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RAW, Smackdown! and Snickers proudly present...


Sunday, Week 4, January 2010

Official Card*


40 Man Royal Rumble Match - Winner gets World Title Shot at Wrestlemania

Batista, Big Show, Caylen Croft, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne, Ezekiel Jackson, Finlay, Goldust, Gregory Helms, Jack Swagger, John Cena, John Morrison, JTG, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Luke Gallows, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, Mike Knox, MVP, Mystery Entrant #1, Mystery Entrant #2, Primo Colon, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, R-Truth, Santino Marrella, Shawn Michaels, Shelton Benjamin, Ted DiBiase, The Great Khali, The Miz, Vladimir Kozlov, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder.


Sheamus© Vs Triple H - WWE Championship, Falls Count Anywhere


Undertaker© Vs Chris Jericho Vs Edge - World Heavyweight Championship, Triple Threat Match


Cody Rhodes Vs Randy Orton Vs Ted DiBiase - Triple Threat Match


The Miz© Vs MVP - United States Championship, Singles Match


Christian© Vs William Regal - ECW Championship, Singles Match

*Subject to change


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SWF Board Member Hospitalized, In Critical Condition

Gio Lamberti Suffers Massive Heart Attack, Family and Friends Fear the Worst




PROVIDENCE, RI- Former SWF head booker/color commentator and current member of the federation's Board of Executives, Gio Lamberti, was rushed to the hospital late Saturday night following what doctors say was a massive heart attack.


Lamberti, 61, has never had any major health problems.


"Uncle G has always been in great shape, never wants to be just sitting around. A mind like his needs is always thinking of new ideas, and that's why he's been such a key part of Supreme even today," Sergio Lambert, Lamberti's nephew, told us. "For the past thirty-five years, he's been a huge part of what goes on creative-wise in the company. He was at his office most of the day Friday, talking to some of the new writers about their plans for
Let The Games Begin


Lamberti joined the SWF in 1977, replacing the legendary Rocky Streets as head booker while Streets prepped for a final run at the World Title. He is most famous for his sarcastic wit and storytelling prowess at the announce table, and for his lovely on-screen assistants.


One of his former assistants, Shannon "Miss Kelly" Kelly-Lamberti, his wife of thirty-two years, had this to say about her husband:


"Gio is a wonderful man, always wanting to entertain, always wanting to make people happy. I tried to talk him into retiring from Supreme a few years ago, but he refused. He helped build this company into what it is today, and he doesn't want anything to destroy his creation."


Lamberti was the nephew of the late Franco Lambert, the powerful steel magnate who ran APWF in the '70's and 80's. Franco Lambert famously barred his entertainment-minded nephew from work in APWF, and watched him become great friends with Richard Eisen...leading to SWF's national surge and APWF's demise.


Lamberti introduced more mainstream entertainment into the SWF product, leading the way for "The Golden Age" of Supreme wrestling, and he is now known as one of the greatest creative minds in industry history.


Richard Eisen personally made a statement from Supreme's headquarters earlier today.


"Gio Lamberti is one of the closest friends I have ever had. His mark on this business and this company is legendary, and it greatly troubles me to hear of his sudden health emergency. Our thoughts and prayers go out to this important member of the Supreme family, and we have opened a donations box in his name here at Supreme One and on our website."


Pro Wrestling Insider will give you updates on Lamberti's health when they come in.

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The Supreme standard in the industry



The kid with a billion dreams


Competition is supposed to bring the best out of us. Atleast thats what they tell us. These men are all about to find out exactly what competition is going to bring out of them. Agression, respect, insanity....


No matter how things play out for these men one thing is obvious. Things are about to get.....



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Many wrestling insiders and loyal followers in America all know that name Avatar. Just hearing those words will send chills down an owners back, or make a head booker cringe knowing his job is able to get filled. We have all heard the stories of the Avatar family sweeping in just last year and writing a red hot angle for SWF to ensure their number 1 position in wrestling. Some of us were around in the mid 90’s when a certain Avatar lead a team of rowdy wrestlers to become a cult phenomenon. Yes, the Avatar name is one of many different emotions here in America, however, that name means virtually nothing in other parts of the world. Rumor has it that’s all about to change. You’ve heard it here first ladies and gentleman, word on the street is papa Avatar, The Grand Avatar himself, is posed to open a wrestling company south of the border that will in fact disrupt the wrestling scene down there for years to come. If successful we hear the company will be offering out only written contract, something that’s almost unheard of in Mexico, and to make matters worse it could turn the three existing promotions against one another creating the biggest civil war the country has ever seen. Stayed tuned to wrestling’s number 1 website more information.
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It started with one rumor...


that grew with one tweet...


that gained steam with one announcement...


that set the world on fire with one promo...


which changed wrestling over one summer...


all thanks to one man.


