over. Unless it's a work, he won't be back in action this year.

Charlotte vs Sasha (NXT Womens Championship) - Given the obvious winner this could have been a throwaway match. Instead we got a great match where both women left it all in the ring. By the tears and hug at the end it was obvious that at least Charlotte was headed for the main roster at the time of the taping. Charlotte proved to be media savvy at Comic-Con, lying about her call-up.


Verdict: Good show. The recent roster turnover has lead to some lackluster shows but they seem to be back on track now.




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The only problem I had with the build up of that tag team is if Jason Jordan was trying to find the perfect partner why was he the one directly eating all the losses. I think it would have held more ground if the partners were the ones taking the falls that way you could say it was them that couldn't cut it not. They seemed to be telling that story but Jason was the one that kept looking like the incompetent one by losing all the time.
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The only problem I had with the build up of that tag team is if Jason Jordan was trying to find the perfect partner why was he the one directly eating all the losses. I think it would have held more ground if the partners were the ones taking the falls that way you could say it was them that couldn't cut it not. They seemed to be telling that story but Jason was the one that kept looking like the incompetent one by losing all the time.


Jordan has basically been a heel until now, blaming his losses on not having the perfect partner. Now he starts winning with Gable there's 2 possible break-up stories seeded. Jordan gets jealous of the crowd getting behind Gable and turns heel or Gable turns heel because he thinks he's too good and Jordan is holding him back. That's already as much story as we got for the entire duration of Jordan & Dillinger as a tag team including their break-up. Granted, the tag division is probably the weakest part of NXT creatively. I just hope they don't break up too soon but Gable is already showing more personality than Jordan and I can see him doing well on his own.

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