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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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He's back in the lead as of today with 30 percent of 7,000 votes. Its even more interesting this time since you can only vote once so in theory even more "people" are voting for Desmond this time in theory. I hope he keeps winning every week until they figure out we want to see this guy.

The more likely scenario: he wins every week, and the matches get shorter and more decisive every week. :p

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I voted for Rhino this time around. I think that he should get the nice long world title reign that he deserves, IMO he is one of the most underrated wrestlers ever.


Rhino has gotten the short end of the stick since coming to TNA. He was not even given a chance to run with the ball as the World Champion after winning the Title at the first Bound for Glory. It was a huge night for Rhino and everybody was pumped to see Rhino as the World Champion and what does TNA do? They have him lose it right back to Jarrett on the very next Impact. I was so pissed. Rhino could very well be a top-level talent if given the chance.

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Rhino has gotten the short end of the stick since coming to TNA. He was not even given a chance to run with the ball as the World Champion after winning the Title at the first Bound for Glory. It was a huge night for Rhino and everybody was pumped to see Rhino as the World Champion and what does TNA do? They have him lose it right back to Jarrett on the very next Impact. I was so pissed. Rhino could very well be a top-level talent if given the chance.


I think there was a point right around the time that WWE started the ECW rehash that Rhino could have been huge. He cut this super emotional promo about what the old ECW stood for, what he stood for and all that stuff. The live crowd was so into it, but they never went anywhere with it. Typical TNA. Too bad, because he had a great look and was a good worker that the people really bought into.

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I've always liked Rhino but in every fed he's been in he hasn't gotten a real solid push outside of ECW so that has me thinking does it have something to do with Rhino's atitude I haven't heard about anything but thats the only thing I can think of instead of just politics backstage holding him back but idk I hope he gets a good push but since i haven't seen Rhino on my TV in about 4 weeks maybe longer I doubt he will get a shot at the title any time soon
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I know the penchant of people to compare TNA to WCW in its dying days, but after reading up some stuff it is equally comparable booking wise to the early Hogan days so lets just hope for that because after that cluster f period came the great period.
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Rhino is meh.


That's the problem. He's not spectacular at any one thing.


He's a power based wrestler who's like 5'10" tops. He's a decent interview, but nothing to write home about. Little repetitive to be honest.


He's good in the ring, but I don't think i've ever seen a Rhino match I'd say was truly 'memorable.'


He's a perfectly acceptable midcard worker that can play face or heel, but that's about it.


He needs a monster push to really get over with the crowd, but 5 years into his TNA career, on a roster where he's nowhere near the most well known or talented, I think you can hang up the idea of Rhino being turned into a superstar any time soon.

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Yep he is good midcarder and at best uppermidcarder given the current TNA roster imho. But hell if The Band and others get so much TV time why not Rhino?


Because, at one point in time, Hall and Nash were among the biggest names, biggest draws, and most well known names in the history of the industry.


They are 'has beens'


Rhino - in comparison - is a never was.

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I find it amazing that they have brought in Hogan, Flair, The Outsiders, Sting, Hall, Nash, Randy Savage, Booker T, Micky Foley, Eric Bischoff, The Dudley Boys, the New Age Outlaws, Scott Steiner, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Rick Steiner, Christian, Rhino and ALL of these names that have been a draw and made money all over the place.


Out of all of those names not one of them has ever brought them past 1.0 I remember when Sting debuted it was a big deal back in 2006 TNA got to a 1.0 for the first time. FOUR years later and they have stayed put.


They have made millions of dollars out to all of these old stars and not one of them has done a single thing to grow this companies brand. Thats millions of dollars I wouldn't bat an eye if you told me there was over ten millions dollars spent in total on those names. Heck Hogan, Flair, and Eric are probablly 2.5 mil just there by themselves. You add in RVD, Hardy, Angle, Sting and your into the 5 mil range then you take into account Nash, Foley and whoever else and you can easily say they have dropped ten million on all of these names.


Just think of the marketing campaign you could do with ten million dollars. Whats a Super Bowl commerical go for these days? They have spent a lot of money on these guys and they don't get it. Not ONE of them was drawing anything by themselves when they were brought in. When WCW brought in Hogan he was two years removed from being the biggest wrestling star on the planet and nobody had filled that void over in the WWF. He was still the biggest name in pro wrestling. The Outsiders haven't been draws since about 1998 or so.


