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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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TNA is definitely bigger than ECW. ECW barely had a national television show. The majority of their viewership came from tape trading, they didn't do much touring (any?) and it wasn't really until WOW Magazine started pimping them that they gained any national exposure with common fans after the invasion of WWF.


You're seriously suggesting that a simple wrestling magazine handed more worldwide exposure to ECW than the WWF or any of the big companies (inadvertantly in WCW's case) did ?


I'm a simple wrestling fan from the UK, WWF is dominant over here as other wrestling companies didn't (and still don't) get anywhere near the same exposure (TNA still isn't shown live for example) and yet I knew of ECW before I watched them, but that was in large part thanks to the ECW video game and familiar sounding names from the WWF invasion in the mid 90's - familiar names like Rob Van Dam and Raven (Raven who I knew of from WCW at the time). So yeah I doubt that a magazine has more exposure than a major worldwide wrestling company.


Here is something that I personally hate. Why do people chant the company's name? Can't they at least come up with a more creative chant? Just my opinion.


ECW seemed to set the trend in the early 90's, now everyone has adopted it. Everyone except for WWE's audience, credit where it's due they've never chanted their own companies name. Anyway what do you suggest everyone else chant if not company initials ? If you can think of something more appropriate then please I'm sure we're all ears. If you can't think of anything more appropriate, then I guess there's my point.

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Here is something that I personally hate. Why do people chant the company's name? Can't they at least come up with a more creative chant? Just my opinion.


Okay, setting my little "forgetting I'd heard of The Crucial Crew" bungle recently aside, here's my take on that phenomenon. If it's a one on one or tag team match, that probably shouldn't be going on. Chant the man's name or the team's as appropriate. But in a case like that Kazarian/Red/Gen Me vs Williams/Kendrick/Guns match, I have no problem with it. Chants have to be simple and compact. If the company's name is what fits that best, chant the company's name. Giving them your money to get in the door is great. But they need appreciation too. Chanting the acronym when it's too unwieldy to chant for talent is a good way to do that. It's one of the smaller things that was right in ECW and I'm glad that part of their legacy lives on.


The thing I don't get about that eight-man tag is what was Williams doing with three American partners like Kendrick and especially the Guns? I thought the British Invasion wasn't supposed to be too keen on Americans. They're playing Kendrick as a screwball loner so I guess I can see that kinda sorta. He's going to attach himself to whomever for whatever ends serve him and to heck with anything unrelated. But I especially don't get the Guns being with Williams. They aren't as solidly heel as Williams and their flamboyant personalities are classically American. I know World Elite has crumbled and all but still it struck me as an odd pairing.

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That was what I wanted to ask people's opinion on, with Kaz coming back as himself does that mean the end of Suicide? What does everybody think on that subject?


I Like Kaz being back although they could have done more with it storyline wise and actually ending Suicide. Kaz in 2008 and before he left was an upper midcarder and was getting over well and was more over then Suicide ever was or ever could get, just hope they start calling him Kaz again. They can either A) have Homicide reveal it was Kaz all along or B) have a "new" worker use the Suicide gimmick C) Double duty for Kaz.


Anderson beat down Angle by focusing on the wound and he did swing the mic on the wound to lay him out. You could barely see it though due to shoddy camera work ( ,man TNA needs to work on that,).


So far the only guy that seems to be really getting lost in the shuffle/demoted push is Daniels lets hope he goes full on heel or face soonish to get his heat back.


Very entertaining Impact Angle/storyline wise still some of the matches needed more time imho. I would have done Daniels vs Angle as the long main event and closed out with that Anderson vs Angle stuff. And yey for full on Monster Abyss being back (hopefully) and getting the ,admittingly weird, rub from Hogan.

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I liked Impact this week, more good stuff from TNA.




- Angle's promo


- Pretty much all the matches aside from Daniels being used as a jobber for no apparent reason. Is there noone else that Angle could have tapped out in short order?


- Pope on the mic.


- The Nash/Hall 'fight'. I always loved The Outsiders, so I find myself pulling for Hall and Nash whatever they do, moreso Hall for some reason. This whole thing *HAS* to be a swerve though, with Hall, Nash, Waltman and maybe even Hogan teaming up as another incarnation of the n.W.o. against the likes of Jarrett, Young, Abyss...heck, I wouldn't even be supprised to see Sting back in the rafters. My only gripe would be that none of the 'NWO' guys are great in the ring anymore, so it could work better with Nash, Hall, Waltman and a couple of younger guys going up against Hogan and TNA.


- Good to see them going somewhere with Terry and Magnus. I had the feeling that these two would be lost in the shuffle when Williams got the X-Division title, but it looks like they are going to give them the ball.


- The big tag match was a good TV bout.




- The whole Hogan/Abyss thing. Did I really just see Hogan give Abyss a ring in order to turn him back into a monster? What, so he's going to be shouting "Form of a Moster!" or summoning Captain Planet to help him out. Abyss needed to 'snap' somehow...maybe he gets locked in a room and has the crazy beaten into him by Mick Foley, maybe he gets sick of Bischoff and beats him to a pulp in his office. But a magic ring? Seriously? Plus, it went on for way too long and some of the lines were awful. Including Hogan's "I was bigger than you could ever be". It may be true, but no need to rub it in :-p


- As I said before, Daniels jobbing. Unless he's going off TV and back under the Suicide hood, I'm not interested in seeing him wasted like that. If it was being used as a long running storyline that involves him getting crazy/evil after being unable to get a win for ages, then ok...but with the way TNA has jobbed out some guys inexplicably recently, I doubt thats happening.


