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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Double J has stoped given hints about the "big Surprise" for TNA and when ask he put on his twitter he wrote "And I will state this again, the reason no hints for a while...a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) was signed." hummm Heyman at Hardcore Justice I think so ;)
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Double J has stoped given hints about the "big Surprise" for TNA and when ask he put on his twitter he wrote "And I will state this again, the reason no hints for a while...a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) was signed." hummm Heyman at Hardcore Justice I think so ;)


I doubt it, but Dreamer did say he's been in talks with Heyman. I'm not holding my breath, but it'd be nice.

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Didn't watch Impact this week, but did see TNA Xplosion. Magnus and Desmond Wolfe teamed up, which is a combination I like. They've both got this weird suave Englishman gimmick going for them (without going stereotypical) so they seem to fit together quite nicely. Sweet double team Tower of London finish too.


In other news, Max Buck (God help me I've forgotten their indy names) is a pretty good talker. Jeremy Buck is not. Nice to see them getting time to talk though. I like the relaxed, UFC-ish interviews on this show.


Crazy Eric Young amuses me. He overdid it on this show a tad, but I like the concept.


I also caught most of Xplosion this week and I concur, it was good stuff. I still think that Velocity niche is out there for a solid B-Show mixing occasionally appearances from the odd indy darling and some solid matches with some of TNA's lesser lights (nice to see more of Generation ME for one). Magnus and Wolfe have potential as a team (at least a semi-regular one), although with Magnus's attire and beard I had to do a doulbe-take to make sure it wasn't Charlie Haas walking out with Wolfe. I wish the Chelsea/Wolfe friction storyline would go somewhere though. I thought only Abyss owned her for a set amount of days? Surely she could just, I don't know... not come out with Wolfe if it's that much of an issue for her.


I'll reveal my membership to the 'I like crazy Eric' club. It's goofy and the joke may well not have a lot of shelf-life after we've seen the act for a few weeks, but for now, I'm liking it. Little things like Young obliviously carrying out heel-ish tag tricks like the old knee-to-the-back-from-the-other-side-of-the-ropes on his own partner make me smile.

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On the topic of Joe's suspension, Joe posted this on his twitter account about 40 minutes ago.


SamoaJoe: *yawn* RT @RevRunWisdom: Gossip is for the weak if you don't see it with your eyes it shouldn't be coming out your mouth.


I'm not taking the news very seriously.

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On the topic of Joe's suspension, Joe posted this on his twitter account about 40 minutes ago.




I'm not taking the news very seriously.


He tweeted the same thing 24 hours ago. Did this news leak (indefinite suspension) get reported yesterday? Or is it recent (today)? He basically repeated a twit from a day ago.


link: http://twitter.com/SamoaJoe/status/20174885554


The person he responded to appears to be religious.

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He tweeted the same thing 24 hours ago. Did this news leak (indefinite suspension) get reported yesterday? Or is it recent (today)? He basically repeated a twit from a day ago.


link: http://twitter.com/SamoaJoe/status/20174885554


The person he responded to appears to be religious.


The person he retweeted too was Rev. Run from Run DMC.


The suspension rumor broke today, but the rumors about him blowing up on people started earlier this week. At least Saturday or Sunday because Sunday night my buddy and I talked about it in our weekly get together.

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Bischoff believes Hulk Hogan Wrestling Career is Over


Bischoff on Hulk Hogan's health following back surgery: "I don't know for sure," Bischoff said. "I don't even ask him anymore because I know what his reaction would be. He'd say he's feeling perfect." Bischoff said Hogan feels that if he verbalizes something positively, it will come true, which is why he takes that approach with his back.


Bischoff went on to say that he believes Hogan's in-ring career is over. "I don't see him wrestling again," Bischoff said. "I'd be disappointed and there would probably be a physical moment backstage because I would try to stop him."


Bischoff on the TNA Hardcore Justice pay-per-view: Bischoff confirmed Dot Net reports that he pitched the idea of an EV2.0 project in early 2010, and his original vision called for more than a reunion pay-per-view. "Despite what people want to believe, this whole arc that is playing out now was laid out in March," Bischoff said. He added that there have been a few tweaks along the way.


