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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Depends in what way he irritated you hehe. Go away XPac/Bubba Sponge way or Heel heat? Plus India is an important market.


Can't say I thought Dutt was much of a miss to the TNA roster either, but I can't say I actively disliked him, he was just 'meh' to me. Came across as nothing more than a glorified jobber with some flashy moves (then again that might have something to do with the way TNA booked him throughout his entire run with them). Anyway I feel the same way about Amazing Red and would feel the same way about both members of Generation Me, if they went singles.

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I agree with most that Dutt was "eh" but when they needed someone to put on a good X division showing I think he did a pretty good job. Would I ever have him be X Div champ prob not.


And Petey was so under rated. I liked his look at the end of his TNA run except for the blonde hair. I agree with you Hyde that Petey was def more than just the finisher but I mean damn I've never seen someone so over off just a finisher. The whole crowd would stand up just when it looked like he might hit it. I think he was a damn good wrestler and his matches with AJ over the X div title in I believe '05 or '06 were damn good.


I've said it before the X div is an absolute joke. It was absolute favorite part of TNA back in the day and they've made it less and less enjoyable every year. They tried to re-establish it this year but have failed because they have no division to speak of.

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IMO I would really rather watch TNA build their tag division more than the spot monkey division I like Spot monkey wrestling but the fact that they have Williams is good for me


It was never really spot monkeyish as a rule though. Yeah they had it occasionally with the multi-man matches or now with Red. But doing (lots) off highspots is not the same as being a spot-monkey. And they generally showcased some good technical wrestling as well.

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I enjoyed the X division a whole lot in the early years. I liked when they would throw in the multi-man X division match just to showcase the talent. Was a technical masterpiece? Absolutely not but it got to showcase the guys in the division even if they weren't contenders. The X Div title matches were always very good though and were def less spot monkeyish.


Jaysin def agree Doug Williams is very underrated. Would love to see him get to perform with actual X division wrestlers but the storyline he's in now won't allow that.


Also the tag division could be very very good. Sad to see Homicide go though cause adding LAX to the mix would have been great but can't wait to see how MMG title reign goes and who else challenges them. Also love the team of Desmond and Magnus should be a great addition to the tag ranks.

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Preemption for Next Week iMPACT!?


As reported on earlier, next week's edition of TNA Impact (set for September 9) will be preempted by Spike TV. According to representatives of Spike, there will be no new episode of Impact that week in a different timeslot. This means TNA will not be presenting a new episode of Impact just days following the No Surrender PPV on September 5.


TNA has TV tapings scheduled for September 6, 7 and 8 in Orlando.


Source: Wrestling Observer



This doesn't look right. The wording "There will be no new episode of Impact that week in a different timeslot" is odd. We will need follow up on this one.


Okay, below i found another site:




TNA IMPACT! will be pre-empted by Spike on September 9.


Sources at the network say that there will be no TNA programming on Spike next week, which will be the week after No Surrender.


Source: PWInsider

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Congratulations are in order for Angelina Love and Velvet Sky, as their highly anticipated reunion as The Beautiful People last week scored the highest rated segment on Impact according to ProWrestling.net.


Ang and Vel-Vel, as well as Madison Rayne, all cut extremely strong promos on last week’s show followed be an equally exciting catfight. The move obviously paid off as the segment scored a 1.15 in the quarter hour breakdown.


The next highest quarter was for the main event which did a 1.11.


This is an incredibly good look for the newly reunited original TBP. Even with more line-up changes than Destiny’s Child (okay, maybe not), they are still grabbing ratings three years on. Congrats!

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Congratulations are in order for Angelina Love and Velvet Sky, as their highly anticipated reunion as The Beautiful People last week scored the highest rated segment on Impact according to ProWrestling.net.


Ang and Vel-Vel, as well as Madison Rayne, all cut extremely strong promos on last week’s show followed be an equally exciting catfight. The move obviously paid off as the segment scored a 1.15 in the quarter hour breakdown.


The next highest quarter was for the main event which did a 1.11.


This is an incredibly good look for the newly reunited original TBP. Even with more line-up changes than Destiny’s Child (okay, maybe not), they are still grabbing ratings three years on. Congrats!


You know I think that Madison has really put on some good promos in recent weeks. I was never really impressed with her before as far as promos go but I think she has gotten a lot better.

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As reported on earlier, next week's edition of TNA Impact (set for September 9) will be preempted by Spike TV. According to representatives of Spike, there will be no new episode of Impact that week in a different timeslot. This means TNA will not be presenting a new episode of Impact just days following the No Surrender PPV on September 5.


TNA has TV tapings scheduled for September 6, 7 and 8 in Orlando.


Source: Wrestling Observer







TNA IMPACT! will be pre-empted by Spike on September 9.


Sources at the network say that there will be no TNA programming on Spike next week, which will be the week after No Surrender.


Source: PWInsider


Really sucks to hear this. Say what you will about TNA, it's just about the only wrestling show I actually look forward to watching these days.



