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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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There's a lot of ragging on Garrett Bischoff and Wes Brisco, and though I do believe Brisco needs a lot more work before he could ever go on a successful singles run, I think 90% of peoples opinion on Garrett is because of who his dad is.


With Garrett I think people view him as more of an Erik Watts type of guy. Someone who probably does not deserve the spot he is getting right now and yet he has gotten it because of who his father is or who his father's friends are.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Garrett is slowly winning me over that he's not just around because of his uncle. I mean... he obviously is in TNA because of it, but he might just be good enough to keep around on his own merits, though he's going to be at the bottom end of the ladder for a long time yet whlie he develops. Don't have a problem with that. :)


This week's Impact was another fun show. Joey Ryan started out funny, pushed it a little too far in the match but it was what it was. The Knockouts were good, though Taryn wasn't as sharp tonight as I'd hoped she would be. And for some reason every time I see her in her ring gear I keep thinking that someone cloned Kelly Kelly. Not sure how good that'll work out in the ring, but I wish I had one for myself. :p


Enjoyed all of the AJ Styles stuff tonight, if they're looking to turn him into the new Sting then having Hogan ditch Sting then go straight to AJ is a nice touch. Love that A&8s are after AJ too, but AJ isn't committing to anything, particularly with Storm getting in his face. I figure he's going to keep staying in the neutral zone for a while and it should be interesting to see where he is going from here too. I've heard lots of people hoping for him to win the BfG series down the road, and until recently I didn't think they'd go that way... but now? He's going to be an interesting variable in there.


btw, I can't wait for this year's BFG series. Like.. I wish it was happening right now. That's a good sign. :D


Petey Williams! Fun three way match, awesome to see Petey pick up the win. I'm always happy when he's on my screen, he's a fantastic in-ring performer and back when he was with Scott Steiner and Rhaka Kahn they were one of my favourite acts in TNA. Looking forward to more X-division action, though I'm still not sold on the "all three way" stipulation for it just now.


Gut Check left me feeling underwhelmed this time. Adam Pearce seems like a solid hand but I'm not sold on him either through his promo, his look or his in-ring performance as someone I'm going to want to see. I liked the look of Magno but his promo didn't do much for me and he made a few mistakes that left me feeling uninspired. Not sure he was at fault for all of them but I'm not feeling like I want to see either guy going forward. Not sure who they'll give the nod to based on that performance either.


Tag teams are happening next week. Didn't like Chavo at all tonight and had a minor chuckle to myself when his winning the ECWWE title was overlooked. I've never disliked Chavo, but I've never really cared for him either. He's clearly talented, he's pretty charismatic too, but he's pretty much an Eddie Guererro tribute act and he's never going to be as good as Eddie was. And while he stands in that shadow, I'm never going to like him as much as I could. Interesting stipulations for the match though... hoping Aries/Roode retain though not sure what Hernandez/Chavo would do if that happened. Should be a fun match though. :)


A&8s vs TNA babyfaces was a fun match too. I'm always happy when Eric Young is on screen so having him in a main event was good. Joseph Park continues to surprise me with the reactions he gets, I never woulda thought that the guy how was Abyss could get a lawyer over as a sympathetic babyface, so kudos there. Was a fun match and it's good to see the bad guys picking up some wins, even if they are stealing them.


Bully Ray was great again tonight, the guy is a money promo even when you put him out there with a mediocre Brooke Hogan. Bully and Jeff Hardy should have a great match next week that Bully will somehow win, I'm really looking forward to it and hoping that there is more surprises still to come from the A&8s somehow. I get the feeling it's going to be a bit of a clustermess, but there are times when that can be awesome and I have enough faith in TNA right now that I dont' doubt they'll make it awesome. :D


Also... I ALWAYS mark out for Christy Hemme... *sighs*


So, another fun show. I'm still looking forward to next week's Impact more than I am Wrestlemania... it's strange, I certainly didn't think I'd ever say that but that's just how much i'm enjoying TNA just now. I want more! :D

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Eric Bischoff is Garett's dad, not his uncle.


