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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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OK. I literally just watched the Bischoff piece of the main event because I read somewhere that he said something to Hardy. As he's exiting the ring and covering his mouth with his two hands it seems like he says, "AHHH (in pain from Sting attack) lay down make it quick!" If this is true and Hardy continued to prance around the way he did... wow. Just wow.
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Also a comment on youtube saying Jeff is trying to kick out. It does sorta look that way


I saw the match in its entirety and from the camera angle TNA gives you, you can clearly see Sting forcibly pinning him while Jeff tries kicking out. I'm genuinely intrigued as to what happened backstage.

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I saw the match in its entirety and from the camera angle TNA gives you, you can clearly see Sting forcibly pinning him while Jeff tries kicking out. I'm genuinely intrigued as to what happened backstage.


I watched it first time and didn't notice but it definitely looks that was, and I hope what happened gets out, everyone loves a bit of "gossip".




FIRE JEFF! FIRE JEFF! FIRE JEFF! (Hardy, Jarrett is gold :()

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For those that didn't see, this is not a bad recap, surprisingly enough from the comments section of 411mania:


This mess made TNA look terrible. Hardy looked BAD coming to the ring. For those that missed it, here is a rundown of what happened:


It took him forever to come out after his music hit. His eyes were glazed, he was swaying, he stumbled on his way inside the ring.


The ref spoke a few words to Hardy. He then made the "X" sign with his arms to signal something legit was happening. He calls over an agent. Sting comes in the ring and you can see the ref talking to the agent. The ref tells Sting something and Sting mouths "are you kidding me?" Then Sting mumbles while Hardy is acting high as a kite in the corner. The camera zooms in on his face and his nose is running badly. He does the cocaine sniff throughout.


Cue Bischoff music and he runs in with what looks like a live audible on TV. He says something like, "there's a change of plans in the main event" and quickly goes to Hardy and tells him something off mic. It seemed almost like he was checking up on him before making a further announcement. Then Bischoff goes to Sting, hides the mic behind his back, and Sting says either "why is he even here or why are you even here?" Then we get an awkward explanation from Bischoff before Sting punches him out to start the match.


Before the match starts, Hardy teases throwing his shirt to the crowd for what seems like forever. It looked weird. Then Sting gets the match started and quickly hits the death drop, and forces Hardy down for the pin. There was an awkward kick-out by Hardy, and the replays show Sting bearing his weight down on the pin. Sting almost looks disgusted at Hardy, and there is a closeup of Jeff looking fried as he tries to make sense of what just happened.


Hardy starts getting pissed, while Sting goes up the ramp saying "I agree, I agree," to the "bull****" chants.

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Can't wait to the Rise (was there a rise?) and Fall of TNA DVD, it is a finger poke of doom moment. No but this actually for once isn't TNA fault Hardy is a dick


I disagree vehemently.


From a long-term standpoint, they made the decision to center all their storylines and put the belt on a guy who is a known drug abuser, with an upcoming court case, who has a history of flaking (and specifically a history of flaking on TNA)


From a PPV standpoint, they saw that hardy was unfit to perform and made the terrible terrible decision to do absolutely nothing about it. They could've had someone win the RVD/Anderson match and then giv them the shot at Sting, they could've run a 3-way, or a 4-way and had Hardy taken out on the ramp...there is literally a dozen possibilities to handle that situation that would've bene better than allowing Hardy to stagger out to the ring and lose in under a minute like that.


They were faced with a tough situation and completely choked.


Of course it was their fault. Just as much as Hardy, if not more so.

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For discussion purposes, what does this face say to you?




"Whoa, I just lost my title match that quick?!" (fake surprise) or "What the hell just happened?" (real surprise).


I'm going with "What the hell just happened?"


He looked confused as hell when he asked Hebner what was going on.

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Having just watched the clip (I didn't watch the show), all I can think of is WCW - and I didn't even watch WCW during the 90s. Sting looks incensed throughout, and I can't blame him, Eric Bischoff looks both embarrased and like a man who is completely desperate to get through the next few minutes. Hardy even looks like he's trying to kick out of the pin (thankfully the ref wasn't bothered).


