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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Vince fears Dixie sign in the Wrestlemania crowd tonight. That is two ppv's in a row hehe. Look for it when Bret celebrates and goes to the top right corner.

Well I guess if Vince happened to be standing directly under TNA Impact's ratings, he might fear that they're falling so fast they could kill him at any moment...


Other than that, who's the joke on? That guy paid hundreds of dollars to sit and watch Vince's product. No one pays a cent to get in to watch TNA live.

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Your opinion.


Yes and I'm right. In my opinion in your opinion, but the million dollar question is who is right in actual fact....nobody. Because it's all subjective to a large extent.


And guess what? A lot of people don't give a crap that Terminator was cancelled. Not a lick.


Tell that to the many people who were hating on the show when it was on and who now think it's the best show ever now that it's cancelled.


TNA is such a mess that I don't give a sh*t what's happening. Which = boring.


Probably not paying attention, give a crap? What's wrong with just being entertained. I'm not over analyzing and yet I enjoy the show imagine that!


Saying his stuff is "too complex" to be understood by the common fan is a masturbatory bullsh*t excuse for the fact that his writing is crap.


Never said his writing was too complex, or that his writing wasn't crap. You are putting words in my mouth. What I said was that people clearly aren't paying attention when they watch TNA and the proof is in the pudding with the unfair hate. And that is a fact.


Why would someone contribute to a prodcut they don't like?


Given the context that you said this in, I have to ask why on Earth you are posting in this TNA thread? If you don't like TNA and you don't watch and you're questioning people's contribution to something you don't like then why are you posting in the TNA thread if you don't like it? Or are you just trolling.

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Hmm. Did I have Creed on my 'To Cut' list? I wasn't a big fan in a marky sense, but he was a fun X-Division guy.


Stennick you might be there already mate, as for your comment on HHH wrestling rings (pub intended) around 90% of the TNA roster and WWE having better in ring product that is just completely false. TNA has consistently better in ring product than WWE does, or do you skip all the MCMG matches (hell even the knockouts are somewhat watchable!) and rather watch what's her name who used to have the mole on her face and who sings awfully flop around the ring or Hornswaggle take away every facade of legitimacy that the WWE had....WWE for the most part is boring outside of a handful of superstars and even fewer matches in the year. TNA on the other hand is the polar opposite.


Neither is better. In ring, they're different styles. WWE is slower, more story-driven. TNA is faster, more move-orientated. Different strokes appealing to different folks. Personally, I like a mix. I wish WWE guys would speed up. I wish TNA guys would slow down. I actually wish both would start focussing on differentiation of fighting styles.


... and MCMG ain't that great. Fun tag team, cool dudes, I like them... but in terms of selling, psychology and realism they don't impress me much. Slow down.

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Well I guess if Vince happened to be standing directly under TNA Impact's ratings, he might fear that they're falling so fast they could kill him at any moment...


Other than that, who's the joke on? That guy paid hundreds of dollars to sit and watch Vince's product. No one pays a cent to get in to watch TNA live.


Lolz. Joke is one no one. 8.000 people payed for a house show in the UK and Lockdown has already sold 4k ok this isn't the E in numbers etc but people do pay for TNA.

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Stennick you might be there already mate, as for your comment on HHH wrestling rings (pub intended) around 90% of the TNA roster and WWE having better in ring product that is just completely false. TNA has consistently better in ring product than WWE does, or do you skip all the MCMG matches (hell even the knockouts are somewhat watchable!) and rather watch what's her name who used to have the mole on her face and who sings awfully flop around the ring or Hornswaggle take away every facade of legitimacy that the WWE had....WWE for the most part is boring outside of a handful of superstars and even fewer matches in the year. TNA on the other hand is the polar opposite. As for saying you'd say you wouldn't lament TNA's absense were it to implode, it's easy to say that now and I'm sure Terminator haters would have said the same thing about that program when it was on. Yet look at them now....


