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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I thought the guy said he was a backstage worker and that he made more money in 06 than now and that he didn't have a problem with Hogan just E.B.


I didnt see the backstage part on any of his tweets


but the hogan page just tweeted this Hulk Hogan JOINS TWITTER tomorrow during IMPACT! on SPIKE! and before that it had TNA Wrestling now holds this account. Follow @TNAonline

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I think it's fairly obvious if the mystery tweeter really is a TNA wrestler and not just some fan that it's Samoa Joe. Look at the timing of it all. Joe is suspended for yelling about how they booked his match then all of a sudden someone is on Twitter claiming to be a TNA wrestler bashing TNA's booking.


I can see it easily being a major work leading to Joe leading a group of originals against the EV2, Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Nash, and Sting. Possibly even with Scott Steiner coming back to join Joe and crew. (Notice the twitterer mentioned the originals all loving working with Scotty.)


It's brilliant when they only have 2 hours of taped programming a week to use the internet and outside interviews to hype, begin, continue stories.

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I don't know if its Brilliant, what maybe one percent of their audience has seen these tweets? You have to be the hardest of the hardcore fans to see stuff like this. In a time when they need to be appealing to masses of people I don't know if I'd call it brilliant to be appealing to a few hundred people.


I haven't seen the tweets has this person produced any proof their not some smark with too much time on their hands? Post a picture of being backstage at a TNA show, post something to prove you are who you say you are otherwise its just some kid with too much time on his hands.


I really doubt TNA is involved in this in any way.

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Bischoff EV2.0 Idea


Source: http://www.tnawrestlingnews.com/headlines/283587507.shtml


Jeff Wilen of The Daytona Beach News-Journal interviewed Eric Bischoff in his latest JAWBreaker column. Among the topics discussed include the latest going-ons in TNA Wrestling, the big names working together, the tag-team division, Bound for Glory in Daytona Beach, Tommy Dreamer playing a bigger role in the organization, Linda McMahon running for a Senate seat, Paul Heyman and Rob Van Dam. Bischoff claimed during the interview that he pitched the EV2 storyline back in February and suggested that Dixie Carter reach out to Paul Heyman. "The whole EV2 story line was something I pitched in February of this year," said Bischoff. "It wasn't a Tommy Dreamer idea. Tommy's a great guy and has great experience. I called Paul and suggested to Dixie (Carter) and Vince Russo that we should reach out to Paul and see if he was interested in coming in. I don't think it will happen with Paul. He is looking for something different. I don't think Dreamer will be involved in creative. We have a solid team, with great chemistry. We've had great success the last couple weeks and months." When asked if he and Hulk Hogan plan on sticking around for a while, Bischoff replied, "We have a couple of years left on our contracts."


To read the interview, go to http://www.go386.com/jawbreaker/

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Joe wasnt pissing and moning about booking he was fine with the time limt draw he just didnt want JB to tell how much time was left and the truck told JB to do it any way that caused Joe to act a ass and go into the production truck during the show which causes a well deserved suspension IMO. So I dont think its Joe but Joe did post on his twitter something like If I had somthing to say I'd say it to your get that **** straight now or someing like that
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Also of note in the shoot was the fact that TNA does have a drug policy in place, including fines for mary jane. Still as Stennick pointed out you have to take it with a pinch of salt but I would believe her in that setting over any dirtsheet.


Not to be a jerk, but why?


Why would you believe Dixie? Has she proven herself to be a straight shooter in some way that I'm not aware of...


She's a 'wrestling promoter'..a corporate executive..(both occupations notorious for their willingness and ability to lie and frame the truth in their favor) and has ties to a company that has literally no legal or moral reason to tell the truth under any circumstance.


again..no offense...but Dixie Carter is probably the least likely person to speak the truth about TNA's financial situation you could find.

