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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Havent watched TNA since around 2009/2010 era, is it worth checking out again or is TNA still terrible? I've heard Matt Hardy and Brodus Clay are main eventers, that does not sound appealing to be honest


It is somehow even worse.

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I keep being told how good TNA currently is. I've been trying to watch it since the switch to POP, but I pretty much skip most of it, one of the weeks it took me about 2 mins to go through the whole show. Which is a shame, I have tried to stick with it, but everything is a slog. I feel everything is too fast with the show, slow the stories down a bit, not every week needs to be a title match etc.
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Ah yes, because it's ever so funny when a ton of people can potentially lose their job.


The fact that TNA have bamboozled their way into potentially handing over ownership to Hitler fan-boys after rejecting multiple take-over bids is funny. If you can't see the humour in that, I don't know what to tell you man.

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Am I the only one who feels the TNA matches are not good? Given I can only recall one and that was Jeff Hardy vs Drew Galloway for the title on a regular TV show. A 10 minute match that had i believe 3 false finisher finishes... Turned me off big time. The 6 sides is also very ugly.



I actually prefer the WWE matches how they are done

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Anybody remember back in the Russo era when there would be random street fights, ladder matches, etc. on free tv like every single week? I remember heels used to distract the referee during steel cage matches so they could cheat without getting caught, so stupid. I'm pretty sure I saw people get DQ'd in a cage matches and street fights before. One of the last matches I saw was Tara lose her title after winning some Feast or Fired like match. There was like 4 different prizes for each winner of an 8 woman tag. One was the title, one was a spider, one was being forced to strip at the end of the show, forget the other prize. Tara got the spider, so lost her title to Angelina Love after she won f*cking won a match because she opened the wrong briefcase! Swerved bro
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Anybody remember back in the Russo era when there would be random street fights, ladder matches, etc. on free tv like every single week? I remember heels used to distract the referee during steel cage matches so they could cheat without getting caught, so stupid. I'm pretty sure I saw people get DQ'd in a cage matches and street fights before. One of the last matches I saw was Tara lose her title after winning some Feast or Fired like match. There was like 4 different prizes for each winner of an 8 woman tag. One was the title, one was a spider, one was being forced to strip at the end of the show, forget the other prize. Tara got the spider, so lost her title to Angelina Love after she won f*cking won a match because she opened the wrong briefcase! Swerved bro


Do you mean the Knockouts Lock Box Challenge? Good Times! Although to be fair Daffney's "striptease" after the match was great. Such a shame, TNA had an amazingly talented roster for several years, wasted them on silly stipulations and over the top storylines...then they spent all their money on Hogan and "The Bisch" and (almost) everyone good either got old or left.

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Am I the only one who feels the TNA matches are not good? Given I can only recall one and that was Jeff Hardy vs Drew Galloway for the title on a regular TV show. A 10 minute match that had i believe 3 false finisher finishes... Turned me off big time. The 6 sides is also very ugly.



I actually prefer the WWE matches how they are done


I'm with you on this. Compared to the matches in LU, which are their number one challenger now, TNA matches feel tame and predictable.


Best thing TNA could do is to go back to an hour long show.


They just don't have the talent, production or writers to make a two hour long show worth it. Would also make the matches a bit faster paced which would be a decidedly good thing.

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First off a match ending in pinball would be awesome! Secondly I'm sure she got autocorrected, cuz pinfall is always getting marked as a misspelled word for, me and just didn't notice it.


If you're a representative of a professional organization, you should be checking and double checking things before you post it.

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