March 8th

Hogan/Abyss vs. AJ/Flair

Daniels vs. Kaz vs. Williams

Sarita/Taylor Wilde vs. BP

Beer Money Inc vs. Jeff Jarett

Styles/Flair vs. Abyss Hogan


March 17th

Nasties/Jimmy Hart vs. Team 3D/Brother Runt

Angle/Wolfe vs. Dinero/Anderson (match was 3 minutes and 38 secs)

Angelina Love vs. Daffney (match was 1:19)

Hall vs. Nash

Beer Money vs. Hernandez

AJ Style vs. Jeff Hardy


So in these first two weeks tell me where are the MCMG matches? Where are the X Division matches? I count MAYBE two decent matches in the first two weeks of Impact. So yeah I'd like you to point out the superior in ring matches in the very first two weeks of Impact. Where are those Joe matches? Those MCMG matchse? Those Homicide matches? I keep hearing about how we're supposed to be looking at TNA now and not in the past. Where are these classic in ring matches? Where is the in ring product in those matches? The Nasties have had more in ring time than Kurt Angle. Flair and Hogan have had more in ring time than Homicide and the MCMG. So yeah I'm telling you with that line up Trips is better than 90 percent of it.


As for my contritbution to TNA, I tune in! Dude I live in the UK, we don't get their PPV's on time or their TV shows on time, but we do get them for free. Just like we get most of WWE's PPV's free not that I watch any of them these days bar Wrestlemania. Point being I tune in and that's more than enough to know I'm doing my bit and recognizing their positive and few negatives with perspective because I pay attention unlike a lot of people....what about you my friend? What's your contribution besides negativity? Nothing I bet.


Why would I contribute to a faulty product? There is some false notion by TNA fans that I need to support and contribute to something for the better of wrestling even if I hate it. I hate it and don't like what their doing why would I encourage it? So I can watch FOUR hours of horrible wrestling instead of two? Their job is to make me WANT to contribute. Its not my job to blindly contribute and support them, its their job to make me WANT to support and contribute. The argument that I should support them no matter what or contribute for the sake of contributing isn't worth the amount of time I just spent on it.


And that's another thing about people not paying attention, I was reading a recap of TNA the other day and he was hating on TNA at the part where Denero breaks Hogan out of the cuffs with the key and he said oh but Dinero happened to have the key....and yet if he'd been paying attention he'd know that AJ had the key on him, got beaten up by Dinero at which point the key obviously dropped and Dinero picked it up! What do you know, maybe Russo was right after all - people don't pay attention cos it's not spoon fed! lol


Trust me when laughing at TNA's bumbling ways I have more than enough to laugh at without trying to worry about things such as how Hogan got free. For all I know Abyss gave him his super ring and Hogan busted out of them. Wait Abyss did that a few weeks ago while Tenay said it was "the power of that ring".


But seriously, I don't get what they're doing (or not doing) with Samoa Joe, nothing makes sense on that one no matter which way one looks at it. One of their top stars is hauled off into the back of a van and kidnapped as part of a storyline and yet they aren't promoting it at all in the 2 months since it happened ? Strange.....I'm expecting Joe to return repackaged though and maybe we'll get an explanation, because at the moment it's like come again ? And AbyssaMania ? Please!!


This gives me hope that you do recognize that TNA's attempts at "storytelling" is a whole lot worse than WWE and thats really saying something with the state of the "E" these days.


But on a positive note they have awesome talent, always have done, and how funny is Ric Flair at the moment? I think he's hilarious, I was howling the last week when he was whoo-ing constantly bopping around in his wheelchair sticking it to the fans and trying to wheel himself at 100mph lol!


I just showed you that it doesn't matter how much "talent" they have. That talent is being left off the television shows. Where is Joe? MCMG? Homicide? Daniels? Kurt Angle? these guys either aren't featured at all or aren't featured in the ring? It doesn't matter if they bring in every talented guy in the world when Hogan, Abyss, Flair, Handicap matches, WolfPac and the Nasties are taking up the match time on TNA Impact.

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Lolz. Joke is one no one. 8.000 people payed for a house show in the UK and Lockdown has already sold 4k ok this isn't the E in numbers etc but people do pay for TNA.


And there's a very good reason for that. Breakneck speed good wrestling. You can tell MCMG and teams like Generation Me and Beer Money are excellent because I used to hate tag team wrestling but I'd only ever seen them to the extent that WWF/E and WCW used to produce on the weekly - but I can't get enough of TNA's tag team division because of Beer Money, MCMG, Gen Me and etc. Between that, X Division, breakneck pace wrestling, AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Anderson, Sting, RVD and the star power of Hogan and Bischoff I'm pretty much loving TNA more than usual at the moment.


People love to rag on TNA obviously, but just think how far TNA have come in 8 years, and hate Hogan&Bischoff all you want but TNA's grown under them too with all the new additions and the move to live on Monday night - TNA has done nothing but grow in the last 8 years and even now it's still growing - and just imagine where they'll be in another 8 years!


