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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Not even 15 minutes since Jeff Hardy surprisingly appeared before we're told Hogan is 'not alone' and Ric Flair turns up - there's too much going on, and not in a good way...


EDIT: Oh yeah, and Bobby Lashley is in TNA - I'd actually completely forgotten...


Part of what I was afraid of. Just posted this on another forum, but TNA is throwing everything out there at once and hoping. That's not a real sound plan. Does it really matter if you draw in a million new viewers this week if you manage to lose them again in 2 weeks? Allow somethings to play out over time. I realize that tonight is the special, live, head-to-head with Raw... but having some patience seems like it would've been smart...

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Who cares if they are bringing in Old stars.. they need the star power and WCW was great.. the MAIN REASON they went out of business is because Ted didn't want to be affiliated with a wrestling program anymore. They had a great product that was actually beating WWE back in the day.


TNA is doing a great job so far.. and Lashley leaving no big loss. He didn't do anything in TNA really anyway.

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well.......the butifull people might have just gotten even better. If that is how they are going to be going with them then i will be watching alot more lol. They need to be edgy......what wwe use to be.


Agreed. I want TNA to be a stop for those looking for a more adult-based form of programming.

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This all sounds amazing tbh. I value character well over ring work. Self, how are you watching this live?


Googling streams. I assume it's not illegal if it's being shown on free TV.


EDIT: Um... who's the TNA Champ btw? I haven't been paying attention for a while.

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Part of what I was afraid of. Just posted this on another forum, but TNA is throwing everything out there at once and hoping. That's not a real sound plan. Does it really matter if you draw in a million new viewers this week if you manage to lose them again in 2 weeks? Allow somethings to play out over time. I realize that tonight is the special, live, head-to-head with Raw... but having some patience seems like it would've been smart...


Honestly...I'm going to disagree with you. And in the "less is more" sentiment in general.


You're right that the follow up will be crucial.


But this is TNA's night to go balls to the wall. Thet have to. They've hyped this for months. There will be a ton of new viewers and fans who stopped caring about wrestling years ago to try and play it cool.


They have to put EVERYTHING they have - including (hopefully) some really good matches - into this one show and then worry about storylines and driection next week when (again, hopefully) these fans come back.


Go big or go home etc.

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Who cares if they are bringing in Old stars.. they need the star power and WCW was great.. the MAIN REASON they went out of business is because Ted didn't want to be affiliated with a wrestling program anymore. They had a great product that was actually beating WWE back in the day.



Yeah, this is incredibly wrong and totally off-base. It's not even factually in the realm of reality.


Don't have time to get into it now.

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Guest cmdrsam
I have to agree. They have to pull out everything they can. They are gonna lose veiwers next week no matter what happens. But if they dont drop the ball again they should retain a few of the new veiwers.
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Who cares if they are bringing in Old stars.. they need the star power and WCW was great.. the MAIN REASON they went out of business is because Ted didn't want to be affiliated with a wrestling program anymore. They had a great product that was actually beating WWE back in the day.


TNA is doing a great job so far.. and Lashley leaving no big loss. He didn't do anything in TNA really anyway.


But why bring in guys who are 10 years past being good and relevant? Why not focus on the star power you have - guys like Joe, Hernandez, and Morgan could be a focus, rather than Hall and X-Pac. I'm sorry, but this starts to feel like they are throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks.

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I don't mind them bringing in Hogan, Flair etc in the first hour. Its not like its been all these guys cutting promos. A few quick shots of Hogan's car, a cutaway of Flair, Pac and Hall, Foley its not like their dominating the program their just featured so far its a slow build and I don't mind that part of it. So far the biggest cluster for me was the beggining and maybe Lashley. I mean with all these guys in there and Lashley clearing not wanting to wrestle if MMA works out (which is has so far). I'd cut my losses with the guy. This is the trouble WCW got into. They'd hire anybody from WWF/E with ANY name value. Lashley has no charisma, no specialness to him. I got why they brought him in but even at that it was too late. Bring these guys in when their hot off the WWE, do what you can with them. Don't wait six months and then try and do something with them. Wrestling fans have short enough attention spans.
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So far TNA sucks. Why blow Flair and Jeff already?


Jeff's debut was very lame imo.


The strip poker segment sucked.


A non-finish in a cage match? WTF?


Failboat has arrived at the Impact center.


well i know WHY they are doing it....trying to pull out all the stops during the unopposed hour....

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Part of what I was afraid of. Just posted this on another forum, but TNA is throwing everything out there at once and hoping. That's not a real sound plan. Does it really matter if you draw in a million new viewers this week if you manage to lose them again in 2 weeks? Allow somethings to play out over time. I realize that tonight is the special, live, head-to-head with Raw... but having some patience seems like it would've been smart...


I like the idea of generating interest NOW. The build is good and all but they're not Live often. Obviously they need the practice.


Honestly, I love this. I miss train-wreck TV. One of my biggest issues with WWE is everything is too easy to predict. How much you wanna bet Hardy hasn't even signed a contract and/or never wrestles for TNA?


Who cares if they are bringing in Old stars.. they need the star power and WCW was great.. the MAIN REASON they went out of business is because Ted didn't want to be affiliated with a wrestling program anymore. They had a great product that was actually beating WWE back in the day.


TNA is doing a great job so far.. and Lashley leaving no big loss. He didn't do anything in TNA really anyway.


It had a lot more to do with the disastrous AOL/Time Warner Merger than the personal preference of Ted Turner. But even then they were bleeding tons of cash, had lost ratings, and were paying a bunch of guys to stay at home.


Also why would you automatically assume Lashley is gone? He said he was asking for his release, and did it on TV.

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Guest cmdrsam
Why did they show Flair and HArdy this quick? They have one hour to impress people before Raw comes on. How many are switching, how many are staying?
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