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USPW: A Slow Ride To The Top

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[The wind was blowing hard on the New Year's Eve day. I hoped it wasn't an omen of things to come within the future, especially not this evening. I had received a phone call earlier in the day from James Justice reminding me about the party tonight. I told him that I knew about it and I would be there. I had been told to arrive early by Sam Strong so I drove over to his house and he directed me to park my car behind the house so that no one would be tipped off by it. I stepped inside the house and shot the **** for a few minutes with Sam and then headed off to the bathroom. After finishing and adjusting my mask, I opened the door to find...]




The Masked Avatar

"Alicia, oh, hi. How ya feeling?"


Alicia Strong

"Better thanks. I just wanted to thank you for the other night, Avatar. You really saved me. I don't know what I was thinking."


[i just smiled and nodded.]


The Masked Avatar

"No problem, Alicia. I'm just glad you're feeling better."


[i was taken by surprise when she hugged me. She flashed me a smile and then walked away to the living room. I got a signal from Sam to stay put. Apparently some of the wrestlers and staff had begun to arrive. I could hear Bruce's booming voice. I could also hear Jethro and Danny talking. Jethro of course is better known as Giant Redwood in the promotion. I leaned against the hall in the hallway as the voices became louder and louder and I took in a breath. Either they'd give me a chance to run the backstage area or they wouldn't. It would be up to their reaction to me. Suddenly, Sam's voice spoke up above all others, even Bruce's.]


Sam Strong

"Thanks for coming everyone. As you all know, this is an annual event here in the USPW ranks. It's a time when we can all get together and relax and get energized for the next year. Speaking of the next year, Shane has something he would like to inform everyone of."


Shane Sneer

"Thanks, Sam. I know that this may come as a shock to some of you and not so much of one to others but I have made the decision to step down from my booking duties here in USPW. Everything has just been too overwhelming for me. I will retain my announce duties on pay-per-view and my managerial duties as well. Sam and I have talked and we have made a decision to go outside of the USPW roster to fill this position. This man is a veteran in our business. He is someone I have trusted to go out there and work with some of the best this business has to offer. He's also an unselfish man as he has never once asked for a title reign so you can all not worry about him making himself the focus of the company. At this time, I would like to introduce you all to your new Head Booker: The Masked Avatar."


[i took in a deep breath and that was my cue to come out. I stepped from the hallway and stepped up beside a smiling Shane Sneer. Shane looked out to the crowd of wrestlers, as did I. You could have heard a pin drop within this room of large men as I stood beside Shane Sneer.]


The Masked Avatar

"Thank you, Shane. And you are right, I am not planning on making myself the focal point of the company. Each and every wrestler here has earned that right. From the women to the men, you all make this company special. This is not a company that has sold out to corporate greed or that is built just on being the opposite of another company. This is USPW. This is quite literally the best company out there. I am looking to build on the stories that Shane has started and also to start some new ones as well with the wrestlers who are not involved in a storyline right now. We are going to show the world exactly what United States Pro Wrestling is all about. I hope that you will give me the chance to prove myself in this capacity. Thank you and have a Happy New Year."


[There was silence after my speech and then another voice finally broke the quiet.]




Chris Caulfield

"I would like to be the first one here to say welcome aboard. I've watched some of your matches in the past, Avatar, and I have to say that I lobbied Phil a few times to get you over to DAVE but he wouldn't budge on it. I'll be glad to work with you."


[Chris walked right up and shook my hand and that broke the ice there. I will definitely be forever grateful for that as Chris is known as a real locker room leader here in USPW. Everyone went back to what they were doing with several wrestlers approaching me, including James Justice, who wasn't thrilled about being kept in the dark. Also Doom wasn't too happy with me being here and he stayed in a corner with his arms crossed over his chest. He and I have had a few run-ins in the past but hopefully here he will allow by-gones to be by-gones and we can get a fresh start. But here we are my first night as Head Booker here in USPW. I cannot wait to get started.]

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Smart man :)


Okay and the PROBLEM SOLVERS!!! That would be freaking awesome :)


Can't wait to predict on your first show my friend :)


It will be coming soon. I can promise you that. The first show, that is. ;)


have to follow the other uspw diaries, obv.


Interested in where the Alicia/TMA thing goes.


Thanks for reading! Hope you'll be around to make predictions and all too.


I just got the game world set up the way I needed it to be, i.e. with Owner Goals I can live with. I am hopefully gonna make another post today as we head toward the first card of the new year booked by The Masked Avatar. If anyone has any suggestions for feuds or matches they would like to see now is the time to get them in either here or in pm. The next in character post presented will show my Owner Goals.

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Your next few PPV main events need to be:


Peter Valentine vs Enygma

Peter Valentine vs Bruce the Giant

Peter Valentine vs James Justice

Peter Valentine vs Tyson Baine

Peter Valentine vs Chris Caulfield

Peter Valentine vs Nicky Champion


Peter Valentine vs Sam Strong.


You get the idea, yeah?

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[The New Year came and it was time for me to focus on my first card, which was coming soon. I was given some office space within Sam Strong's home and I sat in there making my plans. The first interruption came by the USPW Owner himself Sam Strong.]


