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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Hardy busted his ass, but "Aries had to work harder to make him look better"?


I don't see it. Hardy sold like a million bucks, worked his tail off, and him and Aries had a fantastic match.


Also, if Hardy would have lost, the BFG series winner would lose two years in a row. That would be idiotic.


not as idiotic as killing the momentum of a guy they put the belt on only 2 months ago and had holding another belt for over a year. Hardy just wasnt the guy to beat Aries IMO. They should've given him a couple more months at least.


from a year reign before him (Roode), building him up and then killing it. Right as I was starting to believe in TNA. If there was no point in him being champion they should've just left the belt on Roode and had Storm win the series.

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Well I had my whole match by match thoughts on BFG written up and the damn internet went down as I pressed "Reply" and it doesn't appear to have posted. So I'll just do a quick reply this time.


Needless to say I thought the show was one of the best PPV's this year from TNA. Devon as the mole is a stroke of genius. I'm thinking maybe only those in power knew he'd re-signed which is how they kept it so quiet. I'm now certain Bully Ray will not be a part of Aces & Eights, so back to Bischoff being unmasked as the eventual leader of the group.


I'm not sold on Hardy as Champion, or cutting short Aries reign at the 3 months mark (roughly) but we'll see what happens. Maybe it's a way for Roode to get back in the title picture. Somewhere down the line a 4 Way match between Hardy, Aries, Roode & Storm would be good.


I don't think there was a single match I disliked if I'm honest. The tag title match was epic! I really enjoyed it. As too was the Roode/Storm match. The knockouts match was typical of what to expect from them now Pritchard is in charge. Don't know who that guy was Tara introduced... I'm hoping I heard wrong when she introduced him as someone who was on Big Brother...

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So there was a swerve with devon who everyone thought was gone due to contract expiring.....everyone thought the same with morgan.....Anyone have any views on maybe flair being the leader? Two swerves with morgon and devon......What a shock it would be if flair is trying to take over tna
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Spoiler below.



Haha. I think TNA may think differently now he's said he's a member! Although we've all speculated, and guessed who is under the masks, TNA have tried to keep it a well guarded secret so I think he may not be wearing one of them for much longer!


Several times I nearly put his name in this reply... would have negated all your white out with my stupidity!

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Haha. I think TNA may think differently now he's said he's a member! Although we've all speculated, and guessed who is under the masks, TNA have tried to keep it a well guarded secret so I think he may not be wearing one of them for much longer!


Several times I nearly put his name in this reply... would have negated all your white out with my stupidity!


I'm pretty sure he was one of the ones in the actual tag match against Sting and Bully. He's a decent sized dude.


I liked what little I saw of him. I'm not saying he was the greatest thing ever, but he seemed decent enough and had a good look.

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Devon is big in the way they did it. Maybe devon is not a huge name, but who did not think he was done with tna. Who did not think that yeah, he's going to run his school for a while and when he can go to wwe. I wish it would have been done with a bigger name....but i think it's just a matter of who's contract was up.....or was it even up? Was that all just to get the smarks thinking it would not be him? Of all the names brought up devon was never one of them
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Maybe he wasn't brought up because he's not a big enough name for people to care. Maybe people simply expected someone a bit more interesting.


But it's not like he's the leader or anything, he's just one of the lackeys. The reveal is big because it's who the mole was for a & 8's. And since he was one of the top babyfaces and they did a pretty good job working the IWC that he was released, it was a good swerve to open up showing who they are.


If he was the leader, I agree hive, lame. But as one of the lackey's it explains a bit of how they were able to have inside, company information.


I thought that part of the PPV was fine, and Hardy-Aeris was a very good match, but the wrong guy won. This whole PPV was panic booking, something we always get on WWE for and TNA should have avoided, since they were doing a nice job building new stars.


Look at the title winners last night. Chavo, Tara, RVD, Hardy...this screams "we need ratings!!! our guys suck we got two back to back .85 ratings!!!! if it had a cup of coffee in WWE, put the belt on it now!!!! RATINGSZOR"


it's completly overreacting to a drop in ratings that can be explained by 1) they are now up directly against the start of Thursday night football witht he time change to 8-10. nice one spike. and 2) they went against a political debate watched by 20 million people last week.

