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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I'll be honest, I'm not too hyped about Tyler Black. He's a good in-ring worker and incredibly athletic, but he's always been as dull as beige and I've always thought his ring work relyed too heavily on his athleticism. He reminds me of the guy from Indian Jones with the sword, flailing it around with incredible skill yet in a manner that's completely unnecessary and accomplishes nothing. And that's Tyler Black: throwing in random flips and flops that do absolutely nothing except show he can flip and flop.


I read the last part of this comment and just saw Rukus in......well, any one of his matches.

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I've been trying to think of why I like Tyler Black -- I do, certainly. I like his look...


Otherwise, every idea I come up with is how much I like the way he's been booked. I like his character, essentially. So I guess that means that I like RoH more than I like Tyler Black specifically.

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So with the 7 on 7 match at Summerslam, odds are there has to be a turn/big twist. Usually there are only these types of matches as final feud blow off matches or big twist angles. I see someone from the WWE team turning. Thoughts?


I have thought for quite a while that it is the Miz

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So with the 7 on 7 match at Summerslam, odds are there has to be a turn/big twist. Usually there are only these types of matches as final feud blow off matches or big twist angles. I see someone from the WWE team turning. Thoughts?


Yeah, I have no doubt that someone from team WWE is going to turn. There's nothing else you can do. It's either Team WWE wins clean and the fued ends, and it's way too early for that, or Nexus gets some help and wins. The most logical help is somebody on Team WWE turning, although there are other possibilities.


It's not going to be Morrison or Truth, obviously. It could be Jericho or Edge...but both would be extremely predictable. John Cena? I do see a Cena heel turn in the not too distant future, but not yet. I cannot see him aligning with Nexus. Then there's Bret Hart. From a storyline perspective, this makes so much sense it hurts. Especially with them taking out Vince. It would be very believable for Bret to be a bitter veteran who has this giant axe to grind against the WWE. But could he be a good heel? Does he have the mic skills? Can he committ to the full time schedule that would be required as a leader of Nexus? I think the answer to all of these questions is no. Of the guys currently on Team WWE, I think he makes the most sense.


But then again, there's still an opening on Team WWE, isn't there? I think something is going to happen there. I don't think that teaser with The Miz was just thrown in on Raw as filler. Will he join? Will he turn? He's had absolutely no interactions with Nexus. Is it a coincidence that he also hated the only guy that got kicked out of Nexus? (unless you're still buying Daniel Bryan's release was legit, lol)


And then there's the giant elephant in the room....Triple H. Is it true that he's still hurt and won't be back until November? If it is, can he do a non-wrestling role until then? He might be good to wrestle just in time to be in a Survivor Series match, which is when I'm assuming this angle will end...unless it ends at Bragging Rights, which is only a couple weeks earlier. If it is him, it's fair to wonder why they would call a truce with the guy that took out Triple H, but maybe they could say Triple H wanted Sheamus for himself. But that would still leave them both as heels, and I don't know how they would continue their rivalry like that.


Will something really crazy happen? Will The Rock come back as the leader of Nexus? Stone Cold Steve Austin? Barrett keeps saying this is part of a much, much bigger picture - and I believe him. This is just getting started. Say what you want about their storylines of late, but the whole Nexus angle continues to be very interesting.

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I do see a Cena heel turn in the not too distant future, but not yet. I cannot see him aligning with Nexus.


I think a Cena heel turn is atleast two years off. If they wanted to pull the trigger on a Cena heel turn they would have done it in 06 when virtually entire arena's were booing this guy. They didn't do it then and their not going to do it now. There is NOBODY that has the babyface thing down like Cena. Orton is doing his best Stone Cold impersonation but Randy is not long for the babyface world. Cena's got a few years left on this babyface thing. It will take something huge for them to turn him. He's easily their biggest draw and biggest merch cash cow. If they turn Cena who takes that mantle? Randy is the only guy close to Cena in terms of popularity and again I don't see Randy long for a babyface run. With nobody on the horizon getting the reactions Cena gets there is NO WAY he turns. Zero, there is more of a chance I become the leader of Nexus than John Cena.


