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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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Added an additional match to the show that I forgot to put in there.


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Hardcore Match: Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

Plus for one additional bonus point, Guess the identity of The Fourth Horsemen: James Justice



Tyson Baine: The wrestler who deserve the USPW World Title the most!

Bruce The Giant will never tap to Enygma!


Nicky Champion vs. Jack Griffith

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USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

Nicky Champion vs. Jack Griffith

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Hardcore Match: Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

Plus for one additional bonus point, Guess the identity of The Fourth Horsemen: James Justice



Have you had your Frosted FORCE Flakes today?

I saw the light! Oh wait. It was just Nicky's head!


KUTGW, I'm looking forward to this PPV!

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USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

Nicky Champion vs. Jack Griffith

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Hardcore Match: Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine

USPW World Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

no title change though...:(


Fan sign: Enygma: another giant bites the dust...

Devine Seduction...by Mainstream

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Just caught up and this has been very good. Keep up the good work.


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

Nicky Champion vs. Jack Griffith

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Hardcore Match: Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine

Justice will arrive to save Caufield

USPW World Title Match: Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

Plus for one additional bonus point, Guess the identity of The Fourth Horsemen:

You are trying to get us to select Justice or Champion, so I am going to go Chris Caulfield.

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As I head toward the pay-per-view card Liberty And Justice, I want to reach out to my readership here for a moment. I want to make a request from my readers. I want to know just who you want to see here in USPW. I want some guys who don't get the normal diary love like Steve Flash or Fumihiro Ota. I want guys who are flying under the radar unlike Champagne Lover and Bryan Holmes. You can toss out as many names as you would like. That is not to say that everyone will be used if they are named. Just quote this post so I know that this is what you are discussing. May the names begin.
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As I head toward the pay-per-view card Liberty And Justice, I want to reach out to my readership here for a moment. I want to make a request from my readers. I want to know just who you want to see here in USPW. I want some guys who don't get the normal diary love like Steve Flash or Fumihiro Ota. I want guys who are flying under the radar unlike Champagne Lover and Bryan Holmes. You can toss out as many names as you would like. That is not to say that everyone will be used if they are named. Just quote this post so I know that this is what you are discussing. May the names begin.


Here are some people and some reasons why I think that they would be good with your version of USPW (and reasons why I would like them to be in, of course! :p):


Kirk Jameson: I personally think that he doesn't gets the credit that he deserves. He has slick technical skills, so he would be able to put on decent matches, he can job to your top guys while he tries to improve his entertainment skills, and he has an awesome mustache! :D


Kid Toma: If I can recall right he has good entertainment skills and some decent in ring skills, and he should have some popularity from the SWF, so IMO he would be a great signing. His default render also looks perfect for a good crazy psycho gimmick.

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As I head toward the pay-per-view card Liberty And Justice, I want to reach out to my readership here for a moment. I want to make a request from my readers. I want to know just who you want to see here in USPW. I want some guys who don't get the normal diary love like Steve Flash or Fumihiro Ota. I want guys who are flying under the radar unlike Champagne Lover and Bryan Holmes. You can toss out as many names as you would like. That is not to say that everyone will be used if they are named. Just quote this post so I know that this is what you are discussing. May the names begin.


I've always liked Barry Kingman. Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite make for a good tag addition and Wiley is a good presence backstage. Honest Frank? You could team him up with Caulfield. Oh, and basically anyone other than Gino Montero or Champagne Lover from Mexico. Mr Lucha III for example.


Obviously I don't want to spoil any of 'my' signings so I may or may not have got some of these for my USPW diary :p

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I didn't think Champagne Lover was an under the radar kinda guy? I haven't read many 10 Dynastyies but in 08 he was everybody's go to guy and one of their first hires.


I'd like to see projects guys. As well as Tag Teams. Tenesee Outlaws, The Maryland Alliance, Rock City Stars, Slim V/Sayeed Ali, the FCW Giants (Kennedy and I can't remember)


But I'm a tag team guy so thats just me.

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Lets see... under the radar people for USPW.


Dazzling Dave Diamond (he just seems to fit USPW), Leper Messiah (I think could be fun character to write), Rayne Man (SWF castoff that's young), and The Big Problem (MENACE!) just to name a few.