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Also, if Hardy would have lost, the BFG series winner would lose two years in a row. That would be idiotic.

To me, the idiotic thing is putting the title back on the guy who has received (and blown) more "second chances" than just about anyone I can think of.


I'm reserving judgment on the Devon thing until his role in the group becomes clearer. If he's the leader, it's horrible.

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Just finished watching the show about an hour ago, was a fun show. They've had better PPVs this year but I still enjoiyed this a lot more than I tend to enjoy WWE shows so TNA are still winning for me.


I was surprised to see Devon show up but he's clearly not the real leader of the Aces and 8s. This was the end of this chapter, a way to get a hostile force into TNA and now they have properly arrived. There's going to be a higher power of some sort and I'd put money on it being Eric Bischoff. He's got history with bikers (the old WW Road Wild PPV was his baby), he's got issues with TNA management, he's a typical heel and he fits the role. The name of the stable is, as has been pointed out loads, the Dead Man's Hand and he was basically written out of TNA earlier in the year prior to this storyline beginning.


The other theory, that I give a 0% chance of being true but would please me greatly... is that it's The Undertaker. I know it isn't, but the sheer joy it would give me for the Dead Man's Hand to be reaching out to TNA, playing off his American Bad Ass times with the bikers and generally causing trouble... it would be the most insane and unlikely thing in pro wrestling history, but it would somehow make sense and put a smile on my face. I know it isn't Undertaker, but if he went insane tomorrow and signed with TNA it would be a very neat fit. :)

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Just finished watching the show about an hour ago, was a fun show. They've had better PPVs this year but I still enjoiyed this a lot more than I tend to enjoy WWE shows so TNA are still winning for me.


I was surprised to see Devon show up but he's clearly not the real leader of the Aces and 8s. This was the end of this chapter, a way to get a hostile force into TNA and now they have properly arrived. There's going to be a higher power of some sort and I'd put money on it being Eric Bischoff. He's got history with bikers (the old WW Road Wild PPV was his baby), he's got issues with TNA management, he's a typical heel and he fits the role. The name of the stable is, as has been pointed out loads, the Dead Man's Hand and he was basically written out of TNA earlier in the year prior to this storyline beginning.


The other theory, that I give a 0% chance of being true but would please me greatly... is that it's The Undertaker. I know it isn't, but the sheer joy it would give me for the Dead Man's Hand to be reaching out to TNA, playing off his American Bad Ass times with the bikers and generally causing trouble... it would be the most insane and unlikely thing in pro wrestling history, but it would somehow make sense and put a smile on my face. I know it isn't Undertaker, but if he went insane tomorrow and signed with TNA it would be a very neat fit. :)




That would be epic.

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How about the man who is running the Aces And Eights being Raven? Granted, he hasn't been around since 2010. However, the whole Dead Man's Hand seems to fit his gimmick. He is a really smart guy in real life (MENSA material). He seems like he would be into the whole biker lifestyle. And he lost to Jeff Hardy in a match where he had to leave TNA and Jeff Hardy is now the World champ.
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Right... Devon is the mole, not the leader. There is absolutely no way they would reveal the leader before any other members of the group - even if they were the worst creative team in the world. About 4 or 5 years ago, Raven being revealed as the mastermind would have been great. I was always a huge Raven fan, but I don't think he'd be as committed to the story these days.


I'm impressed to all those who saw it coming because I sure as hell didn't. As far as I (and those I talk to about TNA) was aware, Devon hadn't renewed his contract with the company so I was pleasantly surprised. Reminded me of a time before the Internet.

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I'm impressed to all those who saw it coming because I sure as hell didn't. As far as I (and those I talk to about TNA) was aware, Devon hadn't renewed his contract with the company so I was pleasantly surprised. Reminded me of a time before the Internet.


That is why I think it is such a huge deal.....Not that it was devon but NO ONE knew he resigned.....I mean, you figure one of the "newz" sites would have said something like devon resignes or someting like that.....It was a very well kept secret

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Just finished watching the show about an hour ago, was a fun show. They've had better PPVs this year but I still enjoiyed this a lot more than I tend to enjoy WWE shows so TNA are still winning for me.


