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Hulk Hogan will be coming back in under a month now. With possibly losing Scott Steiner, and already losing Buff Bagwell, and Lex Luger it's time to bring in a main event heel. Hogan coming back as a heel a good idea? I dunno. Seems like him being a face would be the natural thing but I enjoyed him more as a bad guy.


I would use him as what I need him the most at. Do you have a heel or face to oppose him? Then push Hogan accordingly tbh.

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I've finally turned Rick Steiner face and teamed him with Road Warrior Animal. Together they are known as The Legion. I plan on having them dethrone Sean O'Haire, and Mark Jindrak soon.


Bryan Danielson and CM Punk are rising up my lower card as a straight edge tag team. They are both heels and Bryan Danielson talks about how terrible people are that eat meat and such due to animal cruelty. I am having fun with this.


Sounds pretty awesome man, I especially like The Legion.

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I would use him as what I need him the most at. Do you have a heel or face to oppose him? Then push Hogan accordingly tbh.



Goldberg 100 overness in the whole world

Kurt Angle 89 overness USA

Sting 88 overness USA

Adam Edge 70 overness USA

Booker T 82 overness USA

Diamond Dallas Page 74 overness USA



Scott Steiner 98 overness USA

Kevin Nash 90 overness USA

Taz 80 overness USA

Ric Flair 72 overness USA (Bischoff wants me to book him into oblivion)


I have Taz being booked as a dominant wrestler to counter Goldbergs unstoppable monster gimmick. He even has a pinfall over Goldberg in a tag match to help his credibility. They are facing each other at Greed for the title where Goldberg is gonna go over since I like long title reigns and he's only had the title for 4 months.


So Hogan comes back as a heel and establishes credibility again. How long until I book him against Goldberg you think?

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Goldberg 100 overness in the whole world

Kurt Angle 89 overness USA

Sting 88 overness USA

Adam Edge 70 overness USA

Booker T 82 overness USA

Diamond Dallas Page 74 overness USA



Scott Steiner 98 overness USA

Kevin Nash 90 overness USA

Taz 80 overness USA

Ric Flair 72 overness USA (Bischoff wants me to book him into oblivion)


I have Taz being booked as a dominant wrestler to counter Goldbergs unstoppable monster gimmick. He even has a pinfall over Goldberg in a tag match to help his credibility. They are facing each other at Greed for the title where Goldberg is gonna go over since I like long title reigns and he's only had the title for 4 months.


So Hogan comes back as a heel and establishes credibility again. How long until I book him against Goldberg you think?


Do it on a throwaway Nitro in the middle of July, not on a pay-per-view where you could reap the economic benefits. Oh wait, you *don't* want to rehash the mistakes of 1998 WCW? Oh, then I'd hold off for a few months. Give Hogan some associates (NOT the NWO) for Goldberg to run through before he gets to Hogan that keep the champ from getting a clear shot at 'the icon' Hogan.

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Do it on a throwaway Nitro in the middle of July, not on a pay-per-view where you could reap the economic benefits. Oh wait, you *don't* want to rehash the mistakes of 1998 WCW? Oh, then I'd hold off for a few months. Give Hogan some associates (NOT the NWO) for Goldberg to run through before he gets to Hogan that keep the champ from getting a clear shot at 'the icon' Hogan.


Oh so have Goldberg hunting Hogan? Or have Hogan just trying to soften Goldberg up until the time is right to go for the title?

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Oh so have Goldberg hunting Hogan? Or have Hogan just trying to soften Goldberg up until the time is right to go for the title?


I'd have Goldberg hunting Hogan. More difficult to do with Goldberg as the champ, but I'd have Hogan cost Goldberg a non-title match or interfere and cause a DQ or whatever, causing Goldberg to seek revenge. Only Hogan doesn't want a piece of Goldberg, claiming that Goldberg hasn't earned it - he's not a legend like Hogan, blah blah blah. After a beatdown by his associates, Hogan decides the time is right, but then Goldberg 'hulks up' and spears Hogan and the 'match' ends in a no contest after Hogan hotfoots it out of there. Then you finally have Goldberg v. Hogan on PPV.

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I'd have Goldberg hunting Hogan. More difficult to do with Goldberg as the champ, but I'd have Hogan cost Goldberg a non-title match or interfere and cause a DQ or whatever, causing Goldberg to seek revenge. Only Hogan doesn't want a piece of Goldberg, claiming that Goldberg hasn't earned it - he's not a legend like Hogan, blah blah blah. After a beatdown by his associates, Hogan decides the time is right, but then Goldberg 'hulks up' and spears Hogan and the 'match' ends in a no contest after Hogan hotfoots it out of there. Then you finally have Goldberg v. Hogan on PPV.


