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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Cena annoys me when he's doing his cutesy, usually not funny, comedy. There are also times where he tries too hard to be serious, and it just feels phoney. But then, there are times where he's serious without being over-the-top with it, and it works really well. Perfect example: the promo on Rock last Monday. I thought that was really good. If we got that Cena on a regular basis, I'd be thrilled.


As for his matches, he'll never be one of my favorite guys to watch, but I don't think he's half as bad as some people make him out to be. He's had too many really good matches for me to consider him a bad in-ring performer.

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This sounds like a very good possibility. I would also place Otunga on team Laurenitis, with Ezekial Jackson on team Long. What other big faces dont have matches yet?


For that matter, who will Kane face?


Think Zach Ryder will still be on the 'injured list' by the time it comes around. Kofi and R-Truth may be going for tag titles. If you put in Otunga, then it would be an 8 man and agreed that Zeke would be on team Teddy. I think Orton may still be on the injured list by then. Probably Santino since he seems to have gotten some exposure lately. Brotus Clay seems missing since his out-of-place Rumble match...

other people who could have been a possibility and are MIA and their return doesn't seem likely by Mania: Rey Mysterio, Mason Ryan, Sin Cara..


Faces who are active but don't have matches: Khali, Justin Gabriel, Ted Dibiase


so for Teddy's Team, I'll say: Santino, Zeke, Khali and Ted Dibiase.


And let's not forget Drew McIntyre is still in that storyline, maybe he might think he can keep his job by "surprising Teddy" and helping him win the match, or be on Teddy's team, turning him face in the process(just give him a face run and see if he can work it better, way too many heels on the roster already)

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Cena annoys me when he's doing his cutesy, usually not funny, comedy. There are also times where he tries too hard to be serious, and it just feels phoney. But then, there are times where he's serious without being over-the-top with it, and it works really well. Perfect example: the promo on Rock last Monday. I thought that was really good. If we got that Cena on a regular basis, I'd be thrilled.


As for his matches, he'll never be one of my favorite guys to watch, but I don't think he's half as bad as some people make him out to be. He's had too many really good matches for me to consider him a bad in-ring performer.


I agree word for word. And that's part of the problem. We all left Raw on a high saying we wish Cena would be more like that. But we all know the answer.. he won't be. Soon as Mania ends, win or lose he'll be right back to his happy-go-lucky Captain America demeanor. That's why I never liked Cena, but I've respected him for years now and always will. It's just always the "status quo is God" issue with him/creative team. Summer 2006 was the period I was most enthused with him, only for everything to go back to normal after.

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Putting John Cena and Will Smith on the same league is not acceptable. Smith is a great actor. And putting theater ahead of tv acting is also not good. Theater had it's run. It's outdated. I don't think of someone as a lesser actor just because he needs more or less takes. I care about the final product.


Well neither is a true actor, Will Smith is a movie star he is not an actor. The only reason why he made is big was because he was bankable due to when he was a rapper. Theater is not outdated, as long as there is acting there will be theater.


The difference between being a movie star and being a great actor is stage work. Some people are able to be both (Al Pacino), while others could probably never do it because they have not got the talent to do it.


This will be my last comment on this.

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Why neither is a true actor, Will Smith is a movie star he is not an actor. The only reason why he made is big was because he was bankable due to when he was a rapper. Theater is not outdated, as long as there is acting there will be theater.


The difference between being a movie star and being a great actor is stage work. Some people are able to be both (Al Pacino), while others could probably never do it because they have not got the talent to do it.


This will be my last comment on this.


I respect that fact that this is your last comment, so i'm keeping my mouth shuth about Cena and the whole stuff that originated the whole subject in the first place. But as for the theater, it's outadated, it comes from the time that people had to shout in the midlle of where people could hardly listen to them. It's very much like writing. (And i love writing) Writing may be awesome, but we did it because we did not have the ability of recording and showing, like we can these days with TV and movies. While both have merit, one is the natural evolution of the other. While being good at one is awesome, not having done the other doesn't take out success away as an actor. Ok, i'm done with this subject too. :D

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Putting John Cena and Will Smith on the same league is not acceptable. Smith is a great actor. And putting theater ahead of tv acting is also not good. Theater had it's run. It's outdated. I don't think of someone as a lesser actor just because he needs more or less takes. I care about the final product.


Theater's not a dead medium. Don't know where you're getting that idea.


