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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I like how people bitch about addictions. They're addictions for a reason, its not exactly easy to overcome. Its a mental and physical need. Addiction runs deep in my family and I see it destroy people's lives, but I also see that they have no control over themselves. It takes a lot of self control to break addiction. Its easier for some people and extremely hard for others. The Last Call with Scott Hall is a window into that guy's life and when he talks about sobriety, you can tell he's fighting tooth and nail and it breaks his heart that he keeps failing.
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Good god no. The notion that there's even the possibility of Taker losing his streak without getting pinned or submitting makes me sick to my stomach. It must be a one on one match. Period, end of discussion.




This is correct. Austin himself just did an interview where he didn't just say he could work a few more matches, he said he could work for "two years on a full-time basis." He said he's not returning because he wants his body to still be in good shape in 10 or 20 years, not because it's not in good shape now. http://xfinitytv.comcast.net/blogs/2011/tv-news/wwes-stone-cold-steve-austin-on-tough-enough-wrestlemania/


EDIT: He also thoroughly praises CM Punk, and even mentions how great a Punk/Austin fued would be...IF Austin comes back for a match or two, I'm guessing it'll be with Punk. That would be awesome.




So true. I think a lot of people don't realize that Sting hasn't been in a major wrestling promotion in 10 years now, and he was NEVER in the WWE. Sure, a lot of people will know who he is, but a lot of people won't, too. You're going to need a serious buildup to make that match the level of Taker-HBK, Taker-HHH, or even Taker-Edge/Batista.




You know, just because it wasn't an April Fool's joke, that doesn't mean you were wrong. :p I have no doubt that they offered him a spot in the Hall of Fame and I bet they would've loved to have him on as a Tough Enough trainer. A Wrestlemania match with Undertaker? Not buying it for a second.


As for who Undertaker faces next year, I don't think it's a guarantee that he wrestles again. But if he does, I can't imagine it'll be anybody but Triple H.


And speaking of Triple H, reports are that that rumored overhaul of development that Triple H was pushing for is officially underway, and Triple H is now in charge of the developmental department. In fact, he had signed his first talent...who? Sin Cara. Not a bad start.


so he also signed Jon Moxley? Or at least it's under his reign.

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I disagree, but only partially. He's no longer big as a name as he once was, but he's still a big name. I would say he's a bigger than most WWE stars, save for the very top (Edge, Cena, Taker, HHH, Randy Orton; maybe ADR, Christian, Miz). WWE would like to have him back, I think, but they might not absolutely need him.


I'm not sure if it's a good idea to bring him back, though. It's not his skills, but rather, he's rather driven in wrestling a paritcular hard style. The other issue is, he can't really be a heel at this point his career if went back to the WWE. Too much fan respect.


Okay I'm not sure where to begin: Christian is a big name? Kurt Angle is a big name who is at that same level? I mean if my point is he's not "dream match" material and you're disagreeing while comparing him to Christian, something is out of whack.


Next, a returning charismatic, natural heel, outstanding wrestler back from a 5 year break couldn't be booed? I mean didn't Chris Jericho just prove this false by being one of the top heel acts in the company after his return?

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Not strictly how it worked. Sting was never under any obligation to sign. It was something like Ted Turner owned the contracts of the roster not WCW. The WWE never bought the contracts in a bundle. Many of the guys that did sign with Vince agreed to terminate their deal with Turner, with Vince paying the fees in return for them signing with Vince, probably on a reduced salary.


Kind of what I meant. And that's only partially true; Time Warner owned the contracts not Turner himself, and only a handful of talent (Hogan, Flair, Goldberg, Sting, maybe Steiner too) had a contract directly with Time Warner.


Problem is these contracts were in the seven digits and Vince didn't feel like any of them were worth the trouble of buying them out. Which is why all of those names, sans Sting of course, didn't show up in WWE until the InVasion was over.

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They may not necessarily build it up properly but if they do, with the level of Cena/Rock's mic skills, talent and star power it could be one of the biggest main-events in Mania history.


