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What's going on in your game?

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Just started a NOTBPW game for a possible diary project.


First thing I see?


Jeremy Stone isn't on time decline.


Next stop; world domination!


You bought into the soulless wrestling machine and joined the dark side? Jeremy vs Dan Jr in 60-minute Iron Man matches until the rest of the wrestling world just surrenders...

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Psssssh. I have an idea to give them their soul back, actually, otherwise I wouldn't be nearly interested enough to be thinking of making it a diary.


I actually left one of their nerfs intact as well - I quite heavily edited them from the default database to make their rise a little a less meteoric. Sent Dan Jr. to PHGW, Dark Angel to GCG, The Can-Am Blondes to CGC and injured Sean McFly. Well, I reverted the rest (because I can't cheat like the AI, and didn't feel like making it quite that hard), but forgot to remove the injury. Sooo no McFly for 13 months.

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WWE Survivor Series 2012:


WWE Championship:

CM Punk© vs Christian


World Heavyweight Championship:

Randy Orton© vs Undertaker


4 vs 4:

Team Alberto Del Rio (Kevin Nash, Dolph Ziggler, Rene Dupree, Alberto Del Rio) vs Team John Cena (Daniel Bryan, R-Truth, Chris Jericho, John Cena)


Steel Cage:

Edge vs Rey Mysterio


Street Fight:

Sheamus vs Triple H


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Samoa Joe© vs Jack Swagger


4 vs 4:

Team The Miz ("Pope" Elijah Burke, Ezekiel Jackson, Justin Gabriel, The Miz) vs Team AJ Styles (Big Show, John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, AJ Styles)


Falls Count Anywhere:

Kurt Angle vs Wade Barrett

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You bought into the soulless wrestling machine and joined the dark side? Jeremy vs Dan Jr in 60-minute Iron Man matches until the rest of the wrestling world just surrenders...


What, they have poor chemistry together? FUUUUUUUUUUUU


-My first show with NOTBPW.

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Psssssh. I have an idea to give them their soul back, actually, otherwise I wouldn't be nearly interested enough to be thinking of making it a diary.


I actually left one of their nerfs intact as well - I quite heavily edited them from the default database to make their rise a little a less meteoric. Sent Dan Jr. to PHGW, Dark Angel to GCG, The Can-Am Blondes to CGC and injured Sean McFly. Well, I reverted the rest (because I can't cheat like the AI, and didn't feel like making it quite that hard), but forgot to remove the injury. Sooo no McFly for 13 months.


You can't "give back" what they never had...


McFly out for thirteen months hurts. All the other nerfs would be a major handicap, to be honest. But even losing McFly slows them down when the AI runs them, as I've seen by stealing him.


What, they have poor chemistry together? FUUUUUUUUUUUU


-My first show with NOTBPW.


Pretty sure that would be a restart moment for me. I don't think they need positive chemistry, but poor chemistry seems contrary to the canon and would annoy to the point where I just wouldn't want to go forward with it.

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Pretty sure that would be a restart moment for me. I don't think they need positive chemistry, but poor chemistry seems contrary to the canon and would annoy to the point where I just wouldn't want to go forward with it.




It's why, if I ever get back to my data that no one seemed to care about, /cry I'm going to put in some...probably "Excellent" chemistry for people that should canonically have it.


To be honest, it was amusing, and I've had them match up...maybe 4 times in two years (with over 200 show, mind). Not a huge deal in my eyes. I can still team them, and there are plenty of other faces or heels to face. Or heel. LAWL

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It's why, if I ever get back to my data that no one seemed to care about, /cry I'm going to put in some...probably "Excellent" chemistry for people that should canonically have it.


I learned the hard way that setting positive chemistries can be overpowering. I was goofing around with a real world mod not too long after TEW10 came out and it had a number of chemistries set. I added some more, and if it seemed even the least bit justifiable, made it positive. Game was WAY overpowered.


When you have really talented workers, them having positive chemistry is almost unnecessary. The only C-verse chemistry I set to positive is between Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes, which keeps them usable as TCW's default announcers. I will often put in chemistry as neutral for a non-diary game if its a feud or combination I know I want to use. It takes some of the unknown away but those are games I'm playing most as sandbox games, so if turning off chemistry entire was an option, I'd use it.