Then there's Bret Hart. From a storyline perspective, this makes so much sense it hurts. Especially with them taking out Vince. It would be very believable for Bret to be a bitter veteran who has this giant axe to grind against the WWE. But could he be a good heel? Does he have the mic skills? Can he committ to the full time schedule that would be required as a leader of Nexus? I think the answer to all of these questions is no. Of the guys currently on Team WWE, I think he makes the most sense.


I agree with you Bret Hart makes sense from a story perspective but Bret's not cut a single promo since he's been back that hasn't put me to sleep. The guy is a shell of his former cool self, he looks awkward on camera, his voice is shot, and he has just about zero swag left. This is not 1997 Bret Hart thats for sure. Turning him would be a mistake.


Is it a coincidence that he also hated the only guy that got kicked out of Nexus? (unless you're still buying Daniel Bryan's release was legit, lol)


Ha, people out there still believe Bryan Danielson's firing was a work. Even though they've not brought his name up a single time, mentioned his firing a single time, and he's apparently in talks of signing a WRITTEN contract with the Florida start up group. Danielson is going to show up in an episode of Superstars in five years losing to Eli Cottonwood in a squash and the conspiracy theorists are going to say "HA I TOLD YOU IT WAS ALL A WORK HE'S BACK". Bryan got fired, it wasn't his fault per say but he got fired. He's gone and its highly unlikely he's coming back anytime soon. I know its fun to think that the internet wrestling God is a serious part of some major WWE storyline that arches several months but honestly if they can't put together clever, twisting, turning, long running storylines for their top draws such as Cena, HHH, Orton, etc what in the world makes you think they'd do it for Daneilson? The answer is they wouldn't. Bryan is gone and likely not coming back anytime soon. Acceptance is the first step.


And then there's the giant elephant in the room....Triple H. Is it true that he's still hurt and won't be back until November? If it is, can he do a non-wrestling role until then? He might be good to wrestle just in time to be in a Survivor Series match, which is when I'm assuming this angle will end...unless it ends at Bragging Rights, which is only a couple weeks earlier. If it is him, it's fair to wonder why they would call a truce with the guy that took out Triple H, but maybe they could say Triple H wanted Sheamus for himself. But that would still leave them both as heels, and I don't know how they would continue their rivalry like that.


I agree Triple H would make sense and I agree that he could come back in a non wrestling role. I still think it will wind up being him or Jericho. That being said didn't they scrap the Survivor Series pay per view? Did I miss something or read something wrong? I thought they scrapped that pay per view and people were upset they cut out one of the "original" ppvs?


Will something really crazy happen? Will The Rock come back as the leader of Nexus? Stone Cold Steve Austin? Barrett keeps saying this is part of a much, much bigger picture - and I believe him. This is just getting started. Say what you want about their storylines of late, but the whole Nexus angle continues to be very interesting.


I said earlier I had a better shot of coming back as the leader of Nexus than John Cena did. Well my 8 year old brother has a better shot at leading them than The Rock does. As to The Rock who by the way is booked up with movies for the next three years straight check out IMDB. The Rock has "Faster" which is an action movie with Billy Bob Thorton. He's then got Fast and the Furious 5 which is currently filming, Protection, Tomorrowland, Other People's wishes, and Racing Dreams. Not too mention The Other Guys JUST released in theaters. So thats what six or seven movies on his plate?


