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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I liked the story that was told between Hardy and Ray last night. It was a good old fashioned injured face overcoming the odds. While I dont think Hardy / Aries is the dream match for Bound 4 Glory that say, a AJ / Aries, Angle / Aries or even Ray / Aries would be, you have to look at it from TNA's perspective. Hardy is the biggest money maker for them in terms of merchendise so of course they are going to try and put in at the top of the card at there biggest PPV of the year. Now the next question is, who do you have go over. If Hardy wins the Title it could be part of his contact negotiations. Its been known that Hardy is coming up on his contract and I know TNA would be very eger to keep him. One way to make him happy is to put the belt on him. Or does TNA invest in the future and have Aries go over one of the biggest stars in the company. Aries needs another big win over a top guy to solidify his standin as a top guy. I say have Aries go over Hardy and have Hardy win the belt somewhere else down the line. I think Aries is the guy to lead the company into the future.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Like the show last night. Overall very strong edition of Impact with some really good matches. The Gut Check kid seemed to sell really well, much better than there last gut check so I guess that's a plus. I'm not 100% sold on how the Aries chasing Hardy thing is playing out. It makes Aries seem minor league to Hardy being big league. I think having Aries loose to Ray was actually a good thing. This will help the build up to B4G. If TNA's plan is to keep the belt on Aries then this could be a really good story. Aries doubts himself all the way up to B4G and then wins the big one against Hardy. Could be good I just dont like the way they are handling it right now. It makes Aries seem like a whiner.
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Like the show last night. Overall very strong edition of Impact with some really good matches. The Gut Check kid seemed to sell really well, much better than there last gut check so I guess that's a plus. I'm not 100% sold on how the Aries chasing Hardy thing is playing out. It makes Aries seem minor league to Hardy being big league. I think having Aries loose to Ray was actually a good thing. This will help the build up to B4G. If TNA's plan is to keep the belt on Aries then this could be a really good story. Aries doubts himself all the way up to B4G and then wins the big one against Hardy. Could be good I just dont like the way they are handling it right now. It makes Aries seem like a whiner.


Aries has always been minor league and Jeff has been an international star for years. They pushed Aries to the moon and now he's facing off with an established name.


I feel like the only person who is expecting them to tear the house down. Jeff has been in good shape and seems motivated and that's when you get something special from him.


I do hope Aries retains though.

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The way this storyline is heading, a loss by Aries would completely kill the huge push he has been given the last several months. So I would have to think Aries will be the David to slay the Goliath Jeff Hardy and ascend to Main Event status on a permanent basis.


If they hadn't introduced the whole "You aren't chasing me, I am chasing you. I want to be everything you have been" thing, a loss to Hardy would not have mattered. It would almost be expected after Hardy won the BFG. I think this puts a lot of pressure on Aries to go out there and put on the kind of match that will stand the test of time. Is he capable of it? Hell yeah. And Hardy (when focused) is always capable of great matches as well.


I know not everyone here knows about Aries' past in ROH (I'm sure a lot of you do though, since this is a very smart wrestling crowd) but he was the 1st and only 2 time ROH World Champion. He was a big deal up until he got so big that ROH could not afford to pay him what he deserved.


I might be giving TNA too much credit, but I can't help but think his 1 year reign with the X Title was planned all along as a stepping stone into the World Title scene. They needed someone to step in once Roode had the belt long enough to cement him into the top level of the company. We all knew Roode and Storm were going to feud for a long time. And most people have been sick of seeing the same ex-WWE guys at the top. Aries was a logical and refreshing choice. And I think he has more than delivered, especially in the ring.


