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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I regards to King Mo, I wonder how he will be able to do it. I mean I know wrestling is fake but it still takes a toll on your body, if he has a fight coming up how is he going to be able to work for TNA at the same time?


Bellator runs a seasonal tournament product, 3 fights-in-3-months winner faces champion. Champion fights twice a year, only defends against tourney winner, 1 tourney per year. So it's possible he could work up to 8mos of the year for TNA. Up to him.

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He's got legit amateur wrestling chops... could run a solid R-Truth/Next-Big-Thing/Jerry Lawler mash-up gimmick. Going to have to work hard to put together a pro wrestling move-set if they have plans for him to be anything in-ring.


For Viacom and Bellator it's good synergy with impending Spike move. For TNA, considering current financial realities, it's not like they can say no.


The financial realities of probably making a lot of money? Ah well endless debate that as it revolves around who you believe more but please don't state it as fact as it isn't.


Don't know this big mo dude but given the style of bellator he could do a 6 month on and off schedule or something ( 2 months for training), plus unlike other " athletic celebs" he is going to OVW first so he shouldn't be a total scrub when he debuts.

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The financial realities of probably making a lot of money? Ah well endless debate that as it revolves around who you believe more but please don't state it as fact as it isn't.


Don't know this big mo dude but given the style of bellator he could do a 6 month on and off schedule or something ( 2 months for training), plus unlike other " athletic celebs" he is going to OVW first so he shouldn't be a total scrub when he debuts.


From what I understand looking around at financials, and what the media has printed on the topic: TNA is DEEP in the hole. Numbers like 150M have been thrown around... They're paying wrestlers and vendors late, it sounds like they may not last the year.


But that's just my outsider interpretation, I'm definitely not invested in the product like you guys, so maybe I'm missing something. I do know this is Spike's(Viacom's) idea, and they're footing Mo's contract on at least TNA's side, probably both sides. That's just from being deeply invested from the MMA point of this.

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Meaningless like I said boils down to who you believe dirtsheets who have been saying it for 10 years now, when it was only really true one time, or people actually in the company.


Sacrifice was a great ppv well worth watching Tag Opener, Hardy Anderson ( except for the Hebner botch), AJ Angle ( except for the shady Heel - Face allignment and zero build for the feud) and especially Aries vs Ray and RVD vs Roode where good. 2 very good /great matches and 3 good ones very entertaining with Angle vs AJ among those 3 from a pure match perspective being very good/great. Shame the crowd still sucks, man it has me wishing the crucial crew where back. Yes they sometimes tried to get themselves over and would cheer any TNA original even if they where Heel but they would at least react heavily and get more of the crowd to react.

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^ hahaha, if I see him I'll try. It's usually always the same crowd so there are a few that go all the time that are annoying as crap. Usually the people up front are huge jerks who think they are just awesome because they are standing up behind the audience barricade, when it actuality anyone can really stand there. We got to sit 2 rows behind *cough* Abyss *cough* so that was awesome. He was actually there almost the whole time, or at least til after the Aries/Bully Ray match.
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TNA IMPACT! Wrestling is going live on Thursday Nights starting May 31st!


Which is excellent news and long term can really help the product. First full time live for long term next on tour full time and Xplosion as a B show in the US as well.


And as usual with TNA 2 steps forward 1 step back. Brooke Hogan will be the new Knockout GM. Definitely bad for brand perception could be good for brand awareness. No idea on how she will perform and if they find the balance between being too dominant (Karen Jarrett) or an afterthought ( Brooke, Brooks).


Anthony Nese also quit to go work in Japan and Earl Hebner signed a new deal. Meh.

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Ooh. Good on Nese getting work in Japan. I like the guy.


I've never subscribed to the idea that live/taped makes much difference. In fact, if I were running a show I'd be far more inclined to tape, for quality control reasons. Ultimately, I like to think show quality is the important thing. Not the wackiness of live programming.

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I'm not getting why going live would mean that huge a difference. In fact, I've often read about TNA having to re-tape stuff because someone botched a promo or finish... without this option, won't their product just become worse?


I'd rather see them go out of that horrible studio instead and on the road, I think that would do much more for them.

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I'm honestly beyond irritated with TNA and Hogan/Bischoff in particular.


Steiner calls them out claiming they signed Brooke Hogan, and Hulk and Bischoff call him a liar...yet they actually signed her.


I get it, you didn't want the cat being let out of the bag by a guy that's trashing you daily, but at least man up Jesus Christ.


It makes me wonder if Steiner's telling the truth about the locker room being pissed off about the signing.


