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TEW10 Render Thread

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fullMETAL, why wouldn't you want people using the renders you post to a public topic, to a public forum, with thousands of people in private games? Does it take something away from you? And may I ask, do you really believe if you say that people can't use them in private games that they enforce your "rule"? And nobody's definitely not going to ask a written permission.


Just curious.

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fullMETAL, why wouldn't you want people using the renders you post to a public topic, to a public forum, with thousands of people in private games? Does it take something away from you? And may I ask, do you really believe if you say that people can't use them in private games that they enforce your "rule"? And nobody's definitely not going to ask a written permission.


Just curious.


This was my thought earlier. Unless you can keep track of everyone's computer which is something the government can't even do yet. How are you even gonna know?


And yes there are people who will take that render and they will use it if for no other reason then because your post told them not to.


To: Full Metal - I'm not trying to be a dick about it. I'm just letting you know if you post it then odds are at least one person has got it and they are using it.

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fullMETAL, why wouldn't you want people using the renders you post to a public topic, to a public forum, with thousands of people in private games? Does it take something away from you? And may I ask, do you really believe if you say that people can't use them in private games that they enforce your "rule"? And nobody's definitely not going to ask a written permission.


Just curious.


I would also like to add that your comments about "not having the character stats". Chances are they don't care about your character you have for that render and they would be using their own character for the render.


I'm all for not using it in Diaries and Mods. You put the time into rendering it and people shouldn't use your hard work in public. However if your posting it to a public forum and telling them they can't use it for personal it makes you look silly for saying it when all they have to do is save it to cpu and you'd be none the wiser.

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Back when I, you know, cared about the fate of my pictures, the thought of this drove me up the wall. I posted here to show to other renderers and get feedback. I hated the idea that folks were just taking the pictures for their use regardless, and I REALLY hated when people would say "Ha ha. Nobody cares about your 'for display only' tag. We're going to use it anyway and there's nothing you can do." Honestly it stopped me from posting my renders for a long time.


Nowadays, as I said, I don't care what people do with my pictures, so here's a couple of random freebies.



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Back when I, you know, cared about the fate of my pictures, the thought of this drove me up the wall. I posted here to show to other renderers and get feedback. I hated the idea that folks were just taking the pictures for their use regardless, and I REALLY hated when people would say "Ha ha. Nobody cares about your 'for display only' tag. We're going to use it anyway and there's nothing you can do." Honestly it stopped me from posting my renders for a long time.


Nowadays, as I said, I don't care what people do with my pictures, so here's a couple of random freebies.




For similar reasons as Self mentioned here is why I have never posted a lot of information on the work I've done in the board effort mod. Also, as for the mod, I would rather it be judged for the whole body of work not one person's part so even now info from me will be few and far between.


Once it's released though, it's out of my hands.


To Self: Does this mean we can go back and get your "for display only" renders from 2008 and use them like the freebies? j/k LOL

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To Self: Does this mean we can go back and get your "for display only" renders from 2008 and use them like the freebies? j/k LOL




You'll be hard-pressed to find any of my pictures working, I expect. I had a big sort out of my Photobucket account a while back and deleted everything I was particularly ashamed of. There's a chance there's a few pictures from my original Photobucket account (lost the username & password a long time ago) but I assume most of them are in pixel-hell, where they belong. Anything that looked half-decent has either been updated or is due to be updated as a freebie soon.

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so here's a couple of random freebies.




Heh I like the first one a lot. I also liked the earlier Vigilantes, but they look more like singles wrestlers. Keep up the freebie work Self!

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Nevermore and The Raven, Crusher Norris and Mr. Tom.







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The characters cool, but whats going on with the lips?

Oh, well...I decided to use a Reflection Map. It didn't work out as well as I'd hoped so the next renders I'm going back to no Refl.Map.




Also, in regards to your thoughts on my "usage restrictions" addendums: for quite a few of my renders that I post, they're posted with specific characters in mind (usually ones I've made myself), which is why I put messages that say stuff like "PM me for permission/stats" and the like.

For instance, I wouldn't want to see someone's mod using my Axl Evermore or FreedoM renders as, well, NOT Axl Evermore or FreedoM. Those characters are near and dear to my heart and plus, I'd like to know if someone intends on using them, so I can at least nominally keep track of them (and maybe even participate, if it's e-fedding).