TL;DR: If Hardy beats Aries, it'll be a big mistake.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bound For Glory Predictions


Austin Aries vs Jeff Hardy - TNA World Title Match

I think what goes down in this match really depends on how the negotiations between Hardy and TNA have gone. If Hardy is happy with his position in TNA and is okay with giving the rub to Aries, then I think Aries retains. However Hardy could want another go at being the top guy in the company. A "give me another chance boss I wont let you down this time I promise" type thing. If he holds the fact that he can take his merchandise money maker back to the WWE to get this, then we have a new TNA Champ come the end of B4G. However I hope that Aries retains and Hardy stays on in TNA because the guy can be entertaining and I think does have a spot in TNA. Winner = Austin Aries


Aces & Eights vs Sting & Bully Ray

This one is a little hard because of all the rumors surrounding Aces & Eights. A Bully Ray turn on Sting would be too predictable, even though highly likely in my opinion. If you look back on it Ray has never been touched by Aces & Eights (unless I missed something). What I dont want to see is Eric Bischoff in charge of them. From the word going around the only reason Bischoff was thrown in there as there mouthpiece was to keep people guessing on who the leader really is. I think it may come down to being Jeff Jarrett even though he does not fit in with the biker gang mentality. A really interesting twist would be Scott Steiner, feeding off of the legit heat between Hogan & Steiner, kind of like TNA did with Jarrett & Angle a few years ago. However I think it comes down to it being Jeff Jarrett wanting to get his company back and being let into the Impact Zone for good would be the first step. Winners = Aces & Eights


World Tag Team Title match Kurt Angle & AJ Styles vs Chavo & Hernandez vs Daniels & Kazarian

Daniels & Kazarian have been the best thing to happen to the TNA Tag Team division since The Motorcity Machine Guns departed TNA. Taking the titles off of them would be a shame. Plus add in the fact that Kurt has been saying that he does not want to be a top guy anymore and Chavo and Hernandez are too green as a tag team and the obvious choice is to keep the belts on Daniels & Kazarian. Winners = Daniels & Kazarian


Street Fight James Storm vs Bobby Roode w/ King Mo as special enforcer.

This should be a really great match as these two have really good chemistry with each other. I'm still not totally sold on James Storm as a top singles guy in the company as I think Roode is a much better singles competitor. What I would love to see and what I think will happen is King Mo turning on James Storm and siding with Roode setting up a temporary tag team and leading to Mo's eventual Title run in the company with Roode. Winner = Robert Roode


TV Title match Magnus vs Samoa Joe

This one has been brewing for a while ever since Magnus turned on Joe. As much as I would like to see Magnus take that next step up in the roster, as I believe he can be huge if handled right, I think this is the beginning of a long title run for my man The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe. Winner = Samoa Joe


Knockouts Championship Tara vs Ms Tessmocker

The Knockouts division needs a boost and I think Tara as the front runner for the division is the right way to go. However I think Tessmocker is along the same lines as Hardy as she sells merchandise. Shes sexy, she sells and shes popular with young males. Is this a good reason to keep the belt on her..HELL NO! However with the way TNA has been going with this division I have to doubt that Tessmocker will come out with the Title on her waist. I do see a bit of culmination of the Tara / Hot Hollywood Boyfriend story line coming to a head. Winner = Ms Tessmocker


Al Snow vs Joey Ryan

This one is a given, Ryan is entertaining and TNA knew that from the very beginning. I see Ryan cheating to get the win, but getting the win and a TNA contract non-the-less. In my personal opinion I would have approached Taz on the possibility of getting in the ring with Joey. I think many more people would be interested in a Taz in-ring return than a Al Snow in-ring return. Not that there is anything wrong with Al Snow, I just think Taz is a more interesting character in this situation, especially with how Taz reacted at the very beginning in his interactions with Joey. Winner = Joey Ryan


TNA X-Division Championship Zema Ion vs ???

With virtually no build up and no hype I expect Ion's opponent to be named tonight on Impact. That being said it will most likely be someone he has paired up with before and beaten (Sonjay Dutt, Kenny King, Douglas Williams), and he will go on to retain. I like Ion and I think the kid has a lot of talent and charisma so keeping the belt on him is a smart choice right now, especially since there is no build up to anyone else in the x-division right now. However I would love to see Sonjay challenge and win it. Winner = Zema Ion.


Overall I rate this card about 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. Not the strongest Bound 4 Glory that TNA has put together, but still a solid card that is sure to entertain. If anyone is in the Connecticut area and wants to see the PPV hit me up. I'm buying it. Later!