Even if he wasn't making more from ONE of those movies than the WWE could afford to pay him you really think he's going to leave a successful career in Hollywood to come back and play around on RAW? He's not been able to HOST RAW due to movie commitments you really think he's making a big return? I don't know which is more crazy people that think Bryan Danielson thing was a work or people that think their seeing The Rock in a wrestling ring in the next ten years if ever. Guys he's a leading man in Hollywood with a succesful movie career that has no signs of slowing down. He got out, he's not Ric Flair, he's not Hulk Hogan. The guy has found a way to make (more) money outside of pro wrestling. He left pro wrestling as one of the all time biggest stars ever and he's only upped his game another level since then becoming a famous movie star. He's not coming back on Sunday, he's not coming back in five years. Hope he finds the time to stop being successful in Hollywood to host RAW or to put out a DVD or maybe even just show up for a Hall of Fame induction some time down the road. He's not wrestling....maybe ever again. Again acceptance of these things is key.


Austin has Hunt to Kill thats being released, The Stranger thats being released, The Expendibles comes out next weekend, The Boxer and the Kid is filming and he has stated on more than one occasion he's done with wrestling as well. He just got done saying the Stone Cold character does not work in a PG atmosphere and he couldn't perform how he's used to performing in that atmosphere. He's concentrating on becoming a fulltime movie star and you can't do that if you're still playing around in pro wrestling.


Austin and Rock aren't Flair and Hogan, they had their success, they saved their money and they found ways to be happy and successful outside of pro wrestling. You won't see them popping back in everytime business is bad. If they haven't come back in the last five years or so their not coming back period. Business has been down, its been bad, if there was anyway Vince could have gotten these guys back onto television he would have done it long before now.

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Ha, people out there still believe Bryan Danielson's firing was a work. Even though they've not brought his name up a single time, mentioned his firing a single time, and he's apparently in talks of signing a WRITTEN contract with the Florida start up group. Danielson is going to show up in an episode of Superstars in five years losing to Eli Cottonwood in a squash and the conspiracy theorists are going to say "HA I TOLD YOU IT WAS ALL A WORK HE'S BACK". Bryan got fired, it wasn't his fault per say but he got fired. He's gone and its highly unlikely he's coming back anytime soon. I know its fun to think that the internet wrestling God is a serious part of some major WWE storyline that arches several months but honestly if they can't put together clever, twisting, turning, long running storylines for their top draws such as Cena, HHH, Orton, etc what in the world makes you think they'd do it for Daneilson? The answer is they wouldn't. Bryan is gone and likely not coming back anytime soon. Acceptance is the first step.


I heard a rumor somewhere that was true, but rumors don't mean anything. I can start a rumor right now:


According to an inside source, Vincent McMahon was caught in an indiscreet situation on Sunday with a member of his male staff. The source could not at this time comment on the identity of the worker, but to quote, "you would recognize their name if I told you."


PS - I don't doubt at this point that it's not a work, but I generally believed it when the word was that they were waiting a few months and then hiring him back. So I'm still keeping my eye out.

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I agree its only a rumor but tons of things are referenced in here as "just rumor". Its my belief that if its reported in the Wrestling Observer it holds some credibility. It'd be different if I was saying I heard in the bathroom at a WWE show that so and so signed a contract. The most respected wrestling journalist in the world has atleast given some merit to the rumor so I think thats credible enough to mention.


As for keeping your eye out for this being a work. You can obviously do what you want but even you have to admit if this was a work and its all part of the story it would be one of the worst stories ever told.


The guy has never been mentioned by name and only reference ONE time two months ago next week. The rule is wrestling is that if you don't remind the fans nearly every week of something they will forget. WWE fans have the shortest attention spans in the world. It has been pointed out in here SEVERAL times how they constantly rewrite their own history and ignore rivalries and past stories on a whim.


They fired him on their website giving him one sentence on one page for what one day? Since that time there has been zero references, zero mentions, and zero foreshadowing that he's still around. For him to just show up after what would I assume be by that time ATLEAST three months and be plugged into their biggest story would make zero sense.


Would they really expect ANYONE to react in any way to this guy after three months of not seeing him? In fact even if they know who he was why would they care?


He lost every match he ever had on NXT, he essentially eliminated himself, he beat a play by play announcer, he said a bunch of stuff most of them didn't understand in a worked shoot. He then shows up on RAW and beats up John Cena before dissapearing. What part of that would make them the least bit interested that he showed back up?


