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I think when you get above 89 pop in the US, you should get enough spillover in the UK and Europe to be able to get some sort of media deal there.


It's 91 which is darn near impossible to reach, but I got some good advice from someone in the SQ thread. Run house shows there. I'm doing it only in a couple of areas (the 90% Importance ones), and the pop jumps 1 point every time. It will max out at 35 though (from a previous game I know this), but that is typically enough to get on a Very Small TV network and/or PPV there. Then, it will jump by leaps and bounds as the difference in show rating and pop there will be over 40. I'm gaining .9 every PPV in Japan even though they're now at 52 pop now (signed PPV deal when they were at 35).


Also, keep in mind that as long as you're #1 in Influence you'll be able to steal WWF's workers which is all that matters (unless you have a specific owner goal). The #1 Importance one only matters when you're sharing workers at the lower levels, not when everyone is on Written deals. At least that's what I keep telling myself as I'm in the same boat in my game.



Minor angles were added to the game for truly minor things (those Rock walking down the hall angles for example) that could be left out of the show and nobody would miss it. They don't count as an angle when it looks at your angles to give the show rating. This led to some people go "I can put my low-level or midcard wrestlers in angles without it tanking the show" which is abusing the game (by taking something that wasn't meant to be used that way and using it for your benefit as they'll still gain skills and overness from those angles; whether it is right or wrong is up to the player).

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Some really good advice here and definitely a few eye openers regarding angle structure and my first experiments following those tips have given me positive encouragement.


As somebody who likes to use midcarders in one segment at least per show, im pleased it can be done with out tanking ratings. Also thanks for the advice regarding overness against entertinment skills. As a result of reading the past pages I put Benoit (89 pop/ 40 ent) as support in a segment with The Rock (98/100) and it pulled 87 whereas before having Benoit as Catalyst in the primary slot it was hurting ratings.


As a relative noob, its brilliant to read such well thought out, intelligent, rational discussion which helps everybody produce better more rounded shows without resorting to loopholes/exploits.


For the record, i very rarely use minor angles, fair enough it does hurt my shows from time to time but i usually reserve a segment for the midcarders to develop entertainment skills/ develop storylines.


Finally, i was wondering that in general experience, do people have more success with extedning shows from 2hr to 3hr to deal with a bloated roster or is a brand extension better. I ask this due to im approaching a crossroads in my game, in 3 weeks i have SummerSlam and afterwards i plan either to extend RAW and SD to possibly 3hrs or do the brand extension. I dont want to leave it as it s due to i have too many UM/ME to keep happy

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Finally, i was wondering that in general experience, do people have more success with extedning shows from 2hr to 3hr to deal with a bloated roster or is a brand extension better. I ask this due to im approaching a crossroads in my game, in 3 weeks i have SummerSlam and afterwards i plan either to extend RAW and SD to possibly 3hrs or do the brand extension. I dont want to leave it as it s due to i have too many UM/ME to keep happy


Welp, As a Global TCW in the CVerse I have around 59 active wrestlers on my roster and I've found a 3 hour TV Show helps me get the needed people on screen and gives the midcarders and or up and comers a match or two as well. I also bumped my PPV Events to a whopping 4 hours to safely fit everyone on the program there that I wanted to as well. So for me it's worked, It might work for you too. *shrug*

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Welp, As a Global TCW in the CVerse I have around 59 active wrestlers on my roster and I've found a 3 hour TV Show helps me get the needed people on screen and gives the midcarders and or up and comers a match or two as well. I also bumped my PPV Events to a whopping 4 hours to safely fit everyone on the program there that I wanted to as well. So for me it's worked, It might work for you too. *shrug*


Thanks for the swift reply. I think i will give it a go 6hrs a week should be enough to keep them all happy. Just need to merge the Tag Titles, the Cruisers and Unify the WWF Title and Heavyweight I do need a spring clean tho lol!

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I like the brand split. It brings in a ton of extra money from house shows, and I find it easier to organize and properly build more feuds. At global, my two weekly A-shows are only 90 minutes long, but I manage to keep my top guys happy with the use of stables, which I'm a big fan of anyway.
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Heh. Exploits.