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I'm so confused... so Aces and 8s has been doing all this... to gain access to TNA's offices?? Lol for serious? Am I missing something?


Well they want access to the arenas. They want to be able to come and go as they please. they dont want to be "locked out" anymore. Its just my personal opinion that if Jeff

Jarrett is the ringleader he is doing this to somehow get his company back.

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Well they want access to the arenas. They want to be able to come and go as they please. they dont want to be "locked out" anymore. Its just my personal opinion that if Jeff

Jarrett is the ringleader he is doing this to somehow get his company back.


That would be the most logical way to go and that is the way I hope they go. However, this is TNA so all logic tends to go out the window with them.:D Now watch the ringleader turn out to be Sharkboy or someone of that ilk.:D

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Okay just a small revise from my previous post.


TNA X-Division Championship RVD vs Zema Ion

TNA threw this one together at the last moment , Im sure, as a way to get RVD on the card. No build up, no hype, just RVD telling Ion that he gets his pick of opponents and he chooses Zema. Now I dont think RVD will become the new X-Division champion any time soon. RVD does kind of have that X-Division style, however I dont think he can hang with the younger guys that frequent the X-Division at this stage of his life. I dont think he will agree to give Zema Ion the rub on a 1,2,3 victory, even a cheap one. I think RVD will get the win, but most likely due to disqualification. I think Ion will do something to "hurt" RVD, thus continuing his trend of almost ending his opponents carriers.

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Predictions for Bound For Glory


Zema Ion© vs RVD for the X Division Title

Magnus vs Samoa Joe© for the TV Title

Joey Ryan vs Al Snow

Aces & 8's vs Sting and Bully Ray- I'm going against the grain and saying Bully doesn't turn on Sting. It's almost too obvious that's what they want us to think is going to happen.

Tara vs Tessmacher© for the Knockout Title- Tara wins, Velvet Sky returns

Bobby Roode vs James Storm- Roode wins, moving Storm into a program with Mo

AJ & Kurt vs Chavo & Hernandez vs Daniels & Kazarian© for the Tag Titles

Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries©

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Bearing in mind I've only seen the last two episodes of Impact after deciding to give it a try (it may be last week and the week before, or it may be last week and this week. "This week" for me is the triple threat main event and was a thoroughly enjoyable show, "last week" was the Aries/Hardy tag main event and was a terrible show :p)...


While I'm all for surprises and swerves, it helps if they make some sort of sense. I'd be pissed if, at this point, the leader turned out to be Sting or Anderson. Anderson could've made sense, but for the promo during his entrance. If he hadn't pleaded to be included in the tag match, the attack after he was chosen could've been a sham (to strengthen his cause for the opportunity to get revenge (had he been attacked before? I'm guessing not, for this point to make sense) since we didn't actually see the attack happen. If he hadn't been attacked after the show, the plea during his entrance promo could've been a sham to get him into the match as an insider. But both together make no sense at all. So I hope it's not Anderson.


Sting is too obvious a swerve. I'd hate it to be him, just because it's so boring.


Jarrett is a good option, I don't know the history of how he came to lose his powers on-screen, but it's plausible that it's him (or one of the other former on-screen powers that hasn't been fired off-screen, like Bischoff).


Hogan is an outside shot at a swerve. He can't just 'let them in', or the roster would be up in arms. I don't know what happened to Brooke to make it 'personal' to Hogan, but if you want a cast-iron reason to be fake-pissed at something and make it seem legit in the eyes of the fans, having a gang of thugs 'beat up' your daughter would be high on the list of great ways to do it. It doesn't make too much sense (since the roster would be even more pissed at you after going through all of that), but TNA aren't famous for making sense. Besides, it's not exactly the first time Hogan's turned heel lately.