Bischoff said he will be in Orlando for the pay-per-view, but he does not plan on participating as an on-air performer. He declined to comment on whether his vision will eventually play out, but he does feel that people are judging the story based on one page rather than reading the entire book and then formulating an opinion. He added that he's not sure whether Hulk Hogan will be at the pay-per-view on Sunday.


Bischoff on the status of the Micro Championship Wrestling reality show: The show was reedited in July. It tested well with a focus group. There were some suggestions made that are being implemented in another editing process. It will be sent back to TruTV at that point.


Source: pro-wrestling.net

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Well aside from being under contract and unable to just leave? I'd say that would be the first step. I doubt TNA is going to just let this guy walk. They won't even let Homicide walk and I'd say given his push their a bit more interested in Joe than Cide.


True they have put alot of time into him to just let him leave.


I think its just the simple case of joe being lost in the shuffle. With the influx of new talent and only 2 hours of tv a week some were bound to make way for the newer talent.

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True they have put alot of time into him to just let him leave.


I think its just the simple case of joe being lost in the shuffle. With the influx of new talent and only 2 hours of tv a week some were bound to make way for the newer talent.


Right, but Joe's been 'lost in the shuffle' for quite a while now..even his push into the title match against AJ last year sort of came out of nowhere.


They let go of Daniels. I'm sure if TNA didn't see Joe as a threat to go to the WWE they'd have let go of him by now as well.

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Right, but Joe's been 'lost in the shuffle' for quite a while now..even his push into the title match against AJ last year sort of came out of nowhere.


They let go of Daniels. I'm sure if TNA didn't see Joe as a threat to go to the WWE they'd have let go of him by now as well.


Ah well he does remain featured and having good matches against fellow high contenders. They just need to find a storyline for him if one is not already in the works. And god do I hope they can get Daniels back.

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I think TNA to a degree has always looked at AJ and Joe as their franchise players or their "future" even though AJ's been there eight years, Joe's been there four or five and neither of them is getting any younger.


The problem is AJ has succeeded on several occasions to play a character outside of his base. I'd say his base is smiling babyface who does jaw dropping moves and is a generally likeable guy. When he aligned with Angle I felt he was very entertaining in a completely different role. Even this role he's in now. Even if I hate the fact he's wearing a robe and frosting his tips and wearing a suit and basically being made to be Ric Flair Jr. If you take all that away and focus on his promos his promos are very good heel promos. So AJ has proven he's got charisma and a lot more mic work than most people give him credit for. If it werent for his good looks and seemingly unlimited amount of jaw dropping moves I'd make the guy a heel all the time. He's a very good annoying, smarmy, sort of cowardly heel and thats something that I think TNA lacks. With Jarrett and Angle as the top heels and even Abyss they were all bad asses or in JJ's case not a bad ass by he wasn't really a coward. AJ is the best cowardly main event heel I've seen in TNA. AJ should be and is the focus of that company.


The problem with Joe is I don't know if its Joe or TNA but anytime they move away from the one thing Joe does well. For lack of a better term thats "kill people". I've seen his tweets, I've read his blogs, he's alteast somewhat entertaining but EVERY time I hear this guy on the mic it feels incredibly forced. I feel like when Joe is being pushed to the top its very forced. Desmond Wolfe has character, CM Punk has character. When these guys talk its more than a wrestling promo. Joe's "grrr I'm gonna kill you" when he's on the mic just doesn't do it for me. I don't see much character in what Joe does and I think his value on a larger than indy level is highly overrated much in the way Bryan Daniels is.


For lack of a better term and its not the best term but its the best I can think of. Bryan Daniels and Joe are examples of a Tim Tebow. A guy that was REALLY dominant and amazing on one level but has a LOT of work to do and someone very creative to work with in order to make him a super star on the next level. Some guys are very very good AAA ball players but aren't anything more than bench filler in the majors. To me this is Joe. The guy is a very good wrestler but I don't see any character in what he does. He feels like to me he's always playing the same character its just a matte of if he's beating up good guys or bad guys. I'm not saying Joe can't do it, or doesn't have it in him but after five years in TNA I haven't seen the guy do anything near the level character wise that I've seen out of AJ Styles, Alex Shelly, Eric Young, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Desmond Wolfe and other guys that are of the same "generation" as him.


