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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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For those of you who are in the 48 contiguous states of the United States, make sure you sign up for the Direct Auto Insurance Bound For Glory Fly Away Sweepstakes. Last year, I won the BFG Fly Away Sweepstakes sponsored by Circle K and it was a blast. I got to go to a reception the first night, the fan fest on that Saturday, a breakfast the Sunday of the pay-per-view plus two tickets in the second row of Bound For Glory last year. They flew me out, paid for the hotel, paid for the transportation to get to the arena and back. It is so much fun. I, of course, am already signed up this year as well. I am hoping to have the same luck I had last year. But if I don't win, I would love to have someone else from the Grey Dog Software family go. The link is here.




Entered. The only TNA show I've ever gotten to go to was a house show. So it'd be pretty awesome to win this.

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Gotta say I was quite impressed with Impact this week (we get it Sundays in the UK). Showing Aces & Eights as their own entity rather than just "oh 5 guys in a biker gang... pffft yeah right". Everyone was trying to see who was behind the masks, despite the fact that the 5 guys who you'd probably say are key to the angle didn't even show up til Aries was on his own! It was a great way to keep people guessing (some smart asses say they know who they all are, but they don't, they can only speculate as TNA and the talent are keeping very tight lipped). My guess for the 5 guys that took Aries out at the end, Mike Knoxx, Luke Gallows, Chris Masters, Wes Brisco and maybe Jay Bradley? Again that's just my guess. I'd like to see Harry Smith as a part of it, but I think he's over in New Japan at the moment.


I don't get to watch any wrestling when it's actually on and tape it to watch a day or so later - I don't want the results plastered in front of me so I don't come into this topic until after I've seen it (same with wrestling "news" sites).

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Great article, but, why isn't this more of a thing? Like Anderson had his final match and was 10pts off 4th... He needed a submission to have much of a chance at getting into the Final 4.(Still needed a DQ regardless as AJ has a million matches in hand) This was never brought up, never worked into the match... Isn't this the whole point of the series to inject drama and interest into the Impact matches?


Anyways Aces & 8s is really coming off the rails. Aries was humiliated, and glacial Hulk Hogan and cokehead Sting came off looking like the baddest things on TNAs roster... I really hope this isn't going the way I think it's going...

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Great article, but, why isn't this more of a thing? Like Anderson had his final match and was 10pts off 4th... He needed a submission to have much of a chance at getting into the Final 4.(Still needed a DQ regardless as AJ has a million matches in hand) This was never brought up, never worked into the match... Isn't this the whole point of the series to inject drama and interest into the Impact matches?

I was thinking the same thing as I was watching that match. Anderson never attempting any submissions and being content to win the match by pin made him look like a massive doofus given the circumstances (to say nothing of how Tazz and Tenay were calling him a "big match player" or something for winning the match.)

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I was thinking the same thing as I was watching that match. Anderson never attempting any submissions and being content to win the match by pin made him look like a massive doofus given the circumstances (to say nothing of how Tazz and Tenay were calling him a "big match player" or something for winning the match.)


I know, if the Cowboys were down by 6 with 1:10 and no timeouts and they kicked a 53yrd FG on 4th and 13 nobodies going.... WOOOOOOOOOOH! BILLY CUNDIFF! PRIMETIME PLAYA!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOH! Cowboy's fans would be calling for Jason Garrett's head.

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Great article, but, why isn't this more of a thing? Like Anderson had his final match and was 10pts off 4th... He needed a submission to have much of a chance at getting into the Final 4.(Still needed a DQ regardless as AJ has a million matches in hand) This was never brought up, never worked into the match... Isn't this the whole point of the series to inject drama and interest into the Impact matches?


Anyways Aces & 8s is really coming off the rails. Aries was humiliated, and glacial Hulk Hogan and cokehead Sting came off looking like the baddest things on TNAs roster... I really hope this isn't going the way I think it's going...


The Aces & Eights thing made sence. The guys Sting and Hogan beat uo were just low level guys. the guys who attacked Aries were the head boys.

