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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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My prediction for Hardcore Justice


Since whoever loses in the World Title match can't get a rematch, I think Aces & Eights will cause the match to end in a no contest forcing Roode and Aries to team up at No Surrender against Aces & Eights in a uneasy alliance tag match leading to BFG where the winner of the BFG series faces Aries.

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I enjoyed this edition of Impact.


The Aces & Eights videos throughout the night were well done. I like that TNA is seemingly trying to take it slow and not jump the gun on who they are.


The biker gang stuff is cool and I love that they brought up the members have prospect patches.


I'm excited for Hardcore Justice and I liked Bully's reaction at the end of Impact a lot.

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Just what TNA's product needed.... Video recaps and Mr. Anderson on commentary.


I don't know if you saw the story in the WO this week, but the Bowie Baysox spilled the beans, Roode is going over at Hardcore Justice. That pretty much finished off any interest I had in the show. Nothing wrong with the Impact product though, it's solid. Mickie James looks great, I think I saw abs in that 4-way. Also Tara sans fake funbags is a marked improvement. Aces & Eights has to be the Jeff Jarrett comeback angle. This Cowboy stuff is just teasing Aries going over at Justice, which got spoiled, he's not. It's a fake turn. I don't expect any of the A&8 guys to be revealed, they all seem to be local wrestlers so again, they're just a means to an end. Claire Lynch is a train-wreck, and not an interesting train-wreck, the kind with you mom inside.... Other than that not terrible, but nothing better than the WWE is doing right now.

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My prediction for Hardcore Justice


Since whoever loses in the World Title match can't get a rematch, I think Aces & Eights will cause the match to end in a no contest forcing Roode and Aries to team up at No Surrender against Aces & Eights in a uneasy alliance tag match leading to BFG where the winner of the BFG series faces Aries.


I think we will see James Storm vs Bobby Roode at BFG. Storm will win and I could see Bobby Roode shaking his hand afterwards actually.

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I wonder how much footage of Kenny King does ROH still have. The guy has been gone for what two months now and they are still showing matches of him. I guess that is one of the downsides of filming so far in advance.


You know the most comical irony in all that though? The day the news came out about Kenny King, the RoH show had a Kevin Steen match as the main event. During the entrance Steen rips up an All Night Express sign. I bet Steen in character cringes at that fact now that King is persona non grata with RoH.

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I tell ya, this PPV tonight is looking really, really good. A couple of through away matches but over all a very decent PPV. I think Joe vs Angle vs AJ vs Daneils will steal the show with Aries vs Roode coming in right behind. I have a sinking feeling that Roode will somehow take back the Title even though I love Aries as the World Champ, the guy is awesome. Roode is a great Heel and I am glad he finally got his shot at the top of the promotion, he deserves it. However I think Aries as the underdog champ (he is a smaller guy) sets up some really good feuds. I would love to see an Angle vs Aries match for the Title, or even RVD vs Aries. I mean the guy can have some awesome matches with anyone on the roster right now. TNA is really stepping up lately and I think finally listening to the fans. I dont even mind having Hogan on screen because he is usually doing something to put over someone else.
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LOVING the show with Aries as champion. But I think we all want to see Storm vs Roode at BFG. THAT is a main event that's been building.


I agree that seems to be the right way to go. Though the two of them have not really interacted that much recently with the exception of Roode saying Storm was behind Aces and Eights.


Forgot to say this before but I really liked the Robbie E segment with Jeff Hardy. I thought Robbie E came off good in it and it was actually pretty funny.

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Forgot to say this before but I really liked the Robbie E segment with Jeff Hardy. I thought Robbie E came off good in it and it was actually pretty funny.


The guy is entertaining, its just he is stuck with a really bad gimmick. Give him something else and see if he has the chops to run with it. It feels like he is the cannon fodder for the B4G series (with the exception of 5 points bro).

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The guy is entertaining, its just he is stuck with a really bad gimmick. Give him something else and see if he has the chops to run with it. It feels like he is the cannon fodder for the B4G series (with the exception of 5 points bro).


He's TNA's Heath Slater... and that's a complement. He's just coming off a T.V. title program, this is more than he deserves.

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He's TNA's Heath Slater... and that's a complement. He's just coming off a T.V. title program, this is more than he deserves.


Are you judging this only on Robbie E or have you seen Rob Eckos? The dude is talented and I think he's far more talented than Heath Slater.

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I've only been watching TNA's product since Lockdown, so I do not know any of his past gimmicks.


Robbie E is his only gimmick in TNA, but as Eckos in the independents, I always thought he'd make it to the big leagues. The dude can generate heat easily, and works his tail off. I'm a huge fan of his.

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Just what TNA's product needed.... Video recaps and Mr. Anderson on commentary.


I don't know if you saw the story in the WO this week, but the Bowie Baysox spilled the beans, Roode is going over at Hardcore Justice. That pretty much finished off any interest I had in the show. Nothing wrong with the Impact product though, it's solid. Mickie James looks great, I think I saw abs in that 4-way. Also Tara sans fake funbags is a marked improvement. Aces & Eights has to be the Jeff Jarrett comeback angle. This Cowboy stuff is just teasing Aries going over at Justice, which got spoiled, he's not. It's a fake turn. I don't expect any of the A&8 guys to be revealed, they all seem to be local wrestlers so again, they're just a means to an end. Claire Lynch is a train-wreck, and not an interesting train-wreck, the kind with you mom inside.... Other than that not terrible, but nothing better than the WWE is doing right now.


So much for you knowing exactly what's going to happen :rolleyes:

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yeah he was TOTALLLY right.reminds me of that commerical, if its on the internet it has to be true.


Ever heard of a changed finish? From what I heard they re-started the match after Roode went-over. You don't think they could have just made that quick throw together at the end?

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Ever heard of a changed finish? From what I heard they re-started the match after Roode went-over. You don't think they could have just made that quick throw together at the end?


have you ever heard of internet rumors? I WATCHED the match, didnt hear about it. They both pinned eachother off a superplex, then restarted it, they had a false finish then Aries rolled him up for the win. Them having Roode win it back would make NO sense after this Aries push.

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I really enjoyed the PPV last night. It was not spectacular, but it was good. Everyone knew what two matches were gonna steal the show and they were right. However all the other .atches served there purpose and they were good. It was a shame to see Pope get taken out. Was it just me or was Devon way over with the crowd last night? Overall very soild PPV and it sets up the coming weeks perfectly.
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The ladder match was good, but underwhelming. I had expected more, as this match was the only reason I watched the show. I may have had too high expectations going in though.


I'm surprised to see how over Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy was, and dissapointed that the gifted competitors in the falls count anywhere match did not deliver more than what they did. It was decent, but nothing special. The tables match was nothing special either, but had a few good spots and told an interesting story.


Also, James Storm really doesn't seem anywhere as over as the push he's getting is suggesting. Roode seems to have more going for him, and delivered a fine match against Aries - though I feel that it fell a bit flat due to a couple of previous matches being better.


Oh, and why that Robbie E guy continues being used at all when they have people like The Pope sidelined is beyond me. He's horrible!

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