Now for some under the radar tag teams.


The Good Ol' Boys (they replace the Hillbillies in my game), Rich and Famous (young and somewhat talented), and Natural Storm(a young balanced team).


Hope these ideas help you out and keep up the good work.

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As I head toward the pay-per-view card Liberty And Justice, I want to reach out to my readership here for a moment. I want to make a request from my readers. I want to know just who you want to see here in USPW. I want some guys who don't get the normal diary love like Steve Flash or Fumihiro Ota. I want guys who are flying under the radar unlike Champagne Lover and Bryan Holmes. You can toss out as many names as you would like. That is not to say that everyone will be used if they are named. Just quote this post so I know that this is what you are discussing. May the names begin.


I can't really post as usual (spring quarter South GA Tech, yo!!!) which is why my score is so low. however, I will suggest Jared Johnson for a signing. Johnson's a student of Johnny Bloodstone and best of all he is from NC! Then again, I don't know if he's made a debut yet but he is my suggestion. KUTGW!!

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Rich and Famous : That's a decent young tag team with already an impressive level of experience. I think that's a good team to add depth to any tag division and unless you monster push them, they should be around for quite some time.


Honest Frank : A good veteran to have around. Good basics, good charisma, interesting character.


Regular Joe : This guy deserves a second chance after being booted by FCW. He has jobber written all over himself, but his performance skills are good and has decent star quality, so he should improve his game over time. That's a long term project, both ringwise and charecterwise.


Running Wolf : Come on, an Native American character, that's made for USPW ! Another long term project though.


Sgt Bubba Lee West : I think he'd fit well in your midcard. Just above average in about everything (and super menace!), but it's enough he can hold his own in about every situation. You could use Doom as a mentor for him. He has one hell of a ****ty attitude though.

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I was thinking Eddie Howard (using a alt of him looking like Randy Savage that was made a while ago)


His character is always so much fun for me to write with and I have in one private game managed to make him a USPW World Champion without needlessly pushing him to the moon as he always seems to improve for me.

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Ekuma the Hawaiian Strong Man.

lousy ring skills, but good charisma and A level menace means he is easy to get over.QUOTE]


Ekuma is awesome... Problem is? He's a crappy heel... Which is a shame because he could be amazing as a "Scary" heel... As a face? It's a little tough; the only face "Brute" Gimmick in the default database is a Biker and to be honest? I've not find a way to get a Hawaian Biker into a storyline... Other than that...


DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! You'll find a way... I know you will...


Roger Cage if you can get him before he's signed by a Bigger promotion. He's got great entertainment skills and in USPW he's got a really good chance of getting over.


Dharma Gregg - Why? Because she has entertainment skills and can double up as a manager. Honestly, reading Gambling with the Babes has really proven to me that handled correctly she could be a major asset.

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I'm sitting uncomfortably at the top here and I can easily see me losing the prize to Lexa...still it'll be worth it just to have another three months to get it right :D


Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden

Shake things up a bit by having Belle as champion. Gives the faces of the division a bit of a run then too.

Nicky Champion vs. Jack Griffith

Revenge is sweet, especially as I think Griffith is leaving this PPV bald.

The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury

Towers are the strongest team here I think.

Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez

Distraction by Seduction? That sounds like a band name, but you know what I mean! Could go either way really but things are just getting started.

Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

A similar situation to the TV title in that Flash hasn't had any build up to realistically take the belt. He could win and Valentine keeps the belt but I think keeping the momentum and pop on Valentine is more likely.

Hardcore Match: Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine

Home turf for Caulfield but this is a really hard decision. Unfortunately for me, this could be my downfall!

Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma

Bruce the Giant hasn't held it for long so he isn't going to drop the title. Unfortunately, he isn't the kind to lose in any way shape or form. Champion win.


Plus for one additional bonus point, Guess the identity of The Fourth Horsemen: I really want to say Jack Griffiths, don't ask me why though. I think Caulfield is a swerve so I'm not going for him...Conspicuous in his absence I'm going to have to agree with whoever said James Justice.


I can feel my lead slipping out of my grasp :(


Pay-Per-Fun Sign: "We're gonna' need a stretcher!" and "All it takes is a Sneer for Flash to lose!"