Hah! Yeah, I keep making that mistake for some reason. I think it's because I've made the association in my head with Eric Bischoff as Peter Valentine of the Cornellverse, and now Garrett has become Casey Valentine by default. Silly me. :p

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Eric Bischoff is Garett's dad, not his uncle.


And as one who who's merely nibbled around the edges of TNA since Garrett's been there, that's the only complaint I have about him. Dude may not be a superstar but in the times I've seen him I haven't felt like he was horribly out of place. He doesn't have the It factor that say a Kerry Von Erich or Jeff Jarrett did starting out but I've also never gotten the sense he was so terribly over his head either. If guys as cookie cutter as James Storm, Tomko and Kazarian can do as well as they have in TNA, there's no reason I've seen to suggest Garrett doesn't merit a spot. Maybe you can suggest he gets a higher one than he deserves because of his name. But that would seem like a minor complaint compared to some of the lulus TNA has been guilty of over the years.

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And as one who who's merely nibbled around the edges of TNA since Garrett's been there, that's the only complaint I have about him. Dude may not be a superstar but in the times I've seen him I haven't felt like he was horribly out of place. He doesn't have the It factor that say a Kerry Von Erich or Jeff Jarrett did starting out but I've also never gotten the sense he was so terribly over his head either. If guys as cookie cutter as James Storm, Tomko and Kazarian can do as well as they have in TNA, there's no reason I've seen to suggest Garrett doesn't merit a spot. Maybe you can suggest he gets a higher one than he deserves because of his name. But that would seem like a minor complaint compared to some of the lulus TNA has been guilty of over the years.


When he was first thrust into the spotlight, he was extremely green and he needed a lot of refinement. He's a fan of wrestling though and from everything I've heard, he's constantly trying to get better in the ring.


I don't really see how James Storm is cookie cutter though. He could have easily been the Blue Collar babyface champion and the face of the company. Tomko is fairly underrated I think though. Kazarian is never good enough to carry a program by himself, but when he has the right partner(Michael Shane/Christopher Daniels) he shines. His tag team with Michael Shane/Matt Bentley was really entertaining and Daniels and Kazarian hysterical together. While everyone thought Team Hell No was the breakout tag team of 2012, I feel like Bad Influence were the real tag team of 2012.

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I don't really see how James Storm is cookie cutter though. He could have easily been the Blue Collar babyface champion and the face of the company. Tomko is fairly underrated I think though. Kazarian is never good enough to carry a program by himself, but when he has the right partner(Michael Shane/Christopher Daniels) he shines. His tag team with Michael Shane/Matt Bentley was really entertaining and Daniels and Kazarian hysterical together. While everyone thought Team Hell No was the breakout tag team of 2012, I feel like Bad Influence were the real tag team of 2012.


First of all, keep in mind that when I say they are "cookie cutter", I don't mean that as a flat out dismissal. That these don't belong on my screen and never will. I may find them cookie cutter but in the middle of the card that's not necessarily a bad thing. There's always a place for guys who are formulaic and cookie cutter but follow the formula well.


Like Storm. I see a face in the crowd. He's a good, solid tag team guy and I really enjoyed his chemistry with Robert Roode in Beer Money. But as a singles champion? No. Never. Just can't buy it. He might have good personality skills for the tag division. But I don't feel like I've ever seen anything out of him that hundreds of other guys couldn't do. He's just the one that managed to get the platform and the opportunity. And he looks straight out of Central Casting. As a tag team guy, I can accept Storm. He's certainly showed me he's good at that. But any higher than that and I have a hard time swallowing it.


