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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I'll give this pay per view one thing its got everybody wondering who They is. They have really built this thing up over the weeks and made people very curious on who They is. If this were a different time I would imagine this would pop a pretty decent buyrate on that alone.


Remember the Higher Power? I remember people suggesting it was Owen Hart, six months after he died....ugh.


Jake Roberts, Ted Dibiase, who knows who else was talked about for the role.

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I really want to know who they are. This is going to be a make or break moment for tna i think. They have been hyping it for a very long time and they have to pay off. This is tna's mania......They have to live up to all the hype. I do enjoy tna but to be honest i am starting to get a little tired of pulling for them. To be honest nothing right now is making me want to watch the show each week. wwe has nxt, that is making me want to watch right now to be honest. ev 2.0 was making me watch for a while but now i don't care about them much any more. Flairs group has not connected with me to be honest. They need something big and quick.
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So then here is the million dollar question, no who do you think "They" are, not even who you WANT "They" to be. Who is an acceptable answer? Obviously its not a huge signing so who in TNA can "They" be and you're going to be ok with it. So far I've basically gotten Christopher Daniels coming back.


Honestly I don't know who "They" could be that would live up to the hype at this point.

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Who they could be is a big one to be honest. I think it would be people who have been off screen for a while or someone who already has the "hardcore" gimmick attached to them. I could see ink inc being part of it. They have a hardcore "look" about them. Then you could throw in a guy like raven as a swerve on ev and i really think father james is going to come back. I hate to say it but i think danials is gone from tna. He is in roh rigght now so that leaves him out. I would love to see the fallen angel on tv but i don't think tna is going to allow him to do the full on evil preacher gimmick. A little to dark if it is done corectly.
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So then here is the million dollar question, no who do you think "They" are, not even who you WANT "They" to be. Who is an acceptable answer? Obviously its not a huge signing so who in TNA can "They" be and you're going to be ok with it. So far I've basically gotten Christopher Daniels coming back.


Honestly I don't know who "They" could be that would live up to the hype at this point.


I agree, but to add to your point, even if it IS a huge signing, it wouldn't matter. TNA has signed huge stars, but that hasn't gotten them the best bang for the buck.

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I agree with you about the not doing anything with big signings but atleast for one night and maybe one night only if they did have a big signing atleast you would be able to say "wow they paid it off".


I'm not saying thats what they should do or thats what it would take but honestly at this point I'm almost certain Bischoff is in on this in some form or another.

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I agree with you about the not doing anything with big signings but atleast for one night and maybe one night only if they did have a big signing atleast you would be able to say "wow they paid it off".


I'm not saying thats what they should do or thats what it would take but honestly at this point I'm almost certain Bischoff is in on this in some form or another.


That's just... sad. Not you. Them.

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The Undertaker didn't need Paul Bearer, he did nearly nothing for him. His character was that he was an undead monster who couldn't be harmed. He got over because of that and not due to Paul's mic work.


You really think Rude and Chyna added ANYTHING to DX to get them over? They got over because Shawn's top five all time on mic work.


There is a difference between wrestling Hulk Hogan and being a main eventer. None of those guys had any success when they weren't wrestling Hogan asside from Rude who again didn't need Heenan because he was able to work the stick himself.


If you think any of the JJ Dillon era horseman needed HIM on the mic then I'm not sure what to think. JJ was great in his role but who exactly was a better promo than? Flair? Arn? Ole? Tully?


AAA was a good choice of a guy that got Umaga over and added a lot to him I'll give you that DJ, but Jaguar's examples were not very good. Not a single of those managers did anything to bring their guys to the main event they couldn't do themselves except for the Heenan family who again weren't main eventers Bobby was the main eventer and since he didn't wrestle it would be Heenan family member of the week jobbing to Hogan.


I agree with you that a manager CAN help but Hillbilly Jim was not a main eventer on a national level. I'm talking about more national level since that was were the discussion was. On the local or regional level then certainly a manager is more valuable than the wrestlers since he's more inclined to stick around.


Lets just go through a few you mentioned. Hillbilly Jim was never a main eventer on any real level so did a manager help him? Sure but again this about managers helping at the MAIN EVENT level.