I guess I 'exploit' the game by only using 20 or so guys each time, leading to people like Adam Matravers having under 10 momentum for...god, I think the whole time I've had him. He should, by all rights, be at least where Tim Westybrook is. *shrug*


But I'm actively editing contract prices and all that stuff, so...maybe not the best example. I do think we should be wary about authorial intent, given that it usually doesn't matter much to a consumer.

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Heh. Exploits.


I guess I 'exploit' the game by only using 20 or so guys each time, leading to people like Adam Matravers having under 10 momentum for...god, I think the whole time I've had him. He should, by all rights, be at least where Tim Westybrook is. *shrug*


But I'm actively editing contract prices and all that stuff, so...maybe not the best example. I do think we should be wary about authorial intent, given that it usually doesn't matter much to a consumer.


Sorry but maybe I shouldn't have used the word exploit in my previous post, it wasnt meant to be offensive. The whole point of my post was to thank everybody for their positive and helpful posts and tips. Again apologies for any misunderstanding

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Tip: if you use soxfan's method, use an active wrestler as the interviewer. Get him to 90-95 overall, and job him to someone you're trying to build up. You'll most likely lose barely any overness yet experience huge jumps for your up-and-comer. (See: Christopher Daniels)


Foley took a bit of a hit this time, but on the past 2 Nitros he lost to Daniels and stayed the same.


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C0NTR4l34ND, I'm glad to see you're improving. I've gotten six 100s over the last four months, including Dean Malenko vs. Ricky Morton. Once you build up your workers, it gets easier and easier.


Thanks. I'm surprised James/Jericho couldn't pull one off.


Daniels' chemistry with Jericho was the icing on the cake, really. I've discovered very few chemistry notes, but the few I've found have been incredibly useful



2 more stars will be made... Oleg has great Chemistry with Jay Lethal, so I'll get Lethal over in squashes...


Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe have great chemistry, too, and pulled off a 99 on Nitro. Hot damn!!



Also, I can't recall what I last announced it as, but my prestige is 87 and momentum is 70. Things are picking up. I think when I last mentioned it I had like 40 momentum.


97 prestige and 84 momentum for WWE... So.. I'm 5 games back, so to speak, haha.

I'm 79,77,and 72 in USA, Can, and UK, while WWE is a solid 80-79 worldwide. I just signed a Japan TV deal, so things will pick up there as I'm 62ish around the rest of the world. If I can tie their USA popularity I'll be in real good shape. I still do not know how to lower their prestige though without waiting for them to mess up and run wrestlemania in puerto rico. lol


Mayhem main event attached




...and I just found out that AJ Styles is loyal to TNA.. noooooo


Fortunately, Team 3D, Sting, Anderson, RVD, Matt Morgan, and Flair weren't loyal to their promotions... LOL


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Island of Pain (0/0/0/0 - Hawaii)

Current Date - December 2050; Current Popularity - 23


To backtrack just a little bit, this promotion hasn't been open the full 40 years, as I was running another promotion, left before it could go bankrupt, and opened it from scratch probably 20-25 years ago.


So...where to begin? It's been a few years in-game since I last posted...but I absolutely felt the need to post today after the shows I ran last night.


I've been literally slow building everything from the ground floor up...changing NOTHING about my business model outside of match notes. As a result, momentum on my roster has been a slight concern. The good news? This problem is no longer a problem. Granted, not everyone (or anyone for that matter) is at 80 momentum, but the current momentum range of everyone is between 32-59 on a 16 person roster.


My current champion, Bouchard Harvey, a 30 year old Canadian who has been simply awesome over the past year is strangely not my wild variable. Instead, a guy named Albert Morton (Maybe Martin) that I hired about 7 or so months ago has been on absolute fire since debuting.


Morton debuted the same month as another new kid named Jeffrey Brooks, and they stormed out of the gate with a 53 match rating, as a result each of them debuted with super hot momentum (for my fed) in the high 40's/low 50's. The interesting thing that I hadn't even factored in, somehow Morton was more over in my region than my entire roster at 45. The best part about this guy is that he doesn't seem to mind losing, so right now he's at around 38, where the rest of my main event scene (who were maxing at 37) are currently capping at 42-43.


