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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Thanks for correcting me. But to be honest, he seemed to do just as well without the mask on. In fact, he seemed like as good of, in a better, worker.


Here's the thing though, did La Parker ever lose his mask? I don't recall that he did, but it's unusual that they didn't go there.


Juvi did have some awesome matches later in 1998, and had a spectacular one with at Spring Stampede in 1999 , but like a lot of the Luchadores, it didn't really matter in the long run as they all spun their wheels in the midcard.


I believe La Parka never lost his mask because under the mask, he looks old, much older than he really is, so unlike with guys like Juvi or Rey, they couldn't market him as someone the ladies would go for.

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Juvi did have some awesome matches later in 1998, and had a spectacular one with at Spring Stampede in 1999 , but like a lot of the Luchadores, it didn't really matter in the long run as they all spun their wheels in the midcard.


I believe La Parka never lost his mask because under the mask, he looks old, much older than he really is, so unlike with guys like Juvi or Rey, they couldn't market him as someone the ladies would go for.


Thats correct La Parka never lost his mask in WCW thank god, they did it to too many wrestlers back in WCW and if they were to do it to La Parka that would have sucked. Plus its possible that La Parka is even uglier than Psychosis.

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Ziggler title shot next week! He's going to lose it but maybe he'll win the Rumble.


So Kane's gimmick is the same as Cody's pretty much. Makes sense though: involves the crowd and their anti-Cena chants, gives Kane something interesting to do and keeps Cena occupied until the Elimination Chamber.


So next week we get Brodus Clay, Jericho and a WWE Title Match? I bloody hope so.

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I think it's too early to be bringing in Undertaker, he seems to only be working Wrestlemania's now. If he did return it would probably be after the Rumble..


Undertaker's probably gonna wrestle HHH at WM I'm guessing.


Solely because HHH said that crap he did last week. Which bugs me, because 'Taker's beaten him twice. HHH was far more boring than the two Michaels matches. I'd rather see someone else but whatever.

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Undertaker's probably gonna wrestle HHH at WM I'm guessing.


Solely because HHH said that crap he did last week. Which bugs me, because 'Taker's beaten him twice. HHH was far more boring than the two Michaels matches. I'd rather see someone else but whatever.


I'd rather see anyone else. HHH vs. Taker just feels so pointless. Obviously HHH isn't going to win that match, there won't be much of a feud there, there last match wasn't all that great and now they'll both be a year older with almost a year's worth of ring rust, and the crowd dynamics will be wrong. Fans want to root for Taker's streak at this point. I would hope HHH got the whole "glomming onto a popular babyface's heat" thing out of his system when he inserted himself into the Summer of Punk.


I've said before I want a new, young heel to feud with Taker and beat him at WM, but to do it in a way that honors Taker. I still think that's the best thing for the WWE. But if they want Taker's streak to continue, at least have him feud with a young heel and let that feud and the WM match help establish that heel at the top of the card.


Say Taker shows up as number 30 in the Rumble, eliminates Ziggler, but Ziggler gets back in and causes Taker to get eliminated. They feud for the next couple months, maybe with Ziggler eliminating Taker from the Elimination Chamber. Then Taker beats Ziggler in what would undoubtedly be an insane match at WM. Taker keeps his streak, WM gets a high-profile match guaranteed to deliver, there's an interesting non-title feud for the road to WM, and a young promising star gets elevated.


HHH vs. Taker, though, just seems like one of HHH's ego trips.

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Juvi and Psichosis completely screwed themselves over. WWE cannot be blamed for their downfall.

I'm not too sure on Psicosis, but Juventud didn't anything any other wrestler that was "weird and crazy". But I'm not disagreeing on this point-it's just that my point is valid as yours, and that we are BOTH correct.

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I'm not too sure on Psicosis, but Juventud didn't anything any other wrestler that was "weird and crazy". But I'm not disagreeing on this point-it's just that my point is valid as yours, and that we are BOTH correct.


Juvi went out and did other people's finishers and after he was warned about it, he continued to do them.


Plus, he's on steroids and has severe drug issues.




Also, I kinda hope the videos are for Jon Moxley.