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Just a show update here. I have everything but the last match and then the segment afterward written up so the show will be posted tomorrow. So for those of you who haven't gotten your predictions in, you have 24 hours or less.


Also, thanks a lot to those of you who have put in wrestlers for me to possibly sign. I have done a list of most of them and cross-referenced them with my owner goals first and that eliminated a couple of them and then I looked at who I might want to sign right away and who I could wait to sign. But please know that even if your guy isn't signed right away that doesn't mean that he won't be signed.

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Saturday Week 4 March 2010

Location: Evanovich Riverside Arena (Tri State)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B-

PPV Buyrate: .86

You used Micky Starr far too much on this show.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Anger defeated Rafael Ruiz in 2:07 by pinfall with a Demon Slam...D-


Pre Show: Andre Jones cuts a backstage promo...C-


Pre Show: In an extremely short match, Freddie Datsun defeated Davis Wayne Newton in 4:46 by pinfall with a Patriot Press...D+


Pre Show: Alicia Strong comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C-




[The show opens up backstage upon the big video screen. A door opens slowly and someone walks in that gains a large pop from the crowd...]




[...It's James Justice! Justice shakes hands with a backstage staff member as the announcers sound shocked at seeing him. He hasn't been seen since being beat down by Tyson Baine last month. What a start to the show! Let's head to the ring for our opening match.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg


USPW Women's Title Match

Raven Robinson defends vs. Belle Bryden


[Our opening bout is a title match with Raven Robinson defending the Women's title against Belle Bryden. Raven got a few good shots on Belle early on, sending her outside the ring. Raven backed up in the corner and waited for Belle to re-enter the ring. Raven grabbed her and dropped her with a body slam! The crowd went wild! Raven moved to the top turnbuckle quickly and leaped -- big splash! Raven makes the cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- kickout. The cameras move out to show the crowd for a moment, 10,000 fans strong here in the Tri State area. One particular sign is zoomed in on: 'Have you had your Frosted FORCE Flakes today?'..]


[...Raven got up to cheers from the crowd and bounced off the ropes -- dropkick -- missed! Belle stayed back away from the dropkick and she took control over Raven. She began working over the knee of her opponent, drawing her over to the corner. She rammed Raven's knee against the ringpost! The crowd booed Belle as she looked to them for a moment. Then she turned her attention back to Raven, grabbing her legs for the Blonde Ambition. She leans down and Raven rolls her up in a small package: 1 -- 2 -- kickout! Belle gets to her feet but Raven throws a punch! Raven throws another! Raven gets up and kicks Belle in the gut. She goes for the Night Faller but Belle fights her way out! Belle goes for the eyes and then rolls outside the ring. She grabs the USPW Women's Title belt and slides back in the ring. Referee Eugene Williams threatens her but she pushes him aside and nails Raven with the belt! The DQ is called for immediately but Belle is the one who leaves with the title.]


Winner: Raven Robinson (Via Disqualification @ 7:25)

Match Rating: C






[The big video screen lights up as Eugene checks on Raven and we are shown backstage where Bryan Holmes has been laid out! He is lying on the ground, bleeding from his forehead! Security comes rushing in, trying to help him but he is completely unconcious and cannot answer their questions.]






[in the interview area, Micky Starr is standing by with the number one contender and former Champion Enygma!]


Micky Starr

"Hello everyone. I hope you've been enjoying Liberty And Justice so far. I'm backstage here with the number one contender to the USPW World Title: Enygma. Enygma, you have what many may term as the match to make or break your career tonight as you go one on one with Bruce The Giant. Your thoughts as we head toward that epic match later tonight?"



"Right now, there isn't much left to say, Micky. Last month, Bruce beat me in the center of the ring for my title. This month, I am going to do the same to him. Except this time, I am going to lock my Enygma Variation on him and break his leg!"


