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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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It's a great plan between Dixie and Jeff if you think about it, Jeff "leaves" TNA starts GFW the buys TNA.


This way GFW can become TNA without all the negative brand issues and also bring in new international talents. Lets be honest if TNA was any other company they would be riding high with the current product they have put out over the last year plus, but they always get crapped on because it's TNA.


GFW is TNA re branded because Dixie knows if she changes the name it won't matter and Jeff would have a better chance at success. Jeff gets all the TNA Naming rights for future DVD's, One Night Only PPVs, and whatever else, he also gets the complete TNA Video Archives, and maybe oversea TV deals (I don't really know how that works do TV deals go to the buying company?)

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If you're just buying TNA then yes but you can't buy TNA, shelve it, re name it, call your television name something different and feature a different product and keep the television deal.


So Jeff would not keep the TV deal if he wanted to put GFW TV in place of Impact but if he wanted to just buy TNA then he would get to continue airing TNA iMpact unless of course there is something in the contract that states specifically that this can't happen.

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I would agree on everything except the last sentence. The tape library is extremely valuable for Jeff Jarrett.


Why is the TNA tape library valuable? Nobody is buying TNA DVD's the way it is. Its barely valuable to Vince. Nobody buys DVD's anymore. Its a big reason why the WWE Network was launched. People don't buy media anymore. Now days you stream your music, you stream your video, ala Pandora, Spotify, Netlfix, Hulu, etc.


Which then you could say "well great he can stream the library". Who is going to pay any amount of money to watch the TNA library? Not to mention the extreme cost in setting these services up and then the tech issues of having them run smoothly. Oh and the cost of digitizing everything and uploading it to the server. People that know AJ Styles, Joe, Daniels, etc these people are aware of ROH and are also aware of the fact that the work they did there is way better and more consistent so if they're going to purchase a DVD it would be from them.


So yeah I really don't see any value in the TNA tape library, hell they don't even make money off of their own library I can't imagine somebody else buying it, doing everything I just detailed and then somehow breaking even in any sort of realistic time period.

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Stennick, three reasons.


1) TNA is/has been, with ROH, the only consistent ad popular wrestling alternative to WWE, after the WCW purchase. While in USA as always been below WWE, in other countries around the world TNA is/has been the first popular promotion or very close to top spot.


2) Jaysin anticipated me, TNA launched a online service before the WWE Network. It's easier if you have a smaller library but they already did it. It was the TNA Vault and started, I think, in 2009/2010, when they switched to HD.


3) A little off topic. If you talk about DVD, this is still a big market, considering how the internet connections are not that evoluted globally and a lot of wrestling fans are collectors and wants to own a part of the library.


Personally I started to watch TNA in 2004, especially because of the X division, the real alternative to what was WWE wrestling at that time. Even with an easier choice to watch WWE on SKY offering PPVs and weekly TV shows.

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The library argument is completely invalid, in my opinion. The WWE purchased libraries for decades and did nothing with them until recently. They only delve into them for content for their DVD's. So the library becomes extra content for future work. Doing a documentary on Samoa Joe? Well you're gonna want the TNA library since he spent a vast majority of his time there. Without the library all you have is someone sitting in a room talking for an hour with no visual representation. The value isn't always what they can make on selling the content, but what they can use it for to enhance future original content.
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So Slammiversary is tonight and it's basically a card of "who cares, this show doesn't matter." since Storm, Magnus, and Aries are all done with the company. I'll most likely watch it anyway since on paper the matches should be good, but storylines are pretty much thrown out the window. It'd be hilarious if Storm and Magnus just brawl out into the city and disappear and they never explain what happened to them.


King of the Mountain Match

Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young vs. Drew Galloway


Handicap Match

Awesome Kong and Brooke Tessmacher vs. Jade, Marti and Taryn Terrell


Unsanctioned Match

James Storm vs. Magnus


Winner Chooses Stipulation for Impact Tag Title Match

Austin Aries vs. Davey Richards


Ethan Carter III and Tyrus vs. Bobby Lashley and Mr. Anderson


Robbie E vs. Jessie Godderz


Matt Morgan vs. Bram

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Storm isn't done he'll just be able to do other shows in between impact tapings now same with Magnus. TNA is changing it to where they are basically doing contracts by TV tapings now kinda like Japan companies do touring contracts
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There's the article, I think it's a better way for business for TNA and it could also lead to good surprises if contracts are done by TV Tapings

