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On the Real world 1989 Mod: Feb 1990


I've just finished My February PPV Saturday Night's Main Event.


My best show showing for a PPV, done a 90 :) with a surprise 90 rating for the triple threat Tag team match for the Tag titles:


The Rockers (current Holders) v Brain Busters v The British Bulldogs.


The Brain Busters won the match.


The rivalry started with The Bulldogs trying to take the titles from the Brain busters a few months ago and commenting on how the Brain Busters were the past and that The Bulldogs were the present ready to put the "old timers" down and out of the WWF for good. A couple of weeks later the Rockers got involved stating they were the future and that the future is here to shake up the WWF and take the tag titles.


Later after weeks of getting beat up backstage from the Brain Busters and the Bulldogs the Rockers pulled out a shock victory to win the Tag titles in what was seen as a huge upset. In the re-match the Rockers looked in trouble until the Bulldogs interfered resulting in the match becoming a draw.


Now that the Brain Busters have regained the titles will they have what it takes to keep hold of the tag team Gold when the Bulldogs and Rockers will be chomping at the bit to get the titles.






The Match of the night though belonged to the Main event of Bret Hart v Macho Man which got a 92 Rating


The feud started with Hart looking to make the step up and prove he is Main event standard, after weeks of nagging Vince agreed to give Hart a chance to step up by facing the Macho Man in a Number 1 contenders match for the Heavyweight title. The match resulted in a time limit draw which proved Hart could go toe to toe with the very best in the business but Randy was far from happy and attacked Hart for the next few weeks resulting in the feud. Vince made the feud more intense by suggesting the competitor which proves he is the toughest and the best by any way possible will get the title shot. That resulted in post match and backstage assaults on one another.



Another notable feud is the Current WWF Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan being singled out by a new and Creepy superstar the Intercontinental Champion The Undertaker. Weeks of mind games have gotten to Hulk Hogan and several strong showings by Undertaker which included gaining the IC title and removing Ultimate Warrior from the WWE by defeating him in a casket match to prove he is the one to take down Hulkamania once and for all. Hulk Hogan has never looked so vulnerable.

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Is this the cruiserweight Alex Koslov or Oleg Prudius?


It's frustrating to me that Oleg(Vladimir) chose the name Alexander for his new ring name when there's already a pretty talented guy working under the name Alex Koslov(known as Peter Orlov in FCW)


Oleg, sorry, didn't think to change his name when it defaulted over from the mod I'm using.

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Great Lakes Wrestling July 2010

Local sized with $48,280


Got some fun little storylines going on:


Jared Johnson vs Valentine:

Valentine used to hold his own talk show segment where he would bash the wrestlers and fans in attendance, Jared dressed as a fan came into the ring and got face to face with Valentine, Valentine looked away and when he turned back around he was met with a guitar shot by Johnson.

Johnson & Valentine are now feuding over the Great Lakes Championship (Midcard) which Johnson won at Great Lakes Wrestling VI


Frankie Dee vs Extraordinario Jr.:

Your average back and forward feud which has dragged several other wrestlers into it.


The Tag Team Title Picture:

At Great Lakes Wrestling II Street Wise (Arthur Dexter Bradley & Elijah Harris) defeated Attitude X (The Yung Devil/El Diablo & Johnny H (Ant Man) to win the GLW World Tag Team Championships, since then they have been brawling and 2 other teams have been thrown in as support so we don't see Street Wise vs Attitude X every month and those teams are The Seriousness (Chris Flynn & Dagger) and Too Sweet (TJ Bailey & Too Hot).


Black Hat Bailey's dominance:

Black Hat Bailey has been winning matches left, right and centre and has been punishing opponents post match by continuing his beatdowns on them, victims include: Rolling Johnny Stones, Mr Lucha III, Christian Price & Brendan Idol, plus he is managed by his evil mistress Sienna DeVille who he has "awesome" chemistry with.


GLW World Heavyweight Championship:

Currently held by Ford Gumble who is had initial problems with Newton James (DWN) but then had problems with a debuting Erik Strong who said "that he shouldn't have to compete in GLW to make a living".

Gumble turned away Strong but a 2 on 1 beatdown forced Gumble to bring in an ally who turned out to be another former tag team member Teddy Powell, the pair lost to James & Strong.

NOTBPW then pinched James making me replace him (and eventually Strong when his contract comes back up) with Justin Sensitive, Sensitive went straight in for a title match but lost and now at GLW VII it will be Gumble vs Strong with Strong maybe getting the cheap victory.