[Enygma looks to the camera and then walks off as we head to our second match.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion_jhd.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackGriffith.jpg

Nicky Champion vs. Jack Griffith


[No one that has been following this storyline expected a catch as catch can wrestling style between these two and no one was disappointed as this was a major brawl between these two hated rivals. Nicky took it right to Southern Justice early on and Griffith used the ropes and the referee to distract Nicky and put a thumb to the eye. Griffith took things over and began focusing on the back of Nicky Champion, running his fingers through his hair in a taunt to the now-bald Nicky Champion. Nicky suddenly shot up from the ground and tripped Jack with a double-leg takedown and threw punches from the mount position! Referee Eugene Williams had to draw him off before things got really bad. Nicky definitely didn't look too happy to see a certain sign down at ringside: 'I saw the light! Oh wait. It was just Nicky's head!'...]


[...Things calmed down some but Nicky was in full control. Nicky caught Griffith with a northern light's suplex plus bridge: 1 -- 2 -- kickout! Nicky got to his feet and grabbed Griffith -- pumphandle slam! Nicky went to the top turnbuckle and looked down at the fallen Jack Griffith. He leaped -- Nobody home on the elbow drop! Griffith used the ropes to pull himself up and waited for Nicky to get to his feet. Griffith charged Nicky with a clothesline -- ducked! But the referee didn't duck and he got nailed by Southern Justice! Griffith's eyes went wide and he turned back toward Nicky -- ducked a Hawkeye Hammer! Griffith with a kick to the gut -- hot shot! Griffith rolls out of the ring quickly and moves over to a chair, folding the wooden chair up and sliding back into the ring. Nicky turns toward him -- BAM! Griffith smashed the chair over the head of Nicky Champion! The chair sits around his neck like a necklace and Nicky falls to the mat. Griffith pushes the chair out of the way and revives the referee, making the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! What an upset!]


Winner: Jack Griffith (Via Pinfall @ 10:39)

Match Rating: C+






[We are taken backstage just as we were earlier but this time it is in the locker room of The Jurassic Power! T-Rex is lying on the ground busted open much as Bryan Holmes had been. The EMTs are telling him not to move and it looks like his arm may be twisted the wrong way. The EMTs are looking to set his arm as we head elsewhere, still not knowing who is doing these vicious attacks.]






[And that elsewhere is here in the interview area where Micky Starr is standing by with USPW World Champion Bruce The Giant...]


Micky Starr

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm Micky ---"


[bruce grabs the microphone away from Micky Starr...]


Bruce The Giant

"Give me that! Now, go and run away. Enygma, tonight I get to solve the mysterious riddle of who you are. After I beat you down in the center of the ring and knock you out with my Giant Choke Slam, I am going to grab your mask and remove it for everyone to see. I am going to reveal your ugly face to the world tonight, Enygma and then these idiot fans will know why you're wearing the mask. I just hope that the censors are ready tonight."


[bruce throws his head back and laughs deeply as we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Java.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TribalWarrior.jpg


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Towers of Power defend vs. Savage Fury


[Our USPW World Tag Team Titles encounter is next. Shane Sneer left Savage Fury and went on to manage The Towers of Power who took the titles from The People's Team. But Savage Fury earned this title shot here tonight. This was another sharp brawl from the outset. Danny and Mick made the mistake of going for the head of the Samoans early on and it had no effect on them whatsoever! In fact, Java gave Danny and Mick a double noggin knocker for their credit. Java went for the Greetings From The Island but Mick was able to get out of the way. Eventually, Mick and Danny got frustrated by their opponents and talked it over with Shane Sneer before grabbing their USPW World Tag Team Titles and walking up the ramp, getting intentionally counted out.]


Winners: Savage Fury (Via Countout @ 6:56)

Match Rating: C






[backstage once again with Micky Starr. This time he is standing by with the Hardcore American Chris Caulfield...]


Micky Starr

"Chris, tonight you are in what everyone feels is your environment. This is a hardcore match tonight against Tyson Baine. It seems that there has been someone taking out anyone who might interfere on behalf of Tyson Baine tonight. Do you know anything about that?"


Chris Caulfield

"No, I don't, Micky. I don't need to take out those guys before the match. If they want to come down to the ring then I'm Hardcore and American enough to take on each and every one of them. And you know what? I dislike the fact that you don't think I can do it. This interview is over."


