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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I bought the first ever three or four pay per views. I watched while they were on Fox Sports and I just tuned in last week. That being said there are stretches where I don't watch the show at all. I'll go nine months without watching as how, watch two and go 12 months without watching one. They change direction/focus so much and so quickly that anytime they do something that I'm interested in they stop doing that two weeks later.
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I'm not sure what I thnk on Joker sting yet. I like the intensity and edge, simliar to his change when they first went to mondays. That said some of his new mannerisms are odd and the angles this past impact were akward. While I like suspense, I honestly can't tell if the plan is to turn sting into a crazy heel (maybe someone boking in TNA is an RTruth fan?) or if he will be vindicated this time like the last.
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LOL :p Do you really think that TNA will even have any stories that will make them stars? I like TNA, but their track record with making new stars is horrible IMO.


Probably not but that's the problem in general with wrestling. There are not many talented writers about.

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Probably not but that's the problem in general with wrestling. There are not many talented writers about.


Making new stars is easy in the sense that if you look at the history of wrestling, there are countless examples of how to make a star and you really just need to follow the blueprint of what's worked before and make any tweaks required by changing times.


The problem is that with so much emphasis placed on writers and writing, it doesn't actually take a lot creative writing to make stars, but you're not going to get a writer to admit that or subscribe to that philosophy because they'd be cutting their own throat when it comes to being useful, ie: worth employing. So instead of simply doing what's worked before and what will work again, you've got writers trying to prove their worth with a bunch of 'creative' and complicated storylines that actually do nothing to create new stars.

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It's just the process is so bloated now it's hard to get anyone set on one straight vision. You have two separate creative teams of 5 or 6, giving you almost 12 men with differing ideas. They all then answer to McMahon and Laurinaitis before things are green lit to have 6 or 7 backstage agents all give differing advice on how to deliver promos or work matches. It's way too bloated. It seems like any of the big successes we've had over the last few years have been accidental rather than a genuinely successful massive push that was executed well.


I don't want to harp on about the Attitude Era but it was Russo writing everything, McMahon made the slight changes as he saw fit and then wrestlers worked with Patterson and (not or) Brisco to put together matches and whatnot.

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Bully Ray, Scott Steiner, Gunner and seemingly Anderson :p


And Abyss... I think. I guess the Hardys are still in the mix if/when they return.


I seem to be the only one that likes Gunner and Crimson. Not that I really want either one to get the Brock Lesnar or Goldberg push into the title picture, but I do like both of them as workers.


I'm indifferent to Crimson, but I do like Gunner. Good look, nice intensity, decent in the ring, although I'd prefer him to talk a little less.


They change direction/focus so much and so quickly that anytime they do something that I'm interested in they stop doing that two weeks later.


Yeah, it's quite easy to watch 3-4 shows and suddenly think you've missed one inbetween or that you've missed when so-and-so turned, etc.

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I am very impressed with Jack Evans. He and Anthony Neese were the two standouts in that match out of the three IMO.


I liked all three of those guys. But yea Neese and Evans stand out for sure. The stuff Evans can do is insane, although the standing moonsault to break up the pin was not needed, even if it looked cool.

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Gah. I got Red Faction Armageddon today so I was enthralled in that and missed the first 40 or so minutes. Did I miss anything? I started watching right before the Jack Evans match.


Kendrick stole Abyss's mask, got beat up. Crimson beat Roode and leads the BFG series in points. Opener had Immortal/ Anderson/ Sting/ Angle.

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Gah. I got Red Faction Armageddon today so I was enthralled in that and missed the first 40 or so minutes. Did I miss anything? I started watching right before the Jack Evans match.


Mr. Kennedy/Anderson/whatever is being given until the end of the show to determine whether he's Immortal or not.


The Brian Kendrick got beat up by Abyss and said a lot of, well, odd stuff.


Crimson beat Robert Roode.

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