I'm all for bringing in RVD, Angle, Hardy, I'm all for bringing these guys in. At some point you have to look at what your paying and what concessions you're making to bring these guys in and what you're getting out of it. Is Hulk Hogan really that relevant of a name inside pro wrestling? Not really. Sure to the media he looks "credible" but what does that matter when the media don't have neilson boxes to bump the ratings and don't have a 100,000 people laying around to increase buy rates.


In four years they haven't grown a lick, they've moved time slots, they've moved days they've brought in every available mega star of the last twenty years and still not a single blip in the ratings.

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He's back in the lead as of today with 30 percent of 7,000 votes. Its even more interesting this time since you can only vote once so in theory even more "people" are voting for Desmond this time in theory. I hope he keeps winning every week until they figure out we want to see this guy.


According to 411 Mania someone got by the 1 vote pp system and set it up so he voted for Wolf every second. Thanks for ruining the system mate grrr.

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According to 411 Mania someone got by the 1 vote pp system and set it up so he voted for Wolf every second. Thanks for ruining the system mate grrr.


That seems hard to believe. He's only ahead of the next highest guy by a couple thousand votes. That's only like half an hour of 1 guy spamming once per second.

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That seems hard to believe. He's only ahead of the next highest guy by a couple thousand votes. That's only like half an hour of 1 guy spamming once per second.






Apparently it allowed him to do it every second for a couple of hours, so not automatically my bad. It is still screwing with the system and gives TNA a valid reason to pull the plug or ignore it even more. And yeah not that it matters much given the squash Wolf got but still.

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I find it amazing that they have brought in Hogan, Flair, The Outsiders, Sting, Hall, Nash, Randy Savage, Booker T, Micky Foley, Eric Bischoff, The Dudley Boys, the New Age Outlaws, Scott Steiner, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Rick Steiner, Christian, Rhino and ALL of these names that have been a draw and made money all over the place.


Out of all of those names not one of them has ever brought them past 1.0 I remember when Sting debuted it was a big deal back in 2006 TNA got to a 1.0 for the first time. FOUR years later and they have stayed put.


They have made millions of dollars out to all of these old stars and not one of them has done a single thing to grow this companies brand. Thats millions of dollars I wouldn't bat an eye if you told me there was over ten millions dollars spent in total on those names. Heck Hogan, Flair, and Eric are probablly 2.5 mil just there by themselves. You add in RVD, Hardy, Angle, Sting and your into the 5 mil range then you take into account Nash, Foley and whoever else and you can easily say they have dropped ten million on all of these names.


Just think of the marketing campaign you could do with ten million dollars. Whats a Super Bowl commerical go for these days? They have spent a lot of money on these guys and they don't get it. Not ONE of them was drawing anything by themselves when they were brought in. When WCW brought in Hogan he was two years removed from being the biggest wrestling star on the planet and nobody had filled that void over in the WWF. He was still the biggest name in pro wrestling. The Outsiders haven't been draws since about 1998 or so.


I'm all for bringing in RVD, Angle, Hardy, I'm all for bringing these guys in. At some point you have to look at what your paying and what concessions you're making to bring these guys in and what you're getting out of it. Is Hulk Hogan really that relevant of a name inside pro wrestling? Not really. Sure to the media he looks "credible" but what does that matter when the media don't have neilson boxes to bump the ratings and don't have a 100,000 people laying around to increase buy rates.


In four years they haven't grown a lick, they've moved time slots, they've moved days they've brought in every available mega star of the last twenty years and still not a single blip in the ratings.


Agreed, they managed to snare the biggest name in wrestling in 2008 / 2009 - the guy selling the most merchandise, the guy who won multiple world titles, performed in the best matches and not make a big deal out of it having him debut during an opening match and then not appear.


Hulk Hogan 2010 was not as big a draw as Jeff Hardy 2010 but you wouldn't know that considering their respective pushes. If they were worried about his drug issues and were waiting to see what happened with that then they should have not debuted him and just sat tight.


Grrrrr, I've gone from a regular viewer to a occasional viewer just cause they killed what TNA used to be about.


Bring back 6 sides and Cornette!!!!!!

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Agreed, they managed to snare the biggest name in wrestling in 2008 / 2009 - the guy selling the most merchandise, the guy who won multiple world titles, performed in the best matches and not make a big deal out of it having him debut during an opening match and then not appear.


Hulk Hogan 2010 was not as big a draw as Jeff Hardy 2010 but you wouldn't know that considering their respective pushes. If they were worried about his drug issues and were waiting to see what happened with that then they should have not debuted him and just sat tight.


