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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Didn't know that. Who's booking now?


Maybe that's why it's been dull - because they're finishing up his storylines before doing something else.


I know you think it is dull but at least we know who the top guys in TNA are at the moment. Before TNA would try to act like everyone was a main event guy and it was a cluster****. It makes a little bit more sense now. Still not where it needs to be but it is an improvement.




Bruce Pritchard, Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff.


The reason why Garrett is used so often.

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I know you think it is dull but at least we know who the top guys in TNA are at the moment. Before TNA would try to act like everyone was a main event guy and it was a cluster****. It makes a little bit more sense now. Still not where it needs to be but it is an improvement.


The reason why Garrett is used so often.


Cheers guys.


Obviously nepotism was behind that. Certainly isn't his wrestling ability. He's like John Cena except without the talent or the popularity.


I guess I've only been watching week-in week-out for a few months now so I didn't catch too much Russo. Impact these days is nothing if not stable.

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He should and he should push himself as the world champion of it. I'd support it!


Even with his bad reputation, I feel like Scotty would push guys like Roode, Storm, and AJ and the like. In interviews and what not he's always talked highly of TNA's originals and it never seemed fake to me.


Then again, I'm a massive Steiner fan, so I could have biased view of him :p

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Even with his bad reputation, I feel like Scotty would push guys like Roode, Storm, and AJ and the like. In interviews and what not he's always talked highly of TNA's originals and it never seemed fake to me.


Then again, I'm a massive Steiner fan, so I could have biased view of him :p


I've always been a fan of his as well. I wouldn't mind him pushing those guys in a promotion of his own either. TNA should have been pushing them 5 years ago... obviously they pushed AJ here and there and are just recently pushing Storm, and Roode.

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Is Rob Van Dam injured? I'm not exactly a mark for him but the main event has gotten super-stale super-fast because it's always the same four guys (Roode, Ray, Storm & Hardy) doing the same stuff.


Umm, am I the only person who read this and was flabbergasted?


Other than Hardy, how are ANY of the other guys in this list stale in the Main Event? Roode and Storm worked their asses off in TNA for several years in the midcard and just recently have gotten the chance to take the ball and run with it. IMO they are the 2 best guys in TNA right now and their match at the next PPV is going to be great (and I see Storm getting a a legit title run this time).


And Bully Ray was one of the top tag team guys in the world for a couple decades and just recently was put into the Main Event as a singles wrestler (and is doing an excellent job of it, to mine and alot of other ppl's surprise).


Sting isn't in the Main Event anymore (for now). Flair isn't there. Angle isn't doing as much. Jarret is in Mexico. Hogan is just GM'ing for now. HOW is the Main Event stale?? Please tell me! :D

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Dixie Carter claims changes are coming for TNA.


I've always been one of the biggest TNA supporters, but even I'm jaded by this point. If it happens, good for them, if not...well, oh well.


I'm not certain at this point if Dixie is a massive mark who keeps getting worked by these insiders, or if she intentionally sells the bullshit as well as the likes of Hogan or Bischoff. But she's made claims about "big changes" and such repeatedly since I first watched back in early '08.

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As someone who as literally watched TNA from the very first show when they were doing weekly PPVs I can honestly say I really miss those days. TNA's big problem is that when they started on weekly PPVs they HAD to put on great shows to stay alive then they switched to regular TV and suddenly they didn't HAVE to be great and now they've taken that idea that they can put on mediocre shows and survive to record levels.


My guess is come Monday when they tape next week's shows either there will be no mention at all about Dixie's "major changes" or they'll have a new color scheme for the arena at most. Maybe a debut of a former WWE midcarder or 2 who will immediately be given world title pushes before they disappear again. Either way I'm not holding my breath for anything major.

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BP I can't believe that she's this delusional. How many different people have supposedly had her ear. Remember planet Jarrett? He was supposed to have her ear. Russo was supposed to have her ear. Angle was supposed to be able to get whatever he wanted from her. Then Hogan and Bischoff arrived. At some point you have to believe that this woman is a business woman and she has got to look at EVERYONE who she has ever had run this company in any form and see that the needle has never moved. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they do a 1.0 in 2006 when Sting first debuted. Didn't their last show do something like a 1.2? So in SIX years you haven't been able to grow your domestic audience at all? It just seems like from a business perspective.


I happen to own my own business. If I had been trying for over a half a decade to grow my business and brand and I had brought in a dozen or so people to either run or at the very least help my business and none of them had been able to accomplish a single thing more than I did on my own it seems like at some point I would wash my hands of the whole thing and start over completely fresh. Not stack piles of crap upon the other piles of crap that were there before it.