Bundy main evented Wrestlemania II for Heenan but again after that he was largly forgotten and never did anything after that except for a job to Taker a few years later.


Rude certainly didn't need a manager. Of all the people on this list Rude is the guy that didn't need anything. Ox Baker, Kamala those guys weren't main eventers for anything outside of their local territories. They never drew anything nationally and thats more what I'm referring to since the territory system was completely different in every way and its nearly impossible to compare anything that happened in those to anything that happened in NWA/WCW or WWF/E.


Savage REALLY didn't need a manager, Adonis I don't know who his manager was but since the guy was largley gone after Wrestlemania II and never really worked any big money programs I don't know how much a manager did for him. Jim Neidhart was a great tag team guy but never got CLOSE to the main event and again this is talking about managers helping guys become main eventers. Honky Tonk Man and Jimmy Hart were great but he drew near riots WITHOUT Hart so again I really think Jimmy was just icing on the cake. Honkey was over and would have been over regardless. IRS and The Million Dollar Man were GOLD on the mic and really didn't need a manger. Bockwinkel was the man in the AWA and I never saw any need for a manger and in the shows I've watched he's all by himself cutting his own promos. Lanza wasn't a main eventer, Ventura come on man Ventura really didn't need a manager. We could go on and on but really most of the guys you listed were mid card guys in the WWF during the 80's and a manager helped them but didn't make them main eventers.


When talking about a manager making a guy into a main eventer and him CLEARLY being the reason why I would say Armando and Heyman are the only examples I can come up with and truth be told if they let Brock play around in the mid card for a year without pushing him to the top so quick Heyman wouldn't have been needed. However they didn't and so Heyman's mic work really made Brock that first year.


Again I'm not saying Managers don't help I'm saying very rarely do manager bring a guy to the main event and he STAYS there. I'm talking more than just a token run against the face.


Apples and Oranges my friend. I was debating a different point it looks like. There is only a couple things in your whole post I would dispute, but it's off topic, as far as manager's go. I will say one thing on topic before I go there though..


On Topic: I do think manager's help/helped bring out some talent then no one knew about. At that time I sometimes would know all this stuff about someone before even seeing them, just by listening to the Manager, whom alot of times would be at the announce table, talking about them. "Just wait till Hillbilly Jim comes out, he's HUGE, I'm talking Monstrous. Makes Hogan look like a Midget!" etc. Not exact phrase, but you get my point. This might be said over the course of a few shows before I even was able to see him, and by then.... He would be "HUGE" and make Hogan look like a Midget, in my eyes anyways. People like Big John Studd, and other's, that a manager promoted, in my opinion, would have had to show up alot more often before I remembered who they were. Now, that's not saying they were at WWE level of overness, or even Main Eventer's for a long time... but still, they opened bigger then they would have.


Now, for the off topic part. Although the Territory days weren't full of national TV shows, and such... These guys were known nationally. I knew guys in the South, I knew guys in the North, the West, etc. These shows might not have been shown all over, but alot of the worker's showed up all over, and were everybit as popular as current Main Eventer's are today. People like Paul Orndorff, Superfly Snuka, etc. these guys weren't only known in their territories, but all over the country.


I know you understand what I mean, but too many times people will read similar posts like the one you made, and think of the territories as "Indie" type promotions, if you were to compare them to todays standards.... and they were MUCH bigger. Regional would be about right, in TEW standards, but in the real world the worker's themselves were alot more over then TEW Standard Regional Promotions would be able to keep... let alone sign them like WWE did. Someone like Andre the Giant was known all over the world, probably one of the most recognized people in the world outside of Muhammed Ali, at the time. Yet, he would show up and even stay at regional sized promotions.


Just wanted to clarify that, as it bugs me sometimes... I grew up in the Hogan, Andre, and even a bit of Billy Graham era... Roddy Piper when we were watching Roddy Piper's pit, etc. I was actually watching the show when he hit Snuka with that Coconut... couldn't wait for Snuka to get him back (they never show that, but it happened).

