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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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This whole election and Connecticut getting a ton of attention among wrestling fans all over is kind of funny. I live in Michigan and we don't have nearly the amount of debate here about our canidates. It is amusing to me how people all over the US are commenting on this 1 states election and not their own. In fact I bet most wrestling fans of legel voting age don't even know who is running in their state.
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I had a whole thing written about the Linda McMahon thing but I know that it very well could turn into a political debate and this is not the place for that.


I will say this, Linda was CEO of a business where drug use is rampant and many of her former employees have died at a young age. So I think her opponent is well within his right to attack her for being involved in such a shady business.


This Stand Up crap, is a direct relation to this. You say that the WWF would not be doing this if they were not being attacked. Which is true, however nobody would be attacking the WWF is she was not running for office. You cannot seperate the two.


The bottom line is the WWF has brought this on themselves. Vince was the one that wanted to push the steroid freaks. If you did not have a "look" you were not pushed.


And while there was no mention of her name in his video, it is obvious what they are trying to do. They are trying to get the wrestling fans to rally around this and the Connecticut fans to rally around her. It is like Vince is saying to the wrestling fans, "You see how lowly these big shots think of you? How dumb they think you are because you are wrestling fans. Well it is time to stand up to them and a good way of doing that is to vote for my wife."

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I will say this, Linda was CEO of a business where drug use is rampant and many of her former employees have died at a young age. So I think her opponent is well within his right to attack her for being involved in such a shady business.


I tend to agree. Its not like she's been running a charitable nonprofit or some kind of start up that turns cow farts into renewable energy. If her key accolade is "former CEO" then its legit to ask what that company did and how it acted under her leadership. Attacking the WWE is fair game.


In fact, they made alot of money by being risky and pushing the boundries of taste. It would be almost hypocritical to start complaining now.


Oh. And then there are all the people who keep dying.


IMO, the whole venture was incredibly ill concieved from the start. The former CEO of the WWE, running in Connecticut as a Republican? I dont know if any Las Vegas organization actually takes bets on political contests, but if so, I would have laid some serious cash down on Blumenthal.

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Triple H will need to fit in there somewhere when he returns. Then Jericho, he'll be back eventually. And Rey Mysterio, can he be considered a 'Main Eventer'?


But I agree, I'd quite like to see the brand split end and just have 1 'World' title. Some of the older guys (Taker, Kane, Triple H) could even float between the Upper Midcard & Main Event and help get some younger talent over.


True, however it's unlikely that all of these guys are on shows at the one time - usually a couple of them aren't on TV at one time due to one reason or another, so the WWE doesn't necessarily need to squeeze them all in at once.


Increasing the prestige of the Intercontinental title by making it a stepping stone to the World title (and possibly held by guys further up the card) would help, then the US title (or a different one if its unifed, doesn't matter - I'm thinking something along the lines of the old European title) could be used for the mid card. I guess what I'm describing is more of a shift back to how it used to be! :p


Oh and no, I don't really consider Rey Mysterio to be a 'main eventer', but I'm sure plenty of people do...

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IMO, the whole venture was incredibly ill concieved from the start. The former CEO of the WWE, running in Connecticut as a Republican? I dont know if any Las Vegas organization actually takes bets on political contests, but if so, I would have laid some serious cash down on Blumenthal.


Don't see why not - there's always a book running in the UK on who the next PM will be.


However, as Brit I've been somewhat interested in following all this, and it does seem that McMahon is going down the Arnie route to electoral victory - she's famous enough to overcome the strikes against her (of which there are many, Vince's boat and Vince in general amongst them). Last time I checked she had the lead in the polls (although Nick Clegg had the lead in the polls about two weeks before the UK election, so...)

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Don't see why not - there's always a book running in the UK on who the next PM will be.


However, as Brit I've been somewhat interested in following all this, and it does seem that McMahon is going down the Arnie route to electoral victory - she's famous enough to overcome the strikes against her (of which there are many, Vince's boat and Vince in general amongst them). Last time I checked she had the lead in the polls (although Nick Clegg had the lead in the polls about two weeks before the UK election, so...)


Really? I live in CT and all the outlets here say Blume has the lead.


It wouldn't even be an issue if the dope didn't lie and say he went to Vietnam as a marine when he didn't. That not even a political statement, that's just a durr tell the truth moron statement.


Anyway, I'm more concerned about my local election then my state. Some woman who dumped tons of poison chemicals right next to downtown is now running to represent our town. She's even in the party I generally affiliate with, but I am so voting against her.

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Really? I live in CT and all the outlets here say Blume has the lead.


It wouldn't even be an issue if the dope didn't lie and say he went to Vietnam as a marine when he didn't. That not even a political statement, that's just a durr tell the truth moron statement.


Anyway, I'm more concerned about my local election then my state. Some woman who dumped tons of poison chemicals right next to downtown is now running to represent our town. She's even in the party I generally affiliate with, but I am so voting against her.


That sounds terrible. Do you live close to Enfield? I have friends there.

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I had a whole thing written about the Linda McMahon thing but I know that it very well could turn into a political debate and this is not the place for that.