This is...



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Flicking through the channels to find something interesting and you are stopped in your tracks by an advertisement ...




... "We are 'Rich' with Talent" ...




... "We are quicker than an hiccup" ...




... "'Giants' of the Wrestling Business" ...




... "'Full Phat' not Diet" ...




.. "We are Patriotic ...




... Never say Die, the Best of the Best" ...





... "We are 'Champions' of Sports Entertainment" ...




... "We are the children of the Revolution!" ...


"... Revolution Australian Wrestling Presents: RAW Attitude jump in when a new Season starts this Friday 10:30pm on the Australian Sports Network!"



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... "We are the children of the Revolution!" ...



They're now required to make their entrance to the sweet sounds of T-Rex

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Hate to ask this Jingo but which of your diaries is going to go and be replaced by RAW? I would hate to see either of them go but I know you will do great with RAW as well.


Thats the bad news part aint it!?


I've been wanting a crack at RAW for aaages so much so that i've been writing ideas down for a long time now some ended up in AMW but the rest are still sat waiting for me ...


My AMW Dynasty was only supposed to be a tempory one (Hence the Title) which is not bad considering its now been going for 15 month real time and 3 1/2 years game time. I plan months in advance (which you probably know by now after following most my work ;)) so current plan is AMW continues for a couple more months (game time). SAW has just come to its break between seasons so that will go around 1-2 weeks in which time RAW will begin and by the time its up and running AMW will just be closing down (i have a couple of ideas about how its closure comes about).


It actually feels really weird bringing it to an end but it has become abit of a chore at times .. I guess Roman Heidenseik has just lost his smile ...


EDIT: Just a quick add the most enjoyable thing about AMW lately has been writing Jack Griffith's promos/descent into madness, so hopefully they've been enjoyed.

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WWE Monday Night Raw

WWE Raw is War



Would a rose by any other name still smell as sweet? Only when you're watching WWE action each and every week right here on WWE Raw. Smackdown? That is not the place to be. There is a reason why Raw is considered the flagship show. We are the straw that stirs the drink. So make sure you tune in each and every Monday night on your local outlet to see the brand new superstars of WWE Raw come into your living room in crystal clear HD. But, also, make sure you tune in to WWE.com to watch the end of the year WWE Draft where anything can happen and anyone is available to every show.


Note: This is simply a beginning preview post of what is to come as jhd1 and myself start a war between the Raw and Smackdown brands beginning January 2011. We already held a draft with him controlling Smackdown and me controlling Raw to divide up the current (to that time) roster. Now a brand new war is brewing and we hope to keep each and every one of you entertained.

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"Hello and welcome everybody to WWF Smackdown!"

-Michael Cole 29/4/99 - Smackdown's Pilot


For 11 years Smackdown has entertained millions in the WWE Universe. 'The Rock's' show has played host to champion after champion, and yet for the last 11 years Smackdown has been seen as the WWE's second show. No more.


2011 is the year of Smackdown - the year when blue becomes best, when the superstars that have gone before, and the superstars that are to come will be proud to say that they made history on WWE Smackdown. Renewed hostilities? No. This is about pride...this is about Sports Entertainment...this is about Smackdown!


"Welcome to the first WWE Smackdown of 2011, and what a show we have lined up tonight! And with the most amazing draft in WWE history completed just days ago, this year is looking set to be the biggest in the history of the Smackdown brand..."

-Michael Cole 5/1/11


angeldelayette and jhd1...coming soon!

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Michael Mason is a second-generation wrestler. Son of legendary freelancer Matthew Mason, Michael has all the potential in the world, and after five years on the independent scene, finally has the stage on which to achieve it.


(Basically, think a C-Verse version of Bryan Danielson with slightly-better mic skills.)