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Wanted to see how a heel Colt Cabana would work, turning his back on entertaining the fans with his comedic antics and feeling he is getting a little too old to be acting childish and wanting to be taken as a serious competitor. I only turned him a week ago so I think I'll get the message across for a little while before he begins a possible feud with current champ, AJ Styles for the world title (I had some matches with them before as opponents and they got huge ratings..) though not sure if I'd eventually make him a champ or a chaser...
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SWF Early April 2010


World Title: Eric Eisen is still champion, still fending off Rich Money who Eisen beat clean at the PPV in February in a booking mistake on my part. I turned it into a positive, having Eisen use that to mean Money had to earn his next shot, first getting past Marat, which he did in March, and now through Angry Gilmore who is awesome and is doing a CM Punk style "Best in the World" Gimmick and wants a title shot, so there'll be a triple threat match at the PPV. Gilmore is coming off of a win in a feud versus Jack Bruce, in which he attacked and then beat Bruce, claiming that Jack was just a washed up rockstar and no match for the "Best in the World"


NA Title: Brandon James is dominating people and that's pretty much that. I haven't been able to find a great challenger for this, so for a while, it seems it'll just be James beating people until I need to move him up to the Main Event.


Tag Titles: I turned Jack Giedroyc heel early to feud with Valiant, and it led to the team dropping the tag belts to "Kings of the Wild," Lobster Warrior & Jungle Lord. So far, KotW have been feuding slightly with The Pain Alliance (who are also Eisen's hitmen when need be) and I'm not sure when they're gonna drop the belts. I kinda want to pair up American Machine & Captain Atomic as heels and have those teams feud, with American Atomic being things that harm nature, but I'd be too heel heavy that I don't really want to.


Jack Bruce & The Entourage: I renamed Squeeky McClean to Steve McClean (referencing Steve McQueen) and F.A.G. is a huge McQueen fan and wants to manage McClean. He's gonna bring in bodyguards (Rahmel (Goode) & Maurice Jackson) and FAG's trying to get Jack Bruce as a client, which is leading to a feud between the stable & Jack.


Faith vs. Vengeance vs. Brown: Brown being Omar Brown. Who took out Christian Faith in the back before his "Battle for the Soul of Supreme" match with Vengeance in March. And is getting a pretty sweet push because he's awesome. I'm not exactly sure how I'll end this feud, but Vengeance still wants to take out Faith, and Brown does for his own reasons, so it'll feel a bit awkward.


Frehley vs. Remo: Remo cost Steve Frehley the World Title in March, his reasoning being that he didn't want Frehley to win his 2nd championship before Remo had won his first. I plan on Remo winning the title next, probably in a multiman match also involving Money at Supreme Challenge.


Valiant vs. Giedroyc: I really want Valiant to get over via this feud, but I'm not really seeing it happen. Jack is doing the Wrath thing. Because the alts look so cool.


Other notable stuff: Runaway Train turned face and is doing a "One Last Run" kinda gimmick. He got thrashed by Remo in March, but is still up to Main Event level. Barring pending retirement, he may take the title off Remo as revenge, or be Remo's first challenger and job. Depends where everyone else is at.

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Not really a specific game update, but I finally took the time to transfer TEW over to my new laptop. In the process, I decided to clean up my C-verse images file. I've kept it relatively organized over the past two years, keeping naming consistent and such but I have a lot of original and alts of those, then the re-renders which I tend to use. The folder went from over 8000 images to around 5800. Still a lot of alts and such but I realized I probably didn't need and would never use a ton of them.


Now I can get rolling on a new save.

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Cappyboy, I was just wondering how many shows you run a month? Is it four, if so does that work out well for you?


Yep. Weekly. And it works out because I pad my finances at the start to insure that it will. I certainly wouldn't recommend anybody trying to run weekly with a realistic Local or Small bankroll.

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Took a break from my ROF game and decided to start a BHOTWG game for the first time. Two shows a week for 3 hours, but I may take that down by 30 minutes or even an hour. Having never played as them before, it's going to be a challenge, but I've made some good signings right away. I instantly got the Gauge Brothers and Davis Wayne Newton. As well as signing The Cali Dragons on a tour contract with Don Henderson, Merle O'Curle, Steve Flash, and El Leon. Thinking of possibly getting Acid after his tour with GCG is over.