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PSW gets Most Improved Promotion, thanks to finally getting the upper hand in regional battles. Now I get #1 in Great Lakes, New England, and Mid Atlantic, and #2 in Tri-State. This is is vast improvement from dead last in all of them.


JD Morgan has retired and become my new road agent, and he's much better than my last agent Reese Paige so woot.


I just hope Mitch Naess can change his mind on my budget goal because short of not doing any shows until it's over there is absolutely no way I can accomplish it.


I've also finally hit the switch on the stable I originally meant to give Matty Faith. "The Heretics" are composed of Matthew Keith, Nelson Callum, and Cobra, all of whom possess singles titles in PSW. Keith of course being the leader, Callum being his right hand man and occasional tag partner, and Cobra being the enforcer. While they focus mostly on the old guard, they also see Ash Campbell as an enemy as he hero-worships his father while Keith alleges his father was an abusive a-hole who didn't believe he could make it in the business.


This will eventually lead to a "Hardcore Icons" stable of Johnny Martin and the New Jersey Devils to feud against them.

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playing as IGC, in a real world mod, knowyourrole Feb 2011


started as National, with Shane McMahon as its kayfabe owner,


i hired everyone who was unemployed, which meant i had pretty good star power to begin with


changed some names, mostly stolen names from the iDom mod


Current roster, unless noted otherwise all original members of IGC


Main Event


Rocky Johnson Jnr (The Rock)

Mick Foley - TNA fired him


Rey Mysterio - stolen from WWE



Kevin Nash - Stolen from WWE

Sexton Hardcastle - Edge stolen from WWE

Monty Brown

Chris Jericho

Brock Lesnar


Upper Midcarders


Bobby Lashly

Gregory Helms


Solofa Fatu



Scott Stiener

Apocalypse Jones - Elijah Burke stolen from TNA


The Truth - R-Truth stolen from WWE

Muhammad Hassan




Afa Jnr

Brother Dvon - stolen from TNA

Brother Ray - Stolen from TNA

Mistico - stolen from CMLL



Shad Gaspard

The Sandman



Chase Stevens

The Boogeyman

Dr. Richards

Orlando Jordan - stolen from TNA

Petey Williams

Paul Burchill


Lower Midcarders


Too Cold Scorpio

Sterling James Keenan

Sonjay Dutt



Shinya Hashimoto

Vito Thomaselli

Andy Douglas

Solo Snuka




Shima Xion

Caprice Coleman



Jun Kasai

Jaki Numazawa






Josh Prohibition

Darren Burridge




Mick Foley - IGC Heavyweight (Former Champ Chris Jericho)

Kevin Nash - Platinum Title (Former Champ Bobby Lashly)

Two Tough Brothers (Steiner and Brown)- IGC Tag

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playing as IGC, in a real world mod, knowyourrole Feb 2011


started as National, with Shane McMahon as its kayfabe owner,


i hired everyone who was unemployed, which meant i had pretty good star power to begin with


changed some names, mostly stolen names from the iDom mod


Current roster, unless noted otherwise all original members of IGC


Main Event


Rocky Johnson Jnr (The Rock)

Mick Foley - TNA fired him


Rey Mysterio - stolen from WWE



Kevin Nash - Stolen from WWE

Sexton Hardcastle - Edge stolen from WWE

Monty Brown

Chris Jericho

Brock Lesnar


Upper Midcarders


Bobby Lashly

Gregory Helms


Solofa Fatu



Scott Stiener

Apocalypse Jones - Elijah Burke stolen from TNA


The Truth - R-Truth stolen from WWE

Muhammad Hassan




Afa Jnr

Brother Dvon - stolen from TNA

Brother Ray - Stolen from TNA

Mistico - stolen from CMLL



Shad Gaspard

The Sandman



Chase Stevens

The Boogeyman

Dr. Richards

Orlando Jordan - stolen from TNA

Petey Williams

Paul Burchill


Lower Midcarders


Too Cold Scorpio

Sterling James Keenan

Sonjay Dutt



Shinya Hashimoto

Vito Thomaselli

Andy Douglas

Solo Snuka




Shima Xion

Caprice Coleman



Jun Kasai

Jaki Numazawa






Josh Prohibition

Darren Burridge




Mick Foley - IGC Heavyweight (Former Champ Chris Jericho)

Kevin Nash - Platinum Title (Former Champ Bobby Lashly)

Two Tough Brothers (Steiner and Brown)- IGC Tag


Really like your roster, wouldn't mind hearing about the ongoing feuds at the moment!