[Chris shakes his head and Micky looks confused as The Hardcore American walks off and, well, we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MainstreamHernandez_alt4.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. James Hernandez


[The crowd wasn't entirely sure how to respond to this match but Darryl made sure that Seduction stayed in his corner and that drew him some initial boos from the audience. These two showed off a fast-paced match unlike what the fans are used to here in USPW. Quick aerial tactics were used and Darryl was sent to the outside by Hernandez. Hernandez quickly bounced off the ropes and hit Devine with a topé outside the ring! The fans got behind Mainstream and he looked toward Seduction, flashing her a smile and pointing toward a sign: 'Devine Seduction...by Mainstream' before he turned his attention back to Devine...]


[...Back inside the ring, Hernandez had been in complete control. He body slammed Devine near the ropes and began climbing to the top! The crowd got on their feet as Hernandez looked down at Devine -- Apparition #14 -- missed! Devine rolled out of the way and the shooting star press caught nothing but mat! The referee began the ten count and got to eight before both men got to their feet. This is when things started to break down in the match as both men were throwing punches and anything they could get their hands on! They both moved outside the ring and got chairs and inside the ring began a dueling chairs bit where the chairs clanged together and referee Baby Jamie had no choice but to throw this match out.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 6:10)

Match Rating: C-


[...But that didn't stop them! They continued to clang their chairs against one another as Seduction entered the ring, trying to reason with them! Hernandez ducked a chair shot and the shot hit Seduction! She was wiped out on the mat by that hard chair shot by Devine. Hernandez bent over to check on her and he got a chair shot to the back by Devine! Devine picked him up and kicked him in the gut -- Devine Dream Drop on the chair! The crowd booed Darryl Devine and he bent over, picking up Seduction. He carried her with him outside the ring and up the ramp to boos from the crowd.]






[The big video screen lit up to show the backstage locker room area of Katie Cameron and Steve Flash. Katie gave Steve a pat on the shoulder and he nodded and they exited the locker room. His match with Peter Valentine is next!]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/PeterValentine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg


USPW National Title Match

Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash


[The bad chemistry bug strikes again! These two did not click inside the ring and it made for perhaps the worst match on the show for the National title. There were several botched spots throughout the match, including Steve Flash falling from the top turnbuckle too early before Valentine could even shake the ropes. As that happened, the focus turned toward a sign: 'All it takes is a Sneer for Flash to lose!' Valentine distracted Flash by making advances toward Katie Cameron, who was having nothing of him. Valentine ducked a Flash punch and rolled him up, using the tights: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Peter Valentine (Via Pinfall @ 5:39)

Match Rating: D






[The big video screen lit up to show the backstage area once again. This time inside the locker room are Chris Caulfield and James Justice already carrying on a conversation...]


Chris Caulfield

"What do you mean you have my back? Are you the one that's been taking out the Four Horsemen members?"


James Justice

"I am doing you a favor, Hardcore Dude. I know better than most how they like to use the numbers game, Dude. But tonight I have your back. Go out there and kick their ass, Chris."


[Chris just slowly nodded and rose to his feet. A pat on the back came from James as he exited the locker room. The Hardcore Match is next!]


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpg

Hardcore Match

Chris Caulfield vs. Tyson Baine


[As the cameras came back to the ringside area, the focus zoomed in on a sign that is definitely some foreshadowing of tonight: 'We're gonna' need a stretcher!' Chris Caulfield was the man who made the entrance first to a rousing ovation from the crowd. He got halfway down the ramp when he was assaulted from behind by Baine! Baine was holding a chair and used it to great affect on Caulfield's back! Caulfield dropped to his knees and Baine smacked him across the back of the head with the chair! Baine picked up Caulfield and dragged him down to the ring, tossing him inside and pointing toward a sign at ringside: 'Tyson Baine: The wrestler who deserve the USPW World Title the most!'. Baine followed him in with the chair, waiting for the Hardcore American to get up. Caulfield slowly staggered to his feet and turned -- chair shot! -- ducked! Caulfield ducked the chair shot and grabbed Baine around the waist -- belly - to - belly suplex! The crowd goes wild as Caulfield grabs the chair and slams it on the mat to gain momentum! Baine slowly pulls himself to his feet and turns toward Caulfield -- chair shot! BOOM! Baine staggers but keeps on his feet! A second chair shot! A third and Baine goes down! Caulfield raises the dented chair to cheers from the crowd...]