I suspect very little will come of this (i.e. I don't think Sting, Angle, Hardy, Hogan will leave), but anyone who let that go ahead should be ashamed.

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I reiterate what I've said previously in this thread; TNA just cannot help themselves but make the absolute worst decision in any situation.


If Jeff Hardy was that messed up that they couldn't go any longer than 1:00, replace the guy. You might get a few people unhappy about not getting the advertised main event, but at least you're not pissing off what few paying customers you have left, and at this point, you've got to think TNA are now down to their super hardcore fanbase when it comes to buying the PPV's.


If this is some kind of bizarro worked shoot deal, it may be the dumbest one that Vince Russo/Eric Bischoff have ever tried. It literally does nothing but piss off what little remains of your paying customer fanbase and pisses off the people who came to see the show live.

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Having just watched the clip (I didn't watch the show), all I can think of is WCW - and I didn't even watch WCW during the 90s. Sting looks incensed throughout, and I can't blame him, Eric Bischoff looks both embarrased and like a man who is completely desperate to get through the next few minutes. Hardy even looks like he's trying to kick out of the pin (thankfully the ref wasn't bothered).


I suspect very little will come of this (i.e. I don't think Sting, Angle, Hardy, Hogan will leave), but anyone who let that go ahead should be ashamed.


I dunno after seeing that I think that Hardy will be out the door.

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I reiterate what I've said previously in this thread; TNA just cannot help themselves but make the absolute worst decision in any situation.


If Jeff Hardy was that messed up that they couldn't go any longer than 1:00, replace the guy. You might get a few people unhappy about not getting the advertised main event, but at least you're not pissing off what few paying customers you have left, and at this point, you've got to think TNA are now down to their super hardcore fanbase when it comes to buying the PPV's.


If this is some kind of bizarro worked shoot deal, it may be the dumbest one that Vince Russo/Eric Bischoff have ever tried. It literally does nothing but piss off what little remains of your paying customer fanbase and pisses off the people who came to see the show live.


I don't think anyone knew that Jeff was screwed up until he made his way to the ring. Hence the ref throwing the X up and Sting getting pissed.


I highly doubt they could have RVD or Anderson improvise a match with Sting in Jeff's place.

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I don't think anyone knew that Jeff was screwed up until he made his way to the ring. Hence the ref throwing the X up and Sting getting pissed.


TNA just might be that incompetent to not notice that one of the guys in their main event is screwed up until he walks through the curtain.

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I dunno after seeing that I think that Hardy will be out the door.


If I was Sting I'd run a mile. If I was Jeff Hardy I'd resign. If I was Dixie Carter I'd fire Jeff Hardy and whoever said he'd be okay to go out on the night.


But I'm not, and I find that all too often the 'name value' and money gets in the way of logic. Call me a pessimist :D

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I don't think anyone knew that Jeff was screwed up until he made his way to the ring. Hence the ref throwing the X up and Sting getting pissed.


I highly doubt they could have RVD or Anderson improvise a match with Sting in Jeff's place.


That's probably right and it's really dumb


So you're telling me on the night of a live PPV, no one bothered to check in on the two performers in the main event? Even if it was just to say.."hey this is what we alked about..are you all good with that?"


Unless Hardy literally went and got wasted a few minutes before the curtain raised, there's no excuse for management not to know

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I don't think anyone knew that Jeff was screwed up until he made his way to the ring. Hence the ref throwing the X up and Sting getting pissed.


I highly doubt they could have RVD or Anderson improvise a match with Sting in Jeff's place.


They could have made it a 3 way that ended when Immortal's Gunner and Murphy ran in causing it to get thrown out. Just my thoughts.

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That's probably right and it's really dumb


So you're telling me on the night of a live PPV, no one bothered to check in on the two performers in the main event? Even if it was just to say.."hey this is what we alked about..are you all good with that?"


Unless Hardy literally went and got wasted a few minutes before the curtain raised, there's no excuse for management not to know


Would it really surprise you if that was the case?

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