Or there's Bully Ray (who I love as a character, by the way). As with Anderson, the attack a few weeks ago could've been a sham, to give him a viable reason for wanting to be in the tag match. He did seem to be quite desperate to earn his place there. After Anderson is chosen, it's a pretty simple matter to have him mobbed as he leaves the arena and - oh look, Bully Ray is here to make his case... He's the most logical choice, if it's going to be someone turning (or swerving, I guess, since Ray is already a heel).


It's interesting, anyway. Which is more than TNA's main event storylines used to be. Although one of the guys in A&8s looks worryingly like Abyss.


Zema Ion© vs RVD for the X Division Title

- I doubt it's RVD (what's up with two title shots in two weeks, for different titles, neither of which having any build-up at all?), and I've only seen Zema once but I want to see more. That's probably a good thing, right?


Magnus vs Samoa Joe© for the TV Title

- It always makes me laugh when you defend a TV Title on PPV. Especially when, as with the other title, it has virtually no build-up. Sort of a story (Magnus was one of the contenders in that ridiculous "I'm going to interview you all for a title shot, which will basically involve asking you if you want one, then choosing the two obvious choices" angle the other week), but no actual build-up.


Joey Ryan vs Al Snow

- Ryan losing to a guy who, we're constantly reminded, isn't a wrestler would be a little bit silly.


Aces & 8s vs Sting and Bully Ray

- They're obviously going to win. The only thing worse than a "if you lose, you have to disband" match, is a "if you lose, you have to disband" match where they actually do lose, before they've even arrived to boot! But I don't think Bully Ray will turn. Jarrett is my man behind it. Or Dixie Carter's husband, whatever he's called. That'd be interesting.


Tara vs Tessmacher© for the Knockout Title

- Hopefully if Tara wins they'll stop saying "Tessmacher". I premptively apologise in the unlikely event that it's her real name, but could she not have picked something a bit less stupid? Stage names were invented for the very reason that some people are unfortunate enough to be called Tessmacher. Not having a first name just makes it worse. Also, Tara/Victoria is awesome.


Bobby Roode vs James Storm

- Genuinely no idea. I will say though, that I really hope King Mo isn't here long-term. Realistically, how is he supposed to ever lose a match while he's also a legit MMA fighter? No doubt the deal is doing wonders for Bellator, who I'd never heard of prior to this (except as having a similar name to a security firm in Deus Ex: Human Revolution :p), but I just can't see how he's supposed to be taken seriously in either role. Either he destroys everyone in TNA and makes the company look like crap, or when he loses in TNA, it makes the guy who beat him look like superman. Even by having the guy as a "special enforcer" it's basically saying "the mere fact he competes in MMA matches means he's better than anything we've got". His record is, what, 6-1-1? He's not even a 'well established' MMA guy. I just don't like the whole thing. Nothing against Mo himself.


AJ & Kurt vs Chavo & Hernandez vs Daniels & Kazarian© for the Tag Titles

- I like Daniels too much. I sense Styles and Angle are about to implode. Hopefully this leads to Styles vs. Angle and Chavo/Hernandez vs. Daniels/Kazarian (has that been done recently? I dunno). Also, these guys need team names, sheesh. The World Tag Team Champions Of The World is great, but even longer than Daniels/Kazarian.


Jeff Hardy vs Austin Aries©

- I started watching RoH about a month before Aries lost the title. Please don't let it happen again, Wrestling Gods? Not to Jeff Hardy, anyway. Although it has to be said, I don't hate Hardy as much as I thought I would. I need me some more A-Double. The Best Man That Ever Lived. Is he still the MV3: Most Valuable Vascular Vegetarian? Haven't heard that one in a while. :p

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Also, Magnus and Joe have been feuding for a while. It isn't "thrown together at the last minute"


As I said, I've only seen the last two episodes. On those last two episodes, Magnus has appeared in precisely one segment, where Hogan considered him less of a challenger for the TV title than GARRETT BISCHOFF. So forgive me for not knowing they were supposed to be feuding. ¬_¬

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Yea Magnus and Joe have been feuding on and off for the last few months since Magnus turned on Joe after Joe won the match between the two of them in the Bound 4 Glory series. There is a history between the two since they were Tag Team Champions for a while as well.