All in all though, a good show. Really enjoying TNA at the mo!

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Young turned face last week and Nash just turned this week after his beat down a couple of weeks ago. Joe turned face leading up to his confrontation with AJ. That is their current status


At least, that's what we're supposed to believe it is. EY and Joe I can believe are truly face now. But I'm highly suspicious of Nash's. Really all three could snap back heel real sharp and it wouldn't surprise me. But Nash is the only one I believe is really planning to.

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That's why I said current status hehe. BTW those two new video packages where cool although the women's one was a bit long in the tooth. I always said they should use those more as the guy that makes those is great.


One of my personal favs:


LAX Highlight pac.


PS anyone know the name of the song? As its not Hardcore by filthee that was their entrance song.

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Just popping in to say that I'm enjoyed the last Impact as well. The only thing I really didn't care for was Daniels jobbing to Angle, but atleast it was to Angle.


Any ideas on what they're doing with Joe getting abducted !?! though?



And I read that a student from Team 3D's wrestling school is going under the Suicide mask now.

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Jesse Neal or a new guy?


A new guy, apparently he is Japanese from I what I read.



Of course I read awhile back that TNA was getting a new young Japanese talent from New Japan (? is that who they have an agreement with) that would be coming over to learn in a TNA ring.


I read the Impact spoilers from both tapings and they used Suicide in a Xplosion or Dark match and they used a Japanese wrestler that wasn't named as well. Not sure if they are the same person or not. Although I'm sure that a talent already affiliated with a Japanese promotion wouldn't train at Team 3D's school but I could be wrong.




Also seeing the big X Division tag team match brought back good memories of WCW using there awesome cruiserweight division. I hope we continue to see atleast one X division match per Impact.

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Kiyoshi (Spell Check) is going under the mask from what I hear


Sounds like a better use of him than World Elite ever was. Kiyoshi is one of those guys who would really benefit from a rebirth in the art of managing. He's got the skills to be a real threat but it doesn't seem like he has the personality skills to be much as himself in an entertainment minded company. Perhaps the pre-established Suicide shtick will be good for him.


Oh and now that Kazarian is out from under the mask, am I the only one hoping they do a triple threat between Kazarian, Daniels, and Suicide? I don't know how they'd set it up in storyline terms. But it seems like it would be a fun in a nod to the smarks kind of way.

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Sounds like a better use of him than World Elite ever was. Kiyoshi is one of those guys who would really benefit from a rebirth in the art of managing. He's got the skills to be a real threat but it doesn't seem like he has the personality skills to be much as himself in an entertainment minded company. Perhaps the pre-established Suicide shtick will be good for him.


Oh and now that Kazarian is out from under the mask, am I the only one hoping they do a triple threat between Kazarian, Daniels, and Suicide? I don't know how they'd set it up in storyline terms. But it seems like it would be a fun in a nod to the smarks kind of way.


I would like to see that Triple Threat match myself.


Does anybody know if Kiyoshi can speak English? I don't ever remember him speaking on tv. If he can't or his English is not that good then I agree with Cappy, he is a prime canidate for a manager. Also, that is why he would make a great Suicide.

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I prefered koshi as the muta gimmick. I am a mutta mark so who knows.......I think koshi is a good wrestler but needs something more then the world elite which seams dead now by the way. I think the suicide gimmick is going to be intresting.......I guess the company will put people under it to just give them something to do. I wonder if they will ever have mutlipte people under the mask at the same time.....There is no rule that the same person has to do it all the time.
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I prefered koshi as the muta gimmick. I am a mutta mark so who knows.......I think koshi is a good wrestler but needs something more then the world elite which seams dead now by the way. I think the suicide gimmick is going to be intresting.......I guess the company will put people under it to just give them something to do. I wonder if they will ever have mutlipte people under the mask at the same time.....There is no rule that the same person has to do it all the time.




I agree with alden on Kiyoshi going back to being Muta's protege so to speak and them pushing that fact and yes they'd need a manager. Muta had one in his NWA/WCW run where he went without getting pinned for however long it was. He was awesome, I'm not sure Kiyoshi could be that, haven't seen enough of him to be sure but I would atleast like to see it tried.


And being under the Suicide Mask is indeed a great way to keep a talent that has nothing going on busy.


Oh, I like Cappy's idea about the triple threat match between Kazarian, Daniels, and whoever is Suicide now. Heck throw in Homicide since he was suppose to know who Suicide was at one point.

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Bisch has opened a facebook and is asking what you want to see on TNA feel free to chime in, you can prolly recognize my post.


Link: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=310203093797&topic=12677&start=30&hash=d66accff9ecf1f3d1bb0943017226ad4#topic_top


Bisch is still answering questions on a variety of topics and it has been confirmed to be him. Get in quick before he stops just like Russo did.

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