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Cool show, I'm pretty sure Daniels & KAz were filling in as part of Aces & Eight as well as apparantely D'Lo (I heard the D'Lo one elsewhere), so I'm not sure how much my constant guessing of who they are will do but it was a good show I thought.


This is the guy:






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If RW Mods are anywhere close to correct, the Blossom Twins would be as useable as Claire Lynch. :p


Oh i'm not claiming they are anywhere close to being a Sara Del Ray level of usable but going by the current crop of Womens wrestlers in TNA (which has gone massivle downhill) they are useable, they can sell, put on a decent match and make for an interesting dynamic having twins i always thought.


Oh and since we are on Claire Lynch i would of loved to of seen how that job interview went ... :o

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PPV was good, I'm not looking forward to the filler with Aces & 8s stuff in-between on Impact, but it was fun. First half was much better than the second half.


They did a super good job of setting the stage for Hardy to hit the ball out of the park, but he couldn't sell his way out of a wet paper bag. The Roode screwing Storm angle was great as was the coronation for Bully Ray, and the subsequent fake Eric Bischoff/WCW booking move. It was a fun distraction.

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The main event started off with a good story but after that it turned into a finisher spam fest


Jeff hit AT LEAST 4 twist of fates and Bully hit 2 cutters and a bubba bomb all before the finish. That match just didn't do it for me. Bully's promo with Hogan before the match was good however, but Jeff Hardy bores the crap out of me.

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The set up for that was great and then the main event, and the eventual winner were horrible, really would have loved Bully Ray to be in the match @ BFG especially since the WHC match would've had a much stronger build in the weeks coming (I presume).


Really not a Hardy fan and considering Bubba has come from out of shape to working his ass off/being awesome and Jeff looks often unmotivated and lazy I thought Ray deserved it. Would've been a great main event for BFG too, considering it was what started off Aries real main event push.


Terrible main event booking - I too hate people spamming finishers (It really soured Angle vs. Hardy at Lockdown and The Undertaker recent matches for me).


That said TNA are doing a lot right ATM, but this just took quite a lot of my interest out of BFG - also I hate Hogan so that was annoying tonight :D

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I'll be honest.


I'd rather have had Robbie E win the BFG than Hardy.


That being said, the worst thing about the whole deal is that there's no logic in booking Hardy to win the belt. Aries is a great champ, hasn't held it for very long. The only justification for having Aries lose the belt is if the man he drops it to has no real quarrel with the Aces and 8s so we can have the title storyline and the Aces and 8s storyline separate. Which is also a bad idea as An8s is SUCH A REALLY AMAZING STORYLINE and all the real main eventers are involved anyway. But if that was their end game, Jeff didn't have a quarrel with An8s... until tonight. Now he has as much of a reason to fight them as anyone else.


Bully should have won it, if not him then Joe (and Joe REALLY fits being someone who would not care at all about An8s). Hardy was the worst option and seeing as half his big moves got cricket reactions he should just be written out of the PPV altogether.

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I honestly was 100% sure after the Hardy injury that they were setting the stage for James Storm to comeback and step in for Hardy all the way up to the bell rang. It just made too much sense to me. But I'm guessing they want to stack that BFG card instead. Figure now it's Hardy-Aries, Storm vs. Roode, Sting vs. A&8s leader, Brooke vs. Brooke(TMZ attention grab), AJ & Angle vs. Kaz and Daniels, Ion vs. _____, and Magnus vs. Samoa Joe. Could be a fun card.
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BGF looks better this year than last year's from top to bottom. I feel like Sting/Hogan last year gave us thast sense of closure that we never really get from WWE. There was a storyline there, they ended it, then snowballed it into something else.


Im not in agreement that Aces and 8s is a great storyline. I've read it compared to nWo but that's not really a good comparison. It kinda comes off liek a TNA rip off of the old nexus storyline. They just come out and attack people and run away. It's not new or interesting, just a typical heel stable that will be forgotten about in less than a year because they consist of jobbers and FCW rejects. There's no real payoff there just, "OK the good guys can beat up the guys who've been sneak attacking them now, yay!"

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