Almost done with my first month and the Gauges are nearly upper midcarders. I'm debating on giving them the tag team belts and have them feud with Black Magic or Sanda & Hamacho. I'd like to have The Cali Dragons fight for the Junior Tag Team, but they aren't rising as fast the Matt and Greg. I retired the King of Fighters title and I'm thinking of activating the Openweight belt to give my low level guys a chance to shine. While I don't really have a clue what I'm doing, I'm having fun. I'd like to have a special event in America or tour outside of Japan sometime, just so I can strike a good TV deal in America/Canada.

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So in mid '17 right now, and starting a feud between Mutant and Giant Brody. Brody's manager Larry Wood promised 10,000 dollars to anyone who can put Giant Brody over the top rope. Mutant would have his Freak Nation (consisting of "Pretty" Richie Riggins, now in a crossdresser gimmick; Blackfire; and "Miss J" (Pettle), formerly going by her real name as Jack Miracle (Avatar)'s girlfriend and now a follower of Mutant in a dominatrix gimmick) take the bounty by actually taking down the rope so it wasmore level with the second rope, Mutant and Pretty Richie holding Brody teetering over so Miss J "pushes" him over to "win" the bounty.


This month is "Patriot Games" which is WOTNA's War Games/Survivor Series hyrbrid so this year it will be Team Freaks (The Freak Nation w/ Miss J, Cobra, and Irwinn Gutmann) vs Team Wood (Giant Brody, Matt Hocking, Bradley Blaze, Marshall Dillon, and Buck Winchester).


The final payoff to the feud won't be for a while though.

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Got a 2001 gamw going as the NWA (was Wildside, but decided to make it the exclusive NWA company). Bob Sapp debuted with a 0 pop. in the South East, in January, and May has just started and Sapp is at a pop. of 84 in the South East, and the current NWA World Champion. He is the dominant heel champ, destroying everyone, my plan is for AJ Styles (who I just turned face) to eventually take the World Heavyweight title off of Sapp, but considering Sapp's pop, I think ill push the Sapp vs Styles match until AJ is ready. My problem is that I dont really have any big faces. After Sapp, my most popular worker is Abyss at 38 in the South East. So I will feed Abyss to Styles en route to Sapp. My plan is to eventually move out of the South East and most likely try and break the Tri-State area, and then start a war with ECW (I got rid of narratives that would mean WCW and ECW's demise, I know its not realistic, but I felt the game would be more interesting if the NWA, take out ECW, WCW and WWF/E en route to become number 1 in the world once more).
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Recently started a game with MAW, really enjoying it too. I edit the data so I could get a tv deal with national pride TV with my user character playing an a personality from the network(imagine Cyrus from ECW mixed with an early Eric Bischoff), the main fued going into MAW Wrestling Showcase is Brandon Smith against Citizen X after X cost Smith the Rip Chord invititional to Jean Cattley.


In the under card Donnie J and Sammy the Shark are fueding The Awesomeness for the tag titles, whilst Jean Cattley is battling with Jay chord working under a bitter veteran gimmick.


I might turn it into a diary if people seem interested in it.

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Recently started a game with MAW, really enjoying it too. I edit the data so I could get a tv deal with national pride TV with my user character playing an a personality from the network(imagine Cyrus from ECW mixed with an early Eric Bischoff), the main fued going into MAW Wrestling Showcase is Brandon Smith against Citizen X after X cost Smith the Rip Chord invititional to Jean Cattley.


In the under card Donnie J and Sammy the Shark are fueding The Awesomeness for the tag titles, whilst Jean Cattley is battling with Jay chord working under a bitter veteran gimmick.


I might turn it into a diary if people seem interested in it.


I'd be very interested in a diary for this.

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Recently started a game with MAW, really enjoying it too. I edit the data so I could get a tv deal with national pride TV with my user character playing an a personality from the network(imagine Cyrus from ECW mixed with an early Eric Bischoff), the main fued going into MAW Wrestling Showcase is Brandon Smith against Citizen X after X cost Smith the Rip Chord invititional to Jean Cattley.


In the under card Donnie J and Sammy the Shark are fueding The Awesomeness for the tag titles, whilst Jean Cattley is battling with Jay chord working under a bitter veteran gimmick.


I might turn it into a diary if people seem interested in it.


What are your finances like?