[...Several minutes later and Caulfield still has the advantage in a one on one match with Tyson Baine. He has taken to another chair and drops an arabian facebuster on Baine! Baine has been busted open on the forehead and he is bleeding heavily! Caulfield exits the ring and climbs the turnbuckles with the chair pressed against his chest. He leaps -- MISSED! Baine rolled out of the way of the splash and Caulfield hit the mat hard! Baine rolled Caulfield over and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- kickout! Caulfield still has strength from somewhere! Tyson Baine pulled Caulfield to his feet. He hooked The Hardcore American -- Danger Drop! Baine hit Caulfield with his own finisher! The crowd booed as Baine made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- shoulder up! The crowd exploded as Caulfield got the shoulder up! Baine looked angry at that as the minutes passed and he still couldn't put Caulfield away. Finally, he grabbed Caulfield around the throat, setting him up for the Hades Bomb -- REVERSED! Caulfield landed a DDT on a chair from somewhere! The crowd here in the arena exploded as both men lay on the mat. Then boos started up as Bryan Holmes and T-Rex came out from the back wearing bandages over their wounds. They took sides on the ring as Caulfield got to his feet. Caulfield saw them and picked up the chair, ready to fight them. T-Rex tried to climb on the apron and Caulfield ran him down with an attempted chair shot! He did the same to Bryan Holmes but he forgot about Tyson Baine -- BOOM! Boot to the head from behind by Baine! Both Baine and Caulfield are bleeding heavily at this point and in comes Bryan Holmes and T-Rex. The three men surround Caulfield and then the crowd cheers as James Justice comes running from the back, headed toward the ring!...]


[...The crowd reacts with every punch that Justice throws as though they are right inside there with him! He grabs Holmes and tosses him over the top rope! Justice clotheslines Tyson Baine! He hits T-Rex with a dropkick! He brings T-Rex to a corner and climbs up, throwing punches! The crowd counts along to six as Baine comes over and grabs Justice in a power bomb position but Justice throws punches! Baine falls backward with Justice landing on top of him. Behind Justice, Chris Caulfield has picked up a chair. He seems to be measuring someone, banging the chair on the ground. Justice turns around to face Caulfield...]









[...Caulfield nailed Bryan Holmes with the chair to knock him off the apron! Caulfield raises the chair to a wild cheer from the crowd as Justice raises his own arms up, getting the crowd to nearly blow the roof off this joint! Justice points toward Tyson Baine, urging Chris Caulfield to make the cover. Caulfield looks at Justice and then moves in to cover Baine and the crowd counts along with the pinfall:]











[...What the hell?!?!?! James Justice just cracked Chris Caulfield in the back with a chair! The crowd sits in stunned silence as Justice pulls Caulfield to his feet. Caulfield gives Justice the same look that Caeser must have given Brutus when he was stabbed and killed. Justice hooks Caulfield -- Liberation Slam on the chair! Caulfield's body is shaken and rocked to the core as the rest of the Four Horsemen enter the ring. Tyson Baine shakes hands with James Justice and that starts the boos rocking through the arena as loud as the cheers were earlier! Tyson Baine picks up Caulfield, hooking him -- Hades Bomb on the chair! Referee Robbie Sanchez calls for the bell, stopping the match because Chris Caulfield can no longer continue.]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Stoppage @ 11:34)

Match Rating: B-




[...Trash begins to litter the ring as the Four Horsemen stand there together, raising their arms in victory. James points toward Caulfield and Bryan Holmes, who re-entered the ring, picks him up -- Cyclone Shock Kick! T-Rex hits the Extinction! James Justice has an evil-looking sneer on his face as the Four Horsemen celebrate in the ring with trash littering all around them. And just think we still have one match to go!]