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Because dirtsheets have the same motives and sometimes even more so. Yes the "truth" will be somewhere in the middle off course and I take both with salt. But having seen the shoot I could glean what I thought to be truthful or near the truth and what was more promotion etc. And that is the most any of us can do.
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Well to be fair Hyde would you really expect her to admit pubically that their losing their (donkey) on pay per views and that numbers are down? Its a shoot but nobody is dumb enough to say "business is down all across the board and we're losing millions".


I would say the truth lays somewhere in the middle. I would think if ppv numbers were that high why wouldn't they release them? If they weren't near as low as people speculate why wouldn't they release them? I remember when they beat ECW in the ratings they were all over that. I would think anything they can do to present themselves in a more credible light they would.


I don't know what record numbers are but I can't see everybody that reports on their ppv numbers being low all being completely and totally off base. Of course maybe 20,000 is a good number for them and maybe they do make a profit.


On another note I think I heard that REaction has been scrapped and that Xplosion is not coming to Spike is this accurate? If so they went from having talks of a four hour wrestling block to being right back where they started. I wonder why they scrapped REaction.


Reaction has not been scrapped just delayed from the original plan.


And why should they publish their ppv results? They where not really all over beating ECW in the ratings either, plus ratings are already public as Spike pays for them and not TNA and ratings are more ingrained as a measure of success. The ppv buys are probably not as low as reported nor high enough to scream off the rooftops as a promotional tool, as far it is a useful promotional tool at all that is. All those low reports you see everywhere are intended as a way too get TNA to release their numbers and TNA is just ignoring it which they have every right too.

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Actually, if their PPV buyrates are higher than expected, there should be no reason NOT to release them. In fact, as long as they are unable to, or unwilling to, counter guesstimates, everyone else is going to the guessestimates are close to reality.


Not to be a jerk, but why?


Why would you believe Dixie? Has she proven herself to be a straight shooter in some way that I'm not aware of...


She's a 'wrestling promoter'..a corporate executive..(both occupations notorious for their willingness and ability to lie and frame the truth in their favor) and has ties to a company that has literally no legal or moral reason to tell the truth under any circumstance.


again..no offense...but Dixie Carter is probably the least likely person to speak the truth about TNA's financial situation you could find.


I agree, but also, she doesn't always seem to have facts straight, either because she doesn't know about it, or she's trying to obscure it. Hyde Hill should be more critical, not supportive of her, if he likes TNA so much.

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And why should they publish their ppv results? They where not really all over beating ECW in the ratings either, plus ratings are already public as Spike pays for them and not TNA and ratings are more ingrained as a measure of success. The ppv buys are probably not as low as reported nor high enough to scream off the rooftops as a promotional tool, as far it is a useful promotional tool at all that is. All those low reports you see everywhere are intended as a way too get TNA to release their numbers and TNA is just ignoring it which they have every right too.


Its not about "proving something" to the dirt sheets, though, Hyde Hill. The dirt sheets don't mean much to a lot of the industry, or to sponsors. Success does. If the pay per view numbers are decent or above, there is no reason to hide them. Literally, no positive reason. What positive reason is there to hide success for a private company that is realiant on public perception and sponsors?

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Why do people even care? Isn't it enough to judge a wrestling show based on whether or not you enjoy watching it? Why do wrestling fans insist on analyzing buy-rates and tv-ratings? I admit to having a twinge of interest when I hear TNA did a 0.6 or that WWE buyrates are generally lower than last year, but those numbers are for the companies themselves to analyze. Not me.
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Why do people even care? Isn't it enough to judge a wrestling show based on whether or not you enjoy watching it? Why do wrestling fans insist on analyzing buy-rates and tv-ratings? I admit to having a twinge of interest when I hear TNA did a 0.6 or that WWE buyrates are generally lower than last year, but those numbers are for the companies themselves to analyze. Not me.

That's a great point, Self. But the problem is, TNA is losing more money than it's making in. TNA can also do better than it is doing now, considering the SHEER amount of talent thehy have.