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Started a Pro Wrestling MAX game, envisioning them as the C-Verse version of ROH. Changed their product a bit and edited their finances, popularity, and a few other things. In the Main Event of the first show Matthew Keith finished off a one night tournament for the PWMAX Global Crown Championship and 'stunned the world' by beating the veteran, and heavy favorite, Steve Flash for the title. Also crowned the first ever PWMAX Freestyle Division (basically a fancy name for the Cruiserweights/Juniors) when Jacob Jett defeated Burning Exile, Fumihiro Ota, and Teddy Powell for the belt.


Might make a diary of this, not sure if there'd be much interest though.

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Mid May 2012


The setup:I started with XFW(X-Treme Wrestling Federation) a 0/0/0/0 promotion in normal C-verse.7 months ago I decided to import the workers and feds from MC-Real World mod(meaning we had a major draft for the real promotions too),upseting the balance of universe for ever :p


Right now WWE(owned by Marc Cuban) is the no.1 Promotion in the world sending SWF to Cult!


Meanwhile I am still at Small size(the regional fights are the most brutal,with 9 promotion fighting).I have created a small Tag Divison with these teams:


The Beautiful People:Penny Cash and Nurse Darla Knight

The Deastroyers:Evil Spirit and DeCipher

The Native Fighters:Alexis Lee Littlefeather and Running Wolf

The Naturals:Power Girl and Clamity Joan(excellent Chemistry :D )


Once I have a few more teams I will create a tag-team tittle and crown the naturals as the first champions


Meanwhile I pushed Steel like crazy resulting in him reaching B- poppularity in New England!He is my curent XFW Champion and I am planning a series of defences for him right now :)


That's all from me folks!

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USPW in April


Enygma lost the World Title to Bruce the Giant last month. Then regained it in a 3 way a couple weeks later. Tyson Baine, Bruce, and Enygma have been killing it in 3 way matches.


Enygma is now going to enter a program with T-Rex for the next little while while still feuding with Bruce the Giant.


Tyson Baine and James Justice have a feud going that has been on and off.


Chris Caulfield has put on some amazing matches with James Prudence. Really thinking of putting James Prudence over some guys to move him up the card for a nice few matches with Caulfield. Great chemistry has given them matches rated as high as 85.


Peter Valentine and Hell Monkey have good chemistry but still put on 52 rated matches. Maybe if I get Monkey more over I can get a better rated match out of the 2.


Nicky Champion and the Masked Avatar have great chemistry and have been putting on matches rated around 80 as well. I'd like to eventually make these matches for the National Title. So maybe Champion wins the belt off Valentine and defends against Masked Avy.


In what is more of a nostalgia run I put the tag titles on the Forces of America. 51 year old Cap USA I felt deserved 1 last title run in USPW before he retires. Force is pretty over so he can carry the team. Eventually they will drop it to either Rushmore and Muscles or to T-Rex and The Big Problem. Depends on a lot of factors.


Belle Bryden has bad chemistry with Alicia Strong too which sucks. Alicia is my womens champion right now. Cherry Bomb has a bad attitude and always seems to think she should win. Not sure what I want to do with my womens division. I want to keep it but I may get rid of Cherry Bomb to bring in a new heel female for the division.

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Just ran WrestleMania XXVIII. Game started in January '12. Results:


William Regal (w/ Beth Phoenix) won the annual pre-WrestleMania Battle Royal

Match rating: 68


(Heat going into match: 86) Alberto Del Rio (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez) & The Miz def. Mick Foley and US Champion Zack Ryder

Match rating: 88


(58) Cody Rhodes © (w/ Vickie Guerrero) def. Goldust to retain the Intercontinental Championship in a 2/3 Falls No Holds Barred Match

Match rating: 78


(73) Surprise entrant John Morrison def. Alex Riley, Justin Gabriel, R-Truth, Ted DiBiase & Drew McIntyre to win the Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Match rating: 82


(84) Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett went to a Double DQ after Kane interfered

Match rating: 80


(85) Big Show def. Mark Henry in a Last Man Standing Match

Match rating: 77


(81) Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero) & Jack Swagger (w/ Vickie Guerrero) def. Evan Bourne (w/ Trish Stratus) & Kofi Kingston (w/ Trish Stratus) © to win the Tag Team Championship in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match

Match rating: 86


(90) Daniel Bryan © def. Randy Orton & Christian (w/ Vickie Guerrero) to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

Match rating: 80


(97) CM Punk © def. Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Championship