I'm not saying they couldn't HAVE mad the fans care about him while he was gone but they haven't and honestly after three months its too late anyway, nobody cares. If they would have made references to him, mocked him, threatened other members of the group with getting "Daniel Bryaned". If they started getting beat up backstage by a mystery opponent etc. This would be foreshadowing that they had something bigger planned for him. However they didn't and they don't.


If this was a work (which its not) it would be the worst story told in a very long time. Heck you couldn't even call it a story since there would be a three plus month gap where this character isn't mentioned. foreshadowed, referenced in anyway.


Heck I'd say TNA has done more with their tie choking references and spots, along with Taz's "that'll get ya fired in other companies". TNA at this point could make a case for telling a better story with Daniel Bryan's firing than what the WWE has done. Atleast if DB shows up in TNA they have video of people being choked out with ties, Taz's comments. I'm not saying its great but he'd have more story with this firing going to TNA than he would coming back to the WWE.

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Clearing up:


No, it's not a work.


The main reason I complained was not the actual rumor, but that it was a rumor inside a rumor. What I heard was something like "There's a new promotion coming up soon, and they're trying to get talks with Bryan Danielson." In short, we heard there's probably a new promotion coming up, and they wish they had Danielson but there's really no proof he's even considering it.

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Basically, the reasoning behind his leaving if the iwc is to be believed is that a sponsor threatened to pull their money. If you're sitting there constantly mentioning him, that's going to still piss them off.


But if you fire him, quietly tell him you'll get him back in a few months, and lie low about it, sure. I've heard that what he has done since is basically one (or two or three. Don't try to play the technicality card.) night stands all across indie America, and at least early on made a lot of comments about the WWE in his promos at those appearances.


I don't see any reason to assume he's not going to be coming back.

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He's not coming back because nobody cares. If the plan was for him to come back all along then as I said before shouldn't they be dropping hints to it? Its not like they "fired" Cena. Its not like the fans are going to remember "oh yeah four months ago he beat up Michael Cole one week and was part of Nexus".


I like DB a lot but if anybody thinks he's going to ride in on some white horse and just save the day and be a huge babyface part of this Nexus angle its just silly. As I said before if this was all part of their storyline even if he was fired.


Even if he was fired and they said "we'll bring you back in a few months" and the writers full intend on revealing Miz and Cole behind this. My question is why wouldn't they drop hints? What earthly good would it do them to quietly fire him on a website, not mention him a single time for three or four months and then bring him back after he spent all of two nights on RAW in his entire life anyway.


The guy has already been forgotten. From a storyline perspective you have Triple H that has been on the sidelines during this ENTIRE Nexus invasion deal. And you have Daniel Bryan. If you turn Miz and make him the leader of Nexus you're basically pushing him into the main event which is where he needs to be anyway. So you're going to feud the Miz who by the way is pretty much the hottest heel they have.


Are you really going to take a guy that you're pushing into the main event and feud him with Daniel Bryan? The Daniel Bryan feud thing worked six months ago but since then Miz has upped his game and has gotten a bigger and bigger push each week. The guy might wind up being revealed as the master mind pushing him to the main event (otherwise what is the point at all). If you're not going to push the leader of Nexus as a main eventer then whats the point and why not just have Wade Barrett lead them? The point is to give someone that isn't quite a main eventer that last bit of momentum. Whoever it is has a built in feud with John Cena.


Hell if I were them I'd have Miz BEAT Cena for the title. Then run through Orton and whoever else. Just when Miz is bragging the most about beating everyone of their "heros" BAM Triple H returns, wins the rumble and at Wrestlemania you get Miz vs. Triple H.


Daniel Bryan seems like a calm, laid back, nice guy that doesn't take himself too seriously. He's not going to run Vince's name through the mud the guys not stupid. Very few people actually say anything negative about the WWE. Christian left, went to TNA and I never once heard him say anything negative about Vince.


