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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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Week 3 June 2010...




[...With Eric Tyler signed to a contract last Friday night, things are definitely looking up for us here in USPW. Our plans for a big event this Wednesday on American Wrestling are coming true to form. We should have two main event style matches when James Justice takes on Bruce The Giant and Tyson Baine faces Enygma for Enygma's USPW World Title. But I did not expect to be blindsided slightly this morning. I had taken a call last evening from Bryan Holmes and was asked to meet him this morning for breakfast. I headed to a local Waffle House where we agreed to meet and I was taken by surprise when there was not only Bryan Holmes there...]




[...Davis Newton was there as well. This definitely struck me as odd. I headed over to the table they had gotten and shook hands with them both...]


The Masked Avatar

"Good morning guys. What's going on?"


[...I sat down across from the two of them and looked across the table, waiting for an answer...]


Davis Wayne Newton

"Good morning, Avatar. Hope you don't mind me sitting in on this since it involves both of us."


The Masked Avatar

"Since I don't know what 'this' is I will have to take your word for it, Davis. What's doing, guys?"


Bryan Holmes

"We each received a couple of phone calls last night. Up in Canada, North of the Border Pro Wrestling is looking to fortify its position as the top company in Canada and maybe make a move for a higher standing of importance within the world. We each received phone calls from Dan Stone and Victoria Stone trying to determine our interest in coming and working for them on written deals."


[...Alright, I was blindsided. As the waitress came over to take my order, I just shook my head to show I was not ready to order. At least the mask somewhat hides my shocked reaction...]


Davis Wayne Newton

"You know that my first love is Canada. Though I was trained here by Rip Chord, I've really only ever worked in Canada. So I think I am going to take the deal and sign a contract working for the Stones."


[...I nodded and my eyes moves to Bryan...]


Bryan Holmes

"I don't know what I am going to do in all honesty. USPW has been very good to me since I was let go back in late January by PGHW. You know my feelings on Sadistharu. But I am Canadian and I am 39 years old. Going back to Canada might be the best thing for me. But I also think that Dan might be looking to wreck your next pay-per-view since I am scheduled to be in the main event against Enygma. I am just going to need a little time to think about where I want to be right now."


[...I nodded. What else could I do? I wanted Bryan to stay with me. But I want to make sure his heart is in it as well. I stood up, suddenly not in the frame of mind to eat...]


The Masked Avatar

"Bryan, you keep in touch with me and let me know what you decide. Davis, I'm sorry to lose you but I understand."


[...I shook their hands again and somewhat stumbled out of there. Yeah, this was a total blindside. If Bryan signs a written deal before Saturday then I've lost my pay-per-view main event.]

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Alright, wrestling fans, I have decided on another bit of a change in the schedule of when I am posting the cards. For both my USPW and my NWA diaries, I have decided not to specifically make the schedule to be on any certain day. I have made the decision that when I finish the card writeup, then I will put out the 24 hour warning. On the positive side, this means that instead of just 2 cards a week, we could possibly see up to 4 cards per week: 2 on each diary. On the negative side, it means that if I have a particularly busy week then we could see 0, 1 or 2 cards during the week. But I feel that this is the best way to do things so that I am not locked into a specific schedule plus people get time to predict. But you will also receive some backstage story as well, enough that I hope it will whet your whistle.


That being said, this is the 24 hour warning for this USPW American Wrestling card. So far I have received predictions from:









Hyde Hill


Marcel Fromage



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Alright, wrestling fans, I have decided on another bit of a change in the schedule of when I am posting the cards. For both my USPW and my NWA diaries, I have decided not to specifically make the schedule to be on any certain day. I have made the decision that when I finish the card writeup, then I will put out the 24 hour warning. On the positive side, this means that instead of just 2 cards a week, we could possibly see up to 4 cards per week: 2 on each diary. On the negative side, it means that if I have a particularly busy week then we could see 0, 1 or 2 cards during the week. But I feel that this is the best way to do things so that I am not locked into a specific schedule plus people get time to predict. But you will also receive some backstage story as well, enough that I hope it will whet your whistle.


Completely understand that angel, I've often dug myself a hole by putting a deadline on things. Still, as long as the shows keep coming I'm sure we'll all be happy.


But really - who needs a 24 hour warning, not me that's for sure :rolleyes:


Who am I kidding!? :D

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 3 June 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 4,000

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.72

Some of the angles used definitely helped lift the show as a whole.