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It's because they'd be going head to head with the NFL season opener. It'd be awesome if TNA said they are postponing the show so they can watch football.


Yeah but what I do not get why not air it on another day or timeslot? It is still on of Spike's highest rated shows. So why not?

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Congratulations are in order for Angelina Love and Velvet Sky, as their highly anticipated reunion as The Beautiful People last week scored the highest rated segment on Impact according to ProWrestling.net.


Ang and Vel-Vel, as well as Madison Rayne, all cut extremely strong promos on last week’s show followed be an equally exciting catfight. The move obviously paid off as the segment scored a 1.15 in the quarter hour breakdown.


The next highest quarter was for the main event which did a 1.11.


This is an incredibly good look for the newly reunited original TBP. Even with more line-up changes than Destiny’s Child (okay, maybe not), they are still grabbing ratings three years on. Congrats!


If you're going to quote from another news site, you should probably credit them.


Also, if TBP and the KOs are getting the highest rated segments on Impact, that's not a good sign.

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cant u read the name of the site is there.


It a good sign for women wrestling.


A. No it isn't. you cited the site that reported the rating. But that blurb (Congratulation are in order blahblahblah) was originally written by a diva news site and sent out to other wrestling news sites.


B. TBP and that segment has as much to do with "women's wrestling" as the Divas do.


In the long run, it means that TNA will see these ratings and spend more and more time with T&A, bikini contests, cat fights, and members of the KO roster who are more recognizable for their imlpants than their in-ring ability.


Since i don't really care about women's wrestling, it doesn't bother me. But for the TNA fans who really really enjoyed the KOs because of workers like Kong, Sarida, Hamada, and that boring chick with the short hair, they probably won't enjoy it so much

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A. No it isn't. you cited the site that reported the rating. But that blurb (Congratulation are in order blahblahblah) was originally written by a diva news site and sent out to other wrestling news sites.


B. TBP and that segment has as much to do with "women's wrestling" as the Divas do.


In the long run, it means that TNA will see these ratings and spend more and more time with T&A, bikini contests, cat fights, and members of the KO roster who are more recognizable for their imlpants than their in-ring ability.


Since i don't really care about women's wrestling, it doesn't bother me. But for the TNA fans who really really enjoyed the KOs because of workers like Kong, Sarida, Hamada, and that boring chick with the short hair, they probably won't enjoy it so much


I agree Brother Peter. The Divas and Knock-Outs do as much for women's wrestling as my fighting an elephant with a banana. I kinda wish Remi had his own promotion IRL. I would kick ass and have decent workers to boot not Kelly Kelly, Lacey Von Erich and others that claim to wrestle.

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Not trying to be funny here, but is this a site rule? If not then why should it matter, it is not like we are working for a newspaper.


It's not a site rule. But as someone who has been a columnist for a couple of web sites, it bothers me that someone would copy what's essentially an entire article and post it without mentioning that they didn't write it or got it from another site or at least put a link.


The rating itself is just hard info that can be found anywhere.


Again...not a rule..just good form. That's why i said "should" :)

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Also note that that quarter hour was the beginning of the Guns match and that it was quarter hour 5 which recently has trended high for TNA and tends to be high/important for all shows seeing as others will have just ended. So I do not see this as a victory for BP yet. If the same segment was put in q2 it would have probably been low again. It is the direction that matters and compared to other quarter hours relative to total rating. The BP just scored an average or maybe little higher rating for that quarter. Could be that the rating started high and went down during the whole segment though.


Quarter hour's really mean very little imho. Too bad minute by minutes don't get published/made public.

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Also note that that quarter hour was the beginning of the Guns match and that it was quarter hour 5 which recently has trended high for TNA and tends to be high/important for all shows seeing as others will have just ended. So I do not see this as a victory for BP yet. If the same segment was put in q2 it would have probably been low again. It is the direction that matters and compared to other quarter hours relative to total rating. The BP just scored an average or maybe little higher rating for that quarter. Could be that the rating started high and went down during the whole segment though.


Quarter hour's really mean very little imho. Too bad minute by minutes don't get published/made public.


*I* agree with you. but if you look at the direction of the KO division ever since the final segment of Impact featuring LVE popped that nice rating, someone in creative thinks that the T&A/Diva route is the right direction to go.

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It's not a site rule. But as someone who has been a columnist for a couple of web sites, it bothers me that someone would copy what's essentially an entire article and post it without mentioning that they didn't write it or got it from another site or at least put a link.


The rating itself is just hard info that can be found anywhere.


Again...not a rule..just good form. That's why i said "should" :)


Completely agree with this. It does irk me tremendously when I see something copy-pasted onto an MMA NEWZ site or forum and think "Hmm, that looks familiar...oh yes, I wrote it" :-p


The long and short of it is that even if you link back, who needs to click it if the entire article is posted? That's taking money out of my pocket as far as I'm concerned.


I guess it's the nature of the internet though...

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