My point is the guy's not going to burn his bridge and his 90 days aren't up so he can't do much more than small indy shows anyway. For Daniel Bryan to come back and feud with The Miz would tear down all the work they have done making The Miz a nearly main eventer. The guy should be fueding with Cena and Orton not Daniel Bryan.


I think sometimes people over inflate just how much Daniel Bryan mattered in the scheme of things. The guy had basically two weeks of interest during the Michael Cole thing. He then shows up at the end of the show, nobody even noticed him choking Cena and since the WWE fired him for that I seriously doubt their going to show REPLAYS of it that'd be kinda stupid. The guy had two weeks where he was an interesting character in the WWE and that was nearing three months ago


I like Daniel Bryan but I seriously doubt he's coming back. He'll go to the Sean Davis project or he'll wind up in TNA. Heck you know TNA can't WAIT to bring him in now that he's got a bit of WWE controversy and who knows maybe they can atleast get DB to joke about it or what not. I'd say 50 percent chance he winds up in TNA, 25 percent chance he returns to the WWE before the end of the year and a 25 percent chance this Sean Davis project signs him up.

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Thats fair but maybe your g/f knows about him because you pointed him out to her when he debuted? Maybe you guys have had conversations about him?


I'm not saying nobody would know who he is I think what I'm trying to say is if they do push Miz as the leader of Nexus thats a main event role.


Why bring back Daniel Bryan who at best is a lower mid carder to feud with a main eventer when he's got feuds with Cena, Orton and Triple H to be had?

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I think I explained my position fairly enough.


The point I was making is that he can't do TV, but he could go to Chikara two months in a row and have a quick feud, or whatever promotion you'd prefer. But he hasn't.


EDIT: I should explain. I can't justify why you WOULD use him in a feud, but I believe I justified not hinting at him on the show. Sponsors/marketing departments are not stupid. If the viewer notices, sponsors do.

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Thats fair but maybe your g/f knows about him because you pointed him out to her when he debuted? Maybe you guys have had conversations about him?


I'm not saying nobody would know who he is I think what I'm trying to say is if they do push Miz as the leader of Nexus thats a main event role.


Why bring back Daniel Bryan who at best is a lower mid carder to feud with a main eventer when he's got feuds with Cena, Orton and Triple H to be had?


I expect they'll bring Daniel Bryan back at some point, but I agree with you that I wouldn't throw him into such a high-profile role right now. Miz is on the cusp of being a top guy, so should be interacting with top guys. There are other options for WWE's 7th.


The story I heard (and the one I choose to believe) is that he was an unfortunate casualty of circumstance, and after 90 days they'll bring him back. I expect in some smaller capacity further down the line. Maybe something on Smackdown. Maybe he'll turn up as a contestant on NXT season 3.


That being said, I'd pop huge for Bryan showing up at Summerslam.

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Thats fair but maybe your g/f knows about him because you pointed him out to her when he debuted? Maybe you guys have had conversations about him?


I'm not saying nobody would know who he is I think what I'm trying to say is if they do push Miz as the leader of Nexus thats a main event role.


Why bring back Daniel Bryan who at best is a lower mid carder to feud with a main eventer when he's got feuds with Cena, Orton and Triple H to be had?


Nah, but she did like him after that first BD-Jericho match on NXT. There are plenty who I rant and rave about who "put her to sleep". (Sheamus, Orton) She's a legit fan, with her own ideas.


While that is a good point about miz needing to face the current main event there is something to be said about two guys feuding each other to the Main Event.

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I don't think sponsers care at all about Daniel Bryan. They care about the content that happened. Its not like they have said "you can't mention Daniel Bryan". He was fired my understand as more of a precautionary measure.


I think my idea of Wade Barrett or whoever the number two guy in the promotion is. They could be backstage making jokes at his expensive. Are you going all Daniel Bryan on me? We weed out the week ask Daniel Bryan?