What really blew me away was on his 3rd or 4th show Morton hit a 60 with one of my mainstays (I beleive either Rafaello Greco or Rick Mustafa) in match 3/8 on the evening. Just so you know, 60 is my highest match rating ever for the promotion...


That said, I seemed to have caught lightning in a bottle by adding this guy to the roster...about 6 shows from 2050 have landed in my top 10...and he's only been in a couple of main events. I'm theorizing that his high momentum upon debuting carried over to other parts of the roster and suddenly everyone is hitting strides...so word to the wise, if your roster momentum seems week debut 2 guys against one another using Open Match, Decisive Victory and let the "auto-book" choose your winner...run with whatever you get.


Anyway, that's not all. Bouchard Harvey, who by the way is on his 3rd run with the belt in the midst of a long standing feud with Rick Mustafa, also snagged himself a 60 match rating...and is routinely hitting 56-57 lately.


Unfortunately, that's where my story goes from exciting to depressing (but hopeful). The record breaking match ratings aren't yet translating into regional battle victories. My highest show rating to date, 58, was only good enough to land me 3rd place (out of 4) in the regional battle for Hawaii...but there looks to be some upside. If things continue to grow on the ratings/momentum front we are very much in the mix. The other 3 promotions seem to float between 56-64 in show ratings...meaning it shouldn't take much to go from #4 to #1, and it seems like down the line I could be jumping anywhere between 1 and 4 on a monthly basis before firmly cementing myself at #1.

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Finally, i was wondering that in general experience, do people have more success with extedning shows from 2hr to 3hr to deal with a bloated roster or is a brand extension better. I ask this due to im approaching a crossroads in my game, in 3 weeks i have SummerSlam and afterwards i plan either to extend RAW and SD to possibly 3hrs or do the brand extension. I dont want to leave it as it s due to i have too many UM/ME to keep happy


I just had this same thing happen in my game. I had a bloated roster and wanted a third brand. So when I added the 3rd brand I had to have even more midcarders show up on tv each week. This obviously hurt my ratings. I was getting B+ cards every show then all the sudden with the 3rd brand I was getting C+ shows. After a month of doing this I upped all three shows to 3 hours and ended my brand split. Now I have me three previous brands on every show. I am now back to my B+ range and I things are great. I have to make some cuts, mostly older guys or guys that were barely hanging onto a roster spot to begin with. I also have a 4th show, a B show, that helps showcase my unproven talent.

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Island of Pain (0/0/0/0) - Hawaii (est. approx 2025)

Current Date - May 2051, Current Popularity - 24


Alrighty then...so after the past 2 days of killer upward shifts in momentum I soared through 5 months last night.


Bouchard Harvey vs. Cote Montaine was an epic disappointment. The string of shows were rated roughly 52, 56, 58, 55, 57, 54, 46


So yes, after 11 months of very solid performances...Harvey vs. Montaine takes a streak of awesome shows and give us a solid 4th place regional battle finish after following a series of high 50's, and a couple of 60's, main events with a big bad 43.


As luck would have it Jeffrey Brooks was hitting a stride of his own. While his accomplishments were seemingly more pronounced when he didn't have the company's top belt he is still having consistently good matches. I haven't really wandered back into the 40's (except for one match) but he's also very early in his reign and any time my main event title changes hands it seems to take a few months for the dust to settle for my other guys.


Unfortunately I'm now starting to have money problems again. Nothing severe, as I've got an ok bankroll and I own the company. I've got enough cash that I should be able to sustain the company for 16 months...worst case scenario.


Vincent, one of my long time main eventers, got caught in a bidding war so I am currently overpaying for him by a good 1-1.5k. I hate losing guys but I'll be damned if I'm going to pay more than 2k for anybody. I don't care who they are.