Especially since you hear the reports all the time about how Bob Carter is upset with the product and upset with the investment. I can't help but think those rumors are just that rumors.

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As someone who as literally watched TNA from the very first show when they were doing weekly PPVs I can honestly say I really miss those days. TNA's big problem is that when they started on weekly PPVs they HAD to put on great shows to stay alive then they switched to regular TV and suddenly they didn't HAVE to be great and now they've taken that idea that they can put on mediocre shows and survive to record levels.


My guess is come Monday when they tape next week's shows either there will be no mention at all about Dixie's "major changes" or they'll have a new color scheme for the arena at most. Maybe a debut of a former WWE midcarder or 2 who will immediately be given world title pushes before they disappear again. Either way I'm not holding my breath for anything major.


I loved it when TNA had weekly PPV's and yeah I miss those days as well. TNA was really entertaining back then and I would actually find myself looking foward to Wednesdays when they were on. Ever since they got a TV deal with Spike (Well first FSN) and switched to monthly pay per views I just haven't been as interested. Maybe it was the wrong way for them to go meaning that maybe they shouldn't have started out doing weekly pay per views but that was probably their only option at the time but if I were them I would have kept doing things that way. Their is probably some underlying reason why they decided to stop doing weekly ppvs but it just seemed like people were more into TNA when they were doing it that way.


I know that I am not as into TNA as I used to be, I loved the weekly PPVs and I watched their show on Fridays at 3pm on FSN (Yeah I know a really bad timeslot) but now that they are on Thursdays at 8pm on Spike I rarely catch them because I have something going on during Thursday nights. I know that they replay Impact on MTV Tr3is but the commentary is in spanish and I don't speak spanish so it gets annoying when trying to listen to Hogan do a promo (promos are still in english on that channel) and then have someone say something in spanish over the top of it, it gets really annoying after a couple of minutes.


Sorry for the rant you may not agree with some of the stuff I said and you may but I just thought that It had to be said.

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Umm, am I the only person who read this and was flabbergasted?


Other than Hardy, how are ANY of the other guys in this list stale in the Main Event? Roode and Storm worked their asses off in TNA for several years in the midcard and just recently have gotten the chance to take the ball and run with it. IMO they are the 2 best guys in TNA right now and their match at the next PPV is going to be great (and I see Storm getting a a legit title run this time).


And Bully Ray was one of the top tag team guys in the world for a couple decades and just recently was put into the Main Event as a singles wrestler (and is doing an excellent job of it, to mine and alot of other ppl's surprise).


Sting isn't in the Main Event anymore (for now). Flair isn't there. Angle isn't doing as much. Jarret is in Mexico. Hogan is just GM'ing for now. HOW is the Main Event stale?? Please tell me! :D


To the guys in the main events credit I think it's more the booking that bugs me rather than anything else.


I like all of them and Roode in particular is great but he seems to do exactly the same thing every week. And the thing he's doing kind of reminds me of Triple H in the early 2000s which was the last time I was heavily into wrestling, so maybe that's effecting me.


I guess I just see guys like AJ, Joe, Pope and Abyss and want them in the main event.

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No real comment to make just to let you guys know I am back so hide the women and children and all who dare mock TNA muhahahaha jk.


Man that "they" fall out really took my passion away for a while.


Hyde for you would you say that you enjoy atleast half of the product that they have put on over the past few years? Or is it more a matter for you of "hey I like these wrestlers and I want them to succeed so I support it no matter what".


There obviously is no wrong answer its just the only other person I've talked to that suppported TNA as much as you do is Jaysin so I was wondering where this at times unwavering support comes from.

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BP I can't believe that she's this delusional. How many different people have supposedly had her ear. Remember planet Jarrett? He was supposed to have her ear. Russo was supposed to have her ear. Angle was supposed to be able to get whatever he wanted from her. Then Hogan and Bischoff arrived. At some point you have to believe that this woman is a business woman and she has got to look at EVERYONE who she has ever had run this company in any form and see that the needle has never moved. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't they do a 1.0 in 2006 when Sting first debuted. Didn't their last show do something like a 1.2? So in SIX years you haven't been able to grow your domestic audience at all? It just seems like from a business perspective.


I happen to own my own business. If I had been trying for over a half a decade to grow my business and brand and I had brought in a dozen or so people to either run or at the very least help my business and none of them had been able to accomplish a single thing more than I did on my own it seems like at some point I would wash my hands of the whole thing and start over completely fresh. Not stack piles of crap upon the other piles of crap that were there before it.