Yes, but what Jaysin said was right; they COULD be used for television taping's, but there's no guarantee. I mean Austin Aries will likely return to Ring of Honor because it's where he made his name, and I totally wouldn't be surprised to see Magnus picked up by the 'E as he's only 28 and could still offer them something. I don't see them picking up James Storm though because at around 40 years old, he's probably too old to restart his career. To be honest, I think it's a horrible way of doing business because if someone makes a promise that they'll show up to do a television taping and then gets a better deal somewhere else (it doesn't even have to be WWE, because I can imagine a couple of independent promotions offering good money) it can throw storylines/future plans right out the window. I know it's how a lot of independent wrestling shows do business but they don't rely on storylines and television exposure like TNA do. Yes, it's probably going to stop them bleeding money like they've done in recent months, and in that regard it's a good business move but I don't think it's a good professional wrestling move at all. They just don't have the product to work on non-contracts.


EDIT: Jaysin replied while I was typing, I didn't mean to repeat what he said for a third time. xD

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All of this to me just seems like TNA embracing their eventual demise and letting their talent prepare as well.


TNA runs no house shows and tapes 2-3 months of TV at a time, that is a long time to go without these guys working shows. Once TNA has no more TV they have zero incentive to keep going since they already run no domestic house shows. It's only right to restructure contracts to let guys work elsewhere in the time where they are between TV tapings because at this point TNA is little more than a televised indy company.

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That is the same article I read. It says they could come back for TV tapings, not that they will.


As a short term business model, it could do wonders for them though financially.


I agree I wasn't saying you were wrong I was putting it out there for anyone who didn't see it.

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if Aries isn't picked up by WWE, I'm amazed. Easily the most talented of those who left.


I could see Magnus and Aries getting a shot, not so much James Storm, never saw him as anything more than a midcard guy.


Havok and Kong would be cool in WWE, but I doubt they come around considering the T&A concept of their diva division that they will NEVER get out of, not that I'm complaining, most women "wrestlers" can't do anything.


Low Ki has likely blown his only shot in WWE which is a shame, and Sam Shaw is still kinda unknown so idk about him. TNA is surely done now. I cant see them recovering with so few stars.

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They also tweeted essentially the same message minutes apart from each other complete with a terrible pun in both tweets. Lagana has already been outed as running many of the TNA twitter accounts to post things




as for who gets picked up, I really see no reason for them to go after any of the women in TNA honestly. The Havok situation already arose and Kong should just retire. Maybe Terrell but they haven't really signed people back who left and went to TNA first. EC3 and Magnus on the male side seem like obvious picks though.

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They also tweeted essentially the same message minutes apart from each other complete with a terrible pun in both tweets. Lagana has already been outed as running many of the TNA twitter accounts to post things




as for who gets picked up, I really see no reason for them to go after any of the women in TNA honestly. The Havok situation already arose and Kong should just retire. Maybe Terrell but they haven't really signed people back who left and went to TNA first. EC3 and Magnus on the male side seem like obvious picks though.


what is said "Havok" situation?


and agreed on EC3, forgot about him, but I have to ask, why no Aries?

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yeah guess I didn't realize how old he was. I'd still take him over most of the WWE midcard though


Yeah but he'd have to go straight to the main roster (which never happens now) because a year or two in NXT would in no way benefit his career

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Yeah but he'd have to go straight to the main roster (which never happens now) because a year or two in NXT would in no way benefit his career

To be fair a lot of the big guns in NXT don't need to be there, KO, Samoa Joe, Balor, Itama. They've all proven elsewhere theyre great. Even if he's just thrown in NXT, hes a good fit. Help out the rookies on a big stage where he could still get over. Gotta remember hes been working TNA so its a more imited schedule. He may be 37, but Cena is 38 working twice as much, and he isn't slowing down necessarily. I think he deserves it and could still put on some great work

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(I don't really know how that works do TV deals go to the buying company?)


No. Ask WCW. Moreover, since 'professional wrestling' is essentially on the DNA list of every major company who might be interested in reaching the demographics those promotions attract, there's really no burning desire for broadcasters to even consider it.


Why is the TNA tape library valuable? Nobody is buying TNA DVD's the way it is. Its barely valuable to Vince. Nobody buys DVD's anymore. Its a big reason why the WWE Network was launched. People don't buy media anymore. Now days you stream your music, you stream your video, ala Pandora, Spotify, Netlfix, Hulu, etc.


Stennick, you're assuming that the only market that matters is the US market. I guess it's a safe/obvious assumption but even in the great ol' US of A, not everyone has access to reliable broadband. Try streaming via dialup or satellite internet. There are many places in the so-called "developed world" that haven't caught up in this area. I'm not saying the TNA Vault is Apple-valuable but if USWA and AWA were worth more than a cup of coffee, TNA's library should be too. (It's extremely costly trying to digitize stuff from the 70s and even 80s in some cases).


if Aries isn't picked up by WWE, I'm amazed. Easily the most talented of those who left.