Fans care because TNA can do better it's doing, and it's not, mostly because of it's internal issues that should take backseat to making a good show.

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Why do people even care? Isn't it enough to judge a wrestling show based on whether or not you enjoy watching it? Why do wrestling fans insist on analyzing buy-rates and tv-ratings? I admit to having a twinge of interest when I hear TNA did a 0.6 or that WWE buyrates are generally lower than last year, but those numbers are for the companies themselves to analyze. Not me.


I have to say that I agree. To be perfectly honest, I really don't care. I don't feel under-informed because I don't know the exact numbers, and knowing the numbers - whether they great, terrible, or anywhere in between, would not affect my opinion of TNA wrestling as a fan. I simply disagree with Hyde Hill's opnion on not releasing the numbers.


However, when hardcore fans (which most of us would be considered) are discussing the business side of things (which is going to happen), the availability of such numbers is likely to become a talking point. Its really no different than hardcore sports fans of other sports - whether footie, football, baseball, hockey, whatever - getting into debates over the financial side of things. Should fans really care about things like available revenues, salary cap space, wages, revenue sharing, etc? No. What should matter is the team/squad that rolls out on the pitch/field/ice for each game/match. That's it. But that isn't the way hardcore fans work, for the most part....

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That's a great point, Self. But the problem is, TNA is losing more money than it's making in. TNA can also do better than it is doing now, considering the SHEER amount of talent thehy have.


Fans care because TNA can do better it's doing, and it's not, mostly because of it's internal issues that should take backseat to making a good show.


Even with the numbers they are still making a profit ppv is not a main source of income tv is as long as their on spike ppv is not important money making wise.

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Well said Papa........say that just made it sound like I was giving my father praise, which of course would never happen because he's a douche....so moving on...:)


TNA has been very vocal everytime they have a success with ratings or business or sell outs as well they should be. The WWE is as well, heck in MY business I'm very bragadocious when I achieve something I can advertise back to my customers and potential customers. Its house business works.


That being said if they weren't getting 10 K buys and where getting 50K don't you think they'd be all over that? Why wouldn't Dixie come out and say "we're not getting 10 K buys, our last three ppv's just did over 60K" but instead she kept it vague.


She's the owner, president and figrehead of a company and she's not publically owned like Vince so she doesn't have to outright admit that her company is losing money.


Its fine that you want to believe Dixie but honestly Hyde if you can tell if someone is lying by watching a video then you're a very impressive person. She's in business, isn't she in the ENERGY business? Or her dad is atleast. If she hasn't learned how to lie then she wouldn't be where she's at in business. I'm not saying she's a dirty filthy liar but no doubt she's mastered the ability of putting her spin on things which I'm sure is what she's done. Just because its a shoot interview doesn't mean its true. If Hogan did a shoot interview tomorrow I seriously doubt it'd be the most truthful account of things.


I enjoyed their product, heck I went to Lockdown the pay per view, I bought a Desmond Wolfe t shirt, I've supported them when I was enjoying their product. However it really bothers me when Hogan's slamming a 700 pound giant that died the next day, or when Bischoff says he had full control over his locker room in 98, or when Dixie claims their setting record ppv buys without offering a shred of evidence other than her word to combat everybody else dirt sheet and ppv insiders saying she's completely full of it.

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Even with the numbers they are still making a profit ppv is not a main source of income tv is as long as their on spike ppv is not important money making wise.

You misunderstand. The problem isn't MAKING money. The problem is LOSING money. If they break even, I could care less. It's not necessarily the best situation, but at least they are making ends meet.


However, LOSING money? That means TNA will eventually have to shut down. There's only so much money you can dump into a losing venture before you have to cut your losses.


I absolutely endorse the idea of TNA dumping most, if not all, their PPV's. They don't make money on it anyway. What's the point?