I dont think Hogan will be the guy behind Ace's & Eights. Most of everything points to Jeff Jarrett. It wont be Sting either because I doubt Sting will want to go the heel route at this point in his career. Plus the fan reaction when Sting teamed with Bully last Thursday was huge. Dont know if it was Bully of Sting the crowd was going nuts for but still...I doubt it will be Anderson. It could be Bully but my money is on a Jarrett return.

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Am I the only one who thinks the leader of Aces and 8's is Eric Bischoff. I could be way off on this considering the fact that I don't get to watch TNA all that often. However I was home on a Thursday about two weeks ago and while watching TNA and the Aces and 8's segments when the leader was talking it to me clearly sounded like bischoff. Now the voice was a bit muffled but it still sounded a lot like bischoff to me. Like I said I could be wrong but Jeff Jarrett seems like a logical possibility as well but it almost makes too much sense for them to go that route.
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You know, I started wondering.. Why the name 'Aces and Eights'? I actually work as a card dealer, the hand is very much known as the "Dead Man's Hand" as some of you may know, especially Americans. The thing is that it's AA88, two pair. Black cards. But in a five card draw there's always the fifth card.


It's been argued that the fifth card was a Queen or a Jack. Or that it wasn't even drawn as Wild Bill held the four cards and only draw one, he may not have gotten it before he got shot as the tale tells.


Sting resembles me of Joker in someway, his facepaint. Could he be the 'fifth card' as it were? You know. Or could it be the Jack, maybe double J as in Jeff Jarrett. There has to be something behind the name choice and something related to cards, poker, suits and so on.

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Am I the only one who thinks the leader of Aces and 8's is Eric Bischoff. I could be way off on this considering the fact that I don't get to watch TNA all that often. However I was home on a Thursday about two weeks ago and while watching TNA and the Aces and 8's segments when the leader was talking it to me clearly sounded like bischoff. Now the voice was a bit muffled but it still sounded a lot like bischoff to me. Like I said I could be wrong but Jeff Jarrett seems like a logical possibility as well but it almost makes too much sense for them to go that route.

Yeah, that was definitely Bischoff's voice. That doesn't necessarily mean he'll actually be part of the group, though. They might have just used him for that voiceover.

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Live recap:


RVD d. Zima Ion for the X-Division champ.

Samoa Joe d. Magnus to retain.

Storm vs. Roode going on. Storm is busted wide open. Good matches thus far, all of em. King Mo hasn't done anything yet, altough his looks have been awesome at times :D "O.O" when Storm DDT Roode outside. Holy hell Storm is bleeding. His face is completely red, crimson mask.. Sick. Omg they just went trough an annoncer's table. The wooden one, not the glass one. Roode speared Storm into it whilst Storm did a DDT. Looked weird yet effective. Crowd chanting this is awesome. Great, bloody brawl this far. SUPERKICK! Just two. Hebner should retire, his counts suck nowadays. It was clearly a three and you could see how he stopped his hand. Sure Roodes fault too. Roode goes for the pin! two.


THUMBTACKS! Storm on top rope, Roode picks up a bag and spreads thumbtacks all over. Storm pushes Roode ontot the tacks! Oh the brutality. Storm goes for elbow drop, connects. ROODE KICKS OUT BUH GAWD! Low blows to both guys. Drinking beer. Storm smashes a beer bottle to Roode's head! SUPERKICK! Roode falls on tacks!


Storm wins! Great match.


Snow vs. Ryan. Borefest. I wish this would end already. Ryan kicked out of Snow Ploug (or whatever the name of the move was. What a disgrace). Time for some head! lol Snow got dropped outside, Ryan went for baseball slide, Snow lifted the curtain and trapped him between the curtain and the ring. OMFG Matt Morgan comes from the crowd and boots Snows head off. Morgan and Ryan shake hands.


Three-way Tag team match next. MotN coming up. Daniels & Kazarian promo, great promo. Kazarian has learned a lot trough the years. lol Daniels "The world tag team champions.. of the world.." :D

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