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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Also, I bother me that the writer attacks TNA for bringing in wrestlers who made their name in other companies, and then riding that fame, and not pushing their homegrown stars...


..and then AIW makes a HUGE deal out of Danielson and Low Ki being members of their roster.


Isn't that EXACTLY the same thing? Danielson and Ki didn't make their name at AIW. At all. Not even close. Bragging that they are appearing on the card is one thing, but bragging that they are 'alumni making it big in WWE'?




Yes AIW is guilty of the same thing. I completely agree. By saying I liked that article though it doesn't mean I agree with it. I interpret it as he feels betrayed by guys going for the quick buck in TNA. Selling out is going somewhere for the money. You even said going to TNA is going to pay you better. I don't think there is anything wrong with that at all.


It even helps them as indy wrestlers if things don't work out in TNA. They go back to AIW and get billed as former TNA star John Noname or whatever.


He has a relationship with these guys who are leaving for TNA. He may feel in some cases that they could do better than TNA by striving for WWE and not settling for TNA. Plus he is mad that they left him. I can see why the guy feels the way he does. Doesn't mean I agree though.

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OK, I'm late to the party. Just read the article, and some of the comments. Wow.


I'm still laughing over the idea that going from AIW, a company I'd never heard of 10 minutes ago, to TNA, a company that has international TV exposure, could possibly be termed a "lateral move", or even a DOWNGRADE. That is such an absurd thing to say.

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I guarantee to you anybody that says TNA is trash is trolling because 100% guaranteed they'll DVR Gen Me vs MCMG matches and AJ vs Angle matches etc....selective viewing....and how anybody can watch those matches and still honestly say TNA is trash well they are simply trolling....or are dumb WWE fanboys completely ignorant of everything that isn't branded WWE.



so I just read that the reason TNA released Hamada was because it as costing them 1000 to fly her to Impact tapings. IMO that is a ok reason I can see how that could get expensive


If they really want to cut the wage bill they should let go of Hogan, he is serving no purpose - he hasn't brought the ratings in and he's not entertaining. At least Bischoff serves some purpose behind the scenes and is a good heel.

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If they really want to cut the wage bill they should let go of Hogan, he is serving no purpose - he hasn't brought the ratings in and he's not entertaining. At least Bischoff serves some purpose behind the scenes and is a good heel.


He serves a purpose, as much as I dislike it. He's gotten TNA television deals across more than a few countries since he signed on, since Hogan is still ****ing huge abroad in places like France, the Middle East and Japan, etc...

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I guarantee to you anybody that says TNA is trash is trolling because 100% guaranteed they'll DVR Gen Me vs MCMG matches and AJ vs Angle matches etc....selective viewing....and how anybody can watch those matches and still honestly say TNA is trash well they are simply trolling....or are dumb WWE fanboys completely ignorant of everything that isn't branded WWE.


If they really want to cut the wage bill they should let go of Hogan, he is serving no purpose - he hasn't brought the ratings in and he's not entertaining. At least Bischoff serves some purpose behind the scenes and is a good heel.


I'm telling you right now I swear on my entire family I haven't watch one MINUTE of iMpact since Bound for Glory. Not DVR, not live, I've read some results that have been posted around the web but thats virtually unavoidable.


Also Gen Me vs. MCMG is crap wrestilng. I saw a guy take a GERMAN SUPLEX from the top rope and kick out IMMEDIATLY! Thats not wrestling, their matches have no story and its just big move after big move after big move. When you open the show (BFG) with a german suplex from the TOP ROPE and an IMMEDIATE cover not finishing a match thats just stupid. That spoor ring psychology and an even poorer story telling.


Its not the kind of wrestling I enjoy. I enjoy the wrestling where people work on telling a story in the ring.


Watching Highlights Gen Me did a top rope double team 450 splash onto MCMG, then MCMG did a top rope german suplex that didn't end it but a super neck breaker did? I'm sorry but thats just lame. I remember people freaking out calling this match of the year. Jerry Lawler vs. The Miz was a better match as far as psychology and story telling than this.


So don't come on here saying that if you don't like TNA or if you don't like this match you're a troll. In fact I'd say its trolling to come on here and say "there is no way you can't like this and if you don't you're an idiot".


When Hogan turned heel at BFG I said it was stupid, I said I didn't like it, but I never said others were stupid and weren't allowed to like it. I'm sorry that a bunch of flippy floppy moves that make no sense and have no lasting effect fifteen seconds later is your idea of a great match its just not mine.

