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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Yup and just for 77 days so not sure what Blackman was talking about. Maybe lost in translation or something. While Kash is a decent talent I'd move him to tags and used occasionally in X to put people over or let him go in order to freshen up the division.


As the great Kevin Sullivan says: "Some must die so that others may live!"

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While I greatly enjoyed Kash's performance at Destination X, I liked it because I felt he embodied an anti-X-Division wrestler. Whereas your typical X-guy is a young, risk taking high flyer, Kid Kash is a veteran thug. Not someone I'd want embodying the division, but the perfect villain for an up-and-coming rookie to knock off on the way to the top.
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Given this perspective (I'm not going to argue for or against it), it kinda makes me wonder why you'd go out of your way to watch Destination X at all?


This was my first Destination X, and it was solely for the main event. I like Aries, one of the 6 or 7 guys in the world with real talent and next-level potential. Nobody in the X-Division they just brought in has the potential to be world title ready in 12mo. or 12 years for that matter. With the stip they stuck on the Ares cash-in, they're going to have to pour a ton of resources/effort down the drain to chase getting someone to that level. Dutt is solid, but he's a midcarder at his best, and he wasn't at his best. Everybody else is down with a long-term, potentially CEI. I'm not buying Sorensen returning in 3mo. in shape to have a title program. No way they can honestly think that. And even if by some miracle he does... he's Jessie Friggen Sorensen... he was a curtain jerk before the injury.


TNA has a bloated roster. All of these guys didn't need to be signed, and considering the direction they've gone away from the Jarrett era keeping the X-Divison around seems silly to me. Just more guys you need to get on T.V. every week, find programs for. The play was to fold it in and shuffle all of these guys out the nearest exit with the Robbie E's of the world. Too much deadwood... and this card was a perfect showcase of it.


And if your going to come at me with, "The X-Division was what built the company. It deserves a place." then I'd ask you what the X-Division product is supposed to stand for? It's about action and intensity right? They already have those bases covered with Joe, Styles, Danielson, Kazarian, Hardy, RVD, and Aries. All at the top of the card. Why do you need a whole other roster of misfits to accomplish that? You don't.


That can sound heartless considering what the guys on the mend are facing. But the X-Division is just redundant; good businesses know how to take redundancy behind the barn, so to speak.

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This was my first Destination X, and it was solely for the main event. I like Aries, one of the 6 or 7 guys in the world with real talent and next-level potential. Nobody in the X-Division they just brought in has the potential to be world title ready in 12mo. or 12 years for that matter. With the stip they stuck on the Ares cash-in, they're going to have to pour a ton of resources/effort down the drain to chase getting someone to that level. Dutt is solid, but he's a midcarder at his best, and he wasn't at his best. Everybody else is down with a long-term, potentially CEI. I'm not buying Sorensen returning in 3mo. in shape to have a title program. No way they can honestly think that. And even if by some miracle he does... he's Jessie Friggen Sorensen... he was a curtain jerk before the injury.


TNA has a bloated roster. All of these guys didn't need to be signed, and considering the direction they've gone away from the Jarrett era keeping the X-Divison around seems silly to me. Just more guys you need to get on T.V. every week, find programs for. The play was to fold it in and shuffle all of these guys out the nearest exit with the Robbie E's of the world. Too much deadwood... and this card was a perfect showcase of it.


And if your going to come at me with, "The X-Division was what built the company. It deserves a place." then I'd ask you what the X-Division product is supposed to stand for? It's about action and intensity right? They already have those bases covered with Joe, Styles, Danielson, Kazarian, Hardy, RVD, and Aries. All at the top of the card. Why do you need a whole other roster of misfits to accomplish that? You don't.


That can sound heartless considering what the guys on the mend are facing. But the X-Division is just redundant; good businesses know how to take redundancy behind the barn, so to speak.


I agree with a lot of what you are saying but will ask you this:


If TNA had kept the status quo would that have been better?


I don't like the X division that much myself (not much of a flpz for flpz sake kind of guy all the time) and there's a reason I did not watch the PPV. however TNA was in a holding pattern at the top, and they just broke it. That alone has to be good, even if the rest of the PPV seemed like a Chikara show. A bad Chikara show at that.

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Apart from the opener not one was a spot fest and even in the opener it wasn't flip for flips sake. There is a big difference between spot monkey and cruiser style etc. King vs Williams was more a technical affair if anything, Angle vs Joe was all round and AJ vs Daniels an intense brawl with some great spots and then the main event.
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Apart from the opener not one was a spot fest and even in the opener it wasn't flip for flips sake. There is a big difference between spot monkey and cruiser style etc. King vs Williams was more a technical affair if anything, Angle vs Joe was all round and AJ vs Daniels an intense brawl with some great spots and then the main event.


I should have seperated those 2 thoughts.


The X division premise is mainly FLPZZZZZ! Which is why i don't care for it.


Last night wasn't all FLPZZZZZ. Still felt like a Chiky show. One man's opinion.