Grrrrr, I've gone from a regular viewer to a occasional viewer just cause they killed what TNA used to be about.


Bring back 6 sides and Cornette!!!!!!


Given Cornette's violent and graphic tirade that earned him a cease and desist letter from TNA's lawyers, I think you have about as much chance of him going back to that company as you have of seeing a donkey fly over your house.


ROH, baby. That's the place to be.

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Given Cornette's violent and graphic tirade that earned him a cease and desist letter from TNA's lawyers


Have a link to this? I find it hard to believe that a corporate entertainment entity would legally insist that someone stop talking about them. Threatening a libel or slander suit wouldn't have teeth since the plaintiff (TNA) would have to prove that the libelous comments are false (hard to do given the nature of the product).


Not saying it didn't happen but it seems like an act of desperation. If the Yankees sent C&Ds to every commentator who slammed them, they wouldn't have the time or resources to win titles. WWE has been criticized by Heyman (among many, many, many others) several times (often in graphic and violent terms by those other than Heyman) but they didn't resort to throwing lawyers at them.

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Hahahaha oh my God any respect I had for TNA management is forever gone.


"It is our view that the foregoing statements constitute "terroristic threats" under virtually every jurisdiction in the country, including under the US Code (18 USC 875) and Kentucky State Law (KRS 508.080)."




(this law is about interstate extortion and kidnapping, and is completely irrelevant)


"508.080 Terroristic threatening in the third degree.

(1) Except as provided in KRS 508.075 or 508.078, a person is guilty of terroristic threatening in the third degree when:

(a) He threatens to commit any crime likely to result in death or serious physical injury to another person"


Of course since, even if we assume Cornette's statements were intended as a threat, it wouldn't hold up in criminal charges because 1) it's conditional and 2) it's not immediate and 3) it's not being sent to Russo or with intent that it goes to Russo! Seriously, TNA lawyers? Seriously?


"Indeed, the language of the email is so specific, unequivocal and unconditional..."


Yes, because this:


"I have sworn to myself that I will willingly go to jail if I ever see him in person again, and he had better pray to his fictitious invisible man in the sky that that day never comes." (emphasis added)


is specific, unequivocal, and unconditional. Does he say how he's going to do it? Or that he's going to go to Florida? Or what time? Seriously TNA, hire better lawyers if you want to scare anyone. Otherwise you just look incompetent.

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Thanks for the link. I'm flabbergasted. That "case" is so specious, I would've thought no one who had ever even seen the inside of a law school would actually go through with it. Then again, most lawyers will do anything the client asks for as long as there are billable hours involved.


But wow, just....wow. Yes, there are statements in the email that can be construed as threats in some jurisdictions. Not surprisingly, those jurisdictions also tend to have laws against white women and black men being seen together and sex with animals (sorry Seattle :p). The problem is using the 'terroristic' part. It's a hotbutton, loaded word in these times so it makes TNA's case look even more silly than it really is, in my view.


Wow, I didn't realize that TNA was so absolutely vapid and dense since they obviously don't realize how much money Cornette's rants COULD be making them. Spread virally, even non-wrestling fans would be intrigued to see what the big deal is and (here's the key part) TUNE IN TO IMPACT.


I truly hope Cornette calls their bluff. I also hope Terry Taylor gets the same treatment Cornette wishes on Russo if he indeed snitched by forwarding the email. If it was indeed intercepted and not passed on (companies often say this to protect rats...err, workers) then Cornette should've known better than to send it to a guy's work email.

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This has been news for a quite a while. And Terry Taylor... I don't know. He's a weird case. Outwardly, he's not a bad guy, but for some reason, a lot of people accuse him of being backstabber (too many). When people confront him on it, he never answers the charge; he never disputes it either.


However, most jurisdictions aren't going to do a thing about it. It's not like Cornette has being circling around TNA's set saying "I'm gonna getcha, Russo, you mother!@$%@#$" He's saying this from a far away position. And, since Cornette is doing a lot of commentary these days, you can tell whether he's stable or not... and he's stable. He's very happy at ROH, and very friendly (when you don't piss him off).


And knowing Cornette, he has said he will update us if they send him another letter, which they haven't. Shows you who won.


In fact, Russo has more to worry from Flair and Hogan, who need the money they are getting from TNA. If they even think they are getting screwed by him, they might unload on him. Flair's Old school and Hogan's somewhat as well, so they aren't take crap from Russo.

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