The only reason I'd say TNA doesn't cut him is because they have spent five years investing a lot of time into it. I will say that I don't think Bischoff and Hogan see Joe as the "man" like other TNA guys do. Its very obvious how decreased Joe's pushes have been. Heck the guy spent two months off of television or more comes back and hasn't really had a "feud" yet. Just minor disagreements here or there. I do know Heyman has gone on record as saying he loves Joe and could do big things with him so it will be interesting to see if Heyman does come on if Joe's push is changed.

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I think you have a point regarding Joe, but I wouldn't include Danielson in that category. If you're using AJ Styles as a barometer in this example, I think Bryan is at least as good a talker as him. He's not on a level with some of the other guys you mentioned, like Punk and Nigel/Desmond, but I think he's grown into a more than adequate talker over the past several years. He's like the anti-Low Ki, who I swear has regressed promo-wise. And he wasn't that good to being with.
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I agree during the NXT thing Danielson did show flashes of being capable of the mic and I would agree that he's progressed. Its hard to say how much because the sample size compared to an AJ is so low regarding the amount of exposure and talking time he's really had.
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I do know Heyman has gone on record as saying he loves Joe and could do big things with him so it will be interesting to see if Heyman does come on if Joe's push is changed.


I think a mouthpiece like Heyman could do wonders for Joe. It's a shame they don't really use him, I really like him. I've always been fond of big men who could actually wrestle, like Vader and Bam Bam.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Final Countdown" data-cite="The Final Countdown" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think you have a point regarding Joe, but I wouldn't include Danielson in that category. If you're using AJ Styles as a barometer in this example, I think Bryan is at least as good a talker as him. He's not on a level with some of the other guys you mentioned, like Punk and Nigel/Desmond, but I think he's grown into a more than adequate talker over the past several years. He's like the anti-Low Ki, who I swear has regressed promo-wise. And he wasn't that good to being with.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'd have to agree on this one, maybe even go a step further. I think Danielson when he has a reason to talk is very good. He will occasionally stumble on something minor but that is a small drawback considering he can be believable, intense, bit of a smartypants jerk, humble etc. I actually rate him as above average overall in terms of promo ability.</p><p> </p><p> I have not seen much recent Nigel/Desmond Wolfe (wow, taking a name from withnail and I, sneaky) but I never remember his promos standing out that much. I probably need to check out his recent stuff.</p><p> </p><p> Low Ki is a pretty horrible promo and more than anything I think his voice detracts from that. I remember when I was a stupid 11 year old and my voice broke before everyone elses and I thought it made me a big man, I would walk around talking as low as I could and probably sounded like as big a retard as Low Ki. I would probably sell more in playfights too.</p><p> </p><p> I agree on Joe always sounding forced. I just get the impression that he isn't naturally a very threatening guy because well .... he's a big fat samoan dude and probably never has much cause to convince people he can beat them up. I think Joe is the kind of guy who should just shut up or get a manager or maybe be put in a tag team with someone who can talk.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Basmat01" data-cite="Basmat01" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Well I think the "Nation of Violence" killed all momentum Joe had, I gimmick was just poorly done. I mean seriously he was carrying around a massive knife lol</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I wouldn't even consider that the major problem. The problem was they took what could have been a useful stable and essentially made it a One Man Gang gimmick. Give Tazz and Joe another single, ideally Daniels, and a tag team so they have all the major divisions covered. Heck maybe even a Roxxi or ODB to create a presence in the Knockout division. Set them a target, ideally AJ, and you could really have had something. Instead they had to scale back because they went with it during the Main Event Mafia's life cycle and killed all the potential the NoV had. I doubt better execution of the aesthetics would have helped at all. There was no room to do what was called for because the scene was so crowded already.</p>
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