In my game currently, I am in July of 1987 (TGA Mod) and I'm about to head into my ppv for the month as WWF. Kind of just a ppv for the purpose of getting the revenue for this month, with nothing huge planned, except for a Hogan Vs Race title match, in which Hogan will retain the belt, but the newly hired Nick Bockwinkel (current AWA champion that I hired on a ppa contract this last week) will debut and assault Hogan with the help of his new manager Bobby Heenan! This will set up for a Huge Bockwinkel Vs Hogan Title match at Summerslam next month! Excited for that! Besides that though, this ppv will just be used to further the already happening storylines and to end the ones that are dead weight (looking at you Sheik & Sammartino!)

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International Grappling Company


just held IGC Mind Games


this PPV was based on Shane McMahon and The General Manager Steve Austin feud, Shane got a team of his finest heels to battle Austins team of faces, Shane feels like he has already lost control of IGC and won't let Austin rule him like his father, if Austin loses he's fired


Main Event

IGC Heavyweight Championship

Mick Foley vs Chris Jericho

Winner: Foley

this was a simple rematch for the title, Jericho is feuding with Rocky and Foley with Lesnar


Team Austin(Rocky, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Low-ki and Lashly)


Team McMahon(Lesnar, Jones, Steiner, Brown and Sexton)

Winners: Team Austin (Batista)


Platinum Title

Kevin Nash vs Gregory Helms

Winner: Nash


Muhammad Hassan vs Mistico

Winner: Hassan


The Truth vs Raven

Winner: Raven


M.V.P vs Shad

Winner: M.V.P


Sabu vs Paul Burchill

Winner: Burchill


The Boogeyman vs The Sandman

Winner: The Boogeyman


Solofa and Afa vs The Naturals

Winners: Solofa and Afa



Jericho vs Rocky

Jericho was the first ever IGC champion and was very ****y about it, Rocky won a number 1 contender match but lost, he won another shot and lost again due to the debut of Sexton Hardcastle, who interfered costing Rocky the match, Rocky went after Sexton and cost Jericho the title at American History, now feuding for the number 1 contender


Brock Lesnar vs Mick Foley

Lesnar and Foley began a feud after Foley ran in to save Low-Ki from a brutal attack, Lesnar has now started stalking Foley and now the title is in Foleys hands, Lesnar has upped his game to destroy Foley


Sexton and Batista

This is more of an open feud, as both have been involved in other feuds too, these two always seem to meet in the ring and so the rivalry is born


Apocalypse Jones and Raven

Raven is a face loner, who has a converted following of Sandman and Sabus and Too Cold Scorpio, going on about thier ECW days, almost like a preacher, Jones turned up claiming he is here to end the old days and start anew, his mini stable consists of The Truth, The Boogeyman and Paul Burchill


The Lucky 7

i'm Holding a special 2 hour PPV called The Lucky 7, it will be 7 matches and the winners, are granted a title match on any show, for any belt


Brock Lesnar vs Rocky Johnson Jnr


Mick Foley vs M.V.P


Raven vs Dr. Richards


Chris Jericho vs Brother Ray


The Truth vs Rey Mysterio


Batista vs Orlando Jordan


Gregory Helms vs Sexton Hardcastle

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You can't "give back" what they never had...


xD. I did actually consider that before mentioning soul.


McFly out for thirteen months hurts. All the other nerfs would be a major handicap, to be honest. But even losing McFly slows them down when the AI runs them, as I've seen by stealing him.


It definitely slowed them down in the only game I played with those nerfs intact. They keep bobbling between National and Cult, but until they lost Johnny Bloodstone (to CGC) they were actually still going very strong.


But getting back to the soul part? It may involve some Eddsellence (...totally a word). A preview's up in the appropriate thread right now. Best of all? Edd's shown up as a NBT.


When you have really talented workers, them having positive chemistry is almost unnecessary. The only C-verse chemistry I set to positive is between Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes, which keeps them usable as TCW's default announcers. I will often put in chemistry as neutral for a non-diary game if its a feud or combination I know I want to use. It takes some of the unknown away but those are games I'm playing most as sandbox games, so if turning off chemistry entire was an option, I'd use it.