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Actually, if their PPV buyrates are higher than expected, there should be no reason NOT to release them. In fact, as long as they are unable to, or unwilling to, counter guesstimates, everyone else is going to the guessestimates are close to reality.




I agree, but also, she doesn't always seem to have facts straight, either because she doesn't know about it, or she's trying to obscure it. Hyde Hill should be more critical, not supportive of her, if he likes TNA so much.


I am critical, I dismissed other parts of the shoot out of hand and said you could see the media training. Look the only sources we as the interested public have are dirtsheets and official statements/interviews of those involved right now and in the past. I am critical off all these sources and the truth is in the middle imho. Am I inclined to believe her when she said that she maid millions off of ppv. Sure np as that is easily reached given they have 12 ppv's now is this revenue after all costs? That is a different question.


And apart from her confusing booking with promoting as it refers to her organising wrestling events in college I have not seen her make any truly false statements. Maybe exaggerations etc but nothing too bad.


And as to why not releasing the ppv data. Hmm giving your competitors free info you do not need to give them is the first reason that comes to mind. TNA is not a public company and they should take maximum advantage of that. If I was TNA I might be more proactive in disclosing all my figures but I can certainly understand that TNA does not do so.

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Its not about "proving something" to the dirt sheets, though, Hyde Hill. The dirt sheets don't mean much to a lot of the industry, or to sponsors. Success does. If the pay per view numbers are decent or above, there is no reason to hide them. Literally, no positive reason. What positive reason is there to hide success for a private company that is realiant on public perception and sponsors?


Lol proving my point. They keep the numbers to themselves but do disclose them to relevant partners like sponsors. As far as public perception goes I already made my case that ppv numbers are a negligible factor in that. Even ratings are not as strong as is believed, as far as a marketing tool.


And even if they did release said numbers what do they have to gain other then proving the sheets wrong? If one of their ppv´s ever outsells their major competitor in the same month. Sure that could be useful as a marketing tool. Otherwise nope.

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Well said Papa........say that just made it sound like I was giving my father praise, which of course would never happen because he's a douche....so moving on...:)


TNA has been very vocal everytime they have a success with ratings or business or sell outs as well they should be. The WWE is as well, heck in MY business I'm very bragadocious when I achieve something I can advertise back to my customers and potential customers. Its house business works.


That being said if they weren't getting 10 K buys and where getting 50K don't you think they'd be all over that? Why wouldn't Dixie come out and say "we're not getting 10 K buys, our last three ppv's just did over 60K" but instead she kept it vague.


She's the owner, president and figrehead of a company and she's not publically owned like Vince so she doesn't have to outright admit that her company is losing money.


Its fine that you want to believe Dixie but honestly Hyde if you can tell if someone is lying by watching a video then you're a very impressive person. She's in business, isn't she in the ENERGY business? Or her dad is atleast. If she hasn't learned how to lie then she wouldn't be where she's at in business. I'm not saying she's a dirty filthy liar but no doubt she's mastered the ability of putting her spin on things which I'm sure is what she's done. Just because its a shoot interview doesn't mean its true. If Hogan did a shoot interview tomorrow I seriously doubt it'd be the most truthful account of things.


I enjoyed their product, heck I went to Lockdown the pay per view, I bought a Desmond Wolfe t shirt, I've supported them when I was enjoying their product. However it really bothers me when Hogan's slamming a 700 pound giant that died the next day, or when Bischoff says he had full control over his locker room in 98, or when Dixie claims their setting record ppv buys without offering a shred of evidence other than her word to combat everybody else dirt sheet and ppv insiders saying she's completely full of it.


Lolz I only reported what she said and said why I am more inclined to believe her then the dirtsheets. I am not gobbling it all up. Again we only have that many sources and I am very critical. It sounds you need to become more critical of the sheets Stennick. But let's not argue that. Anyways as long as TNA is still making more money off of ppv then they would from a tv special type system and they are still bound to the ppv contracts they have signed it is all speculative.

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