At least Cena has a year to improve his moveset. I thought he was the weak link against Miz. The best thing Cena did was his dash outside the ring leading up to the count-out because his in-ring work is boring. Orton's heading the same way but I still think he's better in-ring.

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At least Cena has a year to improve his moveset. I thought he was the weak link against Miz. The best thing Cena did was his dash outside the ring leading up to the count-out because his in-ring work is boring. Orton's heading the same way but I still think he's better in-ring.


Just because a year will pass before that match it doesn't mean he will add any moves. Besides I doubt the WWE will have him add to it. What would he add to it? A press slam or something?

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Reading through the casual/hardcore discussion a few pages back was quite interesting and it got me thinking about where I stand on that. The last time I watched wrestling regularly was the earlly 90s although I did dip in and out of the Attitude era but not being a Sky customer, I've not had regular access. That means I can still watch wrestling from the point of view of a casual fan, and usually end up feeling what the booker was hoping that I'd feel.


That being said, a few years of playing TEW has given me a more hardcore fan view of the behind the scenes action, so I can discuss fairly indepth topics that wouldn't be an issue for the casual fan.


I'd call that the best of both worlds, as I can do both!

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Okay I'm not sure where to begin: Christian is a big name? Kurt Angle is a big name who is at that same level? I mean if my point is he's not "dream match" material and you're disagreeing while comparing him to Christian, something is out of whack.


Next, a returning charismatic, natural heel, outstanding wrestler back from a 5 year break couldn't be booed? I mean didn't Chris Jericho just prove this false by being one of the top heel acts in the company after his return?

The problem is, I'm not sure where Kurt's level of popularity is right now. If depends on where and who. It if it's in, let's say, his hometown, the Tri-State area and New England area, and Canada, he will popular as heck. But outside of those places, I'm not sure. And on Christian, he can be bigger, he's just not being pushed that way. He's on the cusp. Like I said before, Kurt Angle might or might not be around his level, but he is still a bigger star than most WWE wrestlers, save for the very top. By today's standards, Christian and Kurt Angle are pretty big names. Even you have to admit that.


The thing is, Kurt's not Chris Jericho or even the Miz when it comes to Mic work. And this is coming from a HUGE Kurt Angle fan. He's too willing to please the fans when it came to ringwork. Fans just cheer him over time for some of the crazy stuff he does. Kurt Angle is not Chris Jericho. He's not willing to adjust his style when it comes to ringwork. And that leads to fans cheering for him.

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IMO Kurt Angle, although not as popular as he once was, could with a couple of simple "good" promo's, be just as popular as he once was, and probably even bigger then when he left the WWE.... Problem is, he can only reach this level of popularity within' the WWE. I know this was said before. I agree 100%, although it's all opinion.


To me, Angle is now one of those guys from the past that will be remembered as being more popular then they really were at the time, because it's not that far in the past. 5 or 10 years isn't as long as 20, for example. Kurt's not been gone that long (and if you count TNA, has never left so has no ring rust), and is remembered currently. It wouldn't be hard at all to gain him whatever popularity he has lost.


See..... It's a matter of perspective... IF Kurt came back, and just showed up in the ring without any introduction, no video hype, nothing more then a "surprise", it doesn't mean he couldn't gain that popularity back. I can think of many scenario's to include something like that, in which he would be as strong/big of name as ever, if not bigger. Example:


Big introduction for Alberto Del Rio, his ring announcer and all the works. He comes down to the ring, talks trash, says he will take on anyone in the building, because he's so good he will destroy anyone.... Kurt comes out, no intro music, no nothing, just jumps in the ring and whips his butt before he's done. Takes the mic, says "I'm back!" and leaves.


Those that know who he is (and likes him) will mark out. Those that don't know will absolutely WANT to know. This would work for any worker, but in Kurt's case, the news would spread so fast by his second appearance, he will be known as much or more then he ever was before, video package or not.