It's strange though that TNA are regional in many ways and yet global in many ways too. Reflecting on this then perhaps they're punching above their weight right now in all that they've achieved? Not for me given the quality of the in ring product, if they could just add good characters to their home grown talent they'd be dangerous. The problem they've got is that creatively a lot of it if not all of it has been done before on the worldwide stage, whereas before with WWF and WCW what they ripped from overseas or regional promotions hadn't been done before in front of the worldwide audience and so now they are finding it extremely difficult to give people something new that they haven't already seen before. Especially when the inspiration is as dry as a bone.


So in these first two weeks tell me where are the MCMG matches? Where are the X Division matches? I count MAYBE two decent matches in the first two weeks of Impact.


You didn't watch Destination X just the other week? Have you watched TNA at all these last few weeks ?


I just showed you that it doesn't matter how much "talent" they have. That talent is being left off the television shows. Where is Joe? MCMG? Homicide? Daniels? Kurt Angle? these guys either aren't featured at all or aren't featured in the ring? It doesn't matter if they bring in every talented guy in the world when Hogan, Abyss, Flair, Handicap matches, WolfPac and the Nasties are taking up the match time on TNA Impact.


Obviously you didn't watch Impact last week......it shows anyway that you're a hater because the only time you're somewhat friendly with me is when I'm being negative about TNA. Except the difference is I'm rightly being negative about TNA and rightly positive about TNA - where warranted. The big difference between me and you is that I don't give unwarranted praise or unwarranted criticism. Even about some of you guys. You might not like me, but that does not mean that I'm not right. I tell you the truth, and I don't need biased opinions to validate my opinions or the facts and that's just the way that it is and you can't stand that I'm aware of that and that I don't need you to validate me. In short, I know I'm right with the things I've pointed out so why the hate? If you think I'm an ******* then that's okay but don't be twisting the facts to suit your version.

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Yes and I'm right. In my opinion in your opinion, but the million dollar question is who is right in actual fact....nobody. Because it's all subjective to a large extent.


Totally true. Except that there are some numbers (ratings, buy rates, etc) out there. And when you discuss public perception it's fair to bring those up.


Tell that to the many people who were hating on the show when it was on and who now think it's the best show ever now that it's cancelled.


I have no idea what you're talking about. You might visit too many message boards because there's been very little public outcry about that show in the mainstream.


Never said his writing was too complex, or that his writing wasn't crap. You are putting words in my mouth. What I said was that people clearly aren't paying attention when they watch TNA and the proof is in the pudding with the unfair hate. And that is a fact.


I know you didn't say it. I didn't mean to imply you did. But I've heard and read Russo say that before and its a BS excuse.


Hating a show can't be unfair. It's not the job of the consumer to be entertained. It's the other way around. If I don't like something because it's not clear, you can only use the excuse that "I'm not paying attention" so often.


Because..guess what..if the majority of the viewing audience doesn't get what you're trying to convey, you're not too smart for the room...you fricking suck.


Given the context that you said this in, I have to ask why on Earth you are posting in this TNA thread? If you don't like TNA and you don't watch and you're questioning people's contribution to something you don't like then why are you posting in the TNA thread if you don't like it? Or are you just trolling.


Because every once in a while - like when they close a PPV with Angle/Wolfe followed by Daniels/Joe/AJ - i see how good TNA could be.

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Totally true. Except that there are some numbers (ratings, buy rates, etc) out there. And when you discuss public perception it's fair to bring those up.


And yet how much of that equates to show quality or creative success and how much of public perception discussion is based on numbers as opposed to creative? Not a lot. Hence it is mostly subjective.


I have no idea what you're talking about. You might visit too many message boards because there's been very little public outcry about that show in the mainstream.


Except on IGN and that's just for starters. If you're going to play that game then I could say the exact same thing about wrestling and this board in terms of mainstream.


I know you didn't say it. I didn't mean to imply you did. But I've heard and read Russo say that before and its a BS excuse.


Hating a show can't be unfair. It's not the job of the consumer to be entertained. It's the other way around. If I don't like something because it's not clear, you can only use the excuse that "I'm not paying attention" so often.


Because..guess what..if the majority of the viewing audience doesn't get what you're trying to convey, you're not too smart for the room...you fricking suck.


I'm not disagreeing about Russo. And yet it still doesn't change the fact that a lot of people aren't paying attention when they should be doing when they watch TNA which straight away proves a point that people judge too quickly on general principle, miss the point and then get it wrong. Then people like me correct them, then proceed to get shoved down the gutter for pointing out a fact.


