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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I'm fairly unmoved by the Aces & Eights stuff so far. Granted, I'm still dipping in and out of TNA a bit at the moment, so I might have missed some of the build, but I don't really have any great interest in the group yet. Maybe the completely unsatisfactory ending of MEM and the They/Immortals saga are too fresh in my memory. There's also the fear that given the number of mystery attackers used, half of them won't turn out to be anyone or will just plain be forgotten/ignored later on... a bit like how in the middle of 30 Days Of Night there seem to be about 60 vampires, but by the end of the film (accounting a few shown/explained deaths) it's inexplicably whittled down to about 8. Consistency of members would be nice.


One area in which TNA has always come a very distant second to the WWE is it's delivery/execution of big angles/storyline set-pieces. Take the Nexus invasion. Sure, the storyline lost a lot of momentum going forward, but the initial attack and destruction of the RAW ring was brilliantly executed. Brutal, shocking, coming completely out of left field. Thus far, the A&8's just seems a bit low rent and generic at the moment, plenty of time for it to pick up, but right now I don't find myself eagerly anticipating what comes next. Take last week's show, the attack on Hogan and Sting just felt a bit by-the-by/unremarkable... I've seen both Hulk and Sting attacked multiple times, it's not new or a big 'statement of intent'. For example why not make it a real shocker and whilst Hogan and Sting are grandstanding in the ring, have Brooke attacked off-camera and found backstage? Give it a twist.

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The only problem I have with A&8's is the whole masked man/mystery thing behind it. I cannot think of any free agent out there who would make me jump out of my seat if they showed up on TNA. Who are options?






Other WWE guys...


All are decent names, but I can't see myself :eek: ing the way TNA seems to want me to.


I think it would be interesting if it were to turn out to be a bunch of rejected gut-check wrestlers, but there aren't a whole lot of those out there at the moment.


Other than that, I dig a dominant heel stable showing up in TNA. I just don't see the reason behind the masks.

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Don't think it will be a main event stable but more a midcard/ uppermidcard stable, with last weeks show more to establish them as a disruptive threat instead of the norm and dominating the show ala MEM and Immortal. Instead of rejected gutcheck just rejected wrestlers in general. disgruntled current and former TNA employees and maybe some guys the E missed the boat on. But you are right there aren't many "big" names out there to be the leader unless its a current TNA ME guy but I don't think so. ( Jarrett is not ME for a long time)
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Devon couldn't care less tbh both on business and personal level. He should focus on the 3d dojo imho and maybe TNA can help with that.


Ray great worker and will be great road agent once retires. Keep at all cost.


Not the biggest velvet fan personally but undeniable sex appeal and tenure and mic skills means she is pretty much perma over much like Ray but just using different skills. Also keep even if the KO division is kinda stale atm and Tessmacher is pretty much filling the same role.


We shall see though as the roster reshuffle is ongoing and as long as what comes in is equal or better then what goes out its ok.

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I've loved Velvet since Velvet-Love Entertainment/Beautiful People.


She works harder than most females in the big two and has gotten a lot better. I think she's passable in the ring with the right opponent. I just love her personality and her work ethic.

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So Bully Ray, Devon, and Velvet Sky all have their contracts expiring and so far they haven't resigned.


TNA is currently suing WWE over allegations they are using illegally gained information from a former TNA employee about contracts in order to tempt their employees to jump ship to their company; specifically mentioning Flair in the lawsuit. WWE has denied this; claiming to have no interest in signing any current TNA talent, but are in the position where if they negotiate with any TNA wrestlers they'll be giving ammunition for TNA to use in court.


As a result TNA has leverage in knowing none of their employees can leave for the WWE and apparently been using that to lowball their wrestler in contract negotiations.


I heard about this from a few places, but here are a few articles on the lawsuit.

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This isn't a knock, I love TNA wrestling.

I am not flame baiting or trolling here either.


Am I the only one that notices how TNA is built around PPVs, much like WWE, but they are giving away great matches (even with all the dang run ins :/ ) for free lately?


I feel like after watching some of the matches on television, the PPV matches are feeling a bit flat?

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This isn't a knock, I love TNA wrestling.

I am not flame baiting or trolling here either.


Am I the only one that notices how TNA is built around PPVs, much like WWE, but they are giving away great matches (even with all the dang run ins :/ ) for free lately?