Match rating: 99


(100) The Undertaker (w/ Michelle McCool) def. Triple H (w/ Stephanie McMahon)

Match rating: 99


(98) John Cena def. The Rock

Match rating: 97


Overall show rating: 96

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I'm currently doing an NXT type deal in SWF. I'm doing it with a point system in which a win, tag or singles, gets you 2 points and a loss gets you -1. All of the rookies will get a roster spot in the end, but the winner gets a shot at the Shooting Star Championship. My pairings are as follows:


Johnny Ant (Ant-Man) and Jeremy Finch (Scout): Finch has been desperate to prove himself as a viable threat, but consistently comes up short in big match situations. He sees this as an opportunity to prove himself by turning the fun loving Johnny Ant into a legit supreme-star.


Bear Bekowski & Eddie Peak: Both are psychotic loose cannons. Peak doesn't teach him how to wrestle so much as he does how to destroy.


Brett Starr & Brandon James: James is annoyed that he's been brought down to this level and sees Starr as just a huge disappointment. He's the leader of The James Gang (Members: Emma Chase and Jay Chord. Sean Deeley just turned on the group), and I'm using Starr's tag experience with Jay as the excuse to pair these two up.


Jared Johnson & Christian Faith: Johnson is playing an ultra-wholesome guy, so pairing him up with Faith is only natural. He's a frontrunner right now, but he won't win out in the end. More on that later.


Jasper Nelson (Nelson Callum) & Damian Mercury (The Natural): Both guys are super sleazy, so the pairing made sense. With Kristen Pierce as their manager and SWF's high-risque product, I'm thinking about a possible menage a trois gimmick. Yeah, I know, classy.


Mystic Dragon & Edd Stone: Edd is, well, Edd. Everyone knows his character by now. Mystic Dragon (no caps, he's not heel here. Not yet, at least) is a straight laced foreigner right now taking advice on how westerners live from Edd of all people. Hilarity ensues as video packages of them in awkward situations in clubs and whatnot air.


Squid Kid (Inky the Squid) & Chris Matthews (Formerly Lobster): Squid is a massive Lobster Warrior fanboy, but Matthews dropped the gimmick earlier in the year after Faith convinced him to finally get serious about the whole wrestling thing. Mostly, I just got Squid because of the awesome new render Kam did for him. Surprisingly, he's actually a decent talent.


Syd Collier & Enforcer Roberts: Roberts, alongside Squeeky McClean, is Eric Eisen's enforcer in the Supremacists. I plan on using this association to get Collier into that group as a medium between McClean and Roberts.



The end result, of course will be everyone getting a roster spot and one guy getting a title shot. Who gets the shot? The answer:


Mystic Dragon.


The twist?


Edd Stone is the Shooting Star Champ. I plan on having Dragon turn on Edd after he wins, turning him into MYSTIC (All caps!) Dragon and winning the title, allowing Edd to boost up into the North American Division, and then hopefully some years down the road in the World Title hunt.

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Started a game a few days ago with SOTBPW because im not ready to go back to my NOTBPW game yet. I am at the start of April 2010 and I am doing the feuds that the promotion starts with. After Champagne Lover is done with his feud with El Fuerza he will likely go on to feud with Ultimate Phoenix who will win his feud with El Demonio. After Champage and Ultimate Phoenix are done feuding then Champagne will feud with Pablo Rodriguez where Pablo will likely win the title. I haven't had Pablo and Champagne have a match yet and I am going to wait awhile till they have their first one on one match so probably in early 2011.


Also for the first time ever in a game I am going to push my user character, normally in any game I play I don't like doing this but I figured I would try something that I haven't done before. Plus my user character is the Masked Avatar and his stats are pretty good so I am planning on giving him the main title at some point.


I lost money the first few monthes but I was able to secure a pay per view deal on Seleccion Mexico so hopefully I will start making money soon. I lost money in January and February and gained money in March after I got the PPV deal and hopefully I can continue to make money to have my first SOTBPW game where I am not losing money constantly. (although I have only done one or two saves with them in the past I have never been able to make money with them until now.)