Tomko is the classic "problem solver" thug. Only thing I see unique about him is the facial hair. And even that isn't as special as it used to be since Australia got a spot in the C-Verse and Tombstone came into being. Heck, last time I played with Tombstone, I renamed Tom Cody because of the resemblence. I'll agree Tomko plays his niche well and because of his history I have no problem with him being in a place like TNA. But if you randomly replaced him with Muscle Guy J, I'd be okay with that too.


And I think my biggest problem with Kazarian is that I got to the party too late. He really feels like one of those guys where his following was already cemented before I got there and as James Storm would say, "Sorry about your damn luck." Every time I see the guy he bores me to tears. Even when he does have a Christopher Daniels to use him as a foil. And I've never seen him do anything in the ring that comparative nobodies like Kevin Quill or Ryan Nuzzi couldn't do on on my local access station in Southside. Everything I've heard suggests he's a good guy. So sometimes it bugs me that I can't get into him like a lot of TNA's base seems to. But I just don't get him. It seems like you could pluck any one of the thousands of uppercard unknowns out of any random micro-indy in the country and get a guy just as good and as useful as Kazarian. As such, if I actively dislike any of these guys for being cookie cutter, it's Kazarian. "Why THIS stiff instead of my stiff" as it were.

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Maybe it's because I've watched Storm and Kazarian for 10+ years, but I've always felt like Storm was world champion material. Back in the AMW days I swore to everyone that he'd be world champion.


I don't think Kazarian should ever be world champion, but X Division or tag champion? Yeah, and if he's not, then at least a regular contender. The stuff he did in early days was fairly innovative.


When he started getting world title matches with Kurt Angle, I was blown away at the reception he got from the fans though.


I can definitely see where you're coming from on Tomko, he's fairly generic looking, but I dunno, I've always felt he's a solid hand in the ring and underrated over all.


I know you're not dismissing Kaz or Storm, but I just feel they both have so much to offer and are far too talented to be considered cookie cutter.

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Did anyone get the One Night Only PPV?


I did and I rather enjoyed it. Fun show with some really good matches. RVD against Jerry Lynn was excellent and they gave Lynn a pretty good send off. Austin Aries and Samoa Joe had a really good match too. Just a really fun show. If anyone was on the fence of purchasing a taped show, I think it was worth it. Was only 15 bucks. Very cool to see some of the X division guys we haven't seen much too.

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Maybe it's because I've watched Storm and Kazarian for 10+ years, but I've always felt like Storm was world champion material. Back in the AMW days I swore to everyone that he'd be world champion.



I know you're not dismissing Kaz or Storm, but I just feel they both have so much to offer and are far too talented to be considered cookie cutter.


And I know I march to the beat of my own drum sometimes. I'm the guy who sees Mr. Anderson as merely a talented mimic even though a large chunk of people eat him up. I embraced Matt over Jeff when they went solo. I embrace and have actually enjoyed seeing Jeff Jarrett as a leading light of the company. I don't pretend my opinion is anything more than my own. I appreciate where you're coming from too and can easily agree to just disagree.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I saw the PPV, although I'm still crooked-headed about the X division. I still highly recommend Impact and their PPVs, though. They're really putting on a consistently good show, and it doesn't take up 5 hours of your week to keep up with it.
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If I had $15 to spare, I'd probably throw it at One Night Only, though I'm super disappointed to see no more Destination X. The X Division has always been what drew me to TNA, though I'm not behind the triple threat idea yet. The idea that the guy who doesn't take the fall is in the next title match leads to some nice booking situations, but other than that, I think they're just 'being different to be different' which I don't like. Plus the weight limit is a bummer but understandable. I miss the days of 'It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits'.


I love what they're doing with AJ Styles. He's been one of my favorites since I started watching TNA and I think this character shift (is it just me or does it feel like a Loner gimmick?) could be what it takes to get him back to the World Title. Getting everyone (Hogan, A&8s, Bad Influence) involved in his feud with Storm is a nice move too, as it makes his return seem like a big thing. I really wish he had been the face of the company rather than some of the big league rejects that have come in *coughJeffHardycough*.