So anyway...the rest of my roster is pretty much doing their thing. I've got a new "dark horse" candidate for the title (which is really what I considered Brooks to be up until a couple of shows before he won it). Jessie Johnson is just setting the world on fire right now. He and Albert Morton, who is just a weird anomoly on the roster right now (I'll explain momentarily), pulled off a 62 a couple of shows ago. If you've been following, 62 is the new highest rating my promotion has seen. I'm not ready to strap the proverbial rocket to him just yet, but he and Jeffrey Brooks just had a solid 58 main event, Brooks' highest yet.


So yeah, Albert Morton. He's easily one of the most valuable guys I've got...but he seems to be just floating around and delivering the goods 75% of the time, the other 25% he's not pulling the best out of the guys he's facing. I don't blame Morton entirely, however, as I've got about 5 guys who aren't particularly well rounded. Each of them have the capacity to have matches in the 50's, but it's not uncommon for 2 of them to hook up with one another and poop out a 27. That's the real problem with Morton, he's sort of stuck in 2nd gear. The way I book things, though, it's really a luck/skill combination...so I'm guessing the guy is due to eventually break loose. Unfortunately right now, though, he's getting caught up with the guys who are still in need of significant development and they are pulling his match ratings down...which will ultimately impede his push and place on the card.


Outside of all of that I've got my other mainstays, Rick Mustafa, Vincent, and Rafaello Greco just sort of hanging out and waiting thier turn in line.


So, bigger picture, we're slowly gaining in popularity...24 in Hawaii is another first (at least as far as I can ever recall). The change in champions hasn't been a total detriment to the regional battle game, but where I was pretty confident we could secure 3rd out of 4 before, it's more of a 3rd if we're lucky situation now. While I wouldn't mind putting the belt back on Bouchard Harvey, I don't think that model is sustainable long term...as eventually he's going to retire or leave for some reason. I'm still quite hopeful, but that warm/fuzzy feeling I had yesterday has worn off a little bit.

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Playing as 21CW.


Currently at October 2013 and just hit National a few months ago. Waiting for t.v deal to come up to try get a better deal. Signed quite a few aussie stars and got Liberty who was unsigned. With my development fed I can now start to develop my young graduates and hopefully improve my roster.


World Champion

Joss Thompson

United Kingdom Champion

Edward Cornell

Tag Team Champions

The Show Stealers(Adam Matravers and Petey Barnes).


Before anyone asks I bumped the importance in three UK regions up slightly but no other changes were made.


One question, Christrian Faith is available but not popular in UK so won't sign with me. If I rise to international or global will I be able to sign him or will his popularity in the UK still affect this?

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I decided that, for now, I want to focus on pushing ahead as fast as I can, and not worrying about the whole roster... I cheaply did a 3 brand split with all of my shows on the third brand, with the whole roster on 1 & 2, so I didn't HAVE to use anyone.


Then, when I raided TNA and CWI's talent, I realized I was more than bloated, to say the least, and that I had no use to guys like Curt Hawkins. So down to development they went. Actually, the majority of my ET, Openers, LMC, MC, and some UMC went down as well. It'll boost the developmental feds and help me.


What it actually did was boost the **** out of my attendances and ratings. I sold out my 29,999 seater for Souled Out. Despite having too small of a roster (I turn off penalties).


I've noticed some odd things with the auto push. My world champ, chris daniels, auto pushes to upper midcarder, despite being 98-99 overall in the US. So it seems this game takes your entire roster's overness into consideration when it calculates attendance. So if you want a boost, drop your dead weight so your star power to jobbers ratio his higher. If you're using guys who are like 60 over in US as enhancement talent, by auto push, then you're gonna sell those tickets. Naturally though this means you're paying a LOT for contracts, though.


I'm planning to get a B-show, I think, and having it on its own brand with guys like Hakwins. They'll be used as jobbers to build up the prospects.


What I want to know, though.. If I were to have a B-Show that consisted of JUST angles and it bombed every week because of the split (it's retarded that you can't specify a certain split for different shows), would it hurt my company in ANY way? Would I take a hit to prestige if I couldn't maintain a certain 'quality' throughout all my programming?

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I decided that, for now, I want to focus on pushing ahead as fast as I can, and not worrying about the whole roster... I cheaply did a 3 brand split with all of my shows on the third brand, with the whole roster on 1 & 2, so I didn't HAVE to use anyone.