[As the ring is cleared from the trash and from the wrestlers inside and Chris Caulfield is taken out on a stretcher, the big video screen lights up to show the history between Bruce The Giant and Enygma. These two have a long and storied history together and tonight it all comes to a head.]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg


USPW World Title Match

Bruce The Giant defends vs. Enygma


[The crowd was already at a fever pitch because of the last match but they nearly exploded when Enygma's music hit and the spotlights began to shine around the arena. They finally caught up to him standing in the rafters amongst his fans. This time, the fan sign he stood beside said: 'Enygma: another giant bites the dust...' Enygma walked down through the crowd to the ring and jumped the guardrail. He moved into his corner and awaited the entrance of the USPW World Champion. The earth moved as Bruce took steps from the back and the crowd booed him heavily as he walked down toward the ring. He stepped over the top rope and stared down at Enygma from his corner, giving his USPW World Title belt to referee Eugene Williams. Eugene showed the belt to Enygma and then held it up. That is what this business is all about. The USPW World Title! The belt was put down at ringside and referee Eugene Williams called for the bell for the match to begin...]


[...The two wrestlers met at the center of the ring, jawwing at one another and standing there for a good photo op to show the difference in size between the two with the 7'4" Bruce standing over a foot taller than Enygma. Bruce sneered down at Enygma and then shoved him with one hand on his head, sending Enygma to the mat hard. Bruce flexed his muscles to boos from the crowd as he stood tall in the center of the ring. Enygma's best bet is to hit and move when it comes to this match. Enygma walked right back up to Bruce and kicked him in the knee! The knee problems of Bruce The Giant are well-documented! Enygma went right after the knee of Bruce The Giant but Bruce managed to grab him by the mask and yank him up -- Giant Headbutt! The Headbutt sent Enygma back down to the mat and Bruce followed up by sending Enygma into the corner. Bruce stalked his prey and then raised his giant leg, choking Enygma in the corner with his foot! The referee began his five count and Bruce broke at four but glared at Eugene, who backed off. Enygma started throwing forearm shots and punches at Bruce from the corner! Bruce mostly shrugged them off and he grabbed Enygma by the throat, setting him on the top turnbuckle! Enygma threw some more punches, managing to break the hold around his throat. He kicked Bruce square in the mouth and then leaped, going for a sunset flip! Bruce managed to stay on his feet. He dropped -- but there was nobody there to break his fall! Enygma had slid out of the way! Enygma bounces off the ropes -- dropkick to the face and Bruce goes down! Enygma races onto a cover:]










[...Bruce tossed Enygma nearly halfway across the ring with his kickout! But Enygma got up faster than Bruce and hit a diving dropkick to the head as Bruce raised it just enough! Enygma then went for the legs! The former Champion stomped away at the legs of Bruce one at a time and then used some kind of power out of nowhere to drag Bruce The Giant over to the corner. Enygma dove out of the ring and pulled Bruce where his legs split on either side of the ring post! Bruce grabbed the ropes to prevent being crotched but felt the BANG! as Enygma wrapped his knee around the ring post! The crowd was stunned and excited by this momentum by Enygma! Enygma grabbed the leg again and did the same thing, wrapping it hard against the ring post! Bruce's face told the story of his pain! Enygma climbed back inside the ring and bounced off the ropes -- rolling thunder! Enygma grabbed Bruce by the shoulders and tried to drag him away from that area but Bruce was holding on to the ropes! Enygma got up and kicked Bruce's arm! Then his other arm! Enygma yanked Bruce as hard as he could, pulling him toward the center of the ring. Enygma made the cover again, hooking the leg:]










[...Bruce won't go down that easily! Enygma looked around and then headed for the turnbuckle. He began climbing up, looking down toward the prone Bruce The Giant. Enygma leaped -- BOOM! As Enygma went for the top rope splash Bruce brought a fist up and punched him hard, knocking Enygma back and actually spilling him out of the ring! The crowd booed and Bruce grabbed the ropes, using them to help pull him to his feet as Enygma recovered outside the ring from that shot. Bruce managed to get to his feet in the corner but he was noticeably limping on one leg. Enygma slid back inside the ring, getting to his feet. He bounced off the ropes -- clothesline! Bruce sent Enygma down hard with that move. He then moved to step on Enygma and as he did his eyes went wide and he went reaching for the ropes. Apparently he twisted his knee on Enygma's body! Bruce fell backward and got tied up in the ropes! The crowd began clapping and cheering their support for Enygma, urging him to get to his feet and take advantage of the situation! Referee Eugene Williams began working out ways to get Bruce free as Enygma got to his feet. Enygma bounced off the ropes, charging toward Bruce -- big boot! Bruce used his good foot up in the air to nail Enygma as he came in. The referee got Bruce free and Bruce made the cover:]