Because every once in a while - like when they close a PPV with Angle/Wolfe followed by Daniels/Joe/AJ - i see how good TNA could be.


Now this point you made I totally agree with, in all fairness that was one awesome PPV and match!

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Obviously you didn't watch Impact last week......it shows anyway that you're a hater because the only time you're somewhat friendly with me is when I'm being negative about TNA. Except the difference is I'm rightly being negative about TNA and rightly positive about TNA - where warranted. The big difference between me and you is that I don't give unwarranted praise or unwarranted criticism. Even about some of you guys. You might not like me, but that does not mean that I'm not right. I tell you the truth, and I don't need biased opinions to validate my opinions or the facts and that's just the way that it is and you can't stand that I'm aware of that and that I don't need you to validate me. In short, I know I'm right with the things I've pointed out so why the hate? If you think I'm an ******* then that's okay but don't be twisting the facts to suit your version.


They've put together two decent Impacts. Calm down.


The last part of that paragraph is you giving your opinion of your opinion. Calm down some more.

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They've put together two decent Impacts. Calm down.


The last part of that paragraph is you giving your opinion of your opinion. Calm down some more.


Hear! Hear! Everybody chill. Both Stennick and Tommohawk are making decent points but are either overstating them or getting too aggravated. Relax and lets hope this weeks Impact will be as good as last weeks despite the OJ stuff.


PS number wise house shows are up, merch sales are up and ppv buys are up and ratings where, unfortunately lost them due to bad booking, up. Not by shocking amounts mind you.

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And yet how much of that equates to show quality or creative success and how much of public perception discussion is based on numbers as opposed to creative? Not a lot. Hence it is mostly subjective.


Actually, if you read through this thread, A LOT of the discussion about TNA's success or lack thereof is based on numbers. You should try rreading other people's posts.


Especially on a board with a bunch of wrestling sim geeks that generally don't argue by saying things like "you all hate me becaue I'm right! bleargh"


Except on IGN and that's just for starters. If you're going to play that game then I could say the exact same thing about wrestling and this board in terms of mainstream.


IGN is a board composed of sci fi nerds, and movie geeks. This is a board composed of sci fi nerds, and wreslting geeks. And you could definitely say that in terms of the mainstream and this board:


IGN is not a reflection of the mainstream TV viewer. Most people don't care about Terminator.


This board is not a reflection of the mainstream wrestling fan. Most people don't watch wrestling the way a lot of the people on these boards do.


So what do you do? Oh yeah, fall back on the numbers, which actually do reflect mainstream opinion in a lot of ways.


I'm not disagreeing about Russo. And yet it still doesn't change the fact that a lot of people aren't paying attention when they should be doing when they watch TNA which straight away proves a point that people judge too quickly on general principle, miss the point and then get it wrong. Then people like me correct them, then proceed to get shoved down the gutter for pointing out a fact.


You're not getting it. TV is a 'majority rules' kinda deal. If you're writing isn't clear to the point where other people have to consistently run around explaining all these subtle nuances etc the problem is the writing, not the viewer.

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Because..guess what..if the majority of the viewing audience doesn't get what you're trying to convey, you're not too smart for the room...you fricking suck.




Because every once in a while - like when they close a PPV with Angle/Wolfe followed by Daniels/Joe/AJ - i see how good TNA could be.


On one depends on the room you are trying to attract but seeing that they are trying to attract the mainstream yes its bad. But there have been unfair criticisms on TNA in the past because "reviewers" totally missed something that was quite glaringly obvious.


On two yeps and its so frustrating that the bad parts are so glaringly obvious. TNA could just use one guy that acts as a BS filter and it would be so much better.


Hogan: I want to bring in the nasties because...




Bischoff: I want to use OJ bisex gimmick




Lets have AJ be mentored by Flair




Lets turn AJ into a little copy of Flair




Lets have Hogan give Abyss back his confidence




Lets use the ring not only be symbolic but actually have the power and give abyss the american made theme and yellow and red flakes on his shirt.




And so on.

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This board is not a reflection of the mainstream wrestling fan. So what?


Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As ever I'm just pointing out a fact. Seems you don't like it none too much.


Nobody cares about Terminator? Really dude? That's why T1 and T2 especially were movies that paved the way for the movies we see today every summer? Different times obviously but the point is still the same. Half of the crap you've tried to peddle on me has been completely false. Everything I've actually said to you has been completely true - welcome to the wonderful world of forums for me I guess - leave the real world at the door and enjoy the BS. If that's the way forums go I can do BS with the best of them. But it seems people don't like that too much either when I do it lol. Got no chance unless you have over 1000 posts so it seems.