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Lolz at the Hogan comment. Just looking at the US television rating's are we and even those are slightly up if you take the monday night skirmish and rebuild out of the equation? Can they use Hogan in a smarter and better way? Yes. Should they release him? Nope. Is he being paid more then he has delivered? Probably.
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I guarantee to you anybody that says TNA is trash is trolling because 100% guaranteed they'll DVR Gen Me vs MCMG matches and AJ vs Angle matches etc....selective viewing....and how anybody can watch those matches and still honestly say TNA is trash well they are simply trolling....or are dumb WWE fanboys completely ignorant of everything that isn't branded WWE.


Or purist/ psychology fans like Stennick. Nothing wrong with that mind you.

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I'm not saying they don't serve their purpose but its not an OMG five star classic and its not "OMG check these guys out and just watch TNA for them"


Isn't that EVERY indy tag match in the world these days? Seriously couldn't I watch Dragon Gate and get just as cool of a tag team match?


MCMG are not that great of a tag team. I said it, they have no character. Why are they the Motor City Machine Guns? Their from Detroit.....and um?


What is their character? What motivates these guys? They have been a tag team for what three years and I can count on one hand how many times these guys have cut a promo.


Their pretty good wrestlers and thats why I should like them? Even without the promos what stories have they told me in the ring? What memorable feuds have they had? Alex Shelly on the other hand in 2005 was OOZING charisma and could have long since been at the top of the card. His skits with Nash were the funniest crap ever. His goofy hair, his ****y, creative wrestling.


MCMG are no better than any other indy tag team on the planet same as Gen Me. Their both, bland, characterless tag teams who I have no motivation to watch. Neither has ever cut a promo or been in a feud that made me say "oh man I'm rooting for these guys because of this".....their good wrestlers thats why I should like them?


Sorry but on national T.V I need more than "hey these guys do good wrestling matches".

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I'm not saying they don't serve their purpose but its not an OMG five star classic and its not "OMG check these guys out and just watch TNA for them"


Isn't that EVERY indy tag match in the world these days? Seriously couldn't I watch Dragon Gate and get just as cool of a tag team match?


MCMG are not that great of a tag team. I said it, they have no character. Why are they the Motor City Machine Guns? Their from Detroit.....and um?


What is their character? What motivates these guys? They have been a tag team for what three years and I can count on one hand how many times these guys have cut a promo.


Their pretty good wrestlers and thats why I should like them? Even without the promos what stories have they told me in the ring? What memorable feuds have they had? Alex Shelly on the other hand in 2005 was OOZING charisma and could have long since been at the top of the card. His skits with Nash were the funniest crap ever. His goofy hair, his ****y, creative wrestling.


MCMG are no better than any other indy tag team on the planet same as Gen Me. Their both, bland, characterless tag teams who I have no motivation to watch. Neither has ever cut a promo or been in a feud that made me say "oh man I'm rooting for these guys because of this".....their good wrestlers thats why I should like them?


Sorry but on national T.V I need more than "hey these guys do good wrestling matches".


How do you feel about Beer Money/MCMG matches?

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To be fair, this...


I guarantee to you anybody that says TNA is trash is trolling because 100% guaranteed they'll DVR Gen Me vs MCMG matches and AJ vs Angle matches etc....selective viewing....and how anybody can watch those matches and still honestly say TNA is trash well they are simply trolling....or are dumb WWE fanboys completely ignorant of everything that isn't branded WWE.


..is like 99.9% of thommohawk comments which is why most of the time no one debates him. ALso..


If they really want to cut the wage bill they should let go of Hogan, he is serving no purpose - he hasn't brought the ratings in and he's not entertaining. At least Bischoff serves some purpose behind the scenes and is a good heel.


..he clearly doesn't understand some of the business aspects of rasslin' which is why he refers to anyone who doesn't lose their mind for everything TNA does as 'WWEtard'

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I just read that Jeff Hardy almost lost the TNA Title at the airport. I mean I know he is the champion and all but they should really have someone more responsible carrying the title around the country. Better yet just leave it in Orlando. I think the last person I would want carrying around the title from airport to airport is the drug addled Jeff Hardy. Heck he might try to pawn the thing for money.:eek:
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Hogan is the face of TNA for people not familiar with wrestling. He is more of a marketing tool than anything and it's been working.


Personally I love the MCMG. Enjoyed most matches by them. The MCMG vs Beer Money matches were good.


Alex Shelley is obviously the more charismatic of the two guys. Some would argue Chris Sabin is the better wrestler. Together I like them though.

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I'm not saying they don't serve their purpose but its not an OMG five star classic and its not "OMG check these guys out and just watch TNA for them"


Isn't that EVERY indy tag match in the world these days? Seriously couldn't I watch Dragon Gate and get just as cool of a tag team match?


MCMG are not that great of a tag team. I said it, they have no character. Why are they the Motor City Machine Guns? Their from Detroit.....and um?


