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The Official ROH Discussion Thread

Wrestling Century

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Bumping this thread back up to share something that I just posted on the forums at ROH's official website, but thought I would post here as well. My thoughts regarding the possibility of Eddie Edwards winning the World title tonight:


Not only do I want it to happen, I think there's a very real chance it could. Roddy winning last night really opened the door for this possibility IMO, because now there's no set challenger for Night 2 in Atlanta, meaning Eddie already having a match on Night 2 isn't a problem.


Eddie winning would set up Eddie vs. Daniels on Night 1 in Atlanta, which is obviously a ready-made match after their draw at the 9th Anniversary Show. And the next night, he teams with Davey against WGTT (which could easily headline the show IMO, which makes not having a title match that night a realistic possibility.) How will the Wolves fare with this changed dynamic? Davey's been hearing the "best in the world" and "next world champ" chants for some time, but all of a sudden he's now been overshadowed by his own tag team partner. Not only did Eddie beat him in the finals of the TV title tournament, now he's leapfrogged him and won the World title while Davey was busy preparing himself for his eventual title shot. Will Davey be happy for his partner, or will he resent Eddie for having succeeded where he himself failed? To me, that's a much more interesting story than anything they could do with Roddy as champ.

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Bumping this thread back up to share something that I just posted on the forums at ROH's official website, but thought I would post here as well. My thoughts regarding the possibility of Eddie Edwards winning the World title tonight:


Spoilers: Message cut short due to my mobile not liking the text box to type the message, but got my points across.


I'm actually quite disappointed Edwards won. I liked Roddy as a champ, and despite him getting some criticism I felt he had a lot left in the tank.


Where was the rematch with Davey after Final Battle, it's like that match was forgotten, would have felt better suited to have Richards/Strong at MM and Edwards further down the line.


Why have String beat Generico/Cide/Briscoe last night with the stip that they couldn't challenge him for the belt if he won, and then have him lose the title the next night. ROH have pretty much said that these men aren't worthy challengers to the former champ, but will probably get shots at the new one.


Everyone talked about Roddy not being a good enough talker to be champion. Surely it can't be just me that thinks Edwards is the same or worse.

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I don't think the spoiler tags are necessary, to be honest. I mean, there's no way for anyone except those who attended the show to watch it until it comes out on DVD, and it'd be pretty dang hard to follow the company at all and not be spoiled long before this show is released.


Anyway, I'll respond to your comments in detail later. For now, though, I'll just say that I agree with a couple of the things you said, but not all of them.

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Is his real name Eddie Edwards? If so, what were his parents thinking...Wikipedia doesn't list any other names


I think it's his real name. Quite weird to name someone like that, but I think Eddie Edwards has a nice ring to it.


And on a side note there is someone at my college called Matthew Matthews.

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I was at the show Friday night and once the main event was over with, it was clear as day that the planned to change the title. The show was good but it did tend to drag a bit, after all it did run for about four hours (And I do not have a short attention span, it was just rough being seated all that time.). Which did my knees no favors.


Question, I never get to see the HDNET show (which is now going off the air), so pretty much all of my ROH info come from here or some other wrestling websites that I go to. Anyway, my question is this:


Is Brutal Bob Evans a member of their national roster or does he just work the New England shows? The reason why I ask is because, I used to see Bob wrestle back in the early 1990's on various indy shows here in New England (He also used to work as a jobber on Superstars, whenever the WWF would film up here.) and he used to run a wrestling school up here back in the late 1990's. From the limited times I talked to him, he seemed like a nice guy so I think it is pretty cool that ROH is giving him a chance to do his best Coach John Tolos impersonation.

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I was at the show Friday night and once the main event was over with, it was clear as day that the planned to change the title. The show was good but it did tend to drag a bit, after all it did run for about four hours (And I do not have a short attention span, it was just rough being seated all that time.). Which did my knees no favors.


Question, I never get to see the HDNET show (which is now going off the air), so pretty much all of my ROH info come from here or some other wrestling websites that I go to. Anyway, my question is this:


Is Brutal Bob Evans a memeber of their national roster or does he just work the New England shows? The reason why I ask is because, I used to see Bob wrestle back in the early 1990's on various indy shows here in New England (He also used to work as a jobber on Superstars, whenever the WWF would film up here.) and he used to run a wrestling school up here back in the late 1990's. From the limited times I talked to him, he seemed like a nice guy so I think it is pretty cool that ROH is giving him a chance to do his best Coach John Tolos impersonation.



I haven't seen any ROH since January, but he was with Bennett every time he was on HDNET (I think he was with him at Final Battle as well) so I would assume he is on the national roster.

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Brutal Bob is on the official roster as a manager to "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett. That said, Bennett does not seem to be getting over with a lot of people, who feel he's been tossed into the spotlight too fast (which I is highly ironic thing to say in so many ways).
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I haven't seen any ROH since January, but he was with Bennett every time he was on HDNET (I think he was with him at Final Battle as well) so I would assume he is on the national roster.


