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Small questions that don't deserve their own thread

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I've been playing ACPW multiple months and I have 2 observations that are bothering me. I hope you can help me figure out what I need to do to be relaxed.


1. They are a local company and have 3 titles(1 Main, 2 Midcard). Invariably a holder of the Midcard titles are Main Eventers.


2. They are a company that only hires LW and smaller workers. Therefore, I assumed I would need to run some High Spot based matches. However, the only High Spot matches in the database are Cult/International restricted. How would you specifically create a Local/Small style High Spot match?



Now one other question.


As ACPW, what style of matches would you run most if you didn't run High Spot based matches?

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I've been playing ACPW multiple months and I have 2 observations that are bothering me. I hope you can help me figure out what I need to do to be relaxed.


1. They are a local company and have 3 titles(1 Main, 2 Midcard). Invariably a holder of the Midcard titles are Main Eventers.


2. They are a company that only hires LW and smaller workers. Therefore, I assumed I would need to run some High Spot based matches. However, the only High Spot matches in the database are Cult/International restricted. How would you specifically create a Local/Small style High Spot match?



Now one other question.


As ACPW, what style of matches would you run most if you didn't run High Spot based matches?


Regular matches. Put two high flyers in a regular match and you get a high flying match. No need to go above and beyond that. :)

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Do new workers only appear on the first day of a month?


Reason I'm asking is I changed the new worker date to January 2010 and set the new worker frequency to "high" and I have yet to see a worker debut in the demo in two separate games(small sample size I know).


EDIT -- Third sim and I see some enter on Feb. 1 so that basically answers my own question. Seems that I set it to low the first two sims on mistake.:D

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I've been noticing in the dirt sheet that I was being penalized for match length. I thought this meant the workers in the match where out there for too long but apparently it means the match was too short.


I went back through and edited my minor medium and major matches for television to lengths more fitting with my average time I give them.


So a minor match for me lasts five minutes. If I book a match between low carders for five minutes will I still get the length penalty?

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I've been noticing in the dirt sheet that I was being penalized for match length. I thought this meant the workers in the match where out there for too long but apparently it means the match was too short.


I went back through and edited my minor medium and major matches for television to lengths more fitting with my average time I give them.


So a minor match for me lasts five minutes. If I book a match between low carders for five minutes will I still get the length penalty?


I keep getting it for the womens division in USPW and have tried all kinds of different match times and still get the note.

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I have two questions. First, what is with all the MAW alumni heading to Canada? Second, after the Rip Chord Invitational I checked my finances and noticed that I had a Misc. expenditure of $24,000. What caused this? The only thing I added was a specialized set for $5,000. Surely this didn't have more hidden costs. I can't afford to lose that much money every month.
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I've been noticing in the dirt sheet that I was being penalized for match length. I thought this meant the workers in the match where out there for too long but apparently it means the match was too short.


I went back through and edited my minor medium and major matches for television to lengths more fitting with my average time I give them.


So a minor match for me lasts five minutes. If I book a match between low carders for five minutes will I still get the length penalty?


Better workers need longer matches to show off their skills. A long match is 30 minutes or so.


However, there are a lot of match length penalties. Some include


"too long for the workers given"

"too long to work all out"

"too short for a slow build"


Also, your products "match length" is ONLY for the AI. If your expected match length is 5 minutes and you put on an hour long iron man, don't worry about fans being upset because you violated the product or anything. It's for AI use only. (but it doesn't make a good starting point if you're new to the product)

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I agree with the whole some workers need longer matches to show off their skills thing. Take a short Shawn Michaels or Ric Flair match, kind of boring because they'd just use the same spots they always use but in a long match they have an opportunity to use their excellent performance skills.


I have gotten a:


(+)This match was a really good squash


My guess is that a good squash needs some power or something(I got it with Vengeance against Cheetah Boy IIRC).

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Anyone notice the increased talent trade difficulty? Working as MAW I have not been able to get any deals set in stone, this includes with APW and 4C, I could not get a single person on my roster to not have the "x promotion is not interested in using y wrestler". Is this because of that workers overness in that area or another external factor?


Edit-I was able to get trades with WEXXV, FCW, and CZCW through some more testing. It would appear the talent trade problem was not promotion type, as none of these are similar to MAW, and the other notes I got about trades not bing equal still leaves a mystery as to the reason for promotions lacking interesting in my workers.

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Question: What is power used for beyond gimmicks?


It is factored into match ratings and will slightly improve matches the stronger someone is (since they can do more), along with also having an influence on the destiny stat at start up. I'm sure it does more than that too, but Adam would have to confirm/deny that himself. :)

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So is there any way to stop getting the match length penalty?


longer matches. Or shorten the match length in the product. Its not just for the computer anymore.


It seems USPW treats its ladies like main eventers, so if you have 16 minute ME matches, they want the women out there for 16 minutes. :(

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Make shorter matches. :D


Thats the problem is my matches are too short so I was trying to find a way to not get the penalty without increasing match time because then I get the "you've left Captain USA in the ring for too long penalty" a damned if ya do damned if ya don't sorta thing its feeling. I get a penalty for USA being in the match too long or I get a penalty for the match being too short.


longer matches. Or shorten the match length in the product. Its not just for the computer anymore.


It seems USPW treats its ladies like main eventers, so if you have 16 minute ME matches, they want the women out there for 16 minutes. :(


I see no evidence that USPW treats their women division any differently than any other promotion does. Storyline wise it may be important but in reality it all has to do with their overness. The game doesn't want you putting to workers out there with D- overness for 16 minutes in a cult promotion so I think you might be wrong on this.

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Thats the problem is my matches are too short so I was trying to find a way to not get the penalty without increasing match time because then I get the "you've left Captain USA in the ring for too long penalty" a damned if ya do damned if ya don't sorta thing its feeling. I get a penalty for USA being in the match too long or I get a penalty for the match being too short.




I see no evidence that USPW treats their women division any differently than any other promotion does. Storyline wise it may be important but in reality it all has to do with their overness. The game doesn't want you putting to workers out there with D- overness for 16 minutes in a cult promotion so I think you might be wrong on this.



Try it. The penalty goes away at main match time. Doesnt matter who the women are. You do get a penalty for putting them out there for 16 minutes, but you get the same penalty for putting them out there for less than 16.


I had to lower the main match time to 12 minutes to avoid any penalties. They treat all womens matches as main matches.

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Guest cmdrsam
Has anybody toyed with the starting storylines in the editor and play with the heat %? Was wandering how it coralted with the letter grades from 08 like what percentage would you think B+ is compared to the heat percentage.
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Has anybody toyed with the starting storylines in the editor and play with the heat %? Was wandering how it coralted with the letter grades from 08 like what percentage would you think B+ is compared to the heat percentage.


A 72-78 would be a B-. Same as the stats.

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