What is their character? What motivates these guys? They have been a tag team for what three years and I can count on one hand how many times these guys have cut a promo.


Their pretty good wrestlers and thats why I should like them? Even without the promos what stories have they told me in the ring? What memorable feuds have they had? Alex Shelly on the other hand in 2005 was OOZING charisma and could have long since been at the top of the card. His skits with Nash were the funniest crap ever. His goofy hair, his ****y, creative wrestling.


MCMG are no better than any other indy tag team on the planet same as Gen Me. Their both, bland, characterless tag teams who I have no motivation to watch. Neither has ever cut a promo or been in a feud that made me say "oh man I'm rooting for these guys because of this".....their good wrestlers thats why I should like them?


Sorry but on national T.V I need more than "hey these guys do good wrestling matches".


Being a lover of flippy-floppy wrestling, I'm not as harsh a critic of these guys at Stennick is, but both those teams could do with some character development, that's for sure. They've had generic 50/50 'feuds', but never anything to sink their teeth into and make the crowd care about them for anything other than 'OMG flipz'. I watch and enjoy plenty of that style in Dragon Gate and PWG, so when it comes to weekly episodic television, I need story to go with my spot monkeys. I need characters to suck me in. Motor City Machine Guns have only ever shown me glimpses of that, and Generation Me have shown me nothing. I'll still download the occasional match of theirs if it receives rave reviews, but MCMG and Gen Me aren't exactly special attractions to me.

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I just read that Jeff Hardy almost lost the TNA Title at the airport. I mean I know he is the champion and all but they should really have someone more responsible carrying the title around the country. Better yet just leave it in Orlando. I think the last person I would want carrying around the title from airport to airport is the drug addled Jeff Hardy. Heck he might try to pawn the thing for money.:eek:


He probably just had it in his luggage which is not uncommon for an airline to misplace from time to time.


Sure, Jeff is a drughead - but do we know this was actually his fault?

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I had not watched an impact for 5 weeks (got 5 episodes on the dvr) so i figure i have some time lets look at what i have missed.


ummm I may not be their target audience but are the ratings up for this stuff?


I liked TNA a few months ago much better than the TNA of today.


I will still check them out but they are getting lower on my to watch list.

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Alex Shelly on the other hand in 2005 was OOZING charisma and could have long since been at the top of the card. His skits with Nash were the funniest crap ever. His goofy hair, his ****y, creative wrestling

I didn't see much of Shelley's stuff with Nash, but I've always felt that he could be GREAT on his own. I loved him as a heel in ROH; he, to me, is what made Generation Next work, and helped fellow members Austin Aries and Roderick Strong get over. As much as I enjoy watching the MCMGs, I hope TNA will give Shelley a legitimate chance as a singles heel one day.

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He probably just had it in his luggage which is not uncommon for an airline to misplace from time to time.


Sure, Jeff is a drughead - but do we know this was actually his fault?


Yeah it was just a joke (a poor one at that).:) I mean he really did lose the title but the rest of what I said was me joking about his "demons".

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Heck wasn't it TNA that was "Hail Sabin!" and the guy was the X Division champion and being pushed to the very top of the X Division and the company?


I would understand if they had nothing for either of these guys to do but as I said Shelly had gotten over HUGE with the Nash stuff but then they seemingly went in a different direction and somebody in there didn't think Shelly had what it took to be a singles star.


So they put these guys together.....whatever thats fine but WHAT have they done. For all this talk of the MCMG tell me for the love of God WHAT have they done? They had a best of seven with Beer Money.....ok and? You mean they put on some really good wrestling matches? Thats fine but why do I care about them as a team? Because their good wrestlers? What more motivation do I have than that? What epic feuds have they had? They faced the Dudleys, Beer Money, Gen Me and out of all of that they are on the exact same spot on the card as before.


I don't watch TNA every week to see JUST good wrestling. Sure it helps but I can also forgive bad wrestling for good story telling. If I purely wanted to see the flip flop stuff or purely mat work I'd watch DGUSA or ROH.


So yeah forgive me if I say that the MCMG's are not only bland and boring as far as giving off any sort of real charisma but atleast Shelly is being wasted. Although I'm of the firm belief that Alex Shelly has helped keep Sabin employed since I've never seen that guy do anything other than what he's doing in MCMG.

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I completely agree with you, Stennick. While the Guns have put on entertaining matches, very little has ever been done to give them substance or character from what I've seen. That's probably why I consider the Kings of Wrestling, rather than the MCMG, the best team in wrestling currently: they put on great matches, but that isn't all they're about.


I'm not sure now is the best time for Shelley to go solo; with such a heavy focus on Immortal, there doesn't seem to be much room for too many other heels to establish themselves. But maybe one day.

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