Also, Smith's not a 'great' actor. Not by comparison to other 'great' actors. He's not Gary Oldman. He's not even Eddie Murphy. He's played his cards right and he's had some success but he's not especially talented and he's not especially memorable as an actor or a musician. He's the Miz of film. Worked hard to get where he is, but in the end he won't be more than a footnote in history.

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Think Zach Ryder will still be on the 'injured list' by the time it comes around. Kofi and R-Truth may be going for tag titles. If you put in Otunga, then it would be an 8 man and agreed that Zeke would be on team Teddy. I think Orton may still be on the injured list by then. Probably Santino since he seems to have gotten some exposure lately. Brotus Clay seems missing since his out-of-place Rumble match...

other people who could have been a possibility and are MIA and their return doesn't seem likely by Mania: Rey Mysterio, Mason Ryan, Sin Cara..


Faces who are active but don't have matches: Khali, Justin Gabriel, Ted Dibiase


so for Teddy's Team, I'll say: Santino, Zeke, Khali and Ted Dibiase.


And let's not forget Drew McIntyre is still in that storyline, maybe he might think he can keep his job by "surprising Teddy" and helping him win the match, or be on Teddy's team, turning him face in the process(just give him a face run and see if he can work it better, way too many heels on the roster already)


That team looks pretty good.


I'd like to see Swagger defend his US title on the show as well, preferably against Justin Gabriel, though my senses tell me if that title even gets defended, it'll be a dark match. Actually, that might be good. If they put it up in the battle royal, it might make it even more interesting. It's mostly just random booking anyway. Anyone remember when they had Yoshi Tatsu win it?


For that matter, what's Dolph Ziggler doing for Wrestlemania?

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Well there is a difference between movie acting and actual acting.


Do you think that John Cena or say Will Smith could pull off acting in a play where they don't have the chance to do multiple takes?


No... I think Smith does ok with comedy, probably should stay away from serious roles, although he isn't "that bad" at them.


I can't see Cena doing anything but action. He isn't a "good" actor, but he's not bad.


And for the record, Hogan is a bad actor (just in case no one seen me say that the first two times, before all the... I don't even know what to call it).

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Theater's not a dead medium. Don't know where you're getting that idea.


Also, Smith's not a 'great' actor. Not by comparison to other 'great' actors. He's not Gary Oldman. He's not even Eddie Murphy. He's played his cards right and he's had some success but he's not especially talented and he's not especially memorable as an actor or a musician. He's the Miz of film. Worked hard to get where he is, but in the end he won't be more than a footnote in history.


I'm really not that of a Mark for Will Smith, he's not a great one of acting, i'll give you that much, but he is good. And truly doubt it that a guy who did several straight box office hits, like he did in his career, will only be a footnote. He's an icon of his generation, especially for the African-Americans, and altough he's not the Shawn Michaels of Acting, he's sure better then Hogan or Cena. (That comparison was made by in-ring work, but let's admit that both Cena and Hogan suck as actors. Especially Hogan.)

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Will Smith is a very good actor. He's not the best ever or anything crazy like that. But he's good.


This movie discussion crap is getting silly. Some of this stuff doesn't belong on this thread. Will Smith has made a career doing big huge movies. But he's also been excellent in several films.


We are all adults here (I hope). So let's not go with the "i'm cooler than you" garbage trying to out-film-geek each other. Just because a dude made some big huge movies doesn't mean he isn't a good actor.


Slightly more on topic, I think wrestlers are actually naturally decent actors in the right role. Steve Austin has been in some below-average movies, but he's never stunk up the joint in my opinion. He makes straight-up action movies and does well. As long as you can write that "Stone Cold" character around the guy you want him to play, he will nail it every time. This is how wrestlers work. If you can put them in the role they play well, they'll be fine every time. The only wrestler I've seen able to go beyond that is The Rock, and even his acting ability is limited at best. But he's done well with it.


But he has a long way to go before he's even in Will Smith's league as far as pure acting ability goes.

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Will Smith is a very good actor. He's not the best ever or anything crazy like that. But he's good.


This movie discussion crap is getting silly. Some of this stuff doesn't belong on this thread. Will Smith has made a career doing big huge movies. But he's also been excellent in several films.


We are all adults here (I hope). So let's not go with the "i'm cooler than you" garbage trying out-film-geek each other. Just because a dude made some big huge movies doesn't mean he isn't a good actor.


Slightly more on topic, I think wrestlers are actually naturally decent actors in the right role. Steve Austin has been in some below-average movies, but he's never stunk up the joint in my opinion. He makes straight-up action movies and does well. As long as you can write that "Stone Cold" character around the guy you want him to play, he will nail it every time. This is how wrestlers work. If you can put them in the role they play well, they'll be fine every time. The only wrestler I've seen able to go beyond that is The Rock, and even his acting ability is limited at best. But he's done well with it.