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


Pre Show: Alicia Strong comes out and fires T-Shirts into the crowd...C+




[The show opens with a pan around the Huntsville Fairgrounds as 4,000 people are filling up the arena and chanting 'USPW, USPW, USPW' at the top of their lungs! A couple of people sitting near the front row, though, are just watching the ring...]




[...That's Shawn Gonzalez and this time he's not alone! The Lone Wolf is sitting beside the man known as The Traditionalist Eric Tyler! What are they both doing here in the Huntsville Fairgrounds?? Might we find out this evening? A fan is sitting behind Shawn, holding up a sign: 'Me + Shawn = Lone Wolves!!!!']




[The chant turns to 'Strong, Strong, Strong' as some familiar music begins to play...]




[...The USPW Owner steps out from the back to a huge crowd ovation! He soaks in the cheers and slaps fives with the fans for a moment before getting down to the ring and sliding inside. He has a microphone in hand so let's hear what the boss has to say...]


Sam Strong

"Listen up, brothers!"


[...Another huge pop for Sam Strong! Strong pauses for a moment, taking in the cheers and adoration...]


Sam Strong

"For the last couple of weeks, this big red-haired dude has been messing in my business. He's been messing with Sam Strong and that's not cool. So last week I made the match. It's signed, sealed and delivered for Americana, brothers: Sam Strong versus Giant Redwood! Redwood, you made the mistake of a lifetime, brother. You think what I did to you at War Games was bad? Just imagine..."


[...Sam is cut off by another presence lumbering his way down toward the ring...]




[...Giant Redwood steps over the top rope to get in the ring and is nearly booed out of the arena! Redwood has a microphone...]


Giant Redwood

"You think that you can stop me, Sam? Is that what you think? You are stepping on the tracks when the train is coming through. This train has red hair and a standing splash that will break your ribs."


[...Sam and Redwood come nearly eye to eye when people burst forth from the locker room. One of those people is Cherry Bomb! Cherry Bomb comes up to Redwood and has him lean down so she can whisper in his ear. Redwood smiles and drops the microphone, exiting the ring with her but still staring down Strong. Strong poses for the crowd for a moment before exiting the ring.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BryanHolmes.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RobertOxford.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg

Bryan Holmes and Darryl Devine vs. Performance Class


[A very interesting and good match to kick things off here on American Wrestling. There were holds and counterholds and near-falls a-plenty just in the beginning of this match. When things settled down, Holmes took control on Flash and brought him over to the corner. Holmes tagged in Devine and Devine threw some good punches to the gut of Flash and then a rake of the eyes! The crowd booed heavily! Devine kicked Flash in the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! Flash came crashing down to the mat and Devine made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Foot on the Ropes!...]


[...Devine got upset and started arguing with referee Jez McArthuer but Holmes was yelling at him to stay on the attack. Devine barely caught up with Flash before he could tag out! Devine dragged Flash back to the center of the ring and went for another kick to the gut -- caught! Flash caught Devine's leg and spun him around -- atomic drop! Flash leaped over and tagged in Oxford! Devine was tagged by Bryan Holmes. Holmes came in and exchanged blows with Oxford. Oxford started to get the advantage and sent Holmes into a corner. Oxford charged in -- Holmes moved! Oxford hit chest-first in the corner and Holmes came up behind him -- Full Nelson -- Final Impact! Holmes held the bridge while Flash's leg was grabbed by someone outside the ring -- it's Danny Rushmore! The referee dropped down: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Holmes and Devine win with a little assistance from Rushmore!]


Winners: Bryan Holmes and Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 10:24)

Match Rating: C+




[The crowd was, of course, unhappy about that outcome. But then the big video screen lit up and the crowd cheered one of their favorites...]




[...Nicky Champion was standing within the interview area...]


Nicky Champion

"Peter Valentine, if you think this is over, then you're gonna be dead wrong at Americana. That is when it's gonna end. It's not gonna end with a heart break. It's not gonna end with you having your hand raised or with you walking away from me and taking a countout. It's gonna end with a hammer."


[...Nicky brought his hands from behind his back, revealing a hammer in his right hand. He threw the hammer at the camera and we faded out to the ring for our next bout.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackGriffith.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_jhdad4.jpg

Top Contender Match, USPW World Television Title

Jack Griffith vs. The Force


[both of these men have not completely been on a roll here in USPW but winning this match would give each of them a leg up as one of these two men will get a TV title shot next week right here on USPW American Wrestling. Jack Griffith was off his game tonight, probably due to some ring rust but he nearly caught The Force with the Jack-in-The-Box early on but The Force managed to get out of it. The Force fired up some momentum and was able to bring Griffith down with a big clothesline and then he hooked him tight -- Full Force! The cover was made: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: The Force (Via Pinfall @ 5:40)

Match Rating: D+


[The Force won the match and the crowd cheered for him but then a video began to play on the big video screen in very Star Wars-esque fashion with the rolling words from the bottom to fade out at the top...]