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Remember the Higher Power? I remember people suggesting it was Owen Hart, six months after he died....ugh.


Jake Roberts, Ted Dibiase, who knows who else was talked about for the role.


completely irrelevant, but the Higher Power was revealed only a few weeks after Owen's death.. it doesnt affect your point, im just being picky :p

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I know its designed to get people to watch Reaction.. but its really alienating UK fans (and any others who dont get Reaction)


the last couple of weeks Ive though Impact has ended a little abrupt and its made me think that TNA are stupid.. my thoughts were 'I know you tape this weeks in advance, so why cant you edit it to fit two hours?' this live Impact was the first time I was made aware that it would overrun to Reaction.. so Ive had to download it just to see the end of Impact.. why not just run a 3 hour live Impact?


silly decision if im honest.. I hope the extra viewers for Reaction are worth pissing off people not in the States..


oh, and on the notion of trying to get Bravo to pick up Reaction.. they dont even show the ppvs or Xplosion (theyre on Extreme Sports) so I doubt theyll bother with Reaction..


What I think is ridiculous is that the UK is TNA's most profitable market and they decide to do this??? Wow. :eek:

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So then here is the million dollar question, no who do you think "They" are, not even who you WANT "They" to be. Who is an acceptable answer? Obviously its not a huge signing so who in TNA can "They" be and you're going to be ok with it. So far I've basically gotten Christopher Daniels coming back.


Honestly I don't know who "They" could be that would live up to the hype at this point.


My worst fear is some sort of Bash at the Beach NWO formation recreation.


Sting, Nash and Pope vs Jarrett & Joe is now a handicap match. BFG is being held at Daytona Beach. Hogan shown in hospital despite being hyped to be 'at' the live Impact... I know he's had issues with his back, but so much so that he couldn't still turn up and swing a chair or something. The Abyss termination contract that Bischoff magic'ed up for Dixie to sign (Abyss was of course Hogan's mini-me protege not long ago).


Jarrett and Joe screwed over, Hogan heel turn, possibly alligned with Sting (Nash is supposed to be leaving TNA after BFG by all accounts unless that's some sort of work) Bischoff in control... I probably cry, because such an outcome would hardly take TNA into an exciting new era.

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The only logical step in the "They" saga would be Eric Bischoff & Miss Tesmacher... but once it's revealed it's not going to boost the ratings. It's going to fizzle into nothing like every other TNA storyline has done. With Nash already stating he is leaving TNA when his contract ends (sure BFG is his last appearance) the whole Nash/Sting/Dinero v. Jarrett & Joe story isn't going anywhere after Bound For Glory so there'll be no bringing together of those storylines. Sting will probably do another disappearing act and Pope will end up bouncing around just out of the main event scene. Bischoff will play the "bad guy promoter" which has been done to death and is really quite boring now. No doubt it will follow the same rehashed formula of "gets into it with face, makes face's life hell, face eventually gets revenge" Yawn.


TNA is a sinking ship, and Kevin Nash has managed to get his ass on a lifeboat out of it! I really wish TNA would just stop, think and plan a simple yet effective storyline for a change instead of these rehashed or over complicated storylines that go nowhere.

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Made a run down of options for another place on "They". Ill give my opinion on whether It would be Good, let down or in the middle for me.



a) The Band aka NWO coming back together. Let down


b) AAA, TNA's Mexican partner, invasion. Let down


c) Return of James Mitchell with friends. Middle


d) Group of TNA Originals. Good


e) Heel turn by big name(s) Hardy, Anderson etc. Middle


f) ROH faction, no3 promotion in the US. Middle


g) Voices in Abyss's head. Let Down


h) Dixie's parents. Let Down


i) ex WWE group. Middle


j) Heyman with friends. Middle


k) Combination of the above or something not mentioned. Depends

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The Samoa Joe Kidnapp angle was dropped turned into Joe in the NAtion of Violence which was dropped and turned into Joe in the MEM which was dropped too.


They will probably be Hogan, Bischoff, Jarret, and Sting which is stoopid although not the Original They due to NAsh leaving...


They SHOULD be AJ Styles, Hernandez, Daniels with Cornett as the voice.