I keep reminding myself I need to set that chemistry. It's by far the best explanation for those two being TCW's commentary team for so long. I don't think I've touched chemistry apart from in the mod I'm picking at. One set of good chemistry as a team (which was specifically mentioned as the reason they're so nice to watch in action), one set of announce/colour commentator chemistry, and one set of awful chemistry as a team for a pair of twins to get away form the whole 'Twins tag team' archetype.

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Just started a NOTBPW game for a possible diary project.


First thing I see?


Jeremy Stone isn't on time decline.


Next stop; world domination!


Five others coudl be more on the decline than he is. For example, I know he's getting older (Submissions just hit 98), but he's not on the list.

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Nah. I checked by removing the pushes of a couple of the five guys that are on time decline (setting them to 'not assigned yet'), and Jezza didn't appear, so it's only those five.


Off the top of my head it's like... R.K Hayes, John Maverick, Dan Stone Jr, The Natural and one other guy that I don't remember (yet I don't think it was either Steve DeColt or Johnny Bloodstone, so... we're in business!)


Edit: Checked. Dark Angel.

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Ok, here's my back story. I have created the USWF in the editor as a brand new promotion. I gave them quite a bit of money, more than was needed, although I run the promotion as though I'm on a tight budget. I know this seems like cheating, but I have a much tougher, longer journey ahead of me. I'll explain....


I wanted to be able to create a REALLY good Dojo in the South of the UK, as that is where I am from. There just aren't enough UK wrestlers to go round, so the USWF is only really there to serve that purpose. In a few years, I want my Dojo to have produced enough (half decent) UK talent for me to be able set up my own UK promotion using ONLY UK nationals. It is then my goal to build a promotion big enough to wipe out all the other UK promotions and crown ONE, TRUE British Wrestling Champion.


Let me know what you think, Am I going about this the right way? How else can I get the game to produce more UK wreslters?

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Starting off a CGC game, and I have a feeling I need some experienced tag teams. I only have five on the roster, three of which are made up of The DeColts. Any good Canadian tag teams I can sign cheap?


You have two high-experience teams which have been broken up - The Specialist and Youth Energy. That's an easy solution. As for other established Canadian teams with any degree of popularity, there's isn't much. You can bring in Samoan Machine and Rhino Umaga, or some of the CZCW teams, but they aren't Canadian.

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'Nest of Vipers' - consisting of Mimic and Dagger. They aren't very well known (particularly Dagger), and I think that Mimic is a backstage menace, but they have middling experience and are both young enough to be good prospects.


The Gilbert Brothers (Jesse and Joe) are an A* experience tag team, both 29 years old. They're not great in the ring and not very popular either (E+s, I think), but experience can offset a lot, and it does mean that they come cheap.

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At the start of 2011 now with my current TCW game, and there's unfortunate news coming out of Psycho Circus. Tommy Cornell suffered a ruptured spleen which will keep him out of action between two and three months and throws what would have been the company's main storyline throughout 2011--Wolf Hawkins vs. Tommy Cornell--into disarray.


I had the outlines of a storyline that would have lasted over a year and centered around three confrontations between the two--at Malice in Wonderland 2011, Total Mayhem 15, and Malice in Wonderland 2012--but obviously that will no longer be possible. Unfortunately, I had planned for the second confrontation to come in the form of a 4 vs. 4 Total Mayhem match, so the storyline as originally conceived doesn't work perfectly unless that second match comes at a Total Mayhem event. And since a 1-on-1 match between Tommy and Wolf, which would have been on tap for the next two Malice in Wonderland events, is probably the biggest matchup TCW can offer right now, I would really prefer for it to occur on one of our centerpiece PPV's--Malice in Wonderland or Total Mayhem. Not sure yet exactly how I'll resolve the situation--in the short term, Bryan Vessey will probably step in for Tommy to face Hawkins at MiW 2011--but I can probably find a way to shift it back a couple of months so the story plays out between Total Mayhems 15 and 16.


In other potentially interesting news, the nicest kid in the Cornellverse--and a guy many have speculated is a future World Champion in TCW--Davis Wayne Newton, had a run-in with the police in November and has developed some fairly substantial "law problems." Although he posted 0 wins and 84 defeats in TCW over the course of 2010, he was in line for a solid push as part of TCW's New Blood storyline in early 2011. And, although his undeniable talent probably means that I'll still give him a chance to shine over the next year, unless and until he re-proves his reliability outside the ring, I can't see him getting too close to any titles.

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