"When the power of the Force was first born within this world it needed to find someone to take its power. It needed someone strong, someone fierce. It needed someone who would not bend under any pressure. But the power of the Force is two-fold. The power can be used for both good and evil. This had to represented in not just one man but two seperate men who would forever be linked. The first man, the force for good, the power that is righteous was put into a man named Jim. Jim Force. But there is a dark side to the Force. There is a darker entity that lies beneath the surface. This side, however distasteful, had to be represented. The dark side of the Force was put into a man named Travis. Coming soon to USPW: Travis Force."




[...The picture above flashed on the screen and a bolt of lightning struck the top of the ramp as Jim Force looked toward it and just shook his head. He did not want to see it. Jim exited the ring and went running to the back, screaming and covering his eyes.]




[As Jim headed to the back, everything returned to normal and the big video screen lit up showing the backstage interview area with a new camera there...]




[...The camera had to pan upward to take in the face of one of the tallest and best athletes that USPW has to offer: Bruce The Giant!...]


Bruce The Giant

"Tyson Baine, you and I have been on the same side but we have never fought one on one here in USPW until we will meet at Americana. People call you a demon and that's fine. But you have to understand that you are facing a real, live, fire-breathing giant! At Americana, you are going to be the next person to look up at the lights after falling victim to my Giant Choke Slam! But, James, don't think that I've forgotten about you. No, tonight, you have my attention and my focus and that is a very bad thing for you. Tonight, you can try to run all you want but when my hand wraps around your throat and you get lifted into the air you better say your prayers because when you hit that mat there won't be anymore air left in your body! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"


[...Bruce makes the chokeslam sign and we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Java.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones© defends vs. Java


[A matchup that the crowd really doesn't seem to care about at all as Andre defends his USPW World Television Title against the Savage Fury member Java. Java gets in a few good headbutts early but once Jones starts getting momentum he doesn't stop. Despite having a hard head, Java takes the brunt end of the Blast From The Past Piledriver and can't sustain that head injury as Jones makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The 16th title defense for Andre Jones since the start of the new year!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 5:49; Andre Jones retains the USPW World Television Title)

Match Rating: D-




[The announcers talk about how something is going on backstage and the big video screen lights up just in time to see a body thrown against a wall...]




[...Enygma and Bryan Holmes are doing battle backstage! Enygma bounces off the wall and comes back with a clothesline for Holmes! Holmes trips Enygma with a leg sweep and then mounts him, throwing punches! Security steps in, pulling Holmes back and also holding Enygma back! These two men will go one on one at Americana with the USPW World Title on the line!]




[As security pulls those other two apart, we are taken to the interview area...]




[...Where James Justice is standing by, eliciting boos from the crowd!]


James Justice

"In a little over a week, the talking here backstage will be over. Chris Caulfield, the Hardcore American, can say whatever he wants about what he thinks he's doing to do to me. But when he gets in that ring, he's in my world, DUDES! My world doesn't have chairs. It doesn't have baseball bats. It doesn't have all those other hardcore essentials that Chris uses in some other matches. My world is inside the wrestling ring doing what I do best: wrestle. So, Chris, get ready to enter my world at Americana."


[...James gives his trademark smirk to the camera and then it's back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TheMaskedAvatar.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg

The Masked Avatar vs. Chris Caulfield


[A very good, albeit short match that was a domination for the Hardcore American. Caulfield must have heard what Justice had to say because he kept this match inside the ring and didn't try to use any of the hardcore implements that he is known for. He caught Avatar with the Danger Drop in the center of the ring and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Pinfall @ 3:44)

Match Rating: C




[The crowd cheered the victory by Chris Caulfield and then the big video screen lit up and they cheered more...]




[...Enygma stood within the interview area again this week and stared out at the camera. He leaned to one side and then to another side. He ran his hand over his mask for a moment. Then he pointed to the belt around his waist and made the 'belt' motion. He nodded and turned, walking off and we headed back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_jhd2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg

James Justice vs. Bruce The Giant


[This match could have been a main event match anywhere in the world but it's on next-to-last here tonight, trumped by a title match. James Justice made Bruce give chase early on in the bout, using his better conditioning against the bigger athlete to wear him down. Justice, then, turned his attention to the knees of Bruce The Giant and it was a leg trip that managed to get Bruce onto the mat. Everyone knows that Bruce's knees have been giving him trouble here lately so they are the perfect target for Justice's assault. Justice tries to wrap on the Figure 4 Leglock but he's having a hard time getting it onto Bruce's tree trunk-like legs! Bruce throws a punch! A second one! A third one knocks Justice to the mat!...]