I could see Magnus and Aries getting a shot, not so much James Storm, never saw him as anything more than a midcard guy.


Havok and Kong would be cool in WWE, but I doubt they come around considering the T&A concept of their diva division that they will NEVER get out of, not that I'm complaining, most women "wrestlers" can't do anything.


Low Ki has likely blown his only shot in WWE which is a shame, and Sam Shaw is still kinda unknown so idk about him. TNA is surely done now. I cant see them recovering with so few stars.


Remember, Kong has already been in WWE and that didn't exactly end well. Taryn might fit the current Divas division (she has the look and the skill level) but I don't think she can handle the workload. Doesn't she have at least one small child?


That's going to be a sticking point for a lot of these folks. Magnus has the advantage of having someone who can tell him personally what it's like. I don't think it would be worth it to either him or Aries when they can easily make more money (at least initially) on the indies than they're likely to make in NXT. Being on the road for 300+ days a year is a big deal to most people, especially if they have kids. And I don't think WWE signs people straight to the main roster in the Levesque era.


Shame though. While I'm not too sure about Magnus (who would be extremely dependent on push/character), Aries is multifaceted and could do it all. Then again, given how colossally they failed with Colt Cabana and Chris Hero of all people, maybe being versatile is a weakness, not a strength.

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So I checked earlier because I noted that Angle was not in the KOTM match and was wondering what they were fighting for and I see that there is now going to be a KOTM title belt.


So I was curious if, may just maybe......(I checked back and...)... yes it is Booker T's Legends, eh Global, um, I mean Television title belt, but it's on a black strap now instead of the red one.


Speaking of the Legend's Title, it had me thinking...... I'm not sure if this would be marketable at all or not given how old most of these guys are, but I think it'd be interesting if WWE had a Legends title, or something similar, but only HOF members could compete and it's defended 1/qtr or something like that. Gives a reason for them to return for nostalgia. Heck we could have Sting, Hogan, Flair triple threat.


Also, with the talk of the tape library.... if Vince bought TNA's library, I'd be curious to see if he rethinks burying the talent like he did most of WCW. People would be more likely to watch it if people like Aries and Roode got over in WWE. I wondering if TNA's difficulties have any tie in's to WWE bringing in Joe and apparently now talking to AJ.

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Speaking of the Legend's Title, it had me thinking...... I'm not sure if this would be marketable at all or not given how old most of these guys are, but I think it'd be interesting if WWE had a Legends title, or something similar, but only HOF members could compete and it's defended 1/qtr or something like that. Gives a reason for them to return for nostalgia. Heck we could have Sting, Hogan, Flair triple threat.


Also, with the talk of the tape library.... if Vince bought TNA's library, I'd be curious to see if he rethinks burying the talent like he did most of WCW. People would be more likely to watch it if people like Aries and Roode got over in WWE. I wondering if TNA's difficulties have any tie in's to WWE bringing in Joe and apparently now talking to AJ.


First, no. Just....no. Four "Legends" matches a year probably wouldn't work because, in the general scheme of things, nostalgia isn't that much of a draw. Besides, they'd be taking away from the time available to current workers. When Divas matches are over faster than you can update your status on Facebook (which is still way too long if the Bellas are involved IMO), where is the 10 minutes you'd need for these guys to work a slow paced match where they can get in all of their signature moves in a way that halfway makes sense? Most of those guys are barely mobile as it is! The most likely place for something like that would be Wrestlemania but again, where do you find the time?


Secondly, I really hope the 'WWE talking to AJ' thing is BS. Given their recent results, I'd hate to put AJ in the hands of WWE's writing staff. Plus, I think the schedule would kill him physically. Even dumbing his moveset down to WWE's level wouldn't help very much (ask Daniel Bryan). Plus, most of WWE's fanbase isn't aware of how they've co-opted several of his signature moves over the years so (for example) they'd associate the Styles Clash with Michelle McCool. But it's mainly the schedule, which really can't be underestimated. For those people who wrestle, imagine doing that 200+ days a year (minimum), in addition to your normal workouts and traveling constantly. And God help you if you get hurt or banged up. Just like "real" sports, the more that happens, the less confidence "the team" has in you. Daniel Bryan's neck didn't all of a sudden give out, after all. Then again, I couldn't blame him for chasing the paycheck.

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