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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I believe it's taped right before SD and airs a couple hours later. Could be wrong.


Watson and Harris were the right guys to go home. I've made no secret of my love for McGillicutty and Riley and Kaval are both clearly ahead of the other two.


How about Kaval's promo? If you missed it, he cut a little rap about the other NXT guys and end it with "...find out what I'm packin, cause I'm the only reason for some Total Nonstop Action."


Just for that I might watch the show lolz.

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They better be careful with the TNA references imo this is the first one I've seen and most people want understand so its no big deal but they do remember what happened to WCW when the start mention WWF more often im sure. But I want to see it I have it recorded and will watch it tomorrow
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I mean, it's not like TNA takes shots at them every week :rolleyes:


I know but everyone who watches TNA pretty much watches WWE, and if they dont they have heard of it because of how long it has been around. WWE has a much much wider audience that most have probably never heard of TNA yet because of marketing and being a relatively young company if TNA is mention on WWE it opens their audience to watch TNA which I'm sure WWE done want but again tonight was something that allot of people wouldn't understand so its a good shot.

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Yeah I guess they could still do it, but I dunno man...the sight of Cena just...walking away, leaving this guy who stepped up to face him, who he had brutally beaten down in the past, who put on a decent show against him, to be inevitably torn apart.. That just didn't seem right to me, didn't seem like something he'd do. I've know idea how ten year old kids who worship the guy felt, but I'm no fan of his and it just seemed wrong. This guy is painted as some always do-gooding super hero, and he didn't even bat an eyelid at his enemies tearing a helpless guy apart, no matter what that guy had done in the past.



I've noticed that for being the face of the company, Cena doesn't really help alot of people booking wise.


Remeber about 3 months ago when Batista was coming after him, and mark henry helped him out two weeks in a row?


Both weeks, Batista put an extended beat down on mark, including one time where mark "passed out from the pain" and Cena was no where to be found :D


It ain't easy being John Cena's boy apparently, your not getting any run in help


(example: when nexus beat the living stuffing out of kofi for 5 minutes at SS. Shouldn't team WWE have been all over that after wade finshed talking as the face faction? When they dropped the microphone on Kofi and left, Kofi should have grabbed at asked "why isn't anyone helping me??")

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I've noticed that for being the face of the company, Cena doesn't really help alot of people booking wise.


Remeber about 3 months ago when Batista was coming after him, and mark henry helped him out two weeks in a row?


Both weeks, Batista put an extended beat down on mark, including one time where mark "passed out from the pain" and Cena was no where to be found :D


It ain't easy being John Cena's boy apparently, your not getting any run in help


(example: when nexus beat the living stuffing out of kofi for 5 minutes at SS. Shouldn't team WWE have been all over that after wade finshed talking as the face faction? When they dropped the microphone on Kofi and left, Kofi should have grabbed at asked "why isn't anyone helping me??")


It's something I've started thinking about more since...I think it was McIntyre, on Smackdown a couple of weeks ago, was ripping into Rey for not helping out the innocent guys Kane was persecuting. Now, he was talking about Jack Swagger mainly, so it's a bit different, but the whole "you're supposed to be a hero, so when the hell have you been heroic?" thing really struck me as questioning their babyface legitimacy more than I'd seen in a long time. And then the big bad Nexus causing bad guys to intermittently help good guys, and vice versa...but it's very inconsistent. Not something intended to be thought about in too much detail I guess, but it is quite interesting looking at the self-preservation instincts of these alleged do-gooders :o

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(example: when nexus beat the living stuffing out of kofi for 5 minutes at SS. Shouldn't team WWE have been all over that after wade finshed talking as the face faction? When they dropped the microphone on Kofi and left, Kofi should have grabbed at asked "why isn't anyone helping me??")


The default setting of pro wrestlers (kayfabe) seems to be every-man-for-himself. I think it has to do with American isolationism and one-man-against-the-world action flicks.


Although... if wrestling was real, and I had a big important PPV match, and my opponents were attacking some dude... I probably wouldn't go help. They're risking their physical well-being. I see little reason to risk mine. Especially if there are 7 of them. If the match is that important, I'd want every advantage I could possibly have. Breaking up a fist-fight isn't the safest thing to do. Then again, I'm not exactly hero material.


I'm so sick of beatdowns in wrestling. They mean absolutely nothing any more. Done to death.