I could run with this. Here is my thinking. Hogan returns and the crowd is cheering him on. Then mid interview he heel turns saying the WCW Heavyweight Champion is nothing. Claiming that Goldberg has beat a tag team wrestler in Scott Steiner and that is his crowning moment. He goes into length about how the title is meaningless on a paper champ like Goldberg and that until Goldberg beats him he is nobody. Then says but he hasnt earned it?

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On the (constant) suggesting of Midnight(freakin')Nick, I finally gave in and decided to give WLW a shot.


I'm only three shows in, but hey, now is as good of a time as any to share, and get potential feedback, on my vision of WLW.


I decided I'd "jump in" to the middle of a feud between the stables of Def-REALM and Red Guild, just pretend that they've already been duking it out hardcore since the last tour.


Red Guild, being the self-centered, manicial jerks that they are, have yet to wait around to cut a promo. If they have something to say, they do so by removing any and all distractions that could draw the crowd's attention away from them... namely, Magnum KOBE waiting impatiently for Silver Shark and Dark Eagle to clear house so he can tell everyone what's on his mind.


Sadly, there latest victim was The Great Hisato, who was moments away from putting away the young Mexican import Mr. Lucha III. With Hisato being a member of Def-REALM, Red Guild chose to spare Mr. Lucha III and focus on beating up poor Hisato, chunking him out of the ring so Magnum Kobe could tell Emerald Angel "he'll rue the day" and some other generic egotistical evilness. As they left the ring, The Great Hisato was finally getting back up from his stuper...


Only to have the mysterious massive monster by the moniker of Mastodon who has been terrorizing WLW for the last, well... two shows now... burst through the ringside barrier (Juggernaut style!) and beat the already wounded high flier back down to ground. Mastodon proceeded to scream at the crowd, and charged his way through the other barrier.


Speaking of Red Guild... Silver Shark has a Streetfighting title shot against Insane Machine at the upcoming event, Fame & Fortune. While he hasn't said much himself, Magnum Kobe keeps refering to the mysterious, black towel covered cylindrical object Silver Shark is carrying around as "the ultimate weapon", which, clearly, you want in a streetfight.


Meanwhile, Def-REALM is now facing being completely overwhelmed, as Mr. Miwa tricked Koki Ishibashi and Koji Kojima into accepting to challenge Black House for the tag belts at Fame & Fortune... which, by Black House rules, means they have free reign to attack you or otherwise screw with you as they please. Black House (Kazuma Narato & Mokuami Maita) have "hyped" themselves up for it by: 1. informing Koji & Koki of the stipulation they agreed to about two seconds before attacking and 2. "defeating" fellow Black House members, Weapon X (Rogue Matsuo SF & Toyokuni Hardcore) in an nWo style farce of a match... which scored a shocking C-, and was by all accounts actually watchable despite Weapon X's best efforts to lose... gut feeling: much to their manager, General Hayashi's dismay, their attempts to fail actually resulted in accidental success against their stablemates.



Anywhooooo... gonna snag this one so I don't have to leave it up here for the long weekend. Starting to get the feel for WLW (it's a complicated company), don't want to forget what I've learned about them so far.

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I could run with this. Here is my thinking. Hogan returns and the crowd is cheering him on. Then mid interview he heel turns saying the WCW Heavyweight Champion is nothing. Claiming that Goldberg has beat a tag team wrestler in Scott Steiner and that is his crowning moment. He goes into length about how the title is meaningless on a paper champ like Goldberg and that until Goldberg beats him he is nobody. Then says but he hasnt earned it?


Sounds good, and back in the day with Goldberg being the next best thing since sliced bread, this interview would have turned Mother Theresa heel. I like it :)

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Many words


Sounds awesome! WLW is a promotion that are likely the next big one I'm going to try as it seems like a perfect hybrid of the entertainment style I like with the touring Japanese style I enjoy booking for. I'll be following anything and everything you do with WLW, especially looking forward to hearing more about this Mastodon chap. :)

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I'm playing a 0/0/0 game. With Remmy Skye as my user character. I'm 4 months in my game, hosted 3 shows, and made it to small.


I've taken advice to do a show a month, then off the next. For when I had to use wrestlers twice, I was able to give them a month off, which is great. I always make about half of what I lost in the off-month. So I'm pretty happy about that. I'm not too far in debt, which is nice as well.