[...Bruce pushed his way to his feet, as did James Justice! Justice went right back over but was caught with a clothesline! Bruce grabbed Justice and whipped him hard into the turnbuckle! Justice bounced out of the turnbuckle, staggering and Bruce picked him up off the mat, placing him on his shoulder! Bruce took a few steps -- running powerslam! All that weight came crashing down on Justice's body! Bruce got up and made the Choke Slam motion! He waited for Justice to slowly get to his feet -- GOOZLED! Justice's throat is covered by that hand of Bruce The Giant! Bruce raises Justice high in the air -- he holds him up there, getting the crowd on their feet -- GIANT CHOKE SLAM! Bruce just about drove James Justice through the mat! Bruce makes a cover, hooking the leg: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 8:25)

Match Rating: C+




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg


USPW World Title Match

Tyson Baine gets a shot vs. Enygma©


[The crowd was extremely pumped from that last match and we're not done yet! Not done by a long shot! Tyson Baine made his entrance for his USPW World Title shot. His opponent at Americana just defeated James Justice so Baine does NOT want Bruce to have a one up on him tonight. The lights dimmed and the crowd went wild as spotlights shone all around the arena before focusing in on just one area! The USPW World Champion Enygma is standing within the crowd beside a sign reading: 'Enygma: Demon slayer....' The popular masked wrestler stepped through the crowd as they parted for him and he headed down toward the ring. Enygma slipped into the ring where he was immediately assaulted by Tyson Baine without even getting the chance to remove the belt!...]


[...Baine covered Enygma with forearm shots and then he rammed his head into the turnbuckle. Baine dropped Enygma with a body slam and then pulled the belt off from around his waist and began whipping the Champion with his own belt! Referee Jez McArthuer threatened Baine with a DQ and then took the belt and called for the bell to start the match. Baine picked up Enygma and whipped him into the ropes -- big boot! Enygma's head snapped back as he hit the mat and the crowd booed! Baine made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd cheered at the kickout by Enygma. Baine just got to his feet and picked up his smaller opponent. He sent Enygma to the ropes again -- Sidewalk Slam! Enygma hit the mat once again and Baine got to his feet. Baine bounced off the ropes -- elbow drop! Enygma is in a bad way here, folks!...]


[...Baine continued the assault on Enygma, picking him up and wrapping his big arms around the Champion with a bear hug! Baine looked to squeeze the life out of Enygma! Enygma shook his head when asked if he wanted to give up. Referee Jez McArthuer checked with Enygma again and he didn't get an answer. McArthuer reached for the arm of Enygma -- it dropped once -- it dropped twice -- it dropped three -- NO! The crowd chanting and clapping gave Enygma the strength to keep that arm in the air! Enygma threw some punches on Baine! Baine struggled to keep the hold on but a fifth punch by Enygma finally made him break the hold! Clothesline by Baine -- ducked! Legsweep by Enygma -- Connected! Baine was taken down by the legsweep and a kick to the head by Enygma!...]


[...Enygma got to his feet and grabbed the leg of Tyson Baine, who looked like he might be gassed, having expended so much energy early on! Enygma dragged the leg over to the ring post and then slid out of the ring! He brought the leg back -- WHAM! He hit the ankle of Baine against the ring post! The look on Baine's face told the story of the pain he is in! Enygma slid back inside the ring and bounced off the ropes -- legdrop! Enygma pulled Baine to the center of the ring -- Enygma Variation! Enygma locked in his finisher and the crowd went wild! Tyson Baine reached for the ropes -- too far away! Baine held on, trying to kick at Enygma with his other foot but he couldn't get the right angle. Baine -- submits! Baine gave it up!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 8:11; Enygma retains the USPW World Title)

Match Rating: B-


[...Enygma released the hold and referee Jez McArthuer held up his arm! A great victory for the USPW World Champion and what a way to end the show. Wait -- there's more! A figure stepped out from the back and began running toward the ring...]




[...Bryan Holmes slid inside and the fight was on between him and Enygma! Punches were exchanged! Holmes tripped Enygma and the two began rolling around on the mat, trying to get the top position. The locker room exploded with people heading to the ring to seperate these two! We'll see you next week!]

