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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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World War 3 may have been a giant cluster ****, but there was some pretty good drama. If anyone gets irritated with my random WCW posts in here, I'll stop them. I just figured this was the best place since WWE owns WCW and what not.


My favorite World War 3 moments are both Nash related. The first is in 1997 when he came down from the rafters dressed as Sting. The second is in 1998 when he stops every one in the ring and gets them to throw out the Giant.

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On Starrcade 95.


Liger vs Benoit- AWESOME match.


Alex Wright vs Koji Kanemoto- Another fantastic match. Watching this early stuff is reminding me of how awesome Alex Wright really was. Its too bad the Berlyn gimmick had such bad timing.

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On Starrcade 95.


Liger vs Benoit- AWESOME match.


Alex Wright vs Koji Kanemoto- Another fantastic match. Watching this early stuff is reminding me of how awesome Alex Wright really was. Its too bad the Berlyn gimmick had such bad timing.


What was the bad timing with the Berlyn gimmick

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What was the bad timing with the Berlyn gimmick


Can't say I know the official answer. For my money, it was that it happened at all. Alex did the dancing fool gimmick really well and Berlyn just killed his heat dead in the Cappyboy household. The stretch from dancing fool to Berlyn was too great for me to ever buy into.

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What was the bad timing with the Berlyn gimmick


Columbine High School.


Beryln dressed in all black, wearing a black trench coat. So did the killers...


And although Alex Wright was a good dancer/wrestler, Berlyn was going to be his Main Event opportunity (I think). I thought that it was cool looking character, and thought that he was going to be a star. He had the wall as a bodyguard, didn't he even have a manager? Like Torrie Wilson or something?

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Columbine High School.


Beryln dressed in all black, wearing a black trench coat. So did the killers...


Maybe this is just a case of memory getting fuzzy with age combined with having hated the gimmick to start with. But I seem to remember Berlyn having gone by the boards before Columbine happened.

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Maybe this is just a case of memory getting fuzzy with age combined with having hated the gimmick to start with. But I seem to remember Berlyn having gone by the boards before Columbine happened.


Columbine happened in April, Berlyn later in the year.

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My memory's a little fuzzy when it comes to late WCW, but didn't the announcers bury the Berlyn gimmick on air? And I also seem to remember his opponents refusing to sell for him and going out of their way to make him look bad.


Well Bagwell got angry he was going to lose to Berlyn and decided to miss his flight.

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Wow, I completely forgot that The Giant's first match ever in WCW was against Hogan for the title.


And people complain nowadays about people being godpushed.


On my WCW quest, I'm up to Halloween Havoc 95. I am aware I have no life, but I imagine I'll be at least through 95 by the end of tomorrow.


Definitely gonna start 96 as soon as I'm done. Some of this stuff takes me back to being a little kid being so into WCW and other stuff makes me want to forget about my childhood(Mongo on commentary, Kevin Sullivan in general, Disco Inferno, Zodiac).


I catch myself at points turning into a little kid again.


Although your correct, you are leaving some context out. Although they don't push people as hard they did back then, they push it way faster than they should. On other hand, they did push people extremely fast back then, but they were better reasons to do back then-WWE and WCW were competing against each other, and they go all out against each other.


Also, if they didn't work out as good as they hoped, they simply dialed it back. These days, WWE follows the philosophy of "if it's not already broken, drive it the ground" mentality.


I think Heyman said it best about Modern booking. They are getting too complicated. In TNA they are too into the backroom stuff (for example), both companies trying to break through the 4th wall (I believe that's how he put it). He said why? It's a simple story all the time, everytime. It writes itself, it's nothing but an old Western movie. You have the bad guy ride into town, cause all kinds of trouble. Meanwhile you have the good guy that can beat him. You have the bad guy beat everyone else but in the end, the good guy wins. Simple, not complicated at all. Will work with anyone, any gimmick.


I believe you can find the whole thing on Youtube. Listening to him, while being completely calm and not really having any bones with anyone at all, talking about it so matter-of-factly. Just made alot of scense, especially since the biggest things I ever here when watching (from other's watching), is "Come on, get to a match already, this is boring!" Said many different ways, but most of the time the biggest complaints I here are about not getting to the action *(that matters... chaos that don't matter/no real match going on, is the same as having someone talk for 15 minutes, without a real match going on).

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Berlyn first showed up on Nitro the day before Columbine.


When they brought him back later in the year, his first big PPV match was at Fall Brawl and was meant to be against Buff Bagwell. But Buff refused to lose cleanly so they put Duggan in there instead who did lose clean but in the process did everything he could to make Berlyn look bad. The next night, they did get Buff to agree to lose but it wasn't clean.


The problems as far as his push came were that right before Fall Brawl, Eric Bischoff was removed from power and that meant new people in charge of creative. Which in wrestling usually results in the perceived favourites of the old regime getting the shaft in favour of those the new person in charge wants to push. Case in point being the Revolution who were pretty hot at the time but come Fall Brawl, they boldly predicted a clean sweep of their matches and promptly went 0-3.

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Guest codey
Has anyone else noticed that Christian is basically in a face role despite being a heel? He continually gets screwed in legitimate ways, and they want us to boo him? I'm not sure if it's because they wanted more heel challengers for Orton or were afraid to turn Orton, but it's just kind of...strange. And I don't think it's just that I'm a fan of Christian and an internet fan or whatever, I would have thought this was weird way back when I was a kid.
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Has anyone else noticed that Christian is basically in a face role despite being a heel? He continually gets screwed in legitimate ways, and they want us to boo him? I'm not sure if it's because they wanted more heel challengers for Orton or were afraid to turn Orton, but it's just kind of...strange. And I don't think it's just that I'm a fan of Christian and an internet fan or whatever, I would have thought this was weird way back when I was a kid.


My two buddies who watch wrestling from time to time with me (and aren't smarks or marks) think that it is strange as well. One of them thinks that it is the dumbest fued that he has ever saw. And do you know why? It's because he thought at first that their were two good guys fueding until I told him that Christian was supposed to be the bad guy. Epic fail right there WWE. :p

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Wow, WWE finally releases Chavo. I'm hoping he requested for his release considering they turned him into a joke.


I hope he goes somewhere else that will appreciate his talent and not turn him into a jobber to midgets.


I was hoping for the slim chance that WWE would give him a push but I guess that that would probably never happen. I wonder what company he will work for now.

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Has anyone else noticed that Christian is basically in a face role despite being a heel? He continually gets screwed in legitimate ways, and they want us to boo him? I'm not sure if it's because they wanted more heel challengers for Orton or were afraid to turn Orton, but it's just kind of...strange. And I don't think it's just that I'm a fan of Christian and an internet fan or whatever, I would have thought this was weird way back when I was a kid.


On the other hand, Orton has been face by default for a long time. I mean, he acts pretty much like he was when he was a heel, but since he's going against clear heel much of the time, he's considered a face.

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Wow, WWE finally releases Chavo. I'm hoping he requested for his release considering they turned him into a joke.


I hope he goes somewhere else that will appreciate his talent and not turn him into a jobber to midgets.


Impact Wrestling here he comes? A great surprise for the Destination X pay-per-view, right?

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