I was surprised to see Devon show up but he's clearly not the real leader of the Aces and 8s. This was the end of this chapter, a way to get a hostile force into TNA and now they have properly arrived. There's going to be a higher power of some sort and I'd put money on it being Eric Bischoff. He's got history with bikers (the old WW Road Wild PPV was his baby), he's got issues with TNA management, he's a typical heel and he fits the role. The name of the stable is, as has been pointed out loads, the Dead Man's Hand and he was basically written out of TNA earlier in the year prior to this storyline beginning.


The other theory, that I give a 0% chance of being true but would please me greatly... is that it's The Undertaker. I know it isn't, but the sheer joy it would give me for the Dead Man's Hand to be reaching out to TNA, playing off his American Bad Ass times with the bikers and generally causing trouble... it would be the most insane and unlikely thing in pro wrestling history, but it would somehow make sense and put a smile on my face. I know it isn't Undertaker, but if he went insane tomorrow and signed with TNA it would be a very neat fit. :)


Got to say this was fantasy booking on my part in my TNA game as well. It actually does make a bit of sense as far as the gimmick is concerned but I just cant find a reason why he would do it. I guess to get at Sting. That would be cool.


Devon resigning was really epic because NOBODY, I dont care what you say, saw it coming. Everyone thought that his contract was up and then they put the TV Title up for grabs which solidified it even more. Heck even Matt Morgan was reported on before his reveal at the house shows. The Devon thing is a stroke of genius. I think he has been way over with the crowd and turning him heel will finally get him some more TV time (I hope). I just hope this does not totally turn Bully Ray face. Maybe a tweener but not a face. He has been the best heel in the company for a long time. However Ray with the face paint at B4G was truly epic.

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But it's not like he's the leader or anything, he's just one of the lackeys. The reveal is big because it's who the mole was for a & 8's. And since he was one of the top babyfaces and they did a pretty good job working the IWC that he was released, it was a good swerve to open up showing who they are.


If he was the leader, I agree hive, lame. But as one of the lackey's it explains a bit of how they were able to have inside, company information.


I thought that part of the PPV was fine, and Hardy-Aeris was a very good match, but the wrong guy won. This whole PPV was panic booking, something we always get on WWE for and TNA should have avoided, since they were doing a nice job building new stars.


Look at the title winners last night. Chavo, Tara, RVD, Hardy...this screams "we need ratings!!! our guys suck we got two back to back .85 ratings!!!! if it had a cup of coffee in WWE, put the belt on it now!!!! RATINGSZOR"


it's completly overreacting to a drop in ratings that can be explained by 1) they are now up directly against the start of Thursday night football witht he time change to 8-10. nice one spike. and 2) they went against a political debate watched by 20 million people last week.


I disagree with you here. I have no problem with Chavo and Hernandez winning the titles because out of the three teams, they need the most as of course AJ and Angel can go for the World title and Daniels and Kaz have been so awesome together that they don't even need the tag titles and they can do their own thing.


With RVD winning, I like to think they did this to give Ion something to do as Jess heals so there's plenty of time for Ion to win the belt back and then drop it to Jesse. Plus feuding with an established guy like RVD does help Ion. However the next time they face each other he has to win.


Tara winning was cool. I wouldn't have complained whoever won, but for Tara winning, it also gives her something to do fresh off a heel turn. I don't really care about the dude from Big Brother but it helps Tara's new character so it's not that bad. Though I am hoping they interject more women here like ODB, Gail, Madison especially.


Now comes Jeff Hardy. I'll be honest, when he won the BFG Series, I crapped on it for the obvious reasons. But I thought about and I realized you know what, he's kinda earned it. He hit rock bottom at Victory Road 11 and rightfully so. That was his fault for that and the state he was in at that show was an embarrassment. Since then, he's stayed clean(as we know of) and when I see him now on TV, it seems as if he has his act together. And he's had good matches(with Bully Ray, Angle, Storm, etc) so he's been keeping up with his ring work. I don't think if he won the BFG Series last year and won the World title at BFG that I would feel the same way cause he wouldn't have earned it. But now, 19 months after the incident, I think he has and so I'm not upset that he's the champ.


And with Aries you have to look at it like this. Him main eventing TNA's biggest show WITH the TNA World title I think speaks volumes of how highly TNA thinks of him. Even if it was only a three month title reign, TNA still have showed they have faith in him with the way he has been built up basically since returning to the company last year. So it's not all bad

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