Especially since you hear the reports all the time about how Bob Carter is upset with the product and upset with the investment. I can't help but think those rumors are just that rumors.


Perhaps the greatest reason I hold out no hope at this point, Stennick, is that I remember making very similar points myself two years ago. Likely in this very same thread. It was just into the Hogan & Bischoff era, some fans (like myself) were starting to get restless, pointing out some of the "same old crap" they were doing. Ratings had tanked after the awful Monday night attempt then moved back to the "norm". The hardcores/apologists pointed to some of the good stuff TNA was doing - Desmond Wolfe, Jay Lethal - as proof that things were "turning around" and has been "figured out". I remember writing out a post or two, confounded that they continued to do things in the same fundamental manner - looking to former WWE stars, using the WWE "SE" formula almost exactly, and rely on the "great minds" - yet saw the exact same results. As a business, and one clearly targeting growth, seeing very little posiitive growth would have to be a major concern. A HUGE concern. Yet they still do the same thing.


Every time someone notable leaves TNA, they talk about the problems and it makes you realize at least some people internally recognize some of the problems. TNA teases with hints at changes - the whole "wrestling matters" stuff - and then keeps doing the same stuff for the most part. The "mistakes" I see today are really no different than the mistakes I saw them make in 2008. It honestly defies logical explanation at this point.


No real comment to make just to let you guys know I am back so hide the women and children and all who dare mock TNA muhahahaha jk.


Man that "they" fall out really took my passion away for a while.


Good to see how you back, Hyde.

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Hyde for you would you say that you enjoy atleast half of the product that they have put on over the past few years? Or is it more a matter for you of "hey I like these wrestlers and I want them to succeed so I support it no matter what".


There obviously is no wrong answer its just the only other person I've talked to that suppported TNA as much as you do is Jaysin so I was wondering where this at times unwavering support comes from.


Kinda both liked most of the product and certain wrestlers and like wrestling in general and didn't like the other 2 alternatives as much.


Haven't really watched much for about a year and a half but just keeping up to date with recaps ( both TNA and WWE) and it seemed that TNA where doing stuff more to my liking lately and I enjoyed the last two shows so now I am giving them a second chance.





Good to see how you back, Hyde.


Thanks mate. Also considering finally making that alternative "they" diary still have the notes for em and they where plenty.

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They asked James Storm about Garrett Bischoff's push


"I don’t think it’s really Garrett’s fault. I travel with him on the road sometimes. I’ll get in the ring with him before a house show and we’ll wrestle around and me and him work on some different things he need to work on. I mean, he’s doing his best to get better because he knows that he was just kind of thrown in to the wolves."

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They asked James Storm about Garrett Bischoff's push


Very diplomatic of him but then he has to be given his position in the company.


Bet there's plenty of workers who hate Garrett. And for all he can act like it's not his fault, he's still accepted the idea and run with it when he could easily of chosen to earn his way up the card like everyone else.


It's not like I don't expect a bit of nepotism - we'd all use any connections we could to get ahead. But absolutely unknown to main event fringe in six months is ridiculous, especially when he clearly needs a lot of work to be an acceptable in-ring talent.

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So Lockdown predictions?:


ODB + EY © vs Sorita + Rosita (rumored)



Crimson vs Morgan



Robbie E vs Devon ©



MCMG vs MagJoe ©



Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim ©



Team EB vs Team GB



Angle vs Hardy



Storm vs Roode ©


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ODB + EY © vs Sorita + Rosita (rumored)



Crimson vs Morgan



Robbie E vs Devon ©



MCMG vs MagJoe ©



Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim ©



Team EB vs Team GB



Angle vs Hardy



Storm vs Roode ©


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Glad to see you back Hyde!


ODB + EY © vs Sorita + Rosita (rumored)



Crimson vs Morgan



Robbie E vs Devon ©



MCMG vs MagJoe ©



Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim ©



Team EB vs Team GB

comments: Does anyone even care about this crap?


Angle vs Hardy



Storm vs Roode ©


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ODB + EY © vs Sarita + Rosita (rumored)

comments: I love EY, but I hate when men hold women's titles


Crimson vs Morgan

comments: I love Morgan...nuff said


Robbie E vs Devon ©

comments: ehhh


MCMG vs MagJoe ©

comments: Guns just returned


Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim ©

comments: Gail is amazing


Team EB vs Team GB

comments: Just finished :p


Angle vs Hardy

comments: Angle is hurt, he's won previous encounters


Storm vs Roode ©

comments: I feel like the crowd is going to be super hot for Storm, so it'd be awesome for him to win

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