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Eric Bischoff Attacks WWE Youth Movement

Posted by Larry Csonka on 08.18.2010


Says facts hurt…


- Eric Bischoff posted the following blog entry on his website…




On the heels of the big "youth push" in WWE during the past several weeks, here are some facts from this week in the business:


"Raw's demographic ratings among males 18-34 and 18-49 were the lowest in seven weeks."


"Raw scored a 1.86 rating among males 18-34, which was down from a 2.03 rating last week."


And during this months conference call to investors Vince McMahon admitted that:


"Basically, we had a lousy quarter," and then when on to pin the loss of Shawn Michaels, Batista, Triple H, and Undertaker (all 40 + years old) as the reason for the hit to PPV and live event revenue.


Now one could suggest that McMahon is insane enough to be intentionally misleading Wall Street with excuses that are not substantiated by financials that wouldn't hold up under either SEC or Sarbanes Oxley Act 404 scrutiny, or maybe that he has no idea what he's talking about despite the massive success of his business model.


Or one could recognize the direct connect between what TV ratings, PPV buy rates, and ticket sales have proven time and time again, as well as what legitimate focus groups conducted by credible media companies in the business of such have clearly identified: the TV audience (including 18-34 males) rate with ESTABLISHED (and yes older) stars!


Admittedly, these facts are kind of dry compared to the subjective opinion of those with their own agenda or the inflamed rhetoric that appeals to those perpetually pre-pubescent, parasitic internet "experts" who neither have any legitimate experience or success as executives in the television or wrestling industry, and the rants of the terminally irrelevant trying desperately to hold on to their last 200 fans.


But they are facts non-the-less.


In my opinion Vince Russo, Dixie Carter and the team at TNA have done a great job of utilizing veteran stars to help elevate some of the young emerging talent in TNA and at the same time gaining awareness and credibility within the media industry.


That's just my opinion. And my opinion is backed up by facts.






Is the youth movement really hurting the WWE?

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Maybe so, but don't a lot of companies look at the 18-34/18-49 demo for advertising purposes? We shouldn't just use numbers that make us look better when we've never used those numbers before. You might be right Peter, but what is the significance of the 12-17 (in terms of advertising $)?
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The youth movement is hurting WWE and I think with the guys they push is that problem, or more so the gimmicks of who they push they all seem to have the generic heel or generic face or ****y heel gimmick, and with NEXUS loseing I see it only getting worse. WWE's stock is droping alot, last I checked it was 13.98 which a month ago it was 16.00 and before that even hight PPV buyrates suck also
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Kind of goes in hand with what he's saying. People on the Internet claim to want more of a new blood feel in wrestling. But the majority of the audience connects more with the established stars.


Yep EB had posted somthing on his Facebook that ask somthing about what Fesh Young Talent can draw money in wrestling today and his point was if he put who the IWC wanted in his main event the money wouldn't be coming in while their is young talent who can draw money you have to build them up not put them stright in the main event. While NEXUS is in the main event how much are they drawing most of the people who were entrested in the SS match wanted to see Team WWE and I haven't seen too many NEXUS shirts I see more new Hogan, HHH, DX, Cena shirts floating around a youth movements good depending on how you book it

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Kind of goes in hand with what he's saying. People on the Internet claim to want more of a new blood feel in wrestling. But the majority of the audience connects more with the established stars.


There's a difference between what an audience wants and what they need. They want to see their old favourite doing what they always do. They need to be given new favourites before the old ones run out of steam. You've got to push new guys and give the audience time to grow fond of them. Some catch on. Some don't. If the crowd wants established stars... well... Establish some new stars.


WWE's best period came during the Monday Night Wars, when WCW poached their 'established stars' and WWE had to make new stars. Austin. Mankind. Rock. Triple H. They were fresh, new and exciting. There's always going to be a love of the familiar, but the thrill of something new... That's special too.


... but it does seem WWE's youth movement is stunted. Partly because those 'established stars' on top are still there, taking up space (and it has to be said, doing well) and partly because, as was mentioned above, the uninspired way in which newcomers are being introduced.


I haven't seen too many NEXUS shirts I see more new Hogan, HHH, DX, Cena shirts floating around a youth movements good depending on how you book it


You know Nexus are heels, right? I think it's a miracle they've sold any shirts. Heels don't typically move a lot of merchandise.

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