Also, Petey Williams is fantastic. Having him back is a blessing for TNA, as he's always been a crisp worker and he's not bad on the mic either. Plus, everyone likes seeing a Canadian Destroyer once in a while. Of all the guys who have left TNA, he was the singles guy I was most hoping to see back (Tag guys being The Naturals, but that's way too wishful thinking).

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I see lot of people praising TNA's product in some forums recently, and I think it's better nowadays, sure, but am I the only one thinking that a promotion that has Eric Bischoff (even if he's no longer head booker) can only do invading-faction-against-the-company based storylines? It's like NWO all over again. Geez!
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I see lot of people praising TNA's product in some forums recently, and I think it's better nowadays, sure, but am I the only one thinking that a promotion that has Eric Bischoff (even if he's no longer head booker) can only do invading-faction-against-the-company based storylines? It's like NWO all over again. Geez!


WWE has done two(three technically if you count the Corre) in the last three years. It's pretty much a staple of pro wrestling promotions now.

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Sure, but they weren't always the center of the show. Wherever Bischoff is, you know an invasion will happen. :D


So the Nexus wasn't the focus of the show? The Shield who are undefeated and main eventing aren't part of the show? So Eric Bischoff has been a part of two promotions and both featured an invasion storyline so that means that everywhere Bischoff is there is an invasion angle.


Vince McMahon has been a part of one promotion and he has done a WCW invasion, an ECW invasion before that, then a WCW/ECW invasion, then an nWo invasion, then a Nexus Invasion and now a Shield invasion.


Not seeing the difference here? I've had two at bats and I hit the ball twice that means I always hit the ball.....very flawed logic otherwise known as broad, wide sweeping, generalizations.

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So the Nexus wasn't the focus of the show? The Shield who are undefeated and main eventing aren't part of the show? So Eric Bischoff has been a part of two promotions and both featured an invasion storyline so that means that everywhere Bischoff is there is an invasion angle.


Vince McMahon has been a part of one promotion and he has done a WCW invasion, an ECW invasion before that, then a WCW/ECW invasion, then an nWo invasion, then a Nexus Invasion and now a Shield invasion.


Not seeing the difference here? I've had two at bats and I hit the ball twice that means I always hit the ball.....very flawed logic otherwise known as broad, wide sweeping, generalizations.


The Shield isn't "Main Eventing". They don't have a world title, they didn't screw the "Huckster's" daughter and they don't heavily appear as much as A&8's. I'm not saying that stables aren't regular on Pro Wrestling, they are, it's part of it, but look how many years and tv shows and PPV's Vince had to do all of that in 30 years and how much limited time Eric had in comparison and his MAIN focus are always invasion stories. I maintain my argument.

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The Shield isn't "Main Eventing". They don't have a world title, they didn't screw the "Huckster's" daughter and they don't heavily appear as much as A&8's. I'm not saying that stables aren't regular on Pro Wrestling, they are, it's part of it, but look how many years and tv shows and PPV's Vince had to do all of that in 30 years and how much limited time Eric had in comparison and his MAIN focus are always invasion stories. I maintain my argument.


So being in a program with the likes of Punk, Cena, Ryback, Big Show, Randy, and Sheamus isn't main eventing? Your argument has been proven wrong. Vince loves the invasion angle just as much if not more than Bischoff ( Which is ridiculous you bring him up since he has absolutely nothing to do with creative for TNA) but at least TNA knows how to properly book a invasion angle.

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So being in a program with the likes of Punk, Cena, Ryback, Big Show, Randy, and Sheamus isn't main eventing? Your argument has been proven wrong. Vince loves the invasion angle just as much if not more than Bischoff ( Which is ridiculous you bring him up since he has absolutely nothing to do with creative for TNA) but at least TNA knows how to properly book a invasion angle.