I feel like after watching some of the matches on television, the PPV matches are feeling a bit flat?


That's how professional wrestling has been since Bischoff took over WCW. He put big money matches on Nitro so people would be more inclined to watch. WWF followed suit and that's just how wrestling has been since then.

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That's how professional wrestling has been since Bischoff took over WCW. He put big money matches on Nitro so people would be more inclined to watch. WWF followed suit and that's just how wrestling has been since then.


Fair enough, I agree. Even compared to back then it still seems flat, great shows and bad PPVs (to me). I will still watch and support them. They seem to be getting a lot better these last few months.

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Now that Velvet and Angelina are gone, I have to ask:


What the hell are they doing to the Women's Division. Now I am not a big fan of Women's Wrestling (In fact I often chuckle at how much people on here are into it. I still will not forget a comment made where the poster said that it was not that far fetched to think Cheerleader Melissa could be AJ Styles in a real fight.), but there is nothing left of the division.


Who is left in the division? Gail, Tara, Mickie, ODB, Madison and Ms. Tessmacher.


What happened to Rosita, Sarita, Winter, and the Gut Check Girl?


Six Women in a division is not really a lot.


Speaking of people who have been M.I.A., where the hell did they dig Kid Kash, Gunner, and Hernandez up from?:D


I know Kash was on the X Division PPV but when was the last time Gunner or Hernandez were on TV?


Don't get me wrong I loved the segment and thought Kash and Chavo were both great in it. I just would like to know where the hell these guys have been.


What happened to the TV Title must be defended every week rule? I noticed that Jaysin said D-Von's contract was about up so maybe that is why they are not doing anything with the title.

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This isn't a knock, I love TNA wrestling.

I am not flame baiting or trolling here either.


Am I the only one that notices how TNA is built around PPVs, much like WWE, but they are giving away great matches (even with all the dang run ins :/ ) for free lately?


I feel like after watching some of the matches on television, the PPV matches are feeling a bit flat?


The Bound For Glory series, as much as I dig the concept, does kind of force you to put top-notch PPV caliber matches onto free TV, but... have TNA ever really built around their PPV's? I have always been under the impression they were more concerned with television ratings. This doesn't seem like a new thing for them.


Another meh episode. I liked the James Storm accusations. I enjoyed the Knockouts match. Loved AJ/Storm. AJ's sell of one particular punch to the face utterly charmed me.


I miss Devon. Last time I saw him I was astounded with him energetic performance. I want more babyface Devon on my TV.

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I thought Impact was solid again this week. 4 very good matches this week and all the story line build ups were really good. I like how Chavo is not being thrown into the World Title scene right away. A nice mid-card feud with Kash and Gunner to help build him up in the eyes of the Impact fans is a good move. As much as I would like him in the X-Division I think he is too big a star to lose to guys like Zema. Not that there is anything wrong with Zema, I like the gimmick and wrestler, but I dont see Chavo laying down to him. I'm glad that they did not do much more with this whole AJ styles your my babys daddy thing. This needs to be resolved quickly and get those involved in the story back into something more solid. This whole thing screams Jerry Springer to me. I absolutely love Austin Aries as the World Champion. While small, he looks the part of a World Champion. Also I think he can have fantastic matches with just about anybody on the roster. I would kill to see Austin Aries vs Kurt Angle, that match would tear the house down. I'm curious about these Aces & 8's guys. While Ive heard all the rumors about who the guys behind the masks are, the whole storyline is intriguing . Im excited for wrestling for the first time in a long time.
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TNA is currently suing WWE over allegations they are using illegally gained information from a former TNA employee about contracts in order to tempt their employees to jump ship to their company; specifically mentioning Flair in the lawsuit. WWE has denied this; claiming to have no interest in signing any current TNA talent, but are in the position where if they negotiate with any TNA wrestlers they'll be giving ammunition for TNA to use in court.


As a result TNA has leverage in knowing none of their employees can leave for the WWE and apparently been using that to lowball their wrestler in contract negotiations.


I heard about this from a few places, but here are a few articles on the lawsuit.


Do know about the lawsuit, nothing about the low balling though. That seems to me to just be more negative speculation which can't be proven either way. As long as there are no actual statements specifically to that effect from the released people I'll view it as just that.

