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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Prediction time


RVD© vs Sting- I bet Sting takes the belt from RVD. They've done a good job building up Sting's new character. Winning the title would get him closer to removing the "veil" over everyone's eyes.


Douglas Williams© vs Brian Kendrick- I'm going to go with Kendrick on this one. I just have a feeling on this one. No real reason behind it.


Matt Morgan vs Hernandez- Herndandez gets revenge for Morgan putting him out of action


Hardy & Anderson vs Beer Money- I'm gonna go with Hardy & Anderson winning this one. I still think Anderson's gonna turn on Hardy, but I don't think it's going to be this soon.


Kurt Angle vs Kazarian- Angle definitely wins this one


AJ Styles vs Jay Lethal- I'm gonna go with AJ on this one.


Roxxi vs Madison Rayne©- I'm going with Roxxi.


Desmond Wolfe vs Abyss- I want Wolfe since Abyss won at Sacrifice.

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RVD© vs Sting- I hope Sting wins the belt. I want this storyline to get some resolution.


Douglas Williams© vs Brian Kendrick- I think it's too soon to put the belt on Kendrick, his character needs to develop more.


Matt Morgan vs Hernandez- I think this match is going to be good. Hernandez is going to win.


Hardy & Anderson vs Beer Money- Beer Money win by DQ after Mr. Anderson gets frustrated and gets caught cheating.


Kurt Angle vs Kazarian- Angle wins, but he's going to make Kaz look awesome.


AJ Styles vs Jay Lethal- My heart wants Jay Lethal, but my mind says AJ Styles.


Roxxi vs Madison Rayne©- Total coin flip. I'll go with Roxxi winning with the help of Rosie.


Desmond Wolfe vs Abyss- Wolfe wins this one after Chelsea swerves Abyss. Rubber match at Victory Road.

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RVD - Given more time for Sting to go more loco and remove the veil. Plus TNA uses long main title runs.


Kendrick - Recent interview Bisch said he was impressed with Kendrick and he seems to be leading now not Hogan or Russo


Draw between Morgan and Hernandez getting thrown out due to violence and the Band interference.


Beer Money - Anderson screws Hardy as he is better as a heel


Angle - Duh probable MOTN


Styles - Can't seem to weak so shortly after the title loss will make Lethal look strong though. Possible motn.


Roxxi - Please the BP should be anti knockout side show not the centre of the KO's.


Wolf - He needs one back more and Chelsea will triple cross him or something.


Neal over Ray. Why else have this match?


Possible impromptu match Guns over The Band plz plz plz plz plz.

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Roxxi - Please the BP should be anti knockout side show not the centre of the KO's.


That's horrible. Madison is a fantastic in ring worker and her mic work is getting better by leaps and bounds. I've watched her for years(she was on CAPW on public access).


Lacey is the weak link in the Beautiful People sure, but she has her hilarious dumb blond moments. Some are just dumb, but she does get a good laugh. She's awful in the ring, but with any luck, she gets better.


Velvet is constantly improving in the ring, and well, look at her. She makes most women look like slag!

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Side Show was a bit harsh and I agree Madison is the best in ring worker of the BP past and present. But they where the Knockout's natural foil and got their heat via angles, being hot and a lot of cheating, they should not dominate the division if you want to present it as an alternative.
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Les Thatcher has reported who the surprise is. Go to pwinsider so you can post it here.


Or someone tell me how to do spoilers so I can start doing them.


Just make your text white. Like this: according to pwinsider, Tommy Dreamer will be at Slammiversary tonight. (DO NOT QUOTE THIS! It will show the spoiler.)


On an unrelated note, I'm never going to pwinsider again. Ads f**king time you click on a link, ridiculous.

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Hmm I don't get that candy with the ads. Some links are ads but you need to hover over them to see which ones. and towards the spoiler:


I so called it lol, still will be interesting to see how they will use him.Don't see the need to bring him in though when you have Raven and Rhino and Richards and 3D and RVD as he does not have many or any unique fans that those could not draw given the same exposure.

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