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Or he could have one match and showcase that he's better than 90% of their current roster and everyone will be relieved to have someone awesome again.



That made it sound like I hate everyone on the roster. Which is far from the case. Its just the guys they shove down our throats Cena, Orton, Swagger, Taker, etc that Kurt is better than.

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I really hope he does come back, though the recent twitter thing about Mania was much less conciliatory than much of what he's said in the past couple of years. I think he'd get a huge ovation from those who know who he is which would quickly pass over into those that don't, on account of the fact he is one of the best all round workers of all time and that he would be extremely easy to put into a match or promo where he came off very well.
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Big introduction for Alberto Del Rio, his ring announcer and all the works. He comes down to the ring, talks trash, says he will take on anyone in the building, because he's so good he will destroy anyone.... Kurt comes out, no intro music, no nothing, just jumps in the ring and whips his butt before he's done. Takes the mic, says "I'm back!" and leaves.


Those that know who he is (and likes him) will mark out. Those that don't know will absolutely WANT to know. This would work for any worker, but in Kurt's case, the news would spread so fast by his second appearance, he will be known as much or more then he ever was before, video package or not.


I agree, this could definately work. Kurt Angle has both the in-ring work and the charisma to get over easily (again).

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I really hope he does come back, though the recent twitter thing about Mania was much less conciliatory than much of what he's said in the past couple of years. I think he'd get a huge ovation from those who know who he is which would quickly pass over into those that don't, on account of the fact he is one of the best all round workers of all time and that he would be extremely easy to put into a match or promo where he came off very well.


Vince won't care about those Twitter remarks if he smells money in a Kurt Angle comeback. He has taken back people in the past who had upset him far worse than that, if he saw it being a good business decision. Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan comes to mind.

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By today's standards, Christian and Kurt Angle are pretty big names. Even you have to admit that.


No, I really don't. I don't believe Christian is a "pretty big" name anymore than I thought/think Matt Hardy was a "pretty big" name or Chavo Guerrero is a "pretty big" name. I mean not only was he not on the card at Wrestlemania, he hasn't been on a single PPV card since July, when he was in a six man money in the bank match he lost. And his last PPV appearance before that? At last year's Wrestlemania... in a six man money in the bank match that he lost. That's two pay per view appearances as a competitor in the past year, both times competing in a six man match and without a single victory, and you're telling me I "have to" admit that Christian is a "pretty big" name." I mean what qualifies him as a "pretty big" name in your eyes? The fact that he was briefly a top guy in a small-time promotion? That he was ECW champion? That he was partnered with someone that went on to be a big name ten years ago? Chavo Guerrero meets 2/3 of that criteria. Matt Hardy is 2/3.


I don't have to agree with you "just because" when you just state that someone is a "pretty big" star. Christian doesn't sell merch. He doesn't headline or even appear on PPVs. Do you think the fact that he was on the roster during a boom period automatically makes him a bigger name than the people that WWE have consistently featured over the past year? If so, I think you're drastically over-estimating the memory of WWE's audience.


As far as the stuff with Angle, I disagree with that, too. He's shown respect for Vince McMahon and WWE in the past and may be more willing to alter his style, especially considering his physical condition, if he was getting feedback from veteran guys who know what they're doing (Finlay, Regal, Malenko, Arn Anderson, Steamboat, etc.), rather than TNA's management (or lack thereof).

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No, I really don't. I don't believe Christian is a "pretty big" name anymore than I thought/think Matt Hardy was a "pretty big" name or Chavo Guerrero is a "pretty big" name. I mean not only was he not on the card at Wrestlemania, he hasn't been on a single PPV card since July, when he was in a six man money in the bank match he lost. And his last PPV appearance before that? At last year's Wrestlemania... in a six man money in the bank match that he lost. That's two pay per view appearances as a competitor in the past year, both times competing in a six man match and without a single victory, and you're telling me I "have to" admit that Christian is a "pretty big" name." I mean what qualifies him as a "pretty big" name in your eyes? The fact that he was briefly a top guy in a small-time promotion? That he was ECW champion? That he was partnered with someone that went on to be a big name ten years ago? Chavo Guerrero meets 2/3 of that criteria. Matt Hardy is 2/3.


