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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I was thinkig about this and... TNA might not be able to sack him.


If I turned up to work high, I could be sacked, easy. I think my contract covers drugs, but if not there's the all encompassing gross misconduct.


However, TNA probably has some drug rules, even if they're lax at enforcing them. Rules and punishments. Whatever Jeff took could well be under those rules. And the punishment for doing those drugs? Not being sacked, that's for sure.


Now, you could argue the gross misconduct issue again, but if there are specific drug rules and punishments, it could become a grey issue. The last thing they want is to get involved in a legal argument, where Jeff can say what he's been getting up to backstage with RVD with the full knowledge of some senior management at TNA without being punished (that's pure speculation, of course). At the end of the day you'd probably have to pay him off in some way, and I'm sure Jeff's got a very nice contract that doens't make it attractive. At the end of the day, perhaps TNA think a month off and then bring him back as a hated loner is the best option.


Some may consider that irresponsible by TNA, but if they've already been irresponsible, sometimes it's hard to stop.




Seriously? You think there's nothing in the language of the deal that covers this kind of indicent?


How about this: he's on a PPA so just send him home and don't have him return and then you're not paying him for the lengh of the remainder of the deal.


Same difference

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Someone said that Undertaker would probably really kick the guy ass but do you think the drug abuser is just going to sit there and take it? He would def fight back. I mean I'm not saying that Jeff Hardy can beat up the Undertaker but why would he want to put his health at risk by risking an injury?


As far as the Hogan thing, I'm not sure about most people but the reason I started watching TNA again is because they hired Hulk Hogan. I like Bischoff, I like Flair, I like RVD and all those other guys they brought in but without Hogan I wouldn't be watching, even if he's barely ever on tv.


As far as the Hardy thing killing TNA, I'm sure that most people who aren't "smarks" even know that Jeff showed up high. Sting just dominated Hardy, making him look pretty bad ass.


As far as the guy showing the spoiler, that's awesome!! I can't wait to see what happens with that.

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As far as the Hardy thing killing TNA, I'm sure that most people who aren't "smarks" even know that Jeff showed up high. Sting just dominated Hardy, making him look pretty bad ass.





People aren't IDIOTS. They may not know the circumstances, but any paying customer knows that the main event wasn't supposed to go under a minute


It did not make Sting look "bad ass"


It made TNA look like a rip-off

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I also had the thought about Jeff becoming the next Scott Hall or Jake Roberts. I loved both of them as kids, and I'm still a fan of Jeff. Even with his issues, I'd still love for him to get his act together. His wife is on twitter telling everyone that the dirt sheets are wrong about everything that's going on. I'd like to believe her, but I think she's probably just defending Jeff cause he's her husband.
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There is also rumors about Jeff being passed out in the bathroom right before his match (or shortly before) just laying in a corner.

Holy moly doly! Are you serious?! TNA, get Jeff's Hardy act together! (if possible).


In any case, seriously, in this day and age, getting so high that you can't work is unprofessional.

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I'll take that Daniel Bryan/Sheamus match from this past week over anything I've seen on Impact in recent memory.


Granted, that was a good match, but WWE has been angle heavy too. It used to be TNA had more in ring action, and now its all gone it seems.

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Granted, that was a good match, but WWE has been angle heavy too. It used to be TNA had more in ring action, and now its all gone it seems.

I hate Vince Russo. He needs a filter whether he likes one or not. TNA could have on with Modern trends, but because of Dixie's (I refuse to call her by her last name) naivete, and HIS own naivete, they have reduced TNA to WWFE-lite.

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Seriously? You think there's nothing in the language of the deal that covers this kind of indicent?


How about this: he's on a PPA so just send him home and don't have him return and then you're not paying him for the lengh of the remainder of the deal.


Same difference


That would work fine, but given that Hardy's one of there biggest names I'd assume that his contract is loaded with guarantees so TNA would either have to pay him off of pay him to do nothing. Although this would be the correct move the temptation will be for them to try and get a return on their money.


And do I reckon that it was written into his contract that if he was high or wired on duty he'd be fired? No idea. Perhaps if due to drugs / alcohol he was unable to perform? Perhaps. Not neccessarily - and Hardy would argue all day that given the opportunity to perform he could have done (and he can probably produce matches that he has performed under the influence). Do I reckon it's more likely that it's written that if he takes drugs on duty at TNA he'll get a suspension? Sure. It doesn't look like we're talking crack or anything like that (which a sacking would be much easier) - it looks like the usual mix or stims / pain killers / alcohol that wrestlers have been taking for decades (although not in the same level or with such poor timing). Maybe the contract does cover abuse of them as a sackbable offence - but equally, it may just mention fines and suspensions and nothing more. Now, if that's the case the T&C's will be being rewritten pretty quickly (hopefully), but it could potentially make Hardy less sackable while sitting on a nice guaranteed contract.


Perhaps I'm wrong and he has no guarantees, perhaps guarantees are invalidated during any legal processes, I don't know. If anyone has a copy of Hardy's contract and TNA's drug policy, it'll enlighten me more.

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If anyone has a copy of Hardy's contract and TNA's drug policy, it'll enlighten me more.


Why, when you already seem to so sure of what you know about both?


Back in 2006 Dixie claimed TNA had a very strict drug and alcohol policy. A year later, Matt Bentley gave an interview and said he had been never been drug tested at all. Regardless of what TNA's 'official' drug policy might be, the fact is they let a druggie in no condition to perform go out and perform and that tells you what the real policy is.

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Why, when you already seem to so sure of what you know about both?


Really? I made sure I typed "I'm assuming" and "maybe it's like this". I don't know either way, but I was describing a scenario that I thought was plausible, which might explain why they wouldn't sack Hardy. Not that I think that would be a good enough reason not to sack him (or pay off his contract / sit him out for the rest of his contract), but I'm not running the business and it's eaasy for me to sit outside making the decisions.


Perhaps he has a straight PPA contract, and TNA never have to pay him a penny ever again (apart from merchandise money which will certainly dwindle). His contract may be explicit that his behaviour was gross misconduct. Those are all equally plausible - but I was offering an alternative that as I saw hadn't been discussed and I had no reason to rule out. Apologies if it came over that I thought I was right, and I see how my last sentence could have been read that way, but it's not how it was meant.


Back in 2006 Dixie claimed TNA had a very strict drug and alcohol policy. A year later, Matt Bentley gave an interview and said he had been never been drug tested at all. Regardless of what TNA's 'official' drug policy might be, the fact is they let a druggie in no condition to perform go out and perform and that tells you what the real policy is.


My assumption when that came out was that TNA had really strict punishments, but a really lax testing regime, and TNA would always point to the punishments if questioned. Thing is, if that's right then Hardy could be in trouble, although it really depends if they ever actually tested him or not. Without a test it's more debatable, although I think in a disciplinary you could come to the conclusion that on the balance of probabilities that there was substance abuse. Again, depends on whether the policy specifically mentions failed tests / being caught with drugs or just being under the influence.

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I didn't see all of iMPACT, really only the opening segment, but damn... I'm liking Bully Ray right now. Honestly, he's always had it in him but it seems like the big-man has a fire under him right now.


He's got great entertainment skills.


A menacing look.


A classic 'heel' persona; one that gets you to hate him.


Yea, he may be 'old news' but, for one, really like this new character out of him. Should he be the TNA Champion? Not right now. That said, I'm open, if they develop him further, to see him on top of the game.


I'd rather see him there than Anderson... ;)

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