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Watch the war .. Join the Revolution .. Watch RAW Attitude live Fridays 10:30pm only on the Australian Sports Network.


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"Hello and welcome everybody to WWF Smackdown!"

-Michael Cole 29/4/99 - Smackdown's Pilot


For 11 years Smackdown has entertained millions in the WWE Universe. 'The Rock's' show has played host to champion after champion, and yet for the last 11 years Smackdown has been seen as the WWE's second show. No more.


2011 is the year of Smackdown - the year when blue becomes best, when the superstars that have gone before, and the superstars that are to come will be proud to say that they made history on WWE Smackdown. Renewed hostilities? No. This is about pride...this is about Sports Entertainment...this is about Smackdown!


"Welcome to the first WWE Smackdown of 2011, and what a show we have lined up tonight! And with the most amazing draft in WWE history completed just days ago, this year is looking set to be the biggest in the history of the Smackdown brand..."

-Michael Cole 5/1/11


angeldelayette and jhd1...coming soon!


Trying your hands at the real world eh? Well my interest has piqued. :)

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NYCW: Tradition

OOC: Special Thanks to everyone in the re-render thread for their awesome work.

Wrestling, one of the world’s most controversial sports for its dangerous violent actions, adult themes, drug abuse, and because some don’t even think it’s a sport. The SWF? Dangerous environment backstage, violent matches, full of eye candy, and bad comedy that calls itself Sports Entertainment? That is the place that destroyed most of the Wrestling Business for people. Esien? He spit on the territorial system then ripped it up, danced on it, and buried it without a tombstone. He left me, and countless others without jobs, and how did he do it? He manipulated the entire system, basic bad guy vs basic good guy, no. Esien took that story and put fluff and blood on top of it with women and dangerous matches all so he could make a buck. He destroyed the thing me and hundreds of others put our entire lives into, all to make a buck. I’m Derek Bradford, and I’m going to tell you a story about the last true wrestling company, my company. New York City Wrestling.

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It started with one rumor...


that grew with one tweet...


that gained steam with one announcement...


that set the world on fire with one promo...


which changed wrestling over one summer...


all thanks to one man.


This is...




Anyone know where I can get the PSD of this pic?

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Are there any SOTBPW diary anywhere for me to read, I've had a search and can't find any. If there are preferably for 2010 could someone let me know :)


I do not recall there being many Mexican based diaries on here. I think besides Europe, it is probably the most under represented area diary wise. Thinking about it there might have been an SOTBPW done in 2008 diary section but I could be wrong about that.

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The only ones I've seen last 2 pages or less. Any reason Mexico gets no love, it has great talent, probably just a case of people not being too familiar with it.


The weird thing is for me when booking Japan or Mexico, I see it as more important what happens and I don't know the booking philosophies they use or the history of it. Like I imagine giving away huge matches with no build up is especially frowned upon but I don't know why I think that, as if it is disrespectful to the honour of the sport or whatever. Don't know why but I just seem to "get" booking North America but not elsewhere. (Well, Aus, Europe and UK are easy, not much HUGE history.)


I think it's mostly is there anything specifically different about booking in Mexico that I need to know.

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The only ones I've seen last 2 pages or less. Any reason Mexico gets no love, it has great talent, probably just a case of people not being too familiar with it.


The weird thing is for me when booking Japan or Mexico, I see it as more important what happens and I don't know the booking philosophies they use or the history of it. Like I imagine giving away huge matches with no build up is especially frowned upon but I don't know why I think that, as if it is disrespectful to the honour of the sport or whatever. Don't know why but I just seem to "get" booking North America but not elsewhere. (Well, Aus, Europe and UK are easy, not much HUGE history.)


I think it's mostly is there anything specifically different about booking in Mexico that I need to know.


I do not have a clue about Mexico. I think you are right most of the people who play this game are probably not as familiar with Mexico and therefore they do not play it. That is my main reason for not playing as Mexico.


About all I know is there are a lot of six-man tag team matches and Masks are very important. That is the extent of my Mexican wrestiling knowledege.

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I think it's mostly is there anything specifically different about booking in Mexico that I need to know.



Would be interesting if someone could answer this. I don't much if anything about Mexican wrestling, other than its respected much more than wrestling in the U.S.

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