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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Who all watched Impact last night and what did you think? This is the first time I have watched a full episode of impact since Angle was going through the divorce bit and booker t had an accent from some unknown country (watched last weeks too)


Honestly it was a bit of a lit down from last week. There weren't many matches which was dissapointed and I HATE this 8 card stud tournament you have to win a match to get into UH HELLO! It is just a 16 man tournament! Come on! They should have atleast had some triple threats or battle royals to get into the tournament. And I don't remember but was Anderson vs Jarrett even a match to get into the tournament?


Also, I know theyre pushing Hogan but I got really sick of him by the end of the show, he is in just about every segment and his crappy knock off nWo house music is really annoying.


Bobby Lashley= waste. Is even a draw? Especially considering the whole MMA thing, the good thing about it is they get publicity when he fights but if he ever becomes a serious MMA competitor (say he ends up beating Fedor for the HW title) Strikeforce probably wont let him do TNA anymore


And after all these years how is it Styles still seems out of place when he's in angles?


And what is with Raven and Rhyno? they are still on the roster but i didnt see them even when I watched a long time ago


Now time to throw in some positives, I like Wolfe, like his intensity and his character since its not too gimmicky. Also liked the way the X-Division title changed hands eventhough its like Money in the Bank match, but i think its a good way for heels to win since it doesnt take away from the champ.

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So let me get this straight:


Flair and AJ conspired to "screw" Angle...


Angle though Hogan was involved so he spits on Hulk.


Next week, we find out that it was Hebner paid off by Flair..so Hebner gets fired...but there's no real punishment for AJ


And Kurt is happy because at least he knows Hogan wasn't involved, so he's not going to demand a rematch, he's just gonna jump into the tourney thing.


And oh btw we have yet to really build Joe/AJ which is our main event at the next PPV


I know this is nitpicking, and wrestling doesn't have to be logical to be good, but why would you run a screwjob angle that seems to throw everything into complete chaos and then follow up with....nothing? No one even seems that bothered it happened?

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Oh and Lashley....



Bobby as a legitimate athlete face was ok. Nothing terrible but not at all exceptional.


Bobby as a heel who think he's "too good" for wrestling was interesting, if a little misguided because his wife had to cut all his promos.


Plus, he got bitched out by Abyss which is not good for a heel type.


So then...two weeks later..he apologizes and says he loves the fans..so he's a face again...but now Eric fires him ...so am I supposed to want him back?


wtf is goingon in that storyline?

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Totally agree with you on your first post but didnt say anything since I figured the generaly response would be "dont think too much its wrestling" even though it makes absolutley no sense. Also don't understand Abyss at ALL, why is he so afraid of getting fired? Just black hole slam Bischoff and get it over with, all of a sudden he went from being a monster to a borderline feminine retard?
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Bubba is Hogan's boy and even gave deposition in Hogan's favor during his divorce procedings. Plus he has Hogan on his radio show like once per week. Guess Hogan felt like he owed him.




Worth a read. It's Hogan and Eric's latest appearance on Bubba's show. They all come off as d-bags, but you do get to see some of the thought process.

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Yeah...I think all the publicity is kicking in.


Even when the shows are just ok, they are getting better and better ratings. Net fans are throwing up all over Hogan and Eric, but what they're doing is translating into viewers.


Not surprising. I mean, it's not like you need steak to attract pigeons.

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I considered posting that as well but just couldnt wrap my head around the words i read...


"EB says he never crapped on Jericho, likes him, but doesn't think he can headline."


It makes my head hurt. It really does...


Eric's least likable character trait is his inability to admit mistakes. His book is page after page of excuses for why WCW failed, nothing having to do with hi creative decisions or the way they ran the nWo into the ground...he says something similar in the interview


"oh why did we lose to the Rock and the WWF? because Turner made us be more family friendly, not because or shows were crap or anything..."

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I considered posting that as well but just couldnt wrap my head around the words i read...


"EB says he never crapped on Jericho, likes him, but doesn't think he can headline."


It makes my head hurt. It really does...


Jericho responded to Eric


He wrote on his Twitter "Bischoffs right I can't headline in TNA...Cos im not in my 50's"

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Yep. They actually lose money when they go on the road for ppvs. This seems like something they might actually HAVE learned from WCW. Don't throw money away where you don't need to.


I agree they make next to nothing on the road.


When they came up here two years ago to do Joe vs. Angle in Lowell, MA (Lockdown). it was their biggest show at the time attendance wise. And there was maybe like three thousand people there tops, in fact a good portion of the arena was empty. So they must have lost money that night.

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Tna is a regional promotion with a great tv slot. Pure and simple. That is not a bad thing but to be honest they are a south eastern company. They go out of florida.....heck even out of orlando and they will bomb. I would love to see how they do in an arena in orlando that people would have to pay to get into. Just to see how they would do. I am a tna fan, big time but i am also realistic that they need to stay put.
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Tna is a regional promotion with a great tv slot. Pure and simple. That is not a bad thing but to be honest they are a south eastern company. They go out of florida.....heck even out of orlando and they will bomb. I would love to see how they do in an arena in orlando that people would have to pay to get into. Just to see how they would do. I am a tna fan, big time but i am also realistic that they need to stay put.


I went to the St Louis Lockdown in 2007. I was never a fan of TNA but the tickets were only $18 so I figured hell I couldn't pass that up. They had about 3800 people in a 5-6000 arena so it was fairly close to being sold out. I was about 10 rows back which was pretty cool. Overall an excellent time. I think if they do venture out they should never go above 5000 seat arena's because I just don't seem them selling them out.

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How is less than 2 thirds 'close to being sold out'?


Okay. So you edit his post and then criticize the point he was making with the edited math? Not saying you're wrong to question his "close to being sold out". But you could have framed your conclusion better without the number shifting

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