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Ok you simply don't like the X division fine. Could have been a lot shorter with that. As for your "arguments" not going to bother as from what I have read from you previously.


Since you shot first. Why don't you stay over at the TNA Asylum forums and circle jerk with the people who apologize for years of garbage. Leave the people who aren't hopeless to enjoy the programming when it's good and bemoan it when it's bad; Otherwise have diverging opinions. You know, like grown-ups are supposed to do... That's just my opinion though. Just so we're clear. :rolleyes:

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AJ Styles, Daniels, Joe, Kaz, Aries and to different extent Hardy, RVD?


Minus Kaz and Daniels add in Bully Ray and Ken Anderson and I'm in :)


It's kind of the reason I've been paying attention to TNA instead of blind dismissal. Although last time I "gave them a shot" was Lockdown. Which sucked. So hopefully they build on this right.



EDIT: I realized just now why I get so mad at your posts. I hate Joey Minnesota.

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Minus Kaz and Daniels add in Bully Ray and Ken Anderson and I'm in :)


It's kind of the reason I've been paying attention to TNA instead of blind dismissal. Although last time I "gave them a shot" was Lockdown. Which sucked. So hopefully they build on this right.



EDIT: I realized just now why I get so mad at your posts. I hate Joey Minnesota.


Yeah Lockdown with the crowd and GB and the bad crowd miking and Storm loosing and some lackluster performances alround was a real disappointment since then its been really good one crack whore actress aside imho.


I was only listing "high flyers" there there is also Angle, Roode, Storm still around.


Sorry for the Joey pic but i have become kind of attached to it and I had it before he became an A hole in game.


I tend to call them the TNA Twelve: Roode, Storm, AJ, Aries, Joe, Ray, Daniels, Kaz, Angle, Hardy, RVD and Anderson. Almost always on the show and almost always deliver (if you like them) and the core of the show so to speak with good support cast in guys like Pope, Magnus, Parks etc and the KO's and X guys.

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I agree with a lot of what you are saying but will ask you this:


If TNA had kept the status quo would that have been better?


I don't like the X division that much myself (not much of a flpz for flpz sake kind of guy all the time) and there's a reason I did not watch the PPV. however TNA was in a holding pattern at the top, and they just broke it. That alone has to be good, even if the rest of the PPV seemed like a Chikara show. A bad Chikara show at that.


I think we're all in agreement that the event was good. As for the X-Division... More like an old PWR show, maybe a Chikara house-show.

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Yup and just for 77 days so not sure what Blackman was talking about. Maybe lost in translation or something. While Kash is a decent talent I'd move him to tags and used occasionally in X to put people over or let him go in order to freshen up the division.


As the great Kevin Sullivan says: "Some must die so that others may live!"


I was perhaps overexaggerating a little. :p


It were the 77 days I watched every TNA show, instead of now only occasionally. Boy, does time fly or what? :p

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So anyone effected by the Directv and Viacom tiff? Glad I am not but kinda a bummer with TNA being on a roll lately. Having read both sides I blame both sides with Directv doing a lot of spin and both playing hardball.


It just sucks for TNA and TNA fans that have directv especially on the roll they have been.

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Yep, another DirecTV subscriber here. I was so excited for the first iMpact with A Double as world champion and then they pull the network. I didn't even know anything was happening until I went to watch Fantasy Factory and MTV was gone. Never have I been so sad not being able to watch MTV.


If anyone would like to PM me a way to watch iMpact live online I would be ever so grateful. There may even be a back rub in it for you ;)

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The following is opinion and not fact ;) - I have really started to like TNA's direction and it has got me actually wanting to watch the next Impact. The BFG series is looking good after the early days had you believing Roode would be facing Storm... now it could be Aries vs. Joe (yes I will mark out as I don't do it often :D).


Bobby Roode for me is one of the best heels TNA have had in a long time. You just want to hate him! Puts on good matches, mic skills are improving almost weekly and you just want someone to beat the crap out of him, but for the right reasons.


I am really liking the Bully Ray/Joseph Parkes feud. Very entertaining. I know what I would like to happen, whether or not it will is another matter, but it keeps me entertained. Bully Ray has never really been a worker I paid much attention too, but recently he has upped his game to a different level.


I do have one little issue... where's Winter gone?! I need my Katie Lea fix and she's dropped off the planet!


And finally will somebody please get Daniels another Appletini!

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Watched Destination X last night and i will have to point this out .. That is the first PPV i've watched all the way through (other than Royal Rumbles) for a long long time. Not even 100% sure why but i really enjoyed it. I think we are all of the opinion that Roode is going to take the title back sooner rather than later but ... The first thought that popped into my head was Joe vs Aries for the belt at BFG and Storm vs Roode can still happen with Roode costing Storm the series, maybe even after Storm costs Roode his rematch!? I cant wait for this weeks iMPACT dont think i've said that about a wrestling show since around 01/02. I'm even now enjoying Joseph Park (will point out, a bit late i know that him vs Bully Ray was my favorite match of Slammiversary).
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