[...Bruce growled and looked to be in intense pain as he made his way to his feet. Bruce picked up Enygma and hit him with a Giant Headbutt! Both men looked exhausted from the fight and both men were in pain! Bruce pulled Enygma to his feet again and scooped him up for a body slam but Enygma fell back behind Bruce! Enygma grabbed the good leg of Bruce, twisting it and Bruce fell to the mat, unable to support himself on only one leg. Enygma switched over to the bad leg and the crowd got on their feet as he began hooking in the Enygma Variation! As Enygma looked to lock on the Enygma Variation, a sign was picked up at ringside: 'Bruce The Giant will never tap to Enygma!' He almost got it -- almost -- Bruce kicks him off before he can get it hooked! Enygma comes right back and gets caught around the throat! Bruce somehow makes it to his feet and lifts Enygma -- GIANT CHOKE SLAM! The move connected but sent both men down to the mat. Bruce crawls over and makes the cover as horrified fans look on:]










Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 10:09)

Match Rating: B-


[somehow, someway Bruce The Giant has walked away with a defense of his USPW World Title! The crowd boos the result, littering the ring again with trash as Bruce is announced as the winner. Bruce is handed the belt by referee Eugene Williams and he staggers into a corner, raising it up to boos from the crowd. That's all we got tonight at Liberty And Justice! We'll see you this Wednesday, fans!]

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Three people got 5/8 this week, which was the highest as several matches definitely seemed to swerve everyone. Congratulations to Wrestling Century, BHK1978 and mcorey!




1. jhd1=72 Wins

2. BHK1978=69 Wins

3. Lexa90=68 Wins

4. Wrestling Century=66 Wins

5. bgbuff=58 Wins

6. xopher316=48 Wins

7. BYU 14=47 Wins

8. critical-23=43 Wins

9. TheStroke7=39 Wins

10. Kainlock=37 Wins

11. FlameSnoopy=30 Wins

12. supershot=19 Wins

13. KingOfKings=14 Wins

14. mad5226=13 Wins

Bolton=13 Wins

16. Boltinho=12 Wins

17. Jaded=8 Wins

Dragonmack=8 Wins

19. ECW 2.0=7 Wins

20. PoisonedSuperman=6 Wins

Bigpapa42=6 Wins

22. trypio=5 Wins

mcorey=5 Wins

24. Gigas=4 Wins

Eisen-verse=4 Wins

SWF Fan=4 Wins

TakerNGN74=4 Wins

28. Huntman=3 Wins


Congratulations to jhd1 for winning the first prediction contest of this diary! It was a close race throughout but he managed to pull it off. jhd1, expect something in your pm box very soon for your prize. As of the next card, all the prediction amounts will be reset and begin again for another 3 months!


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 1 April 2010


Non Title: Raven Robinson vs. Cherry Bomb

The Hillbillys vs. Giant Redwood and A Partner Selected By Queen Emily

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Des Davids

Savage Fury vs. Anger and Jumbo Jackson

Brendan Idol and Rafael Ruiz vs. The Titans

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Nicky Champion vs. James Justice


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Non Title: Raven Robinson vs. Cherry Bomb

The Hillbillys vs. Giant Redwood and A Partner Selected By Queen Emily

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Des Davids

Savage Fury vs. Anger and Jumbo Jackson

Brendan Idol and Rafael Ruiz vs. The Titans

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Nicky Champion vs. James Justice

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Non Title: Raven Robinson vs. Cherry Bomb

The Hillbillys vs. Giant Redwood and A Partner Selected By Queen Emily

Davis Wayne Newton vs. Des Davids

Savage Fury vs. Anger and Jumbo Jackson

Brendan Idol and Rafael Ruiz vs. The Titans

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Steve Flash

Nicky Champion vs. James Justice



Des Davids: Former Football Star and Current USPW Star!

Justice for nobody!

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