But he has a long way to go before he's even in Will Smith's league as far as pure acting ability goes.


Yeah, this. The whole post. And Randy Orton has always been underrated. The guy acts big time. I remember how he carried his feud with Taker, almost alone, back in 05.

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We are all adults here (I hope). So let's not go with the "i'm cooler than you" garbage trying to out-film-geek each other. Just because a dude made some big huge movies doesn't mean he isn't a good actor.


Well I am not sure where you are getting the impression that I was trying to act cooler than others. I was simply saying that in my opinion Will Smith is not an actor he is a movie star/rapper. Never once was it meant to be taken any other way.


I was speaking in regards to wrestlers who are in film, so while slighlty off topic, it is still on topic because Cena, Rock, and HHH have all "acted" in films. My whole point in bringing Will Smith into the conversation was that I was saying he along with Cena, et al are not actual actors in the sense that in my opinion they could not act in the theater, which is much harder to do than working in film.


It was when another poster came in and said I was wrong that I responded. This did not devolve into a conversation where one person said they were cooler than someone else because of differing opinions. Nobody trolled anyone in this conversation, so I am not sure where the whole we are all adults line came from.


Getting back on a topic that belongs in this thread. I am of two minds when it comes to the discord in the WWE locker room over the Rock's return.


I can understand why people who have been working their tails off year round for the company are pissed off over him coming back and being put into the main event.


However, with him being on the PPV that will probably mean the event will have a bigger buyrate. Granted the event sells itself with or without the Rock, but it will probably bring in casual fans or fans who no longer watch the WWE. I know people who are going to watch it just because the Rock is back on the card. This means that these workers that are complaining about him being back are going to be able to perform in front of a larger audience.

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I honestly think that "people upset about Rock being put in the Main Event" is just part of their storylines/characters. I can't see anyone (including Punk or Cena) actually not liking the idea of having The Rock around.


*steps out of normal wrestling talk mode* What is it now, about half the roster that actually worked with The Rock in the past. The newer folks, I think I've seen stories from just about every one of them talking about how The Rock has influenced them in some way. They have to feel great about him being there at all, no matter in what capacity. Just to be able to rub shoulder's with "the Great One" would be a thrill I would think. John Cena as well, probably feels extremely lucky to be the guy to get to fued with him. It's the equivalent of Aretha Franklin coming to a Rihanna, Beyonce, or Alicia Keys concert to perform with them.. either would be in tears of joy. The fact that The Rock is still young enough and popular enough to headline is nothing more then a huge pluss (makes it even better).


The guy is golden, I never seen or heard of him ever doing anything but help others, outside of the Booker T debate, in which I seriously doubt Booker is upset about at all (just someone else making a big deal out of nothing).


*Back to normal wrestling talk*


I think Cena's took too long to get things moving for him in this feud. He should have started probably a month earlier, unless it's all part of the greater storyline (with Rock being booked to do more match's).

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I missed the show, except that last bit, from when The Rock come out.


Awkward... Cena comes out and I don't think Rock ever really recovered the steam he had before (if it was steam).


Still say that Cena took too long for this stuff. Should have been going full throttle before now, and I have a feeling he's just warming up now, way too late in the game.


Edit: My favorite part... "Oh, by all means, carry on your trending"

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I missed the show, except that last bit, from when The Rock come out.


Awkward... Cena comes out and I don't think Rock ever really recovered the steam he had before (if it was steam).


Still say that Cena took too long for this stuff. Should have been going full throttle before now, and I have a feeling he's just warming up now, way too late in the game.


Edit: My favorite part... "Oh, by all means, carry on your trending"


My favorite part was about not finding Cenas balls in his camo shorts. I laughed so hard.

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typical rock before cena comes out.....catch phrases....talks about stuff trending.....non pg insults *i like that*.....but then cena comes out and with only a few minutes destroyes the rock......Look at the rock after....he is stumbling over his words.....he is almost speachless for a few moments. This is the cena i want to see.....from the heart.
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That's the Cena you wanna see? Jostling down the ring with a cheerful smile for the umpteenth time? I'm with DJ on this one, I don't just wanna see the tension when they're face to face, I wants it to be fierce you can cut it with a knife. But again Cena does that thing where he acts like the insults don't phase him and he can laugh it off... we've seen it all before, should be crunch time by now. The rest was good, it's just, ergh. It doesn't hurt to react, John.
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