Sam Strong

"Avatar, I know you're working hard in here getting ready for Wednesday but I wanted to come and give you certain guidelines to run this promotion by. I already told the boys that I would be having some control and you knew that as well. Let me finish with everything before you comment. Here are the specifics: We cannot fall into debt at any point. I put my own money into this company and I'm not looking to lose it. I am also not looking to fall backward. If fans start looking at this company as any less than it already is then we are going to have some critical issues. I have two wrestlers for you to focus on at least for the next two years: Peter Valentine and Nicky Champion. I don't want them dropping in momentum at any time. I am also not looking for you to hire someone who is gonna break in two or three matches and just collect a paycheck on the sidelines. We have to be sure they can survive anything other than a freak accident. Finally, there's a couple of wrestler types that you cannot hire. I'm not looking for any Japanese junior types of wrestlers or guys from that mixed martial arts thing. They do not fit the current product we are looking at. Any questions?"


[i thought for a moment and then shook my head, having been taking notes.]


The Masked Avatar

"I think I've got it, Sam."


[sam nodded and before he left, Shane Sneer walked in to the room. He shook hands with Sam and then approached me.]


Shane Sneer

"Avatar, I wanted to let you know something: I have been working on possibly getting this company a pay-per-view deal. I have a meeting with representatives from Premier Pay TV. I would like you to sit in on that meeting."


[i nodded]


The Masked Avatar

"That sounds amazing, Shane. I'll be ready whenever you call on me."


[shane nodded and clapped me on the back.]


Shane Sneer

"Looking forward to seeing the card layout."


The Masked Avatar

"I will have it soon, along with a list of wrestlers I contacted as soon as I found out about the position."


Shane Sneer

"Thanks. You'll have to run that by Sam, though."


[i nodded again and Shane did and then took off. I looked down at my notes.]


Owner Goals:

Goal #1: USPW cannot fall into debt at any point.

Goal #2: USPW must not fall below Cult size at any point.

Goal #3: Nicky Champion must be kept above C+ momentum.

Goal #4: Peter Valentine must be kept above C+ momentum.

Goal #5: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than C- Resilience.

Goal #6: You can't hire any wrestler who is classed as a Japanese Junior.

Goal #7: You can't hire any wrestler who is classed as being an MMA Crossover.


List of workers contacted:

Eugene Williams: Referee

Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler: The Ring Generals Tag Team

Jack Griffith: Worker

Steve Flash: Worker

Katie Cameron: Manager

Crippler Ray Kingman: Road Agent

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Wednesday Week 1 January 2010


James Justice vs. Giant Redwood

Top Contenders Match: Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power

Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


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James Justice vs. Giant Redwood

Top Contenders Match: Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power

Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson



Lookin forward to the first show man

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James Justice vs. Giant Redwood



Top Contenders Match: Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power

Close call for me...mmm I go with the menacing duo


Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

A title change that soon...nahh


Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

according to the starting storyline he is going to go 1 on 1 with the Champ Enygma, so...He has to keep his momentum going up


Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Enygma!!!!Enygma!!!!...I'm his n°1 fan!!!!!...since TEW08 when I made my mission to rise his E Momentum and made him SWF Champ Again...For me The Mysterious one should never lose!


...Anyway good luck with your diary, I will be following!...I always followed your USPW diaries but I'm not a great fan of predictions...:o

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Guest KingOfKings

James Justice vs. Giant Redwood

Top Contenders Match: Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power

Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

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James Justice vs. Giant Redwood



Top Contenders Match: Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power

Hopefully they've improved some.


Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

First title defense blah blah blah.


Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

Momentum, momentum, momentum!!


Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Same as above.


Fan sign (if you are still doing them, that is): "I miss this stuff!!!"

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James Justice vs. Giant Redwood


There are some "sexier" guys on the roster now (Baine), but, with that said, Mr. Justice plows through the Tree of a Man.


Top Contenders Match: Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power


Just because these guys tend to get looked over &, if booked right, they could be an amazing powerhouse of a Tag Team. Big Java fan!


Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb


Champ retains!


Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield


Tough one. I say Baine wins but there is a scuffle between the two.. Setting up a long-term feud? I'd mark out for Caulfield vs. Baine for a lengthy period.


Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson


Jumbo may be a "threat" (due to his size and look), however, I say Enygma shows how dominate of a Champion he is. That is until Bruce the Giant decides that he wants to squash the masked man. ;)

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James Justice vs. Giant Redwood

I hate going against Redwood, but when he's against The Dude...


Top Contenders Match: Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power

Face tag champs, means Heel challengers.


Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

Won't lose the first defense


Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

Baine's freaking awesome, not a huge Caulfield mark, so an easy choice.


Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Should be a good match, I get good rates from these guys in my game so...



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James Justice vs. Giant Redwood - No brainer

Top Contenders Match: Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power - Fury are good these days.

Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb - Raven rocks even MORE than Cherry.

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield - Feel the Baine!

Non Title: Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson - Can't job the champ.


Fan sign: Can you try to seduce me, Miss Robinson?

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James Justice vs. Giant Redwood

Redwood rocks, but he isn't going to beat JJ.

Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power

Face champs, heel challengers.

Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb

I agree with everyone before me, title won't change this quickly.

Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

If you're using the initial storylines then Baine's going to be built up for his title match. If not, then he should win anyway.

Enygma vs. Jumbo Jackson

Jackson's only chance at winning is interference from someone else, but I can't see Enygma going into a title defence having lost to Jumbo.


Fan Sign: Where is Bruce!

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