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As an update to my last post, I'm going to do one month rounds, so to speak. The first three weeks will be point gathering, and on the fourth week the two lowest scores (they can tie, opening up three/four ways, etc) will fight in a match, with the man who gets pinned getting knocked out of the running. I feel like this is a good way to run it. This way I can create a great underdog gimmick where a guy is consistently in the bottom 2/3, but manages to win out every time until it gets to the top 4, where he'll get knocked out. Most likely I'm going to use Squid Kid for this role.
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I'm currently doing an NXT type deal in SWF. I'm doing it with a point system in which a win, tag or singles, gets you 2 points and a loss gets you -1. All of the rookies will get a roster spot in the end, but the winner gets a shot at the Shooting Star Championship. My pairings are as follows:


Johnny Ant (Ant-Man) and Jeremy Finch (Scout): Finch has been desperate to prove himself as a viable threat, but consistently comes up short in big match situations. He sees this as an opportunity to prove himself by turning the fun loving Johnny Ant into a legit supreme-star.


Bear Bekowski & Eddie Peak: Both are psychotic loose cannons. Peak doesn't teach him how to wrestle so much as he does how to destroy.


Brett Starr & Brandon James: James is annoyed that he's been brought down to this level and sees Starr as just a huge disappointment. He's the leader of The James Gang (Members: Emma Chase and Jay Chord. Sean Deeley just turned on the group), and I'm using Starr's tag experience with Jay as the excuse to pair these two up.


Jared Johnson & Christian Faith: Johnson is playing an ultra-wholesome guy, so pairing him up with Faith is only natural. He's a frontrunner right now, but he won't win out in the end. More on that later.


Jasper Nelson (Nelson Callum) & Damian Mercury (The Natural): Both guys are super sleazy, so the pairing made sense. With Kristen Pierce as their manager and SWF's high-risque product, I'm thinking about a possible menage a trois gimmick. Yeah, I know, classy.


Mystic Dragon & Edd Stone: Edd is, well, Edd. Everyone knows his character by now. Mystic Dragon (no caps, he's not heel here. Not yet, at least) is a straight laced foreigner right now taking advice on how westerners live from Edd of all people. Hilarity ensues as video packages of them in awkward situations in clubs and whatnot air.


Squid Kid (Inky the Squid) & Chris Matthews (Formerly Lobster): Squid is a massive Lobster Warrior fanboy, but Matthews dropped the gimmick earlier in the year after Faith convinced him to finally get serious about the whole wrestling thing. Mostly, I just got Squid because of the awesome new render Kam did for him. Surprisingly, he's actually a decent talent.


Syd Collier & Enforcer Roberts: Roberts, alongside Squeeky McClean, is Eric Eisen's enforcer in the Supremacists. I plan on using this association to get Collier into that group as a medium between McClean and Roberts.



The end result, of course will be everyone getting a roster spot and one guy getting a title shot. Who gets the shot? The answer:


Mystic Dragon.


The twist?


Edd Stone is the Shooting Star Champ. I plan on having Dragon turn on Edd after he wins, turning him into MYSTIC (All caps!) Dragon and winning the title, allowing Edd to boost up into the North American Division, and then hopefully some years down the road in the World Title hunt.


This! This is awesome! I really love the idea you have going here, it's really well thought out and there's a lot of logic and effort put into it. I kind of want to copy you and do something like this in my TCW game, though part of me thinks it's too 'sports entertainment' for them. I'm not totally sure though. I have lots of young talent coming through and it would be a good way to get them over. I do have a B show that I could use. At the minute it's just 60 minutes of solid wrestling with no real storyline or feud progression. I have a number of older guys who would make good mentors and who aren't really doing anything at the moment. Hmmmm.

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I'm playing WCWA in 1987. I brought in a bunch of talent such as Dibiase, Bret Hart, The Brainbusters, The Freebirds, Bockwinkel, Hennig, Windham, and Sgt.Slaughter as example.


Dibiase is now my champion and doing a best of 3 series with Kevin, the final match is going to take place on my next show and first PPV.


Bret Hart has been feuding with Bockwinkel, Hennig and Williams, with Bockwinkel playing the teacher role. Williams is the current Texas Heavyweight champ and the PPV will feature Williams v Hart v Bockwinkel.


The Freebirds are the tag champs and haven't started up a long feud with anybody since I'm waiting for Kevin to get free.


Brody is waiting for his World title program with Dibiase.


I'm trying to push to National as fast as I can so the WWF don't steal too much of my talent.

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Well this was...unexpected. Earlier, I posted that I had paired Enforcer Roberts up with Syd Collier as a rookie/pro pairing, and not a month later, Roberts takes Collier under his wing as a protege!
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