Anyways, just so there's no confusion, I'm calm people. If I wasn't I'd be swearing like crazy insulting all of you and then I'd end up banned so I'm good right now....you'll know when I'm not. ;)

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Hmm ok then instead of calm try uber calm.


Half of the crap you've tried to peddle on me has been completely false. Everything I've actually said to you has been completely true - welcome to the wonderful world of forums for me I guess - leave the real world at the door and enjoy the BS.


This is not a calm statement. Please arguments etc.


Also on this board yes we are wrestling geeks and what we personally like isn't a reflection of the mainstream but a lot of posters on here are able to look at things from the marks perspective which is the right way to be critical.


On Creed not the guy I would cut but the roster is bloated as is and there where worse choices.

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Hmm ok then instead of calm try uber calm.


This is not a calm statement. Please arguments etc.


Also on this board yes we are wrestling geeks and what we personally like isn't a reflection of the mainstream but a lot of posters on here are able to look at things from the marks perspective which is the right way to be critical.


Point taken, no problem and thank you.:) See what happens when someone is respectful about how they actually say something? There's no arguments....and when people are respectful to me and my opinion then I'm respectful to them and theirs.


On Creed not the guy I would cut but the roster is bloated as is and there where worse choices.


As unremarkable as Consequences Creed was and as little as he'd been used I'd rather it have been OJ....speaking of Creed though how much of his gimmick was inspired by Apollo Creed out of Rocky movies or am I reading too much into that with the black guy, same surname, American trunks etc ?

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Yeah it was Apollo Creed related but blame the talent himself for that one not Russo. He used those trunks etc in the indies and wanted to use them in TNA. TNA ok'ed it off course which is their responsibility but its not 100 percent on them.


PS if you want to do some ranting and flaming there are plenty of other sites out there where that is the norm and or acceptable lolz. When I want to put my 100 percent mark hat on I go there as well but still keep civil. Never got the appeal of the swearing and personal attacks. Not implying you went that far.


Edit: Also rumor going about that the Nasties are gone, fingers crossed and waiting for true confirmation.

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Nobody cares about Terminator? Really dude? That's why T1 and T2 especially were movies that paved the way for the movies we see today every summer?


Terminator the show. Obviously. Since that's what we were talking about.


Don't be obtuse on purpose.


As for why people treat you with disrespect:


Different times obviously but the point is still the same. Half of the crap you've tried to peddle on me has been completely false. Everything I've actually said to you has been completely true - welcome to the wonderful world of forums for me I guess - leave the real world at the door and enjoy the BS. If that's the way forums go I can do BS with the best of them. But it seems people don't like that too much either when I do it lol. Got no chance unless you have over 1000 posts so it seems.



WTF are you talking about? Truth and non-truth? "Everything I've said has been completely true" ? "What I said was that people clearly aren't paying attention when they watch TNA and the proof is in the pudding with the unfair hate" ?


Basically any time someone disagrees with you, they are lying or something. I don't HAVE to agree with you. That doesn't mean I'm not 'peddling crap.'

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where are you all seeing this?


One on Pro Wrestling Insider which imo is the least unreliable source around. The band on thin ice was during a Bubba radio interview with Hogan. If he was shooting it seems Dixie and Spike really dislike them and Hogan dislikes Hall but he wants to bring real closure to the NWO storyline in TNA. I heard the show on Youtube ill see if I can dig it up.


Here is part one of three Peter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtLz-9VwOgw


Hogan also said the Foley punch was a shoot as it was scripted to be a shove hehe. Thanks Foley.

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One on Pro Wrestling Insider which imo is the least unreliable source around. The band on thin ice was during a Bubba radio interview with Hogan. If he was shooting it seems Dixie and Spike really dislike them and Hogan dislikes Hall but he wants to bring real closure to the NWO storyline in TNA. I heard the show on Youtube ill see if I can dig it up.


I don't really get that approach. Why bother bringing "closure"? Sure, there would be some fans expecting a reformation with Hogan and Nash both around, but there always will be fans expecting it. If you don't acknowledge it, tease it, or put the idea in fans heads, closure is unnecessary for something that ended - in its original form - over a decade ago.


If you want to move past something, then move on. Reusing it, even partway, is trying to exploit it again.

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