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Good show again with a nice variety. It was a bit full with the more segments then normal and many things going on. All the matches where very good t.v. matches, except for Madison's performance CUT her already! don't mind the longer/bigger tv matches much as ppv matches will be longer and generally have a bigger hook behind them and no commercials. They have actually balanced building for ppv and tv more in the last 4/5 months with more focus on ppv then before.


Chavo got a good build on entry like a new guy should and it looks like we have gotten 2 new tag teams Gunner and Kash and Chavo and Hernandez are both very good pairings and ad depth to the solo divisions and Kash and Chavo can help Gunner and Hernandez get rid of the rough edges much like Williams did for Magnus. Killing multiple stones in one go here so very good move. Also liked that Chavo focused on praising TNA. He will become a good utility player for the X and Tag division pretty much a Kid Kash ++.


Sam Shaw should have been a no because at best he is a developmental talent, if they make that official I am ok with it though, but also because the Gutcheck idea needs more No's to make it seem harder to be successful.

Don't go by the live reaction or even fan voting too much btw. Fans are greedy so anyone who doesn't totally suck and plays a heel will get positive votes + fans like to see the dream come true thing. Joey Ryan story continues to be fun.

Decision segment should have been done next week instead of same week giving a better reed of the fan reaction, as much as it factors in and given the stuff I said above, and it would have helped the pacing of the show with one less segment imho.


Aces and eights continue to be intriguing and while still intrusive (as they should be) it was less then last week, next 2 weeks I would limit them a bit more to give more time for ppv build and then ramp it up again after. I am worried about the reveal though as to who it will actually be and what their motivations will be. If it is who is most rumored they should be a midcard faction and not a main event faction in terms of exposure etc. But we will see when we get there, for now its fun.

Storm seems to be going into a role similar to Sting in connection with the aces and it intensifies his feud with Roode even more.


So overall very good show but a bit crowded and I really liked the last 3 matches a lot and that they built to the next show. Kenny King ftw hehe. As a big X fan what did you think of that match Self?

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I'm thoroughly enjoying Aces & Eights. It kind of shocks me how much I am actually. Not because I don't have confidence in TNA's booking, but because it's been a really long time since I've been able to just enjoy a storyline. The whole James Storm drama is good fun and the mystery behind the group is also fun.


Solid edition of Impact. AJ and James Storm was awesome and they beat the crap out of each other.


Roode interfering in the X Division title match was cool. Aries and King vs Roode and Ion? YES PLEASE!

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So overall very good show but a bit crowded and I really liked the last 3 matches a lot and that they built to the next show. Kenny King ftw hehe. As a big X fan what did you think of that match Self?


It was good. Suffered a little by coming after Storm/AJ, which I thought was better in pretty much every way. Kenny King smiling in a chinlock is poor form after seeing Styles sell a jab to the face like he was on the verge of slipping into unconsciousness. Good match though, a little more personality and development into the character would be nice, now that the initial 'ooh he's new' factor has worn off King.


P.S. I liked Sam Shaw. Williams gave him a really good shine in the match. Again, he lacks character though. Where's Rubix gone?

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am I the only one that thinks its a bit racist to team up Hernandez with Chavo simply based on race? surely they could team him with someone with similar in ring ability, or one that fills in the blanks rather than the stereotypical stuff


Plus you know, Hernandez threatened Guerrero & Urbina while he was running Mexican America.

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Plus you know, Hernandez threatened Guerrero & Urbina while he was running Mexican America.


Hey this is wrestling, characters change alignments at the drop of a hat if it serves the storyline. As for the original question if this is racist, I have to say I don't think so, not so much. Its not like its anything new that two Mexican wrestlers team up. LAX and Mexican America come to mind just in TNA. Also Hernandez is better in a tag team with a smaller, faster guy. Plus I don't think it will be a perm thing, just to give all four of these guys something to do until Chavo moves onto something else. I still think TNA needs to resign Homicide and reform LAX.

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Plus you know, Hernandez threatened Guerrero & Urbina while he was running Mexican America.


i just think its a bad call personally. I like Chavo better as a heel, I'd say team him with someone you wouldn't really expect, Doug Williams comes to mind idk why. or maybe some guys higher up the card like The Pope and give the tag team division some new contenders.


on a side note, im on TNA's website and they still have Flair and Morgan on their roster page.. I thought they were gone?

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