Then, when I raided TNA and CWI's talent, I realized I was more than bloated, to say the least, and that I had no use to guys like Curt Hawkins. So down to development they went. Actually, the majority of my ET, Openers, LMC, MC, and some UMC went down as well. It'll boost the developmental feds and help me.


What it actually did was boost the **** out of my attendances and ratings. I sold out my 29,999 seater for Souled Out. Despite having too small of a roster (I turn off penalties).


I've noticed some odd things with the auto push. My world champ, chris daniels, auto pushes to upper midcarder, despite being 98-99 overall in the US. So it seems this game takes your entire roster's overness into consideration when it calculates attendance. So if you want a boost, drop your dead weight so your star power to jobbers ratio his higher. If you're using guys who are like 60 over in US as enhancement talent, by auto push, then you're gonna sell those tickets. Naturally though this means you're paying a LOT for contracts, though.


I'm planning to get a B-show, I think, and having it on its own brand with guys like Hakwins. They'll be used as jobbers to build up the prospects.


What I want to know, though.. If I were to have a B-Show that consisted of JUST angles and it bombed every week because of the split (it's retarded that you can't specify a certain split for different shows), would it hurt my company in ANY way? Would I take a hit to prestige if I couldn't maintain a certain 'quality' throughout all my programming?


Uh, yes you can make your shows brand specific. Click Schedule-->View particular show-->2nd from the bottom is brand. You can do the same with PPV's btw.


It's a nice theory on attendance, but I can't imagine that being the case. I'd say Souled Out did so well because your heat for your advanced bookings were 99-100 (and of course because the show was a PPV which boosts attendance). It is more based on that and your overness in that region than your roster being obscenely over (since you dropped the lower level people). Take it from someone who has a really bloated roster with only 2 brands. I'm closing in on 50,000 for my PPV's, and that came solely from jumping to 86 (from low 40,000's).


The auto-push thing on Daniels is due solely to his wrestling style. I'd bet it is Japanese Junior. I'm having the same issue with Acid in my game. He's 98 across the board (which is about 6th highest on my roster) but is stuck at Upper Mid. He did hit Main Event for one week way back, but that was after I'd hurt several peoples' overness all in one week. After I remedied that, back down he went.

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Uh, yes you can make your shows brand specific. Click Schedule-->View particular show-->2nd from the bottom is brand. You can do the same with PPV's btw.


It's a nice theory on attendance, but I can't imagine that being the case. I'd say Souled Out did so well because your heat for your advanced bookings were 99-100 (and of course because the show was a PPV which boosts attendance). It is more based on that and your overness in that region than your roster being obscenely over (since you dropped the lower level people). Take it from someone who has a really bloated roster with only 2 brands. I'm closing in on 50,000 for my PPV's, and that came solely from jumping to 86 (from low 40,000's).


The auto-push thing on Daniels is due solely to his wrestling style. I'd bet it is Japanese Junior. I'm having the same issue with Acid in my game. He's 98 across the board (which is about 6th highest on my roster) but is stuck at Upper Mid. He did hit Main Event for one week way back, but that was after I'd hurt several peoples' overness all in one week. After I remedied that, back down he went.


I know you can make them brand specific, I said I was doing that :)


And the attendance thing is right I think because I sold out Nitro for the first time, and drew like 6k more to my PPV. Coincidentally this was directly after wiping out the majority of my roster.


But what I want to know is will the B-show negatively affect me in ANY WAY if it were to perform poorly? I was thinking of it being just promos.


attached pic just for lulz


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But what I want to know is will the B-show negatively affect me in ANY WAY if it were to perform poorly? I was thinking of it being just promos.


No, that's the point of a B-Show. It doesn't affect your (promotion's) popularity, prestige, momentum, etc., in any way. The only thing that could happen is it getting cancelled due to poor TV ratings.

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Colt Cabana seems to have hit a ceiling. I can't get him over 61 in US. WTF?


His gimmick is wholesome, not comedy.


He's peaked at 61 in canada and the UK, too, as I have had TV there for a while. He's climbing in Japan, but I imagine that will top off at 61 as well. WEIRD

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