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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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They took the belt off of Hardy because they didn't know if he was going to serve time in jail and wanted to play safe. They put the belt on Jeff because, well, I don't know why because he could still serve jail time.


And does anyone remember Isis, the 7-ft something giant of a woman who was on NXT for a week before WWE canned her when they realised how horrible she was? Well, guess who TNA want to hire?

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So what are some thoughts from TNA die-hards about putting the belt back on Hardy? Was there anything up with Anderson behind-the-scenes or does the whole Fortune split force them to put the belt back on Hardy so that Immortal has some gold? Would have liked to see a nice long Mr. Anderson run but where does he go from here?


Not a 'die hard' but do watch regularly, I think it is awful and the decision really annoys me, his first PPV defense and he dropped the belt to Jeff Hardy, but I think they may want it on a heel because they have so many face contenders and other than Jeff no other heel contenders

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I don't watch TNA, but if I was booking it, I would absolutely have the belt on Hardy. He was the man in 2009. That kind of connectivity with the fans is hard to come by. As a heel... there's something there. If you got him away from Immortal and let him stand on his own I think there's a really interesting nucleus of a promotion. Anderson isn't an interesting enough persona, to me. Great challenger, but not a great champion.


I am a Hardy mark though. Even in 2011.


The court thing is an issue, but I'm not in-the-know about the details (the actual details, not the rumours) so I'm going to ignore it.

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Speaking of rumours:


- TNA World Champion Jeff Hardy returns to court this morning in Moore County, NC. He is expected to finalize his rumored plea agreement, which is related to his September 2009 arrest on various drug charges.


followed shortly by


The new TNA World Heavyweight champion, Jeff Hardy showed up for court this morning, only for his case to receive yet another continuance.


This time his attorney is to blame. James Van Camp was busy representing a client in a murder trial, which made him unavailable.


The next case is set for March 16.


So a delay in the court date, but a possible plea deal? Maybe the plea includes no jail time, which is why TNA pulled the trigger?

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Actually they fired her when they realized she did porn.

To be more specific, it was half-nude pictures that she forgot to tell them about. She is still beyond horrible as anyone who has seen her 'work' can tell you.


I don't watch TNA, but if I was booking it, I would absolutely have the belt on Hardy. He was the man in 2009.


Which was two years ago in another company. Until the whole court case is done and settled, putting the belt on Hard again only leaves TNA open to having to make another title change if things don't go right for Hardy. Crazy idea; TNA fans seem to like Anderson, so why not keep it on him for a nice long run to make him seem like a babyface worth getting behind and to make the belt mean something.

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To be more specific, it was half-nude pictures that she forgot to tell them about. She is still beyond horrible as anyone who has seen her 'work' can tell you.


Oh there are most definitely nudes of her out there. She may be horrible in the ring but whoever hires her does do so because she can put on great matches. Not to mention she's been wrestling for what less than 5 years now? It always takes longer for big guys to not stink up the place in the ring.

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She may be horrible in the ring but whoever hires her does do so because she can put on great matches. Not to mention she's been wrestling for what less than 5 years now? It always takes longer for big guys to not stink up the place in the ring.

It's not about putting on great matches, true, but it's a good idea to at least be capable. She is far from that. If she was terrible that would be an improvement from where she is now. Whether it takes longer for big guys to not stink up the place is irrelevant. What is relevant is that there is a place to learn to not stink up the place and it isn't on prime time cable television. Putting someone that bad on your TV only makes the promotion look bad.

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It's not about putting on great matches, true, but it's a good idea to at least be capable. She is far from that. If she was terrible that would be an improvement from where she is now. Whether it takes longer for big guys to not stink up the place is irrelevant. What is relevant is that there is a place to learn to not stink up the place and it isn't on prime time cable television. Putting someone that bad on your TV only makes the promotion look bad.


While that is certainly true, it's never stopped TNA from doing it in the past. :p

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I'd hire her. She MASSIVE. Even if she can't wrestle, that's an attraction. Have her as someone's valet or something. Wrestling will always have room for some freak-show acts.

I think wrestling is past "GOJIRA" acts these days. They are boring. People are into ATHLETIC "GOJIRA's" these days. If you are big you better be also be athletic ala Matt Morgan or Brock Lesnar. Just being BIG doesn't cut it anymore.

