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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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<p>Yeah I was also thinking extreme sports channel. Also depends on their deal with Bravo in case Bravo does get cancelled maybe the contract specifies that Bravo would still have to pay the rest of the contract. Anyway we shall see but given TNA's good ratings they should be able to find a new home. The question will be if they can pay them as much or give them as much exposure.</p><p> </p><p>

Damn E with their exclusivity contracts grumble grumble lol.</p>

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<p>Impact in the UK will almost certainly go to Extreme Sports with the rest of TNA programming; any other suggestion is either highly unlikely or outright absurd (ie; Channel 4).</p><p> </p><p>

As Wolfe, apparently when they did physicals recently they and issues relating to his previous concussions and told him he's on the shelf for at least two months. That's not really a surprise considering some of the reckless head shots he took in ROH; remember his bout at Unified with the repeated headbutts into the ring post?</p>

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Yeah it's been 2 weeks but TNA! And even if Impact doesn't find a new home TNA fans can get BT Vision which also has Impact and ppv. It all really depends on WWE's contract towards exclusivity pertaining the acquisition of extra networks and TNA's deal with Bravo and TNA's ability to find a new home. It will be interesting.
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<p>Just wondering something when talking about drawing power in the broad sense of the word.</p><p> </p><p>

A) What made you start watching Impact?</p><p> </p><p>

B) What kept you watching Impact?</p><p> </p><p>

C) If applicable why did you stop watching?</p><p> </p><p>

D) If applicable what made you start watching again?</p><p> </p><p>

A) They where showing on Eurosport for a brief time and I hadn't seen wrestling in ages</p><p> </p><p>

B) The X Division and tag division.</p><p> </p><p>

c and d non applicable.</p>

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<p><strong>A) What made you start watching Impact?</strong></p><p>

I started watching shortly after their television deal, I had high hopes for the company and thought that with their television deal they could become something big. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>B) What kept you watching Impact?</strong></p><p>

Virtually nothing, I take nearly a year off at a time from watching it. I haven't watched a single episode since the night EV2.0 started up. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>C) If applicable why did you stop watching?</strong></p><p>

They will get a hot storyline that I'm interested in and then some how destroy that story to the point that I'm no longer interested in it. They will push a guy to the moon (Matt Morgan) and then forget he exists to push Tommy Dreamer or Rhino for the five hundred time. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>D) If applicable what made you start watching again?</strong></p><p>

They will sign somebody new and I'll be interested in what their doing. Or the will be hyping one of their life changing moments they do and I'll tune in. Going two hours, move to Monday nights, Hogan coming in, etc.</p>

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A) What made you start watching Impact?

The New Age Outlaws, and Rhino I think, but I think it was just because it was wrestling

B) What kept you watching Impact?

I was a kid who was a wrestling fan and it was wrestling


I do tend to skip through it at time on the net.

C) If applicable why did you stop watching?

Awkward times it was on and strange ordering of stuff on BRAVO

D) If applicable what made you start watching again?

Not on sky (so I can watch it in bed, since my family are usual watching some other ****)

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A) What made you start watching Impact?


First time? It was a real long time ago - back when James Storm's (I think it was him anyway) injury resulted in AJ taking his title shot to win the Championship belt of JJ. Why? I gave it a try, and I really liked the match quality. Then I stopped watching wrestling for ages. Nothing to do with TNA individually.


Then when I moved I had access to TNA wrestling not WWE, and started watching it again as... something to watch.


B) What kept you watching Impact?


Honestly? Because it's on at a time when nothing else is on (I watch it on Saturday morning), so don't go out of my way to watch it, but rather happen to be by a TV when it's on. I miss huge large chunks of it, and remember fondly the weekly PPV days, even though the production levels were dreadful.


C) If applicable why did you stop watching?


Lack of matches I care about. Outside when I was really into wrestling the only time where I've made sure a kept watching a show was Velocity back around 2003, which always had at least one great match. It's too much effort sitting through several weeks worth of shows to get to a match I can really care about. Although I watched three of the Guns vs Beer Money matches, and they rocked.


D) If applicable what made you start watching again?


see above

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What made you start watching Impact?

A college buddy, on learning that I used to be a wrestling fan, recommended I check out some "X Division" stuff. Watched some on Youtube, liked it, started watching TNA. This was at the tail end of Team Canada I believe.


What kept you watching Impact?

Two things.

1) Variety. It's different from WWE, and I like as much variety in wrestling as I can get.

2) The wrestlers. I don't respond to 'brand loyalty'. I'll never chant "TNA" or "ECW" or even "Dragon Gate". I support the wrestlers themselves, and am constantly looking out for characters that touch me in my special place. Several TNA dudes do that. MCMG, James Storm, Jeff Hardy etc. I will tune in when they've got something interesting going on.


If applicable why did you stop watching?

I've quit watching numerous times. Mostly due to boredom. Nothing major, just some weeks I don't feel like tuning in, so I don't. Impact tends to get into periods where they steadfastly refuse to give me what I want. It's nobody's fault, I'm just one guy, they shouldn't cater to me specifically, but I'm not going to watch 20 minutes of Abyss if I'm not going to get at least 5 minutes of Chris Sabin in return.


If applicable what made you start watching again?

Usually I'll return to Impact when I hear about a particularly good match. Most recently I returned when Beer Money and MCMG started their series. Further back, I returned for the beginning of the Hogan-Era (I thought with all his 'I love MMA' talk he'd do something interesting). Once, I returned to check out a TNA PPV just because I was up at 1am on a Sunday night and had nothing better to do. It's wrestling, it's there, and occasionally they do something that floats my boat.