I think what Shawn Michaels is getting at is that Eric Bischoff is pretty much a one trick pony who only knows how to book one storyline which is the nWo invasion. Hell within the last few years we've had Aces & Eights and Immortal where both angles were clearly nWo ripoffs. That's not even mentioning the kOw angle with Jarrett, Hall and Nash that TNA did in the past as well, although that was before Bischoff's run in the company.


Honestly, Stables are TNA's main problem. As long as I've watched TNA I've seen a stable taking up TV time nearly every year. It's like Superman Cena, I've really seen enough of Stables in TNA and I really wish they took 2-3 years off to just have singles storylines be the focus of the show before doing another one, and when they do write another one, I'd prefer it to not be the nWo again.


TNA should've just given in to Heyman's demands and brought him in years back, the combination of Russo/Dixie/Hogan/Bischoff has really hurt them from being bigger IMO. With Heyman's booking and Panda Energy bankrolling them TNA could've had an incredible product right now.

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I think what Shawn Michaels is getting at is that Eric Bischoff is pretty much a one trick pony who only knows how to book one storyline which is the nWo invasion. Hell within the last few years we've had Aces & Eights and Immortal where both angles were clearly nWo ripoffs. That's not even mentioning the kOw angle with Jarrett, Hall and Nash that TNA did in the past as well, although that was before Bischoff's run in the company.


Honestly, Stables are TNA's main problem. As long as I've watched TNA I've seen a stable taking up TV time nearly every year. It's like Superman Cena, I've really seen enough of Stables in TNA and I really wish they took 2-3 years off to just have singles storylines be the focus of the show before doing another one, and when they do write another one, I'd prefer it to not be the nWo again.


TNA should've just given in to Heyman's demands and brought him in years back, the combination of Russo/Dixie/Hogan/Bischoff has really hurt them from being bigger IMO. With Heyman's booking and Panda Energy bankrolling them TNA could've had an incredible product right now.


Yeah, that's exactly what I mean! Thank you! And I will add more! Eric Bischoff is a one hit wonder! NWO was his only hit, and if it wasn't for NWO he would have never lasted in WCW for half the time he did. If he makes a living out of wrestling these days (well, not so much these days, though he is still on TNA's pay list, but you know what I mean) it's because he was a one hit wonder! Period. That man would not know what a good wrestling card is, even if it struck him in the face at 500 miles an hour.

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I think what Shawn Michaels is getting at is that Eric Bischoff is pretty much a one trick pony who only knows how to book one storyline which is the nWo invasion. Hell within the last few years we've had Aces & Eights and Immortal where both angles were clearly nWo ripoffs. That's not even mentioning the kOw angle with Jarrett, Hall and Nash that TNA did in the past as well, although that was before Bischoff's run in the company.


Honestly, Stables are TNA's main problem. As long as I've watched TNA I've seen a stable taking up TV time nearly every year. It's like Superman Cena, I've really seen enough of Stables in TNA and I really wish they took 2-3 years off to just have singles storylines be the focus of the show before doing another one, and when they do write another one, I'd prefer it to not be the nWo again.


TNA should've just given in to Heyman's demands and brought him in years back, the combination of Russo/Dixie/Hogan/Bischoff has really hurt them from being bigger IMO. With Heyman's booking and Panda Energy bankrolling them TNA could've had an incredible product right now.


Heyman's highlight was running a company that never got past a certain level. TNA is already bigger than ECW was. Heyman is a decent booker but very very overrated by the IWC. Also the people you mentioned have nothing to do with TNA Creative anymore. Russo was fired, Dixie s more on the business side and has never been involved deeply in creative, Bischoff is focused souly on his production company and hasn't even been backstage of any TNA events in the last year or so, and Hogan is mostly just a on screen character with some say in TNA. The creative now is Pritchard, Conway, and another young guy I can't think of the name right now. TNA is doing the right thing with developing young creative members which will pay off in the long run, as you can already tell TNA is much much more entertaining, and has better character development than WWE does right now it's only a matter of time for the ratings to catch up.

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