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I think wrestling is past "GOJIRA" acts these days. They are boring. People are into ATHLETIC "GOJIRA's" these days. If you are big you better be also be athletic ala Matt Morgan or Brock Lesnar. Just being BIG doesn't cut it anymore.


I half disagree. Yes, people are into the athleticism nowadays, and that's awesome. I certainly wouldn't put her in a spot where her clumsiness or whathaveyou would be exposed or become a detriment... but I believe there's still value in having a 7' gigantress on display. Variety is the spice of life, after all, and she's a rather unique individual. I'm sure I could come up with something worthwhile for her to do, that hides her weaknesses and promotes her strengths.

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I'd hire her. She MASSIVE. Even if she can't wrestle, that's an attraction. Have her as someone's valet or something. Wrestling will always have room for some freak-show acts.


Great idea if you have no plans for the wrestler in question to get over. A valet that tall and freaky is getting all the attention.


I'm sure I could come up with something worthwhile for her to do, that hides her weaknesses and promotes her strengths.


We're all ears on this one. Go ahead and amaze us with your great idea for her.

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We're all ears on this one. Go ahead and amaze us with your great idea for her.


I'm not quite sure what the need for all the bitcheness is in this (and the WWE) thread. People have differing opinions, and as most of these opinions are about whether someone is "liked" or "useful" there are very few incorrect opinions (unlike the incorrect opinions if, say, someone said that Kurt Angle isn't a good technical wrestler, or the Rock doesn't cut promo's that interest the crowd).


A 7 foot woman who can't wrestle and isn't that athletic? There's plenty you can do with her. Many of them would be disasters, but surely not all of them. The Women's division is in need of a Special Attraction in my opinion - that's one of the issues with having a small division, there's only so much you can do with what you've got, but the addition of one "special" person can open many more lines. She doesn't even have to wrestle, just bully.


Or she could just be a valet... for the Amazing Red maybe. Wrestlecrap? Maybe - but some Wrestlecrap is enjoyable if done well. I choose Red as he's one of those people who can only go so far, so aligning her with him isn't going to stunt his growth. Then there's also the obvious.


The wrestling industry has history with the large, untalented bodyguard. A very low percentage of the time they make it on their own after breaking out (Batista). Some hold their own. Some disapear after their story ends never to appear again. But as long as she doesn't wrestle for 10 minutes every other week, what's the problem? This isn't RoH, this is TNA, and they also do Sports Entertainment. Could she be involved in an entertaining storyline? Sure. Will she be around in two years time? Chances are - no. Is it worth giving her a chance? Why not? Are there more people worthy of the opportunity? Sure, but when's the world ever been fair?

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HEr being with Amazing Red would be interesting since she is so massive and he is so small. Maybe Immortal could try to bring her in and have a womans wrestler. Then with them backing her she could be used just as a bully and play on the fact that some faces wouldn't hit a woman.


Then finally a good guy cracks and nails her which gets a big pop.

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A 7 foot woman who can't wrestle and isn't that athletic? There's plenty you can do with her. Many of them would be disasters, but surely not all of them. The Women's division is in need of a Special Attraction in my opinion - that's one of the issues with having a small division, there's only so much you can do with what you've got, but the addition of one "special" person can open many more lines. She doesn't even have to wrestle, just bully.


Even you admit whatever good ideas there are going to be for someone like that are limited. And those good ideas? They have a very short shelf life when they involve someone that big and that bad. TNA's 'Knockouts' aren't known for making limited workers look good and you'd want to put Isis in with them? How long do you think that would last before even TNA fans reject it?


Or she could just be a valet... for the Amazing Red maybe. Wrestlecrap? Maybe - but some Wrestlecrap is enjoyable if done well. I choose Red as he's one of those people who can only go so far, so aligning her with him isn't going to stunt his growth. Then there's also the obvious.


Aligning him with Isis wouldn't just stunt his growth it would regress it entirely. Red is someone that can still be the centrepeice of the X-Division and putting him with Isis would kill him and once the novelty wears off, there's nowhere else to go.


Could she be involved in an entertaining storyline? Sure.


Then I'll ask you the same question I put to Self; tell me this entertaining storyline she can involved in. Making an X-Division standout look like a midget? Have horrible matches with the Knockouts?

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I'd consider putting her with Bully Ray. It wouldn't matter if she overshadows him, because he's as popular as he can possibly get. He's also a great promo, which can help get her over and make it work. Bullies are cowards at heart, and having a valet who is 6'9 and capable of knocking out men with a single boot to the face is pretty cowardly. She can be his difference maker for a while, and eventually when his bullying becomes too misogynistic, she can turn on him, and go babyface as an empowering female role model.