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Juvi went out and did other people's finishers and after he was warned about it, he continued to do them.


Plus, he's on steroids and has severe drug issues.




Also, I kinda hope the videos are for Jon Moxley.

That's Juventud being crazy, though. He's always been like that. As for the drug issues, he and how many peopl in the WWE did in the far and near past?


Like I said, before, he's correct, but so am I. He's right to say that the Juventud did causes himself a lot of problems, but it isn't like the WWE hasn't tolerated or even protected people like that before, even ones that don't make sense for them to protect.


We are both correct. It's not an either/or proposition.

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Wanted to pop in to comment on the cruiserweight conversation. Chavo was a good worker in my mind and a hell of a nice guy. I met him a few times and he was always aces.


My top ten list for WCW cruiserweights would be:


1. Ultimo Dragon

2. Chris Jericho

3. La Parka

4. Dean Malenko

5. Juventud Guerrera

6. Psicosis

7. Rey Mysterio, Jr.

8. Eddy Guerrero

9. Blitzkrieg

10. Billy Kidman


I always loved Ultimo Dragon. Marked out big time for him all the time in WCW. I liked Rey Mysterio, but he always seemed SO small to me that believability was an issue. When he unmasked I came to truly hate him, so that really hurts his standing in my mind. I was much more a fan of Juvi and Psicosis.

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That's Juventud being crazy, though. He's always been like that. As for the drug issues, he and how many peopl in the WWE did in the far and near past?


Like I said, before, he's correct, but so am I. He's right to say that the Juventud did causes himself a lot of problems, but it isn't like the WWE hasn't tolerated or even protected people like that before, even ones that don't make sense for them to protect.


We are both correct. It's not an either/or proposition.


Look, I like Juvi, but he did way worse things than "most other" wrestlers. It's not like he came into the WWE with a clean slate either. He'd been run out of other promotions for drug problems, including a drug and alcohol induced naked screaming fit outside of a hotel.


On top of it though, he couldn't sell tickets like some of the other guys with problems. Makes it easier to get rid of him.

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Look, I like Juvi, but he did way worse things than "most other" wrestlers. It's not like he came into the WWE with a clean slate either. He'd been run out of other promotions for drug problems, including a drug and alcohol induced naked screaming fit outside of a hotel.


On top of it though, he couldn't sell tickets like some of the other guys with problems. Makes it easier to get rid of him.

Like I said before, I admit, Moe Hunter was correct. But the drug and alcohol issues he had weren't anything new, or anything *Scott Hall* hasn't done before. As for his naked screaming, though, that was when he was in WCW, not when he was in the WWE. Yes, WCW released him. But he didn't do that while in he was in the WWE. Besides, he did something even something stupid for him-he smoked something laced with PCP, which I believe is not necessarily the drug of choice for wrestlers. But it seems like a freak incident more than anything else.


It's not like the WWE hasn't protected people for worse offenses, or protected people that didn't make sense, even on a financial level, for them to protect.

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Like I said before, I admit, Moe Hunter was correct. But the drug and alcohol issues he had weren't anything new, or anything *Scott Hall* hasn't done before. As for his naked screaming, though, that was when he was in WCW, not when he was in the WWE. Yes, WCW released him. But he didn't do that while in he was in the WWE. Besides, he did something even something stupid for him-he smoked something laced with PCP, which I believe is not necessarily the drug of choice for wrestlers. But it seems like a freak incident more than anything else.


It's not like the WWE hasn't protected people for worse offenses, or protected people that didn't make sense, even on a financial level, for them to protect.


Juventud couldn't draw the way Scott Hall could. That's why Hall got leeway that Juvi didn't.


The truth is Juvi was a small hispanic worker who couldn't really cut big time promos, couldn't sell tickets like a main eventer and couldn't really be a big part of many main event promos. You add his terrible reputation due to prior bad acts and it's easy to see why WWE would fire him. He had a short leash. You can say it's not fair, but when you have screwed up so much in life people tend to give you a short leash. You want to stay employed you need to be very valuable or keep your hands clean. He wasn't and couldn't.

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