I don't have to agree with you "just because" when you just state that someone is a "pretty big" star. Christian doesn't sell merch. He doesn't headline or even appear on PPVs. Do you think the fact that he was on the roster during a boom period automatically makes him a bigger name than the people that WWE have consistently featured over the past year? If so, I think you're drastically over-estimating the memory of WWE's audience.


As far as the stuff with Angle, I disagree with that, too. He's shown respect for Vince McMahon and WWE in the past and may be more willing to alter his style, especially considering his physical condition, if he was getting feedback from veteran guys who know what they're doing (Finlay, Regal, Malenko, Arn Anderson, Steamboat, etc.), rather than TNA's management (or lack thereof).

So you ARE agreeing with me? Great. :) It's the first time we agreed on anything. Your points illustrates exactly what level he is at, and that we both agree that he is at that level, along with the second tier of WWE's top stars right now. :)


In any case, I'm not defending Angle on his choice to not change his style. If anything, he's gotten MORE reckless since he joined TNA. I'v seen him a Senton bomb off the stage onto a "staff member", and then in another occasion, he decided it was good idea to do a 450 degree splash on Sting... but botching and landing a hard knee (which Sting no-sold) onto Sting. If you ask Kurt Angle to do something like that early his career, he would have certainly said "Screw that, I need to protect the neck I broke in the Olympics!", but it devolved into him voluntarily doing risky moves he's not very good at.

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Vince won't care about those Twitter remarks if he smells money in a Kurt Angle comeback. He has taken back people in the past who had upset him far worse than that, if he saw it being a good business decision. Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan comes to mind.


Oh I know that, I just mean in terms of Angle's end, and what they suggest about his own thoughts on coming back. Money talks at his end too though of course.

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Oh I know that, I just mean in terms of Angle's end, and what they suggest about his own thoughts on coming back. Money talks at his end too though of course.

I don't think he's coming back anytime soon. He hasn't adjusted his style, and he's gotten more reckless in TNA (and for once, I don't blame TNA on this).

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The main reason Kurt signed with TNA back when he did was because of the lighter road schedule. I don't think that at this point in his life/career that he would be willing to go back to the WWE because of the road schedule. I like many would like to see Kurt back in WWE one day even if it is for a short period of time but if he wont be able the road schedule then its not going to happen no matter how much we want it to.
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No, I really don't. I don't believe Christian is a "pretty big" name anymore than I thought/think Matt Hardy was a "pretty big" name or Chavo Guerrero is a "pretty big" name. I mean not only was he not on the card at Wrestlemania, he hasn't been on a single PPV card since July, when he was in a six man money in the bank match he lost. And his last PPV appearance before that? At last year's Wrestlemania... in a six man money in the bank match that he lost. That's two pay per view appearances as a competitor in the past year, both times competing in a six man match and without a single victory, and you're telling me I "have to" admit that Christian is a "pretty big" name."


You do know Christian was injured for several months, right? I mean, by this same argument, HHH was a no body until he finally had his match with Taker at WM27. You know, since he hadn't been in any big matches in the last several months. ;)

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You do know Christian was injured for several months, right? I mean, by this same argument, HHH was a no body until he finally had his match with Taker at WM27. You know, since he hadn't been in any big matches in the last several months. ;)


Except Trips was on PPVs before he was injured, and apart from multi-man matches Christian very rarely is, so the same logic applies. It's a shame, but seems like the time when he could be any kind of star has passed (end of his earlier run, and start of this one).

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You do know Christian was injured for several months, right? I mean, by this same argument, HHH was a no body until he finally had his match with Taker at WM27. You know, since he hadn't been in any big matches in the last several months. ;)


Christian has never even had a main event push in WWE besides in ECW which was pretty much FCW. I dont get why people think he's such a big name when never really has been.

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