At some point, probably while still heel, she'll transition to the Knockouts division and dominate. Absolutely dominate. No selling. No longer than a few minutes. Fight like an unstoppable giant. While it's no good having a limited monster as World Champion (Khali) the Knockouts belt is far less important, to the point where you can win it by picking a box.


Other ideas? Generation Me. She'll make them look small, but they'll also make her look huge. As much as I love the Young Bucks, they're a midcard heel act, and hiding behind such a giant could work. Their in-ring style is such that when they need attention on them, they can get it. They will be overshadowed, but they're still young. No rush.


It all depends on chemistry and what she is actually like. I'm just a guy at a computer who has seen half a dozen pics of her (most of 'em nekkid) So I haven't seen enough of her to know her personality and the flavour of her charisma. I'd probably pair with a cowardly heel to begin with though. Play the stern monster card first, then slowly reveal they woman beneath the size.


The Great Khali is popular in his current role, so I see little reason why Isis doesn't have a chance to be likewise. You can't push clumsy giants to the top any more, but I maintain there's a spot for them, especially when 6'9 and a woman. Chyna wasn't much of a worker, and she had a pretty strong fanbase for a while.

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I'd consider putting her with Bully Ray. It wouldn't matter if she overshadows him, because he's as popular as he can possibly get. He's also a great promo, which can help get her over and make it work. Bullies are cowards at heart, and having a valet who is 6'9 and capable of knocking out men with a single boot to the face is pretty cowardly. She can be his difference maker for a while, and eventually when his bullying becomes too misogynistic, she can turn on him, and go babyface as an empowering female role model.


At some point, probably while still heel, she'll transition to the Knockouts division and dominate. Absolutely dominate. No selling. No longer than a few minutes. Fight like an unstoppable giant. While it's no good having a limited monster as World Champion (Khali) the Knockouts belt is far less important, to the point where you can win it by picking a box.


Other ideas? Generation Me. She'll make them look small, but they'll also make her look huge. As much as I love the Young Bucks, they're a midcard heel act, and hiding behind such a giant could work. Their in-ring style is such that when they need attention on them, they can get it. They will be overshadowed, but they're still young. No rush.


It all depends on chemistry and what she is actually like. I'm just a guy at a computer who has seen half a dozen pics of her (most of 'em nekkid) So I haven't seen enough of her to know her personality and the flavour of her charisma. I'd probably pair with a cowardly heel to begin with though. Play the stern monster card first, then slowly reveal they woman beneath the size.


The Great Khali is popular in his current role, so I see little reason why Isis doesn't have a chance to be likewise. You can't push clumsy giants to the top any more, but I maintain there's a spot for them, especially when 6'9 and a woman. Chyna wasn't much of a worker, and she had a pretty strong fanbase for a while.


I cannot say that I agree with everything here but I can say that I can see the logic behind it and it does make some sort of sense. So, kudos on that.

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Even you admit whatever good ideas there are going to be for someone like that are limited. And those good ideas? They have a very short shelf life when they involve someone that big and that bad. TNA's 'Knockouts' aren't known for making limited workers look good and you'd want to put Isis in with them? How long do you think that would last before even TNA fans reject it?


Actually, that's not what I said. I said there were many things that you could do with her, many of which would be disasters. Thing is, there are many things you can do with Steve Austin that could be disasters. Sure, there's stuff that Austin can do that she can't, but there's a lot she can do that Austin can't / couldn't (as I'm talking past tense Austin... WCW Austin).


And short shelf life? Not a problem. Not everything about TNA has to be about long term. Bringing back Steiner isn't long term, but it's a good short term move. TNA don't have the money of WWE to keep throwing stuff until the wall until something sticks, but that doesn't mean they can't try. And when you have someone unique and almost certainly cheap, there's very little to lose (unless you carry on trying to make it stick when it's clear it wont).

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TNA don't have the money of WWE to keep throwing stuff until the wall until something sticks, but that doesn't mean they can't try. And when you have someone unique and almost certainly cheap, there's very little to lose (unless you carry on trying to make it stick when it's clear it wont).

I agree with this sentiment. And normally, this is where I'd question why the promotion don't at least think before they bring in someone with minimal upside, to put it mildly, but then I remember we're talking about TNA.

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