Or they could be doing an angle where people are being mysteriously attacked and all the WWE superstars keep saying how they wish they could take credit but it wasn't them.


Instead they have done nothing with it so I think from a story perspective him coming back to be involved on the same level as Cena, Orton, Jericho and Edge is silly and would do nothing to help anyone.


Obviously nobody knows what happened but a few select people. I heard it was the choking out the ring announcer. Other people said Vince McMahon HATES people being spit on and thats why. Somebody else said John Cena complained and thats what led to the downfall. (I know Cena put something on the internet about not liking it but he's got enough problems with his fan base he can't just come out and admit he got the guy fired). I don't know whats true and whats false. I heard it had to do with Linda's campaign, I heard it had to do with sponsors.


I think the biggest thing with this Daniel Bryan "era" was just how for lack of a better term delusional people were when it came to how big of a deal he would be in the WWE. First he was going to win NXT hands down, then he started losing every match and people said "well he's going to go all the way to the bottom and then go on a massive winning streak winning". Well then he was eliminated so people said he was going to help Bret Hart with the Miz and become the U.S Champion. Well that didn't happen and so people got excited about him feuding with Michael Cole....think about that sentence for a moment. Well that lasted two weeks and people started to point out how this looks kind of bad on Daniel. So then of course they figured The Miz and him would feud as The Miz would stick up for Cole or something of that nature. Then he joined Nexus and obviously none of those plans were very accurate since I doubt they were going to turn Miz face just so he could feud with a now heel Daniel Bryan. Then he was fired and that was a work. It seems like people have a tough time admitting that he wasn't ever that big of a deal in the WWE and he most likely never had any grand story planned for him outside of Nexus. Heck some people were talking like he was the number 2 guy in Nexus when all he ever did was attack the same people at the same time as the rest of the group.


I like Daniel and I think he's a fantastic wrestler and if I had billions of dollars I'd hire the guy. I just think either A. They never had anything all that special planned for the guy or B. They did a horrible job of showing it and now if he were to be brought back in the way people speculate it wouldn't make much sense and would be a waste of a lot of guys in this story.


Maybe he'll come back and win the championship at Summerslam, or maybe he joins TNA in roughly 30 days. Or maybe this Sean Davis project offers him a boatload of cash. Or maybe just maybe if ROH lose Black and possibly Strong (dark match with TNA who knows) they'll start to get worried about losing too many top guys at once and bring him back for Richards vs. Danielson at the end of the year or something.

I hope he comes back on Smackdown and they pull a WWE and just forget he had a previous gimmick ever had existed.

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I think the biggest thing with this Daniel Bryan "era" was just how for lack of a better term delusional people were when it came to how big of a deal he would be in the WWE. First he was going to win NXT hands down, then he started losing every match and people said "well he's going to go all the way to the bottom and then go on a massive winning streak winning". Well then he was eliminated so people said he was going to help Bret Hart with the Miz and become the U.S Champion. Well that didn't happen and so people got excited about him feuding with Michael Cole....think about that sentence for a moment. Well that lasted two weeks and people started to point out how this looks kind of bad on Daniel. So then of course they figured The Miz and him would feud as The Miz would stick up for Cole or something of that nature. Then he joined Nexus and obviously none of those plans were very accurate since I doubt they were going to turn Miz face just so he could feud with a now heel Daniel Bryan. Then he was fired and that was a work. It seems like people have a tough time admitting that he wasn't ever that big of a deal in the WWE and he most likely never had any grand story planned for him outside of Nexus. Heck some people were talking like he was the number 2 guy in Nexus when all he ever did was attack the same people at the same time as the rest of the group.


Firstly, we're not inside of the boardrooms in the WWE. We have to guess based on the rumor mill, our interpretations, how the pushes worked, etc.


