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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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WM 28


High Point: Chris Jericho screaming for Punk to hit him with a chair.




Low Point: Metallica playing over the lowering of the cage.


The crowd is hot and you have probably the most promient moment of the entire show at that point as two icons stare each other down only to have the moment drowned out by a poorly cued Metallica cut. I mean Cole and Lawler had enough sense to stay quiet and just let the moment happen, but them some AV guy just had to "juice" things up. I mean let's imagine for a second it's Wrestlemania III, Andre and Hogan are staring each other down and then Vince cues "Born in the USA" by Springsteen.


Alright...yeah that would have been pretty solid actually...ignore this post.

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Someone told me something along the lines of "here comes the pain b***h" on Facebook mere seconds before(as Cena called out Rock) and I started to have goosebumps... can't believe it actually happened. lol.


Picture-perfect moment.


What the heck is an MMA guy doing in wrestling. This is silly... What are they going to sign now, an ex football player, or a bodybuilder? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have an Action Movie star headline Wrestlemania next year with all this crap.


Food for thought, Lesnar's pro wrestling career has been slightly longer than his MMA one. Or they're pretty much about equal, depends on how you view him holding the IWPG physical belt.

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On more than 1 occasion your wife has said or something that you posted about. Every time I read about your wife when you post it is something hilarious.


I'm glad you thought so. Sometimes she is just the perfect example of things we talk about here and I can't help but share it.. I know it's not as funny typed out as it is with me sitting here by her, but I really hope that the picture can at least be imagined.

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I almost didn't watch Raw tonight, but I was interested enough in the post-Mania fallout that I caved. Damn, I'm glad I did! That "match" at Wrestlemania somehow turned Bryan into a bigger star, at least with this crowd. Love that Cena acknowledged it, after two hours' worth of Cole and Lawler basically pretending it wasn't happening.


And of course...LESNAR. Aside from the D-Bryan love, I think my favorite part of the show was when Brock kicked Cena's hat after hitting the F-5. :D

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John Laurinatis telling Punk there's some natural disasters on the horizon for him.


F5 = cyclone/tornado


Lesnar vs. Punk in the future?



bah, I wish lampshading was this smooth. :o


Doesn't Tensai mean natural disaster?


Also, I feel alone. I never got into Lesnar, so him coming back doesn't do anything for me. His personality outside of the ring/octagon/whatever has always come across like he's a prick so that has always made it even harder for me to care about him.


I used to say this back in his original run and I'll say it again now even though it's corny, "here comes the lame" :p

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According to multiple sources, WWE has signed a one year deal with Brock Lesnar that will see the former UFC and WWE champion work for the company through Wrestlemania 29 in New Jersey.


Sources speaking to PWInsider.com state that Lesnar has signed for a minimum two appearances a month over the next year, plus an additional number of appearances during the build to the Mania PPV and obviously, Mania 29 itself.


The belief is that Lesnar will make in the area of 30-35 appearances over the next year, although WWE would have the ability to negotiate additional appearances with him above and beyond that - if Lesnar is willing to make them.




Very interesting.

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Sheamus v Bryan - What? What? What? Ballsy decision to have Sheamus win in no time at all. If anything it's what the fued really needed to kick it up a notch. The Extreme Rules rematch could be brutal if scripted right.


Kane v Orton - Okay match with a good finish. Would have been better No Holds Barred though so they could get out of the ring. Glad Kane won.


Rhodes v Show - Decent match. I had a feeling Show would win. His emotional reaction sold the moment.


Divas - Watchable match like last year's. Couple of good moves by Kelly and Maria looked hot.


HHH v Taker - JR! After being blah about the build-up, I got excited during the entrances. Instructions from the Board: "Do whatever you want in the match just don't kill each other!" Fracking brutal. Classic kitchen sink match and a fitting tribute to the attitude era. Absolutely loved it!


Team Johnny v Team Teddy - Fun filler match. Surprised it wasn't elimination rules. Not surprised Team Johnny won.


Jericho v Punk - Interesting stipulation, good storytelling. "Tap out you son of a b***h!" Great match. Had Jericho down for the win even though Punk is

my favourite wrestler. Hope the feud is far from over.


Rock v Cena - MGK riled up the crowd and Cena went green. Crowd was nuts for this match as expected. "Fruity pebble! Tooth fairy!" Smart game plan from Cena trying to break Rock's core strength with Rock selling the pain like a pro. Rock looked like he'd never been out of the ring. Made sense going forward for Rock to win. Jericho v Punk was probably better but this one had that special feel to it like Punk v Cena at MITB.



Outdoors Wrestlemania with a massive crowd = awesome. Bryan, Rhodes and Taker all had cool costumes. The order of the card was good. Undercard was decent enough and the 3 main events delivered. Can't believe I'm saying it but HHH v Taker was my favourite match. Best Wrestlemania since I started watching WWE in 2009.

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I don't disagree with Bryan Daniel becoming champ again, I do however think the belt doesn't really mean much these days anyway. You've only got to see how many times someone has been a "World Champ" these days to realise the belts don't mean as much as they used to. I wasn't happy with the 18 second "match" because when the divas match (which was god awful - can Kelly Kelly do one move without screaming like a porn star with an unmentionable up her unmentionable?) and the Funkasaurus got more time than Daniel Bryan and Sheamus I just kinda realised winning the Royal Rumble and winning titles in WWE are just "giimmicks and have no prestige whatsoever.


How many months has Punk been champion in the last 12 months? Things are changing but don't expect year-long reigns that casual fans that find boring.


And in all fairness to Kelly, she pulled off 2 really good moves. Blame WWE for making the division a farce when they actually have a few divas capable of actually wrestling.

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