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The Samoa Joe Kidnapp angle was dropped turned into Joe in the NAtion of Violence which was dropped and turned into Joe in the MEM which was dropped too.


They will probably be Hogan, Bischoff, Jarret, and Sting which is stoopid although not the Original They due to NAsh leaving...


They SHOULD be AJ Styles, Hernandez, Daniels with Cornett as the voice.


that's what I thought...


Why can't they just close out storylines? even if it's something ultra simple, just to bring fruition to things... frustrates me when wrestling companies do that crap...



In my TEW game, "THEY" was Legion... (Mark 5:9 "And [Jesus] asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." This is when talking to the demons possessing a person.)


Legion in my game was a ministry of darkness type of stable, consisting of:



Father Mitchell

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Cucuy (Black Pain aka Big Papi Sanchez)


JaRVi the JiaNT


Judas Mesias





They pretty much "haunted" Hulk Hogan, RVD, Jeff Hardy and the incoming Matt Hardy.

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I am just hoping Russo plays some mind games even if it is for one night only. Like as the show goes on the air they show Christopher Daniels, Monty Brown, Chris Storm, and whoever else outside the arena. The announcers speculate that the oringals are THEY. Then during the lethal lockdown match WWE cast offs Haas, Benjamin, Carlito, and whoever else they got show up and interfere. The announcers are confident that the WWE guys are THEY. During the 3 on 2 match, Nash is taken out, then Pope and Samoa Joe turn on thier partners, beating down Sting and Jarrett. Then the main event comes along, Bischoff comes out to help Mr. Anderson win. Abyss comes out to destroy Angle and Hardy. Bischoff, Anderson, and Abyss are celebrating in the ring when Sting and Jarrett come to the ring. Pope and Samoa Joe show back up for the beat down. So THEY is a Bischoff lead regime lead by the new World Champ Mr. Anderson, Abyss, Samoa Joe, and Pope. Bischoff gets around the whole firing Abyss because he really tricked Dixie into signing the company over to him.
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I am just hoping Russo plays some mind games even if it is for one night only. Like as the show goes on the air they show Christopher Daniels, Monty Brown, Chris Storm, and whoever else outside the arena. The announcers speculate that the oringals are THEY. Then during the lethal lockdown match WWE cast offs Haas, Benjamin, Carlito, and whoever else they got show up and interfere. The announcers are confident that the WWE guys are THEY. During the 3 on 2 match, Nash is taken out, then Pope and Samoa Joe turn on thier partners, beating down Sting and Jarrett. Then the main event comes along, Bischoff comes out to help Mr. Anderson win. Abyss comes out to destroy Angle and Hardy. Bischoff, Anderson, and Abyss are celebrating in the ring when Sting and Jarrett come to the ring. Pope and Samoa Joe show back up for the beat down. So THEY is a Bischoff lead regime lead by the new World Champ Mr. Anderson, Abyss, Samoa Joe, and Pope. Bischoff gets around the whole firing Abyss because he really tricked Dixie into signing the company over to him.



That last line is what I think actually will/ did happen...


also, your whole scenario would be cool.

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that's what I thought...


Why can't they just close out storylines? even if it's something ultra simple, just to bring fruition to things... frustrates me when wrestling companies do that crap...



In my TEW game, "THEY" was Legion... (Mark 5:9 "And [Jesus] asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." This is when talking to the demons possessing a person.)


Legion in my game was a ministry of darkness type of stable, consisting of:



Father Mitchell

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Cucuy (Black Pain aka Big Papi Sanchez)


JaRVi the JiaNT


Judas Mesias





They pretty much "haunted" Hulk Hogan, RVD, Jeff Hardy and the incoming Matt Hardy.


I'm quite happy for something like this - however, they can bring in workers who haven't worked occult gimmicks at all - for example, I'm sure that Austin Aries could pull it off. What I want to see if there is a group like this is for them to be given some form of identity tonight. I don't just want it to be a bunch of people and then we have to wait to Impact for them to justify that "they" are really a big deal. A good way to have done that would be to bloodbath RVD - but that happened only two months ago, so that's out the window.

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