Right now I'm not watching TNA (or WWE) because I recently went to a Dragon Gate show that was so unbelievably awesome that I cannot begin to care about any other form of wrestling. I'll read spoilers, but it may be a while before I can actually give enough of a damn to watch Impact.

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A) What made you start watching Impact? Sting. I didn't watch any of their early stuff.


B) What kept you watching Impact? Nothing. I went in and out watching them.


C) If applicable why did you stop watching? Because it was such low quality production. The music was terrible, camera work was terrible, announcers were terrible...when I watched it I felt like I was a wrestling stereotype. I quit most recently because I think the storylines are bunk.


D) If applicable what made you start watching again? Various things throughout the years. Samoa Joe's run up to and winning of the title and then the feud with Nash and Booker T. Quit watching again after that. Watched intermittently for awhile. Came back most recently for Scott Hall.

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A) What made you start watching Impact?

They got a tv deal.


B) What kept you watching Impact?

I kinda like Fortune. Love the MCMG getting a push!


C) If applicable why did you stop watching?

They stopped being aired on tv for a bit. I change the channel when the knockouts are on and watch Stan Lee's Superhuman show.


D) If applicable what made you start watching again?

They got a tv deal with Spike. I love wrestling. Enjoying Fortune, MCMG, and I they have some other personal favorites of mine.

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A) What made you start watching Impact?

I've been watching since close to the beginning. I started watching when they had the weekly ppvs, but I couldn't order them so I watched the recap shows on the local channel The Cat. I was so enthralled by the in ring action. I saw wrestlers I loved, and fell in love with new wrestlers at the same time.


B) What kept you watching Impact?

Like I said, I've been watching since the beginning. I haven't stopped since. Various things have kept me watching, but mostly its the ring ring product.


C) If applicable why did you stop watching?

Haven't stopped

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Anyone who follows wrestlers might have seen it, but for those who don't, and especially those who haven't heard of this yet, Pope D'Angelo Dinero posted a worked shoot on his Twitter page called "Deception" in which he parodies the video Hogan posted earlier this week from his bed in the hospital where he said "The doctors have been pumping me all full of crap, much like I have been TNA,".


Video link is here: http://qik.com/video/12461245

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A) What made you start watching Impact?

Around Against All Odds 2005. I instantly got hook after watching Daniels VS Styles on IMPACT.


B) What kept you watching Impact?

Samoa Joe cause he was one of my favorite ROH workers plus the X-Division as a whole. Monty Brown too because I think he had huge potential. Kurt Angle because he one of the greatest wrestlers ever. The Motor City Machines Guns, enough said. Pope's pretty good also.


C) If applicable why did you stop watching?

Bad storylines, not elevating the X-Division to more important or stock rising feuds. Joe not winning the belt at Bound for Glory 2006 cause Joe was undefeated and BFG would have been a big deal if Joe goes over Jarrett for the belt in the main event.


D) If applicable what made you start watching again?

Nothing. Haven't watched since AJ became Ric Flair 2.0

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Source: PWTorch.com


The official TNA Impact rating for last night's show was a 1.12 rating. It was up from a 1.04 rating two weeks ago on September 2.


Impact was essentially flat compared to the ten-week average, which was a 1.10 rating from July 8 to Sept. 2. Impact peaked for the summer on July 29 with a 1.22 rating.


As we detailed in our previous report on last night's ratings, Impact's key male demographic ratings were essentially flat with previous episodes. The key to the ratings increase was Impact scoring a 1.25 rating among males 12-17, which was the highest since July 15.


Since returning to Thursday nights on May 13, Impact has averaged a 0.69 rating among males 18-34. Also since May 13, Impact has averaged a 0.78 rating among males 18-49.


Spike TV has three other franchise programs that are delivering larger audiences among adult men, which is the demographic Spike is most concerned with.


UFC/Ultimate Fighter - delivers anywhere from a 1.80 to a 2.10 rating among m18-34 & m18-49.


1000 Ways to Die - delivers anywhere from a 1.00 to a 1.10 rating rating among m18-34 & m18-49.


Deadliest Warrior - delivers anywhere from a 1.00 to a 1.50 rating among m18-34 & m18-49.

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So it seems even stronger that Matt Hardy is TNA bound from his twitter comments. Thoughts? As I think I posted before I don't like it.


He can't be worse than Tommy Dreamer. If he cuts the tummy, he'll do fine. Just put a shirt on like the sandman.


Here are Paul London thoughts on Matt Hardy -

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It has happened to Angle before. (come into the match as champion and not get pinned in a triple threat match).


Three way match during WrestleMania 22 when Rey Mysterio pinned Randy Orton.


And was he involved in another three way match with Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit for the WWE InterContinental and European title at WM 17???? I believe Angle was not pinned and both Jericho and Benoit took Angle EuroContinental belts away from him.


PWTorch was the ratings source and updated with that post.

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Anyone who follows wrestlers might have seen it, but for those who don't, and especially those who haven't heard of this yet, Pope D'Angelo Dinero posted a worked shoot on his Twitter page called "Deception" in which he parodies the video Hogan posted earlier this week from his bed in the hospital where he said "The doctors have been pumping me all full of crap, much like I have been TNA,".


Video link is here: http://qik.com/video/12461245


Just rechecked all Hogan's vids from hospital and he never said that.


Edit: Ah you meant the other He eg Burke. Sorry hadn't been able to see the vid yet due to internet difficulties. The Hogan ones I could buffer ahead this one I could not.

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