I will say this, Linda was CEO of a business where drug use is rampant and many of her former employees have died at a young age. So I think her opponent is well within his right to attack her for being involved in such a shady business.


This Stand Up crap, is a direct relation to this. You say that the WWF would not be doing this if they were not being attacked. Which is true, however nobody would be attacking the WWF is she was not running for office. You cannot seperate the two.


The bottom line is the WWF has brought this on themselves. Vince was the one that wanted to push the steroid freaks. If you did not have a "look" you were not pushed.


And while there was no mention of her name in his video, it is obvious what they are trying to do. They are trying to get the wrestling fans to rally around this and the Connecticut fans to rally around her. It is like Vince is saying to the wrestling fans, "You see how lowly these big shots think of you? How dumb they think you are because you are wrestling fans. Well it is time to stand up to them and a good way of doing that is to vote for my wife."


Fantastic post. couldn't agree more.

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Oh ok. I really like the East Coast.


So back on topic of the WWE. When are they going overseas again to do a show for the troops? Is that around July?


Words in the interwebs are currently telling us that the company won't do a Tribue to the Troops oversea show in a foreseable future. They might do a supershow on a domestic base though.

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Last time I checked she had the lead in the polls (although Nick Clegg had the lead in the polls about two weeks before the UK election, so...)


I always look at RealClearPolitics.com, which sorta tracks all the major polls.


She's never lead in any of theirs. Though she cut the lead down to a couple of points a few weeks ago, it looks like its opening back up again.

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The media is not supposed to be biased towards one candidate over the other. So if they promote one candidate they must promote the other. Basically what the WWF is doing (sorry I refuse to call it WWE), is promoting Linda's campaign, indirectly. It is not outright, but it is influencing voters (viewers of WWF programs) that live in Connecticut to vote for her. Because her opponent is insulting you as fans.


No, this is not true. Not even a little bit. WWE is a corporation that has a venue to say what it wants: it's not a news service and has no requirements regarding objectivity. It's not a town hall meeting, it's a TV show.


Yes, it's propaganda, but it's pretty hilarious to suggest it's illegal.

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No, this is not true. Not even a little bit. WWE is a corporation that has a venue to say what it wants: it's not a news service and has no requirements regarding objectivity. It's not a town hall meeting, it's a TV show.


Yes, it's propaganda, but it's pretty hilarious to suggest it's illegal.


Well that is not me to decide. It is for the Federal Election Commission, to decide if it is illegal.


Why did they give equal time to the Presidential Candidates back in 2008? It is known that Vince is a Republican. Why did he not just allow John McCain the airtime and forget about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?

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Why did they give equal time to the Presidential Candidates back in 2008? It is known that Vince is a Republican. Why did he not just allow John McCain the airtime and forget about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?


To get as many viewers as possible by appealing to as many voters as possible?

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To get as many viewers as possible by appealing to as many voters as possible?


Situation is also completely different, there they provided a direct public forum, and thus would be subject to equal time.


Here, at most they indirectly supported Linda by defending themselves from a attack by her opponent (who they didnot name)

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Well that is not me to decide. It is for the Federal Election Commission, to decide if it is illegal.


Why did they give equal time to the Presidential Candidates back in 2008? It is known that Vince is a Republican. Why did he not just allow John McCain the airtime and forget about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?


You're giving me a headache here. Do you really not understand the difference between a well-timed piece of self-hyping propaganda and a public forum? They are not the same.


Edit: here's the 2010 campaign details: http://www.fec.gov/DisclosureSearch/mapHSCandDetail.do;jsessionid=55CB7E12EE549B479F691F7E6AF7DF6B.worker1


You may notice that the FEC doesn't care what corporations do outside of campaign contributions. Acting independently is a whole other deal. Whether you buy that it's truly independent is irrelevant.


Further, there's absolutely nothing stopping privately held corporations from endorsing candidates, in fact, a lot of corporations tend to do just that by financially backing PACs that support their politics. Unless you're saying Vince & Co. don't get First Amendment protections (that treat corporations as people) that everybody else gets? Because... he has a TV show?

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Linda's opponent seems like a stand up guy. He tells people how he served in the Vietnam war yet his military records showed he never even step foot in Vietnam. Imagine if Bush said the same thing numerous times at veteran rallies, the media would be all over him like they were with his national guard papers in 04.


Linda's opponent seems like the perfect candidate in Washington though. He seems to fit the profile. He'll be protected by 2/3 of the media except for Fox News of course. They'll just be the opposite.

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Linda's opponent seems like a stand up guy. He tells people how he served in the Vietnam war yet his military records showed he never even step foot in Vietnam. Imagine if Bush said the same thing numerous times at veteran rallies, the media would be all over him like they were with his national guard papers in 04.


Linda's opponent seems like the perfect candidate in Washington though. He seems to fit the profile. He'll be protected by 2/3 of the media except for Fox News of course. They'll just be the opposite.


Okay this both just off-topic and incendiary. Let's not continue to make this thread about politics?


So, how about NXT? It sure is a show, by the loosest definition of the term.

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