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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Ok before this turns into a giant ethics debate. :p


I finished Destination X and I'm going to agree with those saying it was a better show than Wrestlemania. Not a really weak match on the card in my opinion.


My interpretation of Aries' words wasn't so much to spark a conversation on ethics, than it was to find his definition of a 'real' versus a 'so-called' fan. I took it not as "Who loves wrestling more?" but as "Who is more valuable?". Which is the dude spending money. I know if I was a wrestler I'd be far more appreciative of fans who bought my merchandise, and attended shows I was on, than the guys who sit at home, just Youtubing my stuff. Doesn't matter which one truly appreciates the art of pro wrestling.


Not everyone has money. Hell, I got a letter from the bank the other day that wasn't too friendly. You're not a bad person. Or less appreciative of the art. But you are less valuable to the business.

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and, I've spent at minimum of a thousand dollars on TNA in the last few years. So yeah, I've supported them with my money.


Then technically, it shouldn't bug you if you look at it this way. You know you've invested and supported the company in different areas; there's a chance Aries just said that to rile up the fans who literally haven't supported TNA in squat - and just flawlessly tune in month in and month out without giving a dime. I'm sure everyone knows there are different profits other than PPVs. Then again, that may be still of a buggy thought for those who've been fairly unfortunate financally for ages, but eh..

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I'm a big fan of both TNA and WWE, but if I don't have enough money for a PPV that I want, I simply don't get to watch it, or I'll have to wait until I have the money to buy it on DVD. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who pirate any kind of media, so can we please end this discussion and have everybody become friends again please? :)
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Well according to Kid Kash, he's signed with TNA. I'm pretty stoked about it. Always been a fan of the guy and he's a talented worker. Hopefully they try to sign Jack Evans, Low Ki, and Zema Ion too. Even though that would kind of cheapen Austin Aries's win Sunday.
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Well according to Kid Kash, he's signed with TNA. I'm pretty stoked about it. Always been a fan of the guy and he's a talented worker. Hopefully they try to sign Jack Evans, Low Ki, and Zema Ion too. Even though that would kind of cheapen Austin Aries's win Sunday.


Not if they did an "Invasion" angle with Kash, Evans, Senshi, and Ion

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Isn't Kash in his 40's?


Well....no, never mind; too obvious a joke to make.


In other TNA news, the Torch is reporting that Dixie and Hulk held a meeting of the talent prior the Tuesday taping, with the message of telling the talent to improve their storytelling in the ring. Apparently, no one took it seriously, because of TNA's long-standing tradition of being super focused on an idea for a month or two and then dropping it altogether for something different. Also rumblings of some of the talent in their prime or about to hit their prime considering jumping to WWE in the next year or two, but that's not really new news.

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Well....no, never mind; too obvious a joke to make.


In other TNA news, the Torch is reporting that Dixie and Hulk held a meeting of the talent prior the Tuesday taping, with the message of telling the talent to improve their storytelling in the ring. Apparently, no one took it seriously, because of TNA's long-standing tradition of being super focused on an idea for a month or two and then dropping it altogether for something different. Also rumblings of some of the talent in their prime or about to hit their prime considering jumping to WWE in the next year or two, but that's not really new news.


According to "sources", Robert Roode has been doing that for years :rolleyes:

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According to "sources", Robert Roode has been doing that for years :rolleyes:


Yea but in reality he has turned down WWE 2 times and the last time was about a year ago.


Has a top TNA start ever really jumped ship to WWE? R-Truth did but he hadn't been in TNA for 2 years.

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The reason a lot of TNA stars don't jump ship is because there is no interest in them from the WWE.


When Joe's contract was up it was widely reported that they didn't even so much as CALL the guy.


TNA guys fall into two categories, guy's like Gen Me (I know they're gone now), Amazing Red, etc. guys they have no interest in bringing in due mostly to size and look.


And guys that have been there and done that before. Steiner, Hardy, Moore, Dudleyz, etc


In my opinion the only two guys on the roster that could have any real success in the WWE are Anderson and Pope both of which were already there and had fairly mild success before being released for one reason or another. They wouldn't know what to do with AJ Styles, the only people that have ever made Joe the least bit interested are ROH. I due think Alex Shelly could have been a big deal but that was back in 05 when he was doing his papparatzi gimmick with Nash.


I think its telling they would rather cherry pick from ROH and other places. Guys like Punk, Tyler Black, Kings of Wrestling, Danielson, etc.

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The one name that immediately springs to mind for that would be Christian.


Meh, his previous affiliation with WWE kind of fizzles that point out. Now, in terms of someone who has been there from the start and a constant figure in the upper-midcard and main event picture, AJ Styles really comes to mind. But I long ago wrote off the possibility of him jumping ship, he's too loyal.

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Yea but in reality he has turned down WWE 2 times and the last time was about a year ago.


Has a top TNA start ever really jumped ship to WWE? R-Truth did but he hadn't been in TNA for 2 years.


I was mocking Fantabulous's post about TNA wrestlers leaving.

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Love the clown masks. Reminds me of Pennywise from It.


So Shannon Moore dominates the match on Aries' "debut?" Not very smart, IMO. But it's done and at least Aries got the win.


You're the one person that thought of It instead of the Dark Knight :p

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