Bryan Danielson got, on his first national TV appearance, a match against one of the top title holders in the entire company. To say that he would be important is not a leap. They kept him strong through his losses until he get kicked out of NXT. Surprise surprise, it seemed they were pulling the trigger on a Miz push and they needed the US title off him if that were the case. Logical conclusion? Bryan. He got the most mic time of any rookie on NXT. He consistently came in 1st on the pro votes. What were we supposed to think, again?


Unlike TEW, real life has a lot of randomness and things outside of the realm of the ring and the people's reaction to what happens in the ring. You're sitting here trying to pontificate on the subject of why Bryan's not coming back because nobody cares, and the only reason we're thinking this is because we're stupid? I have to take note.

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I never once said anyone was stupid or anything was stupid. I said "thats just silly" because in my opinion it IS silly to think that Daniel Bryan is "obviously" going to come back at some point.


My point was there have been ten "obviously" when pertaining to Bryan Danielson.


1. He was "obviously" going to win NXT

2. He was going on a losing streak because he was "obviously" going to battle back to win it the last possible week.

3. He was "obviously" going to win but he "obviously" got eliminated so he could "obviously" win the title from Miz that coming Monday night.

4. He was "obviously" going to be engaged in a big time worked/shoot with Michael Cole and the Miz i

5. He was "obviously" the number two guy in Nexus


I'm not saying YOU said these things, I'm not even saying most of the people on here said them. However they were said and if I was motivated I could link to lenghty discussions on each one.


My point wasn't that anyone was stupid for thinking any of those things or even that they shouldn't think those things.


My point was simple nobody ever slowed down and said "well maybe their not going to do much with the guy". That was NEVER talked about. The entire time he was employed people jumped from one major event storyline to the next.


I can't remember where I've seen it but there is a movie where a guy is guessing something. He continuously shouts out answer after answer guessing this thing only to be more wrong than the last time.


Thats what it felt like with the IWC and Daniel Bryan. Never did anyone say "well maybe he'll wind up being a bit player on Smackdown carving out a nice niche for himself in matches with Hornsewaggle" or whatever. No everything had to be this major, long arching, twisting, turning stories. Ignoring the fact that the WWE for years has been a "what you see is what you get" kind of promotion. When was the last time they were subtle about anything? They nearly hit you over the head with the Randy Orton face turn.


I don't think this guy had the most "mic" time out of anyone. Otunga, Tarver, Barrett all talked a lot as well. He did have his own mini storyline but the storyline revolved around him LOSING. Name me the last time a storyline about a guy losing every match he wrestles in led to anything interesting? MVP? No, Disco Inferno back in WCW (I think they did this gimmick), no. Its a nice story if you go all the way with it but I haven't see a "he loses all the time" storyline be worth anything in 20 years.


Again though I didn't call you stupid, I didn't even use the word stupid. I said SILLY because it is silly that after all this time people believe either its a work or that he's "obviously" coming back. Still after all this time people can't say "well maybe it was legit and maybe he won't be coming back". I'm not saying thats the way it is, like I said nobody knows. I'm saying very few people have accepted that the chances are just as high if not higher than he's not coming back than they are that he is.


I seriously hope your job in real life has nothing to do with taking notes since you are apparently horrible at it. Taking note of the word "stupid" when nobody came CLOSE to using that word. Silly and stupid are worlds apart in everyone's universe but yours apparently.

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I'm sorry. I see your point somewhat. To me, personally, it sounded like you were talking down to us because we believed that Bryan was getting (x) or (y) push. But once I look past that percieved (and not necessarily correct) tone, you have a point that I'm not absolutely sure is correct, but is certainly defensible.
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No problem lets agree to disagree :D


I wasn't talking down to anyone and I didn't want it to sound that way. I was just stating in general how maybe everyone can look at it as if Daniel Bryan isn't coming back and he wasn't ever a big part of their plans. Sure it sucks to say that and maybe I'm not right and they had big plans for the guy.


That being said I've hear almost nobody say what I'm saying when at the very least its as credible as the other ideas people had for his plans.

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