13 wrestlers, 1 manager, 1 colour, 1 announcer, 1 road agent, and 1 referee.


My best show was a 37! woo!

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a lot of disappearances, bumping up the tickets to +4 (then the fans don't moan) then set the production to internet to gain extra fans. xD


How many workers did you use and with internet distribution, I'm more shocked, how many fans did you draw, my first show got 38

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How many workers did you use and with internet distribution, I'm more shocked, how many fans did you draw, my first show got 38


my second show pulled 30.

UV defeats (user character) 12

angle: neil and (user character) 39

geordie defeats tony wright 31

danny patterson defeats jeremy allen 30

harley neil defeats psycho 39

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Ok guys, let me start of by saying this. I've been playing EWR/TEW for a long time, but for some reason, I've never gave the Cornellverse a chance. Instead of even attempting to start with it, I've always went straight to a real world mod. But there's only been one or two great games I've had with that before, as it always felt like something was missing.


So I bought TEW 2010, and did the same thing. Found a little fun with an ECW game, but just couldn't find the fun in it to continue. So for the first time, I decided to give the Cornellverse a shot.


It is freakin' incredible.


This is easily the most fun I've had with a EWR/TEW game, and I'm only three and a half months in. Usually I notice a dropoff in interest in my real world games at about this point, but my NOTBPW game is just awesome right now. I just finished the Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup, and it was the exact payoff that I was looking for.


Over the first few months, I spent a lot of time building up Dark Angel, as his popularity just started to take off after a few weeks, and he could do no wrong. Also during this time, Steve DeColt was defending the belt against worthy opponents, but no one who could really challenge him. Jeremy Stone was on a roll as well, and only lost one match in the first few months, with that being a wrestling exhibition against Angel.


Angel won the belt off of DeColt at Clash Classic in an excellent contest. So heading into the Ed Henson Memorial Cup, I decided to team up the power team. Angel and J. Stone. The idea was that these were the two hottest stars in the promotion, and the fans loved both of them as they were easily the two biggest babyfaces in NOTBPW. They breezed through Harlem Haynes and R.K. Hayes in the quarterfinals, then knocked off the red-hot (and new main event star) John Maverick and Steve DeColt in the semis.


Therefore, it was Angel and J. Stone vs. The Natural and Owen Love in the finals. Natural has completely taken off, and the 38-year old has become the third most popular wrestler in the entire company. It was the perfect setup. The idea that was pushed was that Angel and J. Stone hadn't really used any tag team tactics in their previous matches, and Natural and Love were more acclimated to the tag team atmosphere. Would the two biggest individual stars be able to beat the best tag team?


They might have, if Angel didn't turn on J. Stone at the end of the match. The turn was a "complete success" and it only made sense since Angel's heel performance is an A and babyface is a D+. I knew if he was getting that much support as a face, a heel turn would be the perfect move. So now both guys are riding huge momentum, and I'm getting ready for a mega-feud between Angel and J. Stone for the NOTBPW Canadian Title.


Just an awesome, awesome game.

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Since I like turns in tag teams (I split up the Kings of Wrestling, I am about to split up The Legacy) for storyline purposes, what was the guy's storyline reason to turn on his partner during the final match of a tournament? The way you describe it, real world or CV, this would have most likely made the fans riot :p which is always a good thing (I love heels ^^).
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Since I like turns in tag teams (I split up the Kings of Wrestling, I am about to split up The Legacy) for storyline purposes, what was the guy's storyline reason to turn on his partner during the final match of a tournament? The way you describe it, real world or CV, this would have most likely made the fans riot :p which is always a good thing (I love heels ^^).


In terms of execution, I just had an unchained storyline between the two since I couldn't find one that I really thought fit the scenario, and used the "Turn" function in the match notes to have him turn on his partner, then used the "handle turns" when the match report came up, and boom, "the turn was a complete success."


Sort of the backstory that I had going into the match was that Dark Angel is a pretty mysterious character (that's his gimmick) and a little crazy when he gets going. So he had won the biggest belt in the promotion, though still felt like Jeremy Stone was getting all the love from the fans (Dan Stone was the owner to begin with, he retired at the first of February, and Jeremy took over).


And though Angel is crazy, he's very intelligent. With J. Stone becoming the new owner, and J. Stone being the best pure wrestler in the company, what better way to become the focus of the fans than to turn on him and become a mega-heel by battling the lovable new owner of a thriving company?


I wasn't sure what to expect at first, but the execution of the whole storyline just worked out perfectly.

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