As for the Tsunami render I put up recently, that was for someone else, and it's not MY decision for you guys to use that render for a worker, it's Tsu's handler's decision.


Other characters like Jada, my generic Ref guy, etc. are more loosely done, so I'm not as concerned about usage with them as with my more "defined" characters.

Besides, I'll be putting up a bunch of free-usage renders soon enough anyway, and there shouldn't be much of a problem there.


I hope that helped.

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You'll be hard-pressed to find any of my pictures working, I expect. I had a big sort out of my Photobucket account a while back and deleted everything I was particularly ashamed of. There's a chance there's a few pictures from my original Photobucket account (lost the username & password a long time ago) but I assume most of them are in pixel-hell, where they belong. Anything that looked half-decent has either been updated or is due to be updated as a freebie soon.




There are still a lot of nice renders of yours and several other renderers "visible" down there in the 2008 thread mainly posted the latter part of '09.


Most of the older posts though are no longer visible.

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I was without my laptop for about a week, got it back but have been busy playing my 360 and trying to find a job before unemployment runs out. Enough with the rambling. I'm pretty proud of this render, it looked better the first time around but i accidentally deleted the wrong thing and when i pushed "undo" it only gave me half of the body back:rolleyes: So without further delay I present to you Heel and Face versions:


O.G. (real name Otis Graham)










No you don't have to use the name I just posted it because it was the first name I was proud of coming up with :p. The necklace is kind of weak I wanted to use either a gold chain or an actual chain ( think rampage jackson ) But don't have any nor can I find any.


Almost forgot; I don't know what happened to the the heel pic. Looks like I ran the blur tool all across it:rolleyes:

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It's cause he's so angry. Like Bigfoot. Camera can't handle him, so it blurs.


I lol'd cause i'm watching a movie about big foot/yeti (something like that) right now. Love the fabulous acting on sci fi originals.


Also does anyone know how to make your own mats for clothing. I've looked for tutorials on this but the only one I found said you take the blank texture map and basically fill in the blanks. Not to helpful also what are texture maps and how do i get me some? thanks in advance keep up the good work everyone.

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Check out this page for a chain.





And here's a render of me. There's a little crease action around the chest, but I can deal with it, because it's not there in the cut. Hahaha.



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Also does anyone know how to make your own mats for clothing. I've looked for tutorials on this but the only one I found said you take the blank texture map and basically fill in the blanks. Not to helpful also what are texture maps and how do i get me some? thanks in advance keep up the good work everyone.


Texture maps are just image files (usually .jpgs) that get applied to an object/figure in DAZ/Poser when you use and render it. Most clothing items will come with at least one texture by default, you just have to find what locate what subfolder they're saved in. You'll also need some form of software like photoshop, paintshop or gimp in order to open and edit it. Once you've got it open in the aforementioned software, draw over it, paste another image over the top, put text on it (whatever wanting to add to it) and when you're finished editing, resave it (name it something different in order to make sure not to overwrite the original texture). Then select/apply your new texture back in DAZ/Poser and render.


If the object you want to make a texture map for doesn't have a default texture, then simply make a blank image in photoshop (or other image software, we'll just say photoshop for now)... something with dimensions like 500x500, 800x800 is normally fine. Lets say you're making a black t-shirt design. Use a fill colour (black in this case) for the background and add text or whatever else on top. Export/save the image as a .jpg somewhere and assign it via the Material Room or whatever is the equivalent in DAZ (I only have experience using Poser) to your clothing item. Keep the image file open in photoshop so you can adjust it if needed after doing a test render - i.e. to make sure the image isn't stretched/blurred or that you haven't added a logo intended for the center of the t-shirt that actually appears on the sleeve when you render it in Daz.


I should really make a tutorial myself to save typing so much... screenshots explain things much easier.


In general though, it seems you and Nightshadeex are getting better with each render.

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Interesting stuff. Love the black-eye on the third one. First guy I feel could use some muscle definition. Cool character, nice bird, but he's got the physique of an 11-year old boy. ;)




Adding definition didn't really help him all that much either.

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