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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Watch one of Ravens shoots if you can. Hes talked about storylines he pitched to Vince before.


I've seen a couple of Raven interviews, and I always dig them. The last one was about 'How To Be A Good Babyface' and it was awesome. Learned so much. Fairly basic stuff in many respects (all you need is fire and sympathy) but as a bloke who has never been to wrestling school, I never would have known it without that interview, and it can help me write... anything. A screenplay. Another diary. Anything. Any hero in any story I write will now try to get sympathy from the audience from the situation he is in, and will show tremendous fire in fighting back.


Although (and I've said this before) Raven himself annoys me, so I can only stomach 1 interview with him every few months, despite the lessons he teaches.

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He's there... so is Chris Harris.... UH OH! :eek:



I'm watching the PPV, only because I have nothin' else to do... I haven't watched TNA in like 2 weeks, with all the College Bowl games....


I havent watched much the last two weeks I got a PS3 for christmas so Black Opps have taken over :)

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The way Shelley goes from injured to fine again is unbelievable!


I know, right? I can't believe people say he's the talented one in MCMG.


Matt has always been out of shape even when he was in the WWE.


"Always" is a bit of a stretch. Last couple of years, sure. Since the whole abdominal explosion thing.



Decided to sleep instead of watching the PPV. Anything on this show I should go out of my way to see?

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Decided to sleep instead of watching the PPV. Anything on this show I should go out of my way to see?


I didn't see Lethal and Kaz or the last two matches but from what I saw. if you like MCMG vs. Beer Money watch that but if you saw any of there match before it was very similar, Rayne vs. Mickie was a standard knockouts match, 'Bully Ray and D-Von was a decent brawl, Abyss and Doug was made good by Doug Williams. Matt vs rvd was quite good but the crappy ending ruins it, and the double J, Angle exhibition was a joke.

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