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Wow! Talk about a predictable card! Almost everyone got 6/6! Those who didn't got 5/6! Congratulations to MichiganHero, BHK1978, SWF Fan, bgbuff, jhd1, juggaloninjalee and critical-23!




1. SWF Fan=75 Wins

2. BHK1978=73 Wins

critical-23=73 Wins

4. bgbuff=70 Wins

5. Lexa90=68 Wins

6. jhd1=67 Wins

7. xopher316=62 Wins

8. BYU 14=59 Wins

9. Dragonmack=44 Wins

10. Marcel Fromage=41 Wins

11. Wrestling Century=39 Wins

12. mcorey=30 Wins

13. MichiganHero=17 Wins

14. The Mystery=16 Wins

15. tristram=8 Wins

Hyde Hill=8 Wins

17. Astil=6 Wins

juggaloninjalee=6 Wins

19. Bigpapa42=5 Wins

smurphy1014=5 Wins

21. MrOnu=4 Wins

eayragt=4 Wins


Welcome to juggaloninjalee for his first predictions in this contest!


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


June is, of course, the last month in this wave of the prediction contest and we have a tight race at the top!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 4 June 2010


Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash


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I suppose now is as good a time as any to start predicting.:D


Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash

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Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash

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Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash

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Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash

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Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash


Fans signs: Truely Devine- Enygma...

You don't know the power of the Travis Force....

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Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash

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Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash

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Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

James Justice vs. Steve Flash

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Travis Force: Jim...I am your father :p


Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

Were it someone other than Bruce I'd say a win for Redwood could be a good thing before his match with Strong. But it's not, and Bruce isn't going to job to Jethro...is he!?

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

Debut of Travis? DQ win for Jimbo seems the most likely outcome.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Could be either - flipped a coin.

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Not much point having Enygma lose just before a big PPV.

James Justice vs. Steve Flash

Can't see Flash winning, although his match last week was a bit of a hit!

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Probably THE easiest card to date, yo!!


Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant

Redwood?! Really??


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. The Force

Travis Force will make the difference here.

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team

Des needs a single run.


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Enygma

Poor Devine.


James Justice vs. Steve Flash

Justice has more going for him as a heel and is still a favorite to win most of his matches simply because he was THE biggest face in USPW.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 June 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds

Attendance: 3,847

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.76

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


[Welcome everyone to USPW American Wrestling! The cameras pan around the Huntsville Fairgrounds, showing the fans and focusing in on a sign: 'Where is Al the Hillbilly?' Danny Jillefski and Micky Starr here and we're starting things early as one of our Champions walks out from the back to boos from the crowd...]




[...Belle Bryden steps out, holding up the USPW Women's Title belt! The crowd booed wildly but Belle ignored them and went right down to the ring, slipping inside and taking a microphone...]


Belle Bryden

"None of you hicks here in Huntsville deserve to see a woman as beautiful as me but you can get a good look at what none of you will ever have."


[...The boos increase...]


Belle Bryden

"And I cannot believe that they are forcing me into some twisted bikini contest later on tonight. None of you deserve to see me in that but you all know that I am the most beautiful, talented women's wrestler in USPW. There is no one else that can even match me in the..."


[...Belle's words are cut off by the presence of her challenger at Americana...]




[...Alicia Strong walks down to the ring and slides inside. She looks at Belle and then charges her! Alicia trips Belle Bryden to the mat and the two begin a catfight in the ring! There's hair pulling and nails scratching! Belle finally gets out of the ring and Alicia gets up to one knee staring at her! These two will meet inside the ring at Americana for the Women's Title but they will also be in the ring tonight along with Raven Robinson in a threeway bikini contest!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/GiantRedwood.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg

Giant Redwood vs. Bruce The Giant


[This match fell flat on its face as the opening bout here on American Wrestling. The bad chemistry bug showed itself and neither man seemed to want to sell too much for the other. Bruce managed to end things when he somehow dropped Redwood with a Giant Choke Slam! He made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 5:14)

Match Rating: D+


[...Bruce rose to his feet, raising his arms but he was immediately attacked from behind...]




[...Tyson Baine turned Bruce around and kicked him in the gut before grabbing him around the throat! Baine choked Bruce into the corner and Giant Redwood got to his feet slowly to join in the attack. Redwood and Baine grabbed Bruce around the throat together, looking at each other. Then the crowd cheered as another figure came running down to the ring...]




[...Sam Strong hit the ring with a chair in hand! He nailed Baine with the chair. He nailed Redwood! Bruce recovered and tossed Baine out of the ring and a double clothesline from Sam and Bruce had Redwood go over the top rope to the floor! Sam and Bruce stood tall in the ring together! What a way to open the show!]