Brutal Bob is on the official roster as a manager to "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett. That said, Bennett does not seem to be getting over with a lot of people, who feel he's been tossed into the spotlight too fast (which I is highly ironic thing to say in so many ways).


Thanks for the quick replies. Well it is good to see that Brutal Bob is finally getting some work for a name promotion. It seems like just yesterday I saw him wrestle P.J. Walker (a.k.a. Justin Credible) in front of like twenty people. Man how time goes by.

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Brutal Bob is on the official roster as a manager to "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett. That said, Bennett does not seem to be getting over with a lot of people, who feel he's been tossed into the spotlight too fast (which I is highly ironic thing to say in so many ways).

Because that's pretty much the point of his character, you mean?

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I'm going to find it hard to watch the HDNet show tonight, knowing that Eddie Edwards is now the World Champ.


Don't get me wrong, I like Eddie as champ...can't stand Roderick Strong. But the last few episodes have been the WORST. I mean, so bad that I'm not gonna miss the show if it's gonna end like this.

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I'm going to find it hard to watch the HDNet show tonight, knowing that Eddie Edwards is now the World Champ.


Don't get me wrong, I like Eddie as champ...can't stand Roderick Strong. But the last few episodes have been the WORST. I mean, so bad that I'm not gonna miss the show if it's gonna end like this.

The show isn't on tonight. HDNet is showing college basketball. I think there's only one episode of the show left, which will air in two weeks. Don't quote me on that, though.


I would agree that the show is going out on a down note. I think a big reason for that was the top prospect tournament taking up so much of the time. Sorry, but if you've only got one hour per week, I don't need to see Grizzly Redwood or Right Leg Ridge. I'm digging Cole, O'Reilly and Elgin, though.

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The show isn't on tonight. HDNet is showing college basketball. I think there's only one episode of the show left, which will air in two weeks. Don't quote me on that, though.


I would agree that the show is going out on a down note. I think a big reason for that was the top prospect tournament taking up so much of the time. Sorry, but if you've only got one hour per week, I don't need to see Grizzly Redwood or Right Leg Ridge. I'm digging Cole, O'Reilly and Elgin, though.

That's right. Forgot about the CBI being this week.


And let's not forget about the awesomeness that is BOBBY DEMPSEY. /sarcasm


Not a big fan of Mike Bennett...probably because of Brutal Bob.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think my issue with watching ROH is, yeah, there's a lot of great in ring action, but when they're trying to be "entertaining" with segments and whatnot, god I'm put to sleep and they just drag on and on and on and on and on.


And that Top Prospect thing. I really thought it was a joke. Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly are the only two that even resemble wrestlers other than Bennet(god I hate him). The others don't even look like they should be near a wrestling ring.

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That's right. Forgot about the CBI being this week.


And let's not forget about the awesomeness that is BOBBY DEMPSEY. /sarcasm


Not a big fan of Mike Bennett...probably because of Brutal Bob.

For whatever reason, Dempsey seems to have a cult following. No clue why.


Bennett's been pretty underwhelming every time I've seen him, and Brutal Bob certainly doesn't help. He adds absolutely nothing to The Prodigy character.


Will ROH ever be able to get a national tv deal on regular cable? I've seen a couple shows by watching online and I've been to their live shows before. They are good I just wonder if they could ever be on mainstream cable television.

Anything is possible, but personally, I'm thinking that online distribution might be a better way for them to go. With GoFightLive getting onto ROKU, and presumably also onto the online services of the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 down the line, that might be the best way for ROH to introduce their product to new viewers without losing what makes them unique. That's just me thinking out loud, though. My guess is that ROH is probably seeking a new TV deal as we speak (or type, whatever.)

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but when they're trying to be "entertaining" with segments and whatnot, god I'm put to sleep and they just drag on and on and on and on and on.

That's funny; that's exactly how I'd describe most of the skits and talk-heavy segments from both WWE and TNA, aside from ones featuring a select few guys.


And that Top Prospect thing. I really thought it was a joke. Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly are the only two that even resemble wrestlers other than Bennet(god I hate him). The others don't even look like they should be near a wrestling ring.

I'm with you for the most part here, except I'm also digging the guy O'Reilly beat in the Semifinals, Michael Elgin. Other than that, I think we pretty much had the same opinion of that tournament and the people in it.

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Will ROH ever be able to get a national tv deal on regular cable? I've seen a couple shows by watching online and I've been to their live shows before. They are good I just wonder if they could ever be on mainstream cable television.


Cary Silken that ROH could well be getting, and I quote, a "big deal network" deal this summer, whatever that means. I heard alot of ROHbots are hoping that ROH gets a spot on Versus, which is widely available in America.

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Cary Silken that ROH could well be getting, and I quote, a "big deal network" deal this summer, whatever that means. I heard alot of ROHbots are hoping that ROH gets a spot on Versus, which is widely available in America.

I've heard that too. Versus would undoubtedly be an enormous step up in exposure compared to HDNet. I would just worry that a deal like that could cripple them financially, like going on TNN did to ECW. Not that that was the only reason ECW went under, but it was definitely a contributing factor.

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