Steiner also said Bischoff and Hogan sent their lawyers at Steiner for his threats and whatnot.


Scott maybe a total hot head and a horrible typist, but his twitter rants speak for a lot of people.

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Great ending, but it's difficult to take Bobby Roode seriously as a top heel and world champ when every time someone makes a return(Abyss' return and promo) or gets in a number 1 contender match he has that over expressed look of fear like he's going to wet himself; and it makes me think 'this guy is the world champion?' If he was a weasel-type of wuss whose just getting lucky holding on to the belt, then maybe it would work, but he's managed to defend the title cleanly in almost all of his big defenses. He should learn to hold back a little bit, not show too much fear.


But other than that, I did like the ending, but those 'past match highlights' make me sad that TNA doesn't feel like those good old days anymore when the commentators actually got excited for big wins as well as the fans.

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I'm not getting why going live would mean that huge a difference. In fact, I've often read about TNA having to re-tape stuff because someone botched a promo or finish... without this option, won't their product just become worse?


I'd rather see them go out of that horrible studio instead and on the road, I think that would do much more for them.


Don't read about it more then say Smackdown doing the same. Live apart from no spoilers also gives a better feel to the show imho plus management gets an idea who can really perform live and who can't. Yes going on the road would be the biggest and most important step but also the most costly one and one that short term will not be cost effective. Long term it is necessary though.

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Great ending, but it's difficult to take Bobby Roode seriously as a top heel and world champ when every time someone makes a return(Abyss' return and promo) or gets in a number 1 contender match he has that over expressed look of fear like he's going to wet himself; and it makes me think 'this guy is the world champion?' If he was a weasel-type of wuss whose just getting lucky holding on to the belt, then maybe it would work, but he's managed to defend the title cleanly in almost all of his big defenses. He should learn to hold back a little bit, not show too much fear.


But other than that, I did like the ending, but those 'past match highlights' make me sad that TNA doesn't feel like those good old days anymore when the commentators actually got excited for big wins as well as the fans.


Cleanly? Apart from RVD all where cheating or bad luck on part of the challenger. And yeah Tenay has really gotten too flat and Tazz isn't helping much. They are still better then the other 2 teams out there.

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I actually felt like giving kudos to TNA yesterday for the news about going live. I don't know that its going to have a huge positive effect but its relatively-risk free beyond the additional cost and at least its trying something different. Much better move than the E's news about going to 3 hours with Raw. Then TNA tops themselves by signing Brooke Hogan, reminding me that this remains a poorly-run company that continues to cater to Hogan and Bischoff's every whim and desire, and will continue to do so as long as those two feel like making them dance.


Well played, TNA... well-played...

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I actually felt like giving kudos to TNA yesterday for the news about going live. I don't know that its going to have a huge positive effect but its relatively-risk free beyond the additional cost and at least its trying something different. Much better move than the E's news about going to 3 hours with Raw. Then TNA tops themselves by signing Brooke Hogan, reminding me that this remains a poorly-run company that continues to cater to Hogan and Bischoff's every whim and desire, and will continue to do so as long as those two feel like making them dance.


Well played, TNA... well-played...


To add to that they had Garett Bischoff go deep into the battle royal last night (I forgot how long he lasted because I just FF to the end of it, but I think he made it to the final four.).

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To add to that they had Garett Bischoff go deep into the battle royal last night (I forgot how long he lasted because I just FF to the end of it, but I think he made it to the final four.).


And to think I missed that. Damn. The Hogan-Bischoff-Bischoff triumvarate is why I stopped watching again. The coming Hogan-Hogan-Bischoff-Bischoff mess does not appeal.


I used to feel like comparisons to WCW were superficial and more of just amusing comparisons. But its becoming more and more clear that Hogan & Bischoff are once again doing whatever they want rather than caring at all for the long-term of the promotion. They won't kill TNA, but that won't stop them from trying. I guess its possible that TNA management really thinks that a C-list celebrity from 2006 will solve their ratings woes, in which case they are something more than just delusional...

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As long as Garrett and Brooke stay in minor roles I am happy. If it wasn't for those 2 they are actually putting on some very good shows and Nostalgia isn't as much in the spotlight as before. I don't count Angle, RVD, Anderson, Hardy, Ray as nostalgia plus it seems that TNA's own talent are being presented as more on par with those guys as before which was my other big gripe before.


But yeah classic TNA gotta take the bad with the good. Still better then the E for me though apart from the short Summer of Punk and return of Brock. (piqued my interest, hotshotted and most of the rest was still crap and gone again me. I'll just keep checking ppv's when they have good matches advertised but the shows are a snore for me.)

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