[As Sam and Bruce celebrated, a disturbance was shown within the crowd as two men started to come down the steps in the crowd toward the front row...]




[...Just what are Shawn Gonzalez and Eric Tyler doing here? We still haven't found that out. Maybe we'll find out tonight.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_jhdad3.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Andre Jones defends vs. The Force


[Another match that the fans weren't really into. Andre Jones got a few boos here and there and The Force got a smattering of cheers from those in the audience who are Forcemaniacs. The Force hit Andre with a big clothesline and then he picked him up in a press slam, dropping him to the mat behind him! The Force called for the Full Force when the lights started flickering. The Force paused and looked around as colored smoke began to appear around the ringside area. A fan held up a sign: 'You don't know the power of the Travis Force....' The picture of Travis Force appeared on the big video screen as Andre Jones started to recover inside the ring. The Force turned back to him and got caught with a kick to the gut -- Blast From The Past Piledriver! Jones made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 6:20)

Match Rating: D+




[The crowd booed heavily as Andre got his 17th title defense this year. The announcers informed everyone that another fight has broken out backstage...]




[...Bryan Holmes and Enygma are exchanging blows in the hallway! Holmes picks up Enygma and body slams him onto a table! Holmes throws some forearm shots and then climbs onto the table as officials come running in, telling Holmes not to do it. Holmes set up Enygma for a DDT but Enygma tripped him up! The two threw punches on top of the table and officials stepped in and broke things up.]




[back inside the ring, the crowd is booing as someone has walked out and is standing in the middle of the ring...]




[...Greg Gauge took a look around for a moment, holding a microphone...]


Greg Gauge

"All of you ignorant people within the crowd need to shut your mouths and listen to what Greatness has to say."


[...The boos get even louder...]


Greg Gauge

"In less than one full week, you are going to get to see Greatness stand within the ring live and on pay-per-view and beat down some former football player named Des Davids. Des, you are just a stepping stone. You are a stepping stone on my way to the top and my eventual defeat of Enygma for the USPW World Title. Des, you are going to learn why you should never step foot in the ring with me and that reason is purely because I'm greatness and you're not."


[...Greg dropped the microphone and exited the ring to boos from the crowd...]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DannyRushmore.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/MickMuscles.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DesDavids.jpg


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The Towers of Power defend vs. The People's Team


[speaking of Des Davids, he has a shot to win back the USPW World Tag Team Titles here along with Freddie Datsun. This one was a pretty good match between these four men. Rushmore and Muscle used several double-team moves, including a double flapjack on Davids. Muscles made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! A rear chinlock by Muscles had the crowd getting behind the former football player. Davids fought his way back up to his feet and dropped Muscles with a belly-to-back suplex! Both men lie on the mat for a moment and then started crawling toward their corners. Muscles tagged in Rushmore and Davids tagged in Datsun!...]


[...Rushmore went for a clothesline and Datsun ducked, throwing punches to Danny Rushmore! He swung around and floored Mick Muscles as Muscles entered the ring. Datsun whipped Rushmore into the turnbuckle and followed him in, rising up and throwing punches. Bet you can guess how many! Greg Gauge came out from the back and got the attention of Des Davids and the referee. Davids turned and began walking toward Greg Gauge as Freddie Datsun lifted Danny Rushmore onto his shoulders. Suddenly, Datsun fell to the mat! He got a belt shot from behind by Andre Jones! Rushmore pushed his way to his feet -- Atomic Boot! Rushmore made the cover as Des Davids chased Greg Gauge to the back! The referee turned around: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Towers of Power (Via Pinfall @ 8:12)

Match Rating: C




[The crowd booed the win by Rushmore and Muscles. They booed even more when the big video screen lit up and showed the National Champion...]




[...Peter Valentine is shown there looking toward the camera...]


Peter Valentine

"In just a few short days, I will be defending this USPW National Title against some little punk named Nicky Champion. Nicky, can't you see that I am the Chosen One? This title might as well be called the Peter Valentine National Title. When we step into the ring at Americana, you are going to learn why I am the Chosen One. You are going to learn that I have all the power in this business. You are going to have your heart broken."


[...Peter raises the belt and we head back to the ring...]




[Once back within the ring area, three women are standing there along with the announcer. It's time for the bikini contest!...]




[...Alicia, Raven and Belle each get thirty seconds to wow the crowd in their bikinis. Belle's is not very revealing, Raven's is more revealing and Alicia's is the most revealing of all, having parents cover their kids' eyes in the audience! After each woman has their turn, the winner is announced as being...Alicia Strong! Belle and Raven look upset about that but for once nothing bad happens. Will Alicia be able to do the same at Americana?]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DarrylDevine.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma.jpg

Non Title

Darryl Devine vs. Enygma


[A non title match here that you can bet that Darryl Devine plans to make the most of. Devine and Seduction made their entrance to boos from the crowd and then it was time for the usual Enygma introduction. The lights flashed all around until focusing in on one area and that is where the USPW World Champion stands. Enygma points to a sign beside him: 'Truely Devine- Enygma...' He looks a little worse for wear after the battle that he had with Bryan Holmes backstage but he makes it down to the ring and slides inside. Devine is right on him immediately with knees to the ribs and forearm shots to the back. Devine picks him up and hooks him -- vertical suplex! Devine floats over into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd cheered at the kickout by Enygma! Devine tossed Enygma out of the ring and then got the attention of referee Baby Jamie. Seduction came over and put a few kicks to the ribs of Enygma to boos from the crowd. She blew him a taunting kiss and then Devine bounced off the ropes -- cross body outside to the floor by Darryl Devine onto Enygma! What a move!...]


[...Devine spent the next few minutes in control to boos from the crowd. He played to the crowd for a moment when he had Enygma down and the crowd booed him even more even as Seduction cheered him on. Devine waited until Enygma got up to his feet and then bounced off the ropes -- bicycle kick -- NO! Enygma moved out of the way and grabbed Devine -- neckbreaker! What a counter by the USPW World Champion! Enygma grabbed the leg of Devine on the mat and brought an elbow down on the ankle! Enygma worked the ankle of his opponent, sliding Devine over toward a turnbuckle. Devine tried to fight it but Enygma held on. Devine motioned him not to do it but Enygma rammed his ankle into the ring post! Devine's eyes went wide with pain! Enygma entered the ring and picked up Devine -- fallaway slam! Enygma grabbed the leg -- Enygma Variation! Devine tried to fight again and again, not willing to give up. Devine reached for the ropes, reached for Seduction, reached for anything but he was too far away! Devine finally had to give up! What a hard-fought win by our Champ!]


Winner: Enygma (Via Submission @ 8:11)

Match Rating: B-




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_jhd2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/KatieCameron.jpg

James Justice vs. Steve Flash


[Just imagine, we still have this one match to go! The crowd was definitely pumped after what occured just moments before with Darryl Devine coming close to beating our USPW World Champion. James Justice came out to boos from the crowd. Justice looked over to where Shawn Gonzalez and Eric Tyler were sitting and just gave them a smile as he entered the ring. Gonzalez and Tyler didn't react. Steve Flash got cheers from the crowd when he came out along with his manager Katie Cameron. This match started out with some good catch-as-catch-can wrestling action. The two men traded holds on the mat and wrestled to three straight stalemates with both men ending up on their feet. The audience applauded the wrestling action...]


[...Steve Flash started to clap his hands and get the crowd pumped as the two men circled. Justice took control with a forearm shot and a knee to the gut. He brought Flash over with a snap suplex that had Flash holding his back afterward. The crowd began a 'DUDE' chant that had Justice covering his ears and being distracted by the audience. Justice came back over to Flash and Flash rolled him up in a small package: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Justice got up quickly and was dropped again by a drop toehold. Flash moved quickly into a front facelock on Justice and wrenched it in tight on the mat. Flash's head was right down beside Justice's as he wrenched in the hold but Justice was not about to give up. Justice managed to get turned onto his back and he flipped free of the hold into a mounted position on Flash! Justice threw several punches to the face that the referee warned him about. Justice got back up to his feet and yelled out at the crowd and they yelled back at him. Justice came back over to Flash and picked him up -- vertical suplex -- he holds on -- a second vertical suplex -- a third vertical suplex! Flash is down and Justice makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Justice spent the next several minutes still in control over Steve Flash. He body slams Flash to the mat and then bounces off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSS -- DUDE KNEE DROP -- Blocked! Steve Flash caught the knee! Flash brings Justice to the mat and hooks on a Scorpion Deathlock! The crowd rises to their feet! What a counter by Flash! Justice reaches for the ropes but Flash pulls him to the center of the ring! Flash leans back on the hold but Justice refuses to submit! Referee Jez McArthuer is right there to ask James Justice if he wants to give up! Justice shakes his head but his eyes show the tremendous amount of pain that he is in! Flash leans back even further as Katie Cameron cheers him on from ringside! Justice pushes and crawls toward the ropes. Flash struggles to resist. Justice raises his hand -- he brings it down -- on the bottom rope! Justice made it to the ropes and the referee calls for the break! Flash releases the hold and claps his hands, getting the crowd ready as he looks toward Justice. Justice is slow to get to his feet, using the ropes to help him up. Justice slowly turns -- grabbed by Flash -- Flash Ba -- No! Justice managed to land on his feet and wiggle out of the grasp of Steve Flash! Clothesline -- ducked! Justice hooks Flash -- Liberation Slam! Steve Flash got planted! Justice crawls over into the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 17:07)

Match Rating: B-


[...Now that was a hard-fought victory for James Justice! But he got the win and some momentum heading into Americana. Speaking of Americana...]




[...Chris Caulfield comes dashing out from the back and hits the ring! Caulfield and Justice exchange punches! Caulfield starts getting the better of Justice as the fresher man! Caulfield goes for the Danger Drop but Justice wiggles free and slides out of the ring. The two men stare at each other as Justice points to his head. These two men will meet inside the ring at Americana on Saturday night! We'll see you there!]

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Another predictable card here. Everyone either got 5/5 or 4/5. Congratulations to Bull, SWF Fan, BHK1978, Lexa90, MichiganHero and critical-23!




1. SWF Fan=80 Wins

2. BHK1978=78 Wins

critical-23=78 Wins

4. bgbuff=74 Wins

5. Lexa90=73 Wins

6. jhd1=71 Wins

7. xopher316=66 Wins

8. BYU 14=59 Wins

9. Dragonmack=48 Wins

10. Marcel Fromage=41 Wins

11. Wrestling Century=39 Wins

12. mcorey=30 Wins

13. MichiganHero=22 Wins

14. The Mystery=16 Wins

15. Hyde Hill=12 Wins

16. tristram=8 Wins

17. Astil=6 Wins

juggaloninjalee=6 Wins

19. Bigpapa42=5 Wins

smurphy1014=5 Wins

Bull=5 Wins

22. MrOnu=4 Wins

eayragt=4 Wins


Welcome to Bull for his first predictions in this contest!


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


June is, of course, the last month in this wave of the prediction contest and we have a tight race at the top!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Saturday Week 4 June 2010


Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Greg Gauge vs. Des Davids

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Giant Redwood vs. Sam Strong

James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma


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Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

double DQ


USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun


Greg Gauge vs. Des Davids


USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

payback for your girlfriend schlepping around in a skimpy bikini last week


USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion


Giant Redwood vs. Sam Strong


James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield


USPW World Title Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma

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Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun

Greg Gauge vs. Des Davids

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Giant Redwood vs. Sam Strong

James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma

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Tyson Baine vs. Bruce The Giant-

USPW World Television Title Match: Andre Jones defends vs. Freddie Datsun- I hate to say it but Andre's ran his course as champion there and needs moving up in my opinion

Greg Gauge vs. Des Davids

USPW Women's Title Match: Belle Bryden defends vs. Alicia Strong

USPW National Title Match: Peter Valentine defends vs. Nicky Champion

Giant Redwood vs. Sam Strong

James Justice vs. Chris Caulfield

USPW World Title Match: Bryan Holmes gets a shot vs. Enygma



EDIT: This is the first time this has been done by me but I spent all last night going over why the match would end as a double DQ and I just can't see Bruce losing as I feel the next target for him would be James Justice. Wheras Baine could get Caulfield and hopefully Andre can feud with Nicky.So I changed my ope thats ok :o

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I suppose now is as good a time as any to start predicting.:D


Always good to have another USPW afficionado on board! Thanks for your predictions and I hope you enjoy the cards and all.


I like Travis Force that is an awsome idea and I can't wait to see what you do with it.


Glad you like that idea! jhd1 did up the alt and did a very good job on it. I definitely have plans for it, which also means more promo time for Jim Force!


Travis Force: Jim...I am your father :p


LOL! I thought about that too. Though it would be more like: Jiiiim...I am your brother!


Probably THE easiest card to date, yo!!


It definitely seems like one of the easier cards to predict, considering how well everyone did on it. Hopefully, the pay-per-view is a little more difficult.


Can't believe how well I'm doing with this diary prediction...amazing


As is the writing as always Angel, simply a great read :)


You've done really well! Now, if you can just keep it up with the pay-per-view you will end the contest on top and get a prize!


